Introductions!!!! Let's get started!!!!!!!!!



  • Raspberrydelight
    Raspberrydelight Posts: 29 Member
    Hi my name is Miranda...I will be 34 tomorrow...starting weight as of today is 256.8....12 week goal weight is 236. I had was down to 225 about 18 months ago...then we discoverd I was preggers (woohoo after 4 yrs of trying) and I have been finding it hard to get back on the wagon with our 9month old running around. My husband and I are doing a 90 day challenge between the both of us to motivate us to stick with our programs...I got the biggest loser game for xmas and will be starting today and I am also doing to be doing pilates and running! Thanks for starting up this group...looking forward to it :)
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Welcome Shawna! Congrats on your progress so far!!!! I know that changes in our schedules can be a burden on our weight loss success, but let's but that all behind us and focus on 2012! Let's reach our goals together! Good luck and Happy 2012!
  • TonyG111160
    TonyG111160 Posts: 48 Member
    Name: Tony

    About yourself: I am a 51 year old teacher. I have always been on the “well built” side of things and have been self conscious of my weight and body shape practically all my life. However when I was younger I was much fitter and better able to “carry” the weight. I stopped playing rugby when I was 44 and the struggle with my weight has been an ever losing battle since then. I have tried to lose weight many times and have lost it gained it lost it and gained it again, each time I usually end up heavier than before. I am looking to make a change in 2012! I want to change my this will be the last time I have to deal with the excess weight! I want to eat healthy so I can enjoy the next few years feeling better and I want to excersice regularly and get fit again!

    Starting Weight: 310.5 lbs

    12 Week Goal Weight: 280 lbs
  • robynham84
    robynham84 Posts: 77 Member
    Hi I'm Robyn I am the wife to Jody and the mommy to Mckenzie,9, and Cody,7. I am 27 and live in Oklahoma. I have been trying to lose around 60 lbs for the part few years. I weigh 190 right now and would like to be down to 175 in 12 weeks.
  • Name: Kim

    About yourself: I'm 42 wife and mother of two great kids. I work full time and have struggled to maintain my weight since baby #1 (14 years ago). I've tried it all as far as diets and gyms. I am starting a tri-training bootcamp this week and will do my 2nd mini triathalon this summer. My goal is to beat my time in the triathalon and to be in bathing suit shape for a cruise this winter. Wish me luck!

    Starting Weight: 177

    12 Week Goal Weight: 165

    Ultimate goal weight is 150
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Welcome Miranda! Happy Birthday (for tomorrow)!!!!! And congrats on your recent addition to the family!!!! I have a 4yr old and know exactly how challenging it can be to focus on yourself! I think it is GREAT that your husband is doing this journey with you!!!! It makes it soooo much easier!!!!! Well Good luck and Happy 2012!!!
  • Name: Nick

    About Yourself: I am 27 years old, active-duty Air Force, I weighed 180 lbs the 4 years I was in England. As soon as I came back to the states I put 47 lbs on and weighed 227 at 5'10". I have tried a few diets including the "Fat Sick and Nearly Dead" juice diet. With that diet I lost 20 lbs, but I didn't like the fact that I felt like I was starving myself. I gained some weight back and I'm ready to get it off and keep it off.

    Starting Weight: 211

    12 Week Goal Weight: 175

    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • dancing_cat
    dancing_cat Posts: 92 Member
    About Yourself: I am a 29 year old woman and work in the software industry. I exercise 3-5 times a week and I'm reasonably fit, however I tend to eat when I'm tired, stressed or worried. In the evenings I end up buying chocolate, cakes and snacks on the way home from work and undoing all of my healthy eating. I need to find the mental strength to not need to "treat" myself with food but I don't have space for a pet in my current flat and its not easy moving when house prices are falling/stagnant :(

    Starting Weight: 185lbs

    12 Week Goal Weight: 170lbs

    Thanks to Pam for starting this group!
  • lelasutt
    lelasutt Posts: 165 Member
    My name is Lisa and I'm 33 years old. I've struggled with my weight since i was a kid. I work full time. I want to loose the weight to feel better about myself and to prevent getting diabetes. I've watched my mom struggle with type 2 diabetes for a very long time now. I've never been able to get below 160 lbs and have lost and regained the same 20 pounds over and over again. I've always dreamed of running, so if anyone has any good tips to get started i would appreciate it.

    Starting weight: 183 lbs
    12 week goal weight: 155 lbs
  • 6mimi
    6mimi Posts: 1,432 Member
    Hi! My name is Mary and I am a 38 year old mother of two (ages 8 and 18). I work as a home daycare provider ( the 5 children are all 3 and under right now) so days can be very busy. I am excited to join this group. I love watching the Biggest Loser and had a chance to meet winner, Ali, at a Health Expo. I have a family history of weight problems and I want to set a good example for my children. My starting weight is 202.8 with a 12 week goal of 175. Good luck everyone! :)
  • Naiman2011
    Naiman2011 Posts: 2 Member
    I am Kelley, I am 41 years old. From the time I was 12 I have struggled with my weight. I have lost and gained so many times that I can't keep track anymore. Over the past couple of years I have packed on the weight. It is time for a change. I am looking forward to using My fitness pal and having support from others. My starting weight is a whopping 326lbs... yikes. So in the next 12 weeks I would like to lose 26 of those pounds for a target of 300 lbs.

