Initial Weigh Ins



  • bjmmcw98
    Hope everyone is off to a good start! My initial weigh in is 205, sorry I didnt send it yesterday, I wasnt able to get on the computer and I cant access the group from my phone.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    Please remember to send me your initial weigh ins at the beginning of the year, January 1st!

    Have a HAPPY NEW YEARS EVE!!! :)

    My current weight has been sent to you.
    Happy New Year to you also :flowerforyou:
  • adarshkaur
    Jan 1st = 165 lbs. Glad to find this group to help with motivation! Blessings to everyone for a successful six months!
  • Nonnielex
    Nonnielex Posts: 2 Member
    Go to settings on the top of the message board page and check "show your myfitness pal ticker" and save the changes.
  • shesapear
    shesapear Posts: 77 Member
    Hey all...Look forward to the challenge,....
  • kksn
    kksn Posts: 122 Member
    I know I'm late getting in on this - just joined the group yesterday. My initial weigh-in this morning was 156.4 pounds (don't know what it was from Jan 1... haven't been on the scale in a few weeks due to fear and denial.) I am trying to get back down to about 138-140 pounds. I joined MFP in October 2009 and it was so amazingly helpful for me. In 6.5 months with a lot of support, dedication and hard work, I went from 174ish pounds to 138 pounds (7 pounds below my initial goal!). I am a runner and I had my best races ever when I was approaching my goal (my fitness was great and it was so much easier to run and not have to carry around that extra weight). But then I finished grad school, traveled the country on interviews, moved, and started a new job... and I let those things become excuses for falling off the wagon. I am back on MFP though, and am determined to get back to where I was happiest and healthiest about 6-7 months ago. This time it's going to stick. I'm looking forward to this group challenge to help keep me motivated and involved in my weight loss. Good luck to everyone! :)
  • MrsSYDL
    MrsSYDL Posts: 65 Member
    I was 181.5 pounds on January 1st. Just joined and hope that I am not too late. Good luck ladies!