Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • godricshollow
    godricshollow Posts: 274 Member
    1) I have a Mac and 2) Aforementioned Mac is about 6 years old. 2GB of ram? Yeah, I got this.

    eh, my iMac only has 2GB of RAM and I'm able to raid in WoW ;)

    I don't think I could play wow - I get too emotionally invested in video games. I would never see the light of day again!
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I'm Julia. I'm 34 and female (& mom!).
    I started out with tabletop RPG's when I was 7. Gamed with my parents. Anyone remember The Fantasy Trip by Steve Jackson? That's what I started with. Since then we've "borrowed" from just about every system out there.
    I guess my first computer "RPG" was The Legend of Zelda (if that counts) or Final Fantasy. I'm talking about the original, FF#1, for the 8-bit NES. I freakin' loved that game! (Not so hot on the newer ones)
    I'm pretty much a one-game-girl, as far as computer games go. WoW takes up enough of my time, I don't want to spread out to other games (and either spend more time gaming and neglect school, kids, husband, house, etc, or have less time for my WoW).

    I did a bit of LARPing about 20 years ago, and wouldn't mind giving it another go if I had time! (It all comes down to that, doesn't it?)

    My goal weight is 120 lbs. I'm very short, so when I get there I'll reassess and see if I want to go a bit lower or stay there. Hard to say how much I've lost so far, because I was pregnant when I started on this website. I have, however, lost all 18 lbs of pregnancy weight (and kept that gain manageable, yay!) and about 3 pounds more.

    Long walks on the beach ... only if it's not too crowded!
  • I'm Sandra!
    RP? YES!
    LARP? I haven't yet, but I'd sure as heck go for it!
    I have 105 pounds to go.
    I've lost 25 pounds since I started w/Nutrisystem in May but now I'm doing this my way :)
    Annnnd I've not been gaming so much since school and work has taken over my life, but you better believe this summer I'll be back in gear :)
  • queenpushycat
    queenpushycat Posts: 761 Member
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Oopsie! I forgot to introduce myself to the group :P

    I'm Carolin
    Age 27
    What is RP and LARP?
    My goal weight is 130lbs for now
    And I've lost 51 lbs since 2009
    For sure I'm going to be back on the beach in next summer :P
  • hey all,

    My name is Gray, male, 36, currently 298# started at 340, my goal is 250 or less...

    My reason? I was too big, unhealthy, constantly hurting...and I've got a little girl I need to stay around a while for..

    Geekyness - I'm a serial racer and will usually find me playing the Forza series and most COD games including the new modern warfare 3. I play on xbox 360 - my gamertag is Dezmodromic.

    Feel free to add me up there...always useful to have more friends to play with

  • Hai Der, My name is Jakub, I go by the name of Captain Nemo just about everywhere else or Crossbow1123 as my gamer handle for Xbox

    18 years old


    I RP for a game called Freelancer and its Mod (Discovery)

    LARP?? No idea what LARP is :P

    I want to go down about 50 pounds or so

    I've lost no weight, just started

    And I'd love a walk on the beach!
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Who are you!
    Age? 24
    Female or male? Male
    RP? Was uncomfortable in my own skin
    LARP? No
    What are your weightloss goals?! To get down to my 19 YO weight of around 180lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? 30
    Walk on the Beach? Yes, I live on a beach town

    You get it! I do
  • My name is Callie, I'm 30 years old, gamer girl. I love Roleplaying Games. Currently in a Shadowrun game. Have been gaming for about 15 years now. I used to LARP all the time! Stopped because of drama and had other things on my plate. Though after I get back in shape I may go back for a little bit. I love costuming!

    I want to be back to what I was in the Marines, around 155 (with muscles!) and flexibility again. I miss martial arts and dance, and would love to get back into fencing part time.

    I started at 245, the biggest I"ve been in my life, and have dropped down to 224 already. I took out everything I was allergic too and started the Paleo diet. Love it. I feel amazing.

