January Plan



  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    I am on D10L2 of 30DS and W5D3 of C25K with elliptical and bike riding thrown in occasionally.
  • Mollyalice
    Mollyalice Posts: 28 Member
    I plan on starting 6W6P tomorrow! Has anyone done this DVD yet?! I did half of 30 day shred in December as a kick start, but need something new...hence the 6W6P!!

    I am currently on week 6 of C25K!

    I started the "365 miles in 365 days" challenge today! It's awesome! You can join the MFP group for it too!! :)
  • whtlatina1214
    whtlatina1214 Posts: 765 Member
    to actually stay on track
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    to actually stay on track

    You can do it...if you have to, make a schedule for yourself....and make sure you check in...if you are having a bad day just check in...read about progress of other group members...I know for me it's the kick I need to keep going when I feel like giving up.
  • juliep1974
    juliep1974 Posts: 222 Member
    Day 2 of RI30 done. I actually prefer RI30 to 30DS. I like that strength is 3 different moves in each circuit - makes it seem easier to get through. Of course, this is L1 and L1 is just a way of lulling me into a belief that maybe it won't be so bad, but I'm sure I'll be cursing Jillian by L3 if not sooner : )

    For the person who was asking about 6W6P - I enjoyed it. There are a couple weird moves, but overall its great. My core wasn't so much sore the next day - but tired. I did RI30 and could really feel how fatigued my abs were - particularly the obliques. I did like that it was a full body workout with a focus on core - not just 30 minutes of abs.
  • I would like to do Ripped in 30! It was a Christmas present. Has anyone else tried Ripped in 30 before 30DS?
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    I have a few goals this month... 5 pounds to lose would be nice.....30 day shred each level for 10 days I am shooting for 6 day workout weeks......Running atleast 3 days a week on the tradmill......track my food and measerments because I do let the scale get to me and I saw a number of people say their weight went up but I know mine does when my mmuscles are sore! But 5 pounds this month and 30 day shred for 30 days....
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    ok so in the shower this morning i did something wrong shaving my legs and pulled a muscle in my back you know the kind that maeks u stop breathing....( I am not old I am not old even though I turn 36 this month lol ) ugh i thought noooo I am supposed to work out today!!!!!! Welll I did work out.. Level 1 and I was gonna go run treadmill after...yeah the treadmill did not happen I will have to do that before my shred and my pulled muscle did not help any today either lol. Any way Day 1 down and I even took my measurments today and will check them in 30 days! Wish me luck lol. Ill let you all know how soar I am tomorrow lol

    Food wise I read up on natural foods that help with moods, seritonin level etc (family history as well as my own depicts depression) so I went shopping and got some foods to try to help me out in this dept to as well as whole grains, fruits and veggies etc...


    cw 134.8.....gaine 1.8 over xmass lol
    Gw 120
  • turningstar
    turningstar Posts: 393 Member
    Im alternating ripped in 30 and couch to 5k, with some yoga and zumba classes! Probably some weights and elliptical thrown in for good measure.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    The things that helped most with depression and other issues in our household was omega 3 fatty acid supplements and running.


    Food wise I read up on natural foods that help with moods, seritonin level etc (family history as well as my own depicts depression) so I went shopping and got some foods to try to help me out in this dept to as well as whole grains, fruits and veggies etc...


    cw 134.8.....gaine 1.8 over xmass lol
    Gw 120
  • shortjules
    shortjules Posts: 111 Member
    Great plans everyone!

    Myth: So sorry to hear about the pulled muscle, but kudos to you for still getting in a workout...you're a trooper.
  • jagoochie
    jagoochie Posts: 218 Member
    planning to do as follows on week day nights after work and then running at weekends - i may have arest day if i feel i need it

    wk1 - 30dsl1
    wk2 - 6wk6pkl1
    wk3 - RI30L1
    wk4 - buns thighs

    then repeat but increasing each up a level - if that makes sense
  • slr622
    slr622 Posts: 31
    I love seeing everyone's workout plans and goals, really helps motivate me!