    Thanks Pam for getting this started, it will be fun !
  • Greetings all! My name is Lurah..I'm a divoreced mother of three boys. I've been struggling with my weight since junior high. Biggest weight loss was 72 lbs in 2007 but I gained it all back when employment changed. Starting afresh with a new attitude. Glad I found other with the same issue that are willing to support each other.

    Starting weight: 371
    12 week goal: 35 lbs minimum
    Dream Weight: 199 lbs
  • JackieMac979
    JackieMac979 Posts: 189 Member
    Name: Jackie

    About yourself: I'm a working mom of a 4 year old boy with health issues, wife to a deployed soldier, and following the Medifast program. I'm 32 years old and about 5'10.5" tall. I've been on MFP for a month so far and I love it.

    Starting Weight: Today 279.5

    12 Week Goal Weight: shooting for 44.5 pounds lost for a weight of 235

    Ironically I weigh on Tuesdays anyway, so this is perfect for me! I also like to ride my recumbent bike while I watch the Biggest Loser on TV. I used to sit on the couch and watch it so working out during the show makes me feel so much better about myself. I am really inspired by the show and the trainers.

    Good luck everyone! This sounds like fun.
  • Hi! I'm Michelle. I'm 34 years old, with an 8-year old daughter. I never had an issue with my weight until I became pregnant and just assumed the weight would fall off after having her. On my daughter's 1st birthday, my mom was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer and I quickly found myself becoming an emotional eater and have been that way since. In all, I've gained 45 pounds in the past 8 years. It's to the point where I am literally disgusted with myself and tired of being slow and tired. The additional weight is starting to take it's toll on my 5'6" frame and my knees feel like they are going to give out on me at times.

    Enough is enough. I am getting married in October and of course I want to look good for that, but more importantly I want to get rid of bad eating habits and live a more active lifestyle. I've tried using MFP before, but on my own there is no accountability. So, I'm hoping by joining this group, it will give me a sense of accountability and support system.

    Starting weight: 180
    12 week goal: 24 lbs minimum
    Dream Weight: 140-145 lbs

  • iuangina
    iuangina Posts: 691 Member
    Name: Angie

    Age: 32

    About me: I am a new mom. My son is 6 months old. I work full time as a teacher. I was using MFP religiously until I went to the land of no internet and no phone service (also know as northern Indiana). My weight has gone up and down my whole life and I really want it to stick this time.

    Starting Weight: 268 lbs
    12 week goal weight: 220 lbs

    Will there be a weigh in tomorrow since we are starting today?
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    Hi all!!
    I'm Tiffany, I will turn 30 on January 4th. I have a great husband of 7 years and a wonderful daughter Mikalyn (6). I have been trying to lose weight since June of 2010. I did very well at the beginning and now weight is starting to come back on. I need all the support I can get and I love this group. Great Idea.

    Starting weight: 262
    Starting BLWLC weight: 213.6
    12 week goal weight: 185
    Dream weight: 150

    Good luck to all of you. Lets kick this weight in the butt!!
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    Name: Wendy

    About yourself: I am a stay at home mom during the week. I work on the weekends and I go to classes in the evening. I have one daughter she just turned 2, a couple of weeks ago. My boyfriend and I are trying to teach her how to eat right by not giving her a lot of sugary snacks, but yet I eat a lot of sugary snacks. So I need to set by example.

    Starting Weight: 182

    12 Week Goal Weight: It will be 170 because I plan to lose 1 lb a week.
    Good Luck everyone.
  • Hi I am Trish.I am 33 years old I am a mom to an 11 year old boy and have been married for 12 years. I am stating a weight loss challenge at my reccenter on 01/15/2012 and am currently working out 5 to 6 days a week. I do 3 days a week of weights and 3 days of cardio. when my challenge startes it will have me working out 7 days a week. I am currently using myfitnesspal app on my phone and love how it has helped me. I have so far lost 4 pounds in a little over 2 weeks.

    Starting weight: 179lbs

    12 week goal: 150lbs

    Dream weight: 125 with great muscle tone.(i don't wanna be skinny I wanna be fit and tone with a good amount of muscle)
  • kkenny0146
    kkenny0146 Posts: 66 Member
    I think this is a great idea! I love watching the Biggest Loser every week.

    Name: Kirsten

    I am a 28 year old teacher and graduate student working towards a master's degree. I have always had a junk food addiction of sorts and it has gotten out of hand. I am the type of person who is always going above and beyond for everyone else, but rarely takes time for myself. I have really let things get out of hand, and now is the time to get it back!

    Starting Weight 228

    12 Week Goal: 203
  • Name: LeighAnna

    About yourself: I just turned 24 in November. In 2009 I lost over 60lbs in 5 months and have gained it ALL back and then some. I have always struggled with my weight - my whole family does. I am getting married on August 31, 2013 and want to look HOT, HOT, HOT on my wedding day - I have 20 months to do this!

    Starting Weight: 270 lbs

    12 Week Goal Weight: to lose 2lbs per week (24lbs) = 246 lbs