


  • truddlep
    Real Name: Trudei
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 248
    CW: 174.6
    UGW: 145
    Location: Florida
    Age: 41
    Sex: F
    Children: 3
    Married for 20 years

    I have done low carb in the past with wonderful success. I lost the weight I have so far doing many different diets, but I am back at my weight loss center - its diet is basically low carb . I found this group while reading posts in another thread. Excited to read what others have to say and hope to learn lots.
  • sonic_the_cat
    sonic_the_cat Posts: 58 Member
    Hi there! I'm so glad started a low carb group. After trying every diet out there, I found one of my former doctors had started a medical spa with at weight management program that focuses on a low carb lifestyle. I jumped on board in February 2011 have lost 80 lbs over the last 9 months or so. I'm more active, feel better, and best of all have tremendously improved my overall health.

    My family is on board with me and we plan to maintain this lifestyle for the long haul. The last couple of months have been a little challenging - been finding it hard to keep up my motivation for the weight loss phase. Although, I have found I can maintain without regaining anything I've lost over the last couple of months. I'm hoping to lose another 23 lbs over the next few months for a total of 103 lbs in one year. I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and sharing recipes, workouts, and other low carb tips.

  • pork_belly
    Hi everyone!!! I've done low-carb about 5-6 times in the last 10 years. My weight has fluctuated around 40lbs during that time. I've done low cal and low fat diets and while they have also worked for me I prefer a low carb diet in the end. It also helps that there is science to back it up. This makes it easier for connecting the dots for maintaining the motivation. Knowledge is power.

    Speaking of knowledge, I first stared with the Atkins books for my guidelines and then the Gary Taubes books to ground me in the science of why and how. Because of this I have been able to maintain my weight loss at its longest. The addition of MFP to my tool chest has also been highly beneficial.

    I also do IF which has really been a weight loss multiplier for me. Using MFP I have been able to track my food intake and exercise. Using the reporting and blogging features I have been able to identify where I have loss and gained weight.

    I tend to refer to the the low carb lifestyle as the being on the dark side. The best part of being on a low carb diet is that you don't starve!!! Try that on a low cal diet!!!!

    Welcome to all and congrats on your weight loss!!!! Keep up the good work!!! I leave you with this:

    Do what ever works best for you. Going back to eating the way you use to before any diet will always bring you back to where you started. This is true for any diet.
  • 23wife
    23wife Posts: 57 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Jennifer, Jen for short. I'm 32, live in Florida, and married with 3 kids. I started my low carb lifestyle about 4 years ago. I lost about 50 lbs and was doing great but I still had more that I wanted to lose eventually. I hit a plateau and then lost and gained the same 15-20 lbs over and over again. I joined MFP over the summer and am finally seeing some of those last unwanted pounds sliding off.

    My low carb lifestyle started out as just a diet...I quickly realized that it was a lifestyle change for me though. I actually feel GOOD eating low carb (I understand that some people don't). When I have a heavy-carb day I normally feel kinda terrible the next day (almost like a hangover!). I've come to realize that I'm fairly carb-sensitive and my body just seems to work better when I watch my carb intake. My husband is hispanic so it the beginning was a little difficult. Rice, beans, and all of the other DELICIOUS carb-loaded foods were a staple in our household. In the beginning, I just abstained but still cooked it for my family. Since then, I've switched them all over to brown rice