Reactions to gluten



  • LainMac
    LainMac Posts: 412 Member
    I'm curious to know how you were determined to be gluten sensitive or intolerant with no reactions whatsoever?

    Both my 17 year old son and I are celiacs and we found this out "by accident" this summer.

    My son had a series of tests to find out why he wasn't growning. (I'm 5 3, his dad is 6 1, and he is barely 5 4).

    His IGA blood test came back as 300 (where under 20 is normal). His 6 month marker after going GF is just below 9.

    His gastro guy did DNA testing and son had extremely high DNA markers for celiac. It was recommended to his father and I that we get tested. On that same IGA test, I had a score of 152. Hubby is in the clear (for now anyway).

    Son says his head feels "clearer" on the diet. As for myself, I just pass wind less. I read all the time how much "better" people feel on the diet, but for me, 5 months in, I have yet to feel the "GF magic". In fact, as I whined in another post, my reward for healing is to gain weight.
  • I have had more reactions now that I've been gluten free for a few months. But it's only bloating and cramping, and that's only if I eat something with gluten. Not contact sensitive, but I might have gotten to that point if I kept eating wheat.

    I started looking into it because I just felt fatigue, tired, joints hurt, can't concentrate/ADD symptoms, bi-polar symptoms, constipation and weight gain. I was frustrated because I would have bouts of motivation to exercize, but I wouldn't loose weight. Then I would get depressed and loose myself in a fog.

    As soon as I went gluten free I lost 15lbs within a month and feel like I can live again. My energy is back, I'm super quick with my school work , and just generally happy. It's like taking off a giant wet, wool blanket that I've been carrying around(metaphorically).
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Have you tried omega 3 supplements for the bipolar symptoms? We've had remarkable success here.


    I have had more reactions now that I've been gluten free for a few months. But it's only bloating and cramping, and that's only if I eat something with gluten. Not contact sensitive, but I might have gotten to that point if I kept eating wheat.

    I started looking into it because I just felt fatigue, tired, joints hurt, can't concentrate/ADD symptoms, bi-polar symptoms, constipation and weight gain. I was frustrated because I would have bouts of motivation to exercize, but I wouldn't loose weight. Then I would get depressed and loose myself in a fog.

    As soon as I went gluten free I lost 15lbs within a month and feel like I can live again. My energy is back, I'm super quick with my school work , and just generally happy. It's like taking off a giant wet, wool blanket that I've been carrying around(metaphorically).
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    My reactions are pretty mild compared to most of you. I haven't been diagnosed with celiac, but I feel so much better after being gluten free for the last several months. My symptoms are: bloating, cramping, puffy face, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, IBS, general BLAH feeling. I've had digestive problems all my life due to what I thought were allergies to soy, dairy, almonds, Brazil nuts. Now I'm beginning to wonder if eating gluten has helped to create those other allergies? Every once in a while, I'll break out in a rash -- but not every time I eat a suspect food. I've heard that some "gluten free" foods, if they're produced in a facility that processes wheat, etc., will cause a reaction.

    So much to learn.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Yes, celiac creates a leaky gut, allowing larger molecules into your bloodstream than are supposed to be there. The body fights these invaders with histamines. Voila, allergy!


    My reactions are pretty mild compared to most of you. I haven't been diagnosed with celiac, but I feel so much better after being gluten free for the last several months. My symptoms are: bloating, cramping, puffy face, anxiety, brain fog, fatigue, IBS, general BLAH feeling. I've had digestive problems all my life due to what I thought were allergies to soy, dairy, almonds, Brazil nuts. Now I'm beginning to wonder if eating gluten has helped to create those other allergies? Every once in a while, I'll break out in a rash -- but not every time I eat a suspect food. I've heard that some "gluten free" foods, if they're produced in a facility that processes wheat, etc., will cause a reaction.

    So much to learn.
  • I haven't had any mood swings since being gluten free. I eat a lot of fish, so I don't take the supplements.

    Have you tried omega 3 supplements for the bipolar symptoms? We've had remarkable success here.

  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    Yes, celiac creates a leaky gut, allowing larger molecules into your bloodstream than are supposed to be there. The body fights these invaders with histamines. Voila, allergy!


    Maybe that's why I also have Hashimoto's, an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid? I'm learning that being gluten free helps my symptoms there, too.
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    Oops! I put my reply within the quote box. (Still figuring out how MFP works).
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Auto-immune diseases tend to run together. Once your immune system is on high alert, it is far more susceptible to hashimotos, diabetes, srogens, etc. those long-chain proteins like gluten, dairy, soy, corn, etc. seem to be real problems in a lot of these illnesses.


    Maybe that's why I also have Hashimoto's, an autoimmune disease where the body attacks the thyroid? I'm learning that being gluten free helps my symptoms there, too.
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    So helpful! Thanks, Pam
  • BeesKnees181
    BeesKnees181 Posts: 166 Member
    I have not been tested for celiac, but I do know that I have a gluten intolerance. My symptoms are: instantaneous headache, bloating, cramps, gas, constipation, and (even sometimes up to 2 days later) diarhea. Long term exposure: regular bouts with cold sores, more viruses/colds/flu/etc., diarhea/abnormal stool, gas, and feelings of anxiety/not easily able to quiet my mind.

