Day 1



  • Kelly_1981
    Kelly_1981 Posts: 472 Member
    I DID IT! WOW it was hard I can feel my body shaking LOL Its like its saying "WTF JUST HAPPENED" I am so proud of myself and everyone else! This group really is a great motivation I came on and had a read and when I was doing it I thought of you lot and thought "If they can do it so can I" !!!! 29 days to go!
  • CaboScotty
    CaboScotty Posts: 31 Member
    Finished Day 1. Being a day off from work, it was hard for me to get motivated to workout, but I finally did it and I feel great. Looking forward to the next 29 days of this challenge.
    USC_SKH Posts: 19 Member
    Completed Day 1!! Only 223 calories burned but hey...a burn is a burn....29 days to go!
  • Smuterella
    Smuterella Posts: 1,623 Member
    Hello all, I'm actually on day 2, so I hope you don't mind me joining the group. I've never made it past day 6 before, usually because life gets in the way, so am determined to finish it this time!
  • petalrose
    petalrose Posts: 27 Member
    I done Day 2 late last night, Jillian really knows how to make us kick our own butts!!! LOL talk about out of breath when your done.
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    getting ready to do day 1 now !! will be back when done :)
  • AwesomeSauce4
    AwesomeSauce4 Posts: 1,062 Member
    Did Mine early this Morning and Man I feel Great.... I remember the first time I did 30 day shred and completed it, I couldn't do butt kicks, pushups, bicycle crunches and jumping jacks((But i did weigh almost 100lbs more then I do now)) I Breezed thru them this morning... WOW!!! What a big difference...

    Remember!!!!! Keep PUSHING!!!!!
  • bonnt
    bonnt Posts: 172 Member
    This is my 2nd round with this DVD. When I FIRST did this DVD, I was SO sore for about 4 days. It DOES get better. It is still challenging, but just push through it. It's worth it. For my first month and a half working out, (Treadmill + 30DS), I lost 23.5 inches and 15 lbs. It's worth it.
  • mrswhitehair
    mrswhitehair Posts: 7 Member
    Finished day 1 today. I couldn't keep up at times and had to stop to catch my breath a time or two. Frustrated that I got out of the habit of exercising once coming to college. I haven't consistently exercised (read, practically zilch) in 3.5 years. My diet hasn't been the best either. These two factors were definitely known today, especially with the pushups and lunges with the press. Definitely felt the burn! Mini goal tomorrow of less pausing. :)
  • deporee
    deporee Posts: 59
    Lord, I'm tired! I have sweat pouring from me as I type. Great workout!
  • Lupiemomma30
    Lupiemomma30 Posts: 140 Member
    Yeah...she kicked my butt. But, I feel good. I burned 280 calories according to my HRM. I didn't even finish most of the exercises...I had to stop because I was out of breath. Just goes to show how out of shape I really am!!!!
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    Today was day 3 for me. I'm so sore but keep pushing through. I have this nasty habit of weighing myself daily and I get so frustrated at not losing (or even small gains!). I really need to stop doing this and just try to weigh once a week or after each 10 day cycle. I've been staying within my calories for the day and trying to make healthier choices. I really hope I see some results in 30 days.

    today was my 3rd day also and my arms are on fire...and my legs are a little sore....i hope it gets better by the 5th day like they say :)
  • raindropwishes
    I've hurt my hip so probably won't be able to join you guys with this. Hopefully it'll be better in a week or so. Good luck you guys
  • CRSE1214
    CRSE1214 Posts: 196 Member
    I SURVIVED (BARELY), got up this morning and did my C25K program and was feeling ambitious so did the 30DS about 2 hours hips/legs are still sore from the C25K so all those lunges were killing me but the worst part were those push ups and the bouncing around (i.e. jumping jacks, butt kicks). 29 more days!!!!
  • newlal01
    I did it, I did it, I did it- HOORAY! It was quite the workout and a few times I took those 5 second breathers. This mama is ready to sweat. The scary part is even though my legs are jelly, I almost want to do it again!

    Side note: I am so thankful to find this group. I just did a quick search because I had started today and wanted some support... what a great surprise that one was for the exact date!
  • chellesmith87
    chellesmith87 Posts: 21 Member
  • TheAnie
    TheAnie Posts: 180 Member
    I'm asthmatic, so that was all kinds of painful. Not to mention my carpal tunnel in my right wrist was pretty angry about the pushups, even the modified ones.

    But I did it. I tried to keep up but had a few breaks for breathing and some water. I need the water. Here's to tomorrow and trying not to die.
  • WhitneyJerome
    WhitneyJerome Posts: 80 Member
    Technically I'm on day five but I'm gonna continue with y'all cause I think I could use the extra days LOL. I did four days last week and took the weekend off to rest up but I did it again this morning and Jillian kicked my butt but I feel great!!
  • HeavenlyBri77
    Today was day 3 for me. I'm so sore but keep pushing through. I have this nasty habit of weighing myself daily and I get so frustrated at not losing (or even small gains!). I really need to stop doing this and just try to weigh once a week or after each 10 day cycle. I've been staying within my calories for the day and trying to make healthier choices. I really hope I see some results in 30 days.

    today was my 3rd day also and my arms are on fire...and my legs are a little sore....i hope it gets better by the 5th day like they say :)
    Haha! I went to the grocery store today and it hurt to go down the stairs to get to my car, my arms hurt when I turned the steering wheel and pushing the buggy with my ginormous 5 year old hanging off the end was quite a challenge! I really noticed it this morning during the warm ups, I was wondering how in the world I'd be able to do any push ups with my arms being this sore. Looking forward to day 5 and hopefully not being as sore!
  • PRprincess
    PRprincess Posts: 200 Member
    I survived! Only 29 more days to go!