    My goal really.....I want to be a ninja someday ;)
  • jenharrio
    jenharrio Posts: 21 Member
    Hi everyone, my name is Jennifer, I'm 33 years old (duh, my profile says that heeheee) ;D. I just joined this group today, but have been an MFP member since April 2011. I joined the military soon after graduating high school (I must admit I was in the best shape of my life). It all kinda went downhill after I got out lol. I recently finished my B.A. in Theater Arts with a minor in business. I'm out in the job market and as a matter of fact, I'll be spending the first week of 2012 in airports and job interviews. I'm hoping this will be a good year for me and to get back into the shape I was in a few years back, and I have a loooong way to go. It's nice to meet everyone and feel free to add me :)

    Oh, look me up on x-box: jenatortures
    as for games, CoD baby!! :D
  • Let's see, I'm 30, female, have a 2 year old and play a wide variety of games. PC, console, table top, live action, doesn't matter. For the last 5 years or so I've been mostly playing WoW but I started with Legend of Zelda at the tender age of 6. Moved on to Final Fantasy, Street Fighter, Tomb Raider, Mortal Kombat, Doom, Resident Evil, Baldur's Gate, Heroes of Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, KOTOR, Fable, Dragon Age and probably a hundred or so other games in between. My favourite genre is RPGs but I will give most games a decent shot. I played D&D 2nd and 3rd editions for awhile but lost my group when I moved to the UK. I've LARPed a couple times, nothing too serious. I was socially awkward penguin and played a mute character so I wouldn't have to talk!

    I want to lose 65 lbs or so. We'll see how things shape up when I get close to my initial goal. I've only lost 5 lbs so far.

    Feel free to add me if you want some friends. I haven't got many since I've only recently joined MFP.
  • azuria518
    azuria518 Posts: 48 Member
    Who are you! - Aliyah

    Age? 28

    Female or male? Female

    RP? YES- Skyrim is taking over my life and sometimes interfering with my diet. And possibility making me a little *****y ;-)

    LARP? No

    What are your weightloss goals? I want to feel comfortable in my own skin and be healthy.

    How many pounds have you lost? 49 pounds down

    Walk on the Beach? Eh nope...but I wouldn't mind a trip to Japan.
  • Mahu77
    Mahu77 Posts: 34
    Who are you!
    Age? 34
    Female or male? male
    RP? yup
    LARP? yup
    What are your weightloss goals?! 74lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? 0; just started again
    Walk on the Beach? hells yeah

    You get it!
  • vlwallace87
    vlwallace87 Posts: 52 Member
    My name is Vanessa and I'm a 24 year old female. I've lost ~ 50 lbs (currently weighing 139) and I'm working on losing about 20 more.

    I've played video games for as long as I can remember. (My mom has videos of me before kindergarten with a controller in my hand). I don't RP or LARP but I do play Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder, and other various pen and paper RPGs.

    I mainly play on the Xbox 360. I play a variety of games (except sports or racing). My current playlist includes: Skyrim (any elder scrolls), Fallout (1,2,3 and New Vegas), Half-Life (aka one of the most awesome games I've played), L4D 1&2, Batman Arkham Asylum & City, Portal, Grand Theft Auto........ I could go on and on.

    If anyone has suggestions for some good games let me know. I'm always up for trying something new. :smile:
  • Sbozek123
    Sbozek123 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm Serena - I'm 29, and have lost 34lbs (*All thanks to my Wii and EASA series*) I started on MFP at 227lbs, was down to 183, but am back to 194 and I swear I will never see the number 2 in the front again! My Long Term goal is to be 150, and smoking hot, lol.

    I went back to work in the past year, working as a preK teacher, but I was lucky to spend the time before that raising two little boys! Both are in school now, so it was time for Mom to get her butt in gear.

    As for gaming, my dad used to work for Atari, and games have always been a part of my life. I've had almost every system, but now currently use my Wii and Xbox more than anything - gamer tag Seren Mom. We just got a Kinect for Christmas, and I have started using Your Shape Revolution 2012 to pump up my workouts. But when not working out, I'm totally addicted to Skyrim and the Lego games *thanks to my kiddo!*
  • Im Tyne, 24 avid gamer but also working full time and doing a degree in BSc Natural Sciences. I also have 4 adorable pet rats.
    I've not lost anything yet. I weighed myself on 1st of Jan and weighed in at 203 lbs which is the heaviest I've ever been. I love snowboarding and wanting to go to the o'neil surf school but theres no way im getting into a skin tight wet suit looking like this!