    I am recently going back to gluten free after falling off the wagon because of a career change/huge lifestyle shift and big move. I noticed that I am getting sick a lot and can't seem to get rid of cold sore outbreaks.
  • bowties_r_cool
    bowties_r_cool Posts: 66 Member
    I have not been tested but the reactions I get when I have been contaminated or using gluten in skin care products I know it is bad and I will just stay away from it... Anyways symptoms...i will break them down

    If it is in Lotion, all hair care products, or on my skin:
    + Hives...bad
    + The longer the contact the longer it lasts and I usually start to scratch some of my skin off
    + When it has been really bad I have seen huge chunks of skin peal off like a sunburn

    Food Ingested:
    + Stomach on fire
    + Constipated for DAYS following
    + Anxiety- really bad
    + Headache
    + Gitters/Shakes like I can't control my limbs
    + All over aches and pains, like sore muscles
    + Just general brain fog, can't focus or think straight
    + Prone to illness caught from others
    + Cold sores

    It was really interesting to read through all the responses and see how peoples reactions differ....
  • Gosser
    Gosser Posts: 178 Member
    I'm not actually gluten intolerant but wheat intolerant, as well as msg and a number of other food stuffs.

    If I ingest wheat or msg it will depend on how much as to how bad the reaction is. At worst it is a 2 hour bout of gastro-enteritis (severe cramps, vomiting and the runs) followed by 3 days of reduced energy and diarrhea. At best it is gas, bloating and mild cramps.

    The wheat and/or msg in a packet of crisps is enough to set me off
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    does anyone have malabsorbtion syndrome related to their celiac?
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Many of these are allergy symptoms rather than celiac symptoms. Of course, there's no reason you can't have both.

    I have not been tested but the reactions I get when I have been contaminated or using gluten in skin care products I know it is bad and I will just stay away from it... Anyways symptoms...i will break them down

    If it is in Lotion, all hair care products, or on my skin:
    + Hives...bad
    + The longer the contact the longer it lasts and I usually start to scratch some of my skin off
    + When it has been really bad I have seen huge chunks of skin peal off like a sunburn

    Food Ingested:
    + Stomach on fire
    + Constipated for DAYS following
    + Anxiety- really bad
    + Headache
    + Gitters/Shakes like I can't control my limbs
    + All over aches and pains, like sore muscles
    + Just general brain fog, can't focus or think straight
    + Prone to illness caught from others
    + Cold sores

    It was really interesting to read through all the responses and see how peoples reactions differ....
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Here's what I have:

    Immunodefficiency disorder (lots of colds/flu, can't get over it once I have it)
    Chronic headaches
    Diarrhea, gas, bloating (was originally diagnosed as IBS)
    Joint pain
    Cold sores
    Dry mouth, eyes, skin, and thin nails that flake and tear

    I don't get any "instant" symptoms though, but I can usually tell if I've had something I shouldn't have when I start experiencing gastrointestinal distress. I was just recently diagnosed, so everything else I've been living with not knowing what the exact cause was. I'm day 1 gluten free, so I'm excited to see how my symptoms clear up!
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Good luck!

    Here's what I have:

    Immunodefficiency disorder (lots of colds/flu, can't get over it once I have it)
    Chronic headaches
    Diarrhea, gas, bloating (was originally diagnosed as IBS)
    Joint pain
    Cold sores
    Dry mouth, eyes, skin, and thin nails that flake and tear

    I don't get any "instant" symptoms though, but I can usually tell if I've had something I shouldn't have when I start experiencing gastrointestinal distress. I was just recently diagnosed, so everything else I've been living with not knowing what the exact cause was. I'm day 1 gluten free, so I'm excited to see how my symptoms clear up!
  • prettypooks
    prettypooks Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks Pam!
  • summerbert
    summerbert Posts: 292 Member
    I too have Dermatitis Herpetiformis so gross to have that stupid rash and nothing will treat it besides eating gluten free. My symptoms start soon after digesting gluten and are IBS with massive stomach bloat I mean i look 9 mo pregnant. Bad bad cramping and fatigue, A quick migraine that comes on and lasts for 2 days and the rash pops right back up, I also had an inability to lose weight. I only found out I had this when i started working in GI again and the doc commented on a rash and the reaction I had to the food at a friends wedding. I am worried my daughter may have it as well. I got the rash when I switched to whole grains and whole wheat to be healthier but I have had the migraines and stomach problems since 5yrs old

    I also have been diagnosed with Lupus
  • My two boys have totally different reactions. My oldest is more severe and gets reactive to less exposure. At Thanksgiving, the school exposed him and he got really bad flame red eczema four days later. A restaurant two days ago, made regular pizza instead of gluten free, he had two bites - this time is was leg cramps, stiff joints and neck, achey all over. He has also reacted with severe behavioral problems, vomiting, and bad stools. We never know what or how severe it will be.

    My other child, gets constipated and a migraine headache.

    Our MD has told me that each exposure takes 6 months to recover from. My oldest gets a very low drop in his white blood cells, and extreme decreased immunity from exposure that is the longest lasting effect. He also is severely anemic with extreme fatigue. We also monitor his inflammation levels as these increase with exposure as well.

    I am so glad I read this! my son has a ton of intolerances and I didn't know what food was causing his severe leg pain. We went out to a japanese steakhouse last night and he got a hold of some chicken with soy sauce. He was in horrible pain last night and his behavior was pretty bad. I knew the gluten contributed to asthma flareups but i am glad to read this as well. We are pretty good at keeping him away from all of the foods he shouldn't eat while he is at home, but it is harder when he is away from the house!