    For Jan I plan to do RI30 six days a week and KB&T three days a week. Hoping to see my booty lifted and firmed up by the end of the month. I know if anyone can help me get there it's Jillian!

    As far as goals for the month I'm shooting for dropping five lbs, keeping up a good water intake, and keeping my calories in check. Pretty general, I know, but I have found if I put on too much pressure with a big ol' "food plan" I end up going on a total binge after my first slip up.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Thanks Jules and for the advice Pam, I just am not a good pill taker and all the omega 3 pills I found are huge! lol

    Day 2 of 30ds done! I was not as sore as I thought I would be this morning. Dont get me wrong I was sore but not as bad, although I think it might be worse tmrw lol My back actually feels pretty god today. Also today I got my 30 minutes on the treadmill done as well then did 30ds. I def have to do it that way if I try 30ds first the treadmill wont happen :( Any way How is everyone else doing?

  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You can get kid's ones that are quite small, or liquid supplements, or gummies. If you are in the US, you can also get Coromega, which is a yogurty fruit-flavoured supplement.


    Thanks Jules and for the advice Pam, I just am not a good pill taker and all the omega 3 pills I found are huge! lol

  • Sambo004
    Sambo004 Posts: 549 Member
    Hello! My plans for the month are:

    W1 (I'm still on holiday, so schedule is softer): 2 x gym cardio sessions, 2 x KB&T, 1 x 6W6P
    W2: 3 x gym sessions (1 x step, 1 x treadmill, 1 x spinning) / 2 x KB&T / 2 x 6W6P
    W3: 3 x gym sessions (1 x step, 1 x treadmill, 1 x spinning) / 2 x KB&T / 2 x 6W6P
    W4: 3 x gym sessions (1 x step, 1 x treadmill, 1 x spinning) / 2 x KB&T / 2 x 6W6P

    I really want to lose at least 3 pounds (I lose weight very slowly). Keep my food clean and within calorie target and to drink more water!

    Good luck everyone :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Wow I thought this was neat, there was something thi morning on gooodmorning america that talked about "the dash diet" being voted the best diet of last year. So I looked it up www.dashdiet.org looks good and there was a link on there to a girl who did it and lost 90 pounds awsome! but in her credits ofher video he put the sites she used and MFP was one of them!!! yeeahhhh MFP!!! lol Thought I would share...

    Also woke up this morning and my back hurts worse then yesterday...:( I think I am going to be doing 30ds only 5 days a week instead of 6 like she suggests due to my muscles but I will see come this weekend if there is anythig I have learned it is listen to my body. :)

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Day 3 of 30ds done! My back was bad earlier today but not now. I took some meds I alo think I ahve a stinkin sinus infection! Ugh! Tonight is gonna be rough.. my daughter is turning 12 today and we hav crab and shrimp and not sure of desert yet! hmm but If i continue to feel yucky I ont eat much which is a good thing lol. off to rest! ttyl

  • My plan is to get through the 30 Day Shred and maybe start 6W6P. I also walk on the treadmill during my lunch hour 2-3 times per week (it's very convenient to have a gym right downstairs at work lol) and I'm trying to do Bikram Yoga 3 times per week. I have a bit of a road block next week though... I'm getting my wisdom teeth out on Thursday so I'll probably be out of commission for a few days.

    I'd like to lose 5lbs this month and stay under my calorie limit. We shall see if this happens though! Good luck, everyone!
  • lisamheid
    lisamheid Posts: 13 Member
    My plan for January is to lose 6 total lbs. I am doing the 30DS straight through. I find that I really need to get a good month in to make something a routine. I am just through the first week and hope that I can keep up the momentum. I also took my measurements for the first time in my life, and was terrified of the results. I am trying to figure put what I want to do for the month of February.