    My gamertag is inkykitten and like about a million other people at the minute I'm addicted to skyrim but i love dragonage (first one!) and fable 2/3.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Who are you! Just another gamer geek
    Age? Old
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Not for a long time
    LARP? Ten years ago or so, would like to again. S.O.L.A.R.
    What are your weightloss goals?! I have modest goals. Outrun grizzly bears, bench press VW Buses, take on entire squads of special forces bare handed, rule the world. Stuff like that.
    How many pounds have you lost? 16
    Walk on the Beach? Maybe at night. I'm melanin challenged.
  • Who? FatherGruff (Dylan)
    Age? 40
    RP: Video games, recently (table top 20+ years ago)
    LARP: Nope (not opposed, just never done it)
    Weightloss: 70 lbs, or just feel good about my shape, whichever comes first.
    Pounds lost: 11, so far (not feeling good about my shape yet--in fact, not really noticing any difference yet)

    I enjoy walks on the beach, picking flowers, and raising an army of the undead to rule the world.

    I'm mostly a video gamer, but I also like board games. My goal in life used to be to work on video games. I did that, but I'm happier now that I'm not, so now my goal is to play them :)
  • Who? Ayesha
    Rp: love them...mostly video fantasy, fable you name it
    LARP? no not yet....
    Weightloss....30lbs just started on the 29th of december...
    Pounds lost:5lbs so far so good

    I dont like walks on the beach..l.i cant swim and there is no need tempting posideon to take my soul :) I love gaming duh"!!! reading,writing, animation also.
    My goal in life is not to regret a minute still working on n it.
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    Guess I'll finally introduce myself. Been stalking around here quietly for a while.

    Who are you! I'm Sarah, or Sarah44254, or Saolson, or Kareide (as known on WoW and many other sites/games created since then) Kareide85 or now all of a sudden Torig Kaal for swtor

    Age? - 26? what age am I. somewhere between 25-30. I think 26.

    Female or male? I'm a girl. on the internet. we do exist!

    RP? I love to RP! I've dabbled in the ERP but it just led to creepy stalker-men so I just stick with the RP stuff now :)

    LARP? never had the chance to, but I am really interested in cosplay (also never had the chance to!)

    What are your weightloss goals?! I want to be thin. Like, skinny fragile thin. Then some days I want to be fit. But most days the fragile wins over. Yet I am neither fragile thin NOR fit thin right now. I am however, pretty much 'healthy'.

    How many pounds have you lost? Started up in December 2010 at nearly 170. I lost about 25 but gained around 9 during December. Had a tough time and really gave up on everything while my cat was in her final days. It felt a lot like when I lost my brother. Miss my kitty </3 Anyhow I'm 145-150 now and I'd like to be in the 120s.

    I love puzzles more than anything. Professor Layton has been amazing, old Tomb Raider series (1-3 - fantastic!!) I remember skipping breakfast and lunch at school with my brother so we could save up our $8 a day (combined) to buy our Playstation in 1997. My parents were so awesome they not only accepted our hungry donation to buy the playstation, but added in a sweet treat of their own. FF7 :) that was one of the best christmas ever!! HUGE fan of role playing games, I love the turn based style of old final fantasy and I am really enjoying the story aspect of the new Star Wars: The Old Republic MMO. Played wow from Nov (starting year... 05? was it?) until 2010 feb when I was deep in college and the 4.0 meant more to me than raids. I played wow again very casually in the summer of 2010, and again during 3 or 4 months in the winter 2011 for the release of cataclysm.

    I met my boyfriend on wow and moved across the country to live with him in 2008 :) We recently celebrated our 4th 'dating' anniversary (since we aren't married, it isn't a 'real' anniversary I guess) and are totally and completely happy together. Like, weirdly. We don't fight or anything. it's amazing.

    I work at a silly gas station and I really don't like it. But I'm assistant manager there and they've offered me my own store but there is no way I am working 60 hrs a week while going to school full time AND still trying to be a housewife.

    No kids. No pets (anymore :( ) we are searching for a new cat and really want to purchase / adopt a Corgi pup. And yes, by all means, we are naming it Ein. :)
  • mammothdoll
    mammothdoll Posts: 54 Member
    Who are you!




    Female or male?



    Hell yes.


    Not so far.

    What are your weightloss goals?!

    Tons and tons.

    How many pounds have you lost?

    Like 3.

    Walk on the Beach?

    And pina coladas and walks in the rain!

    Also, my username is a Syberia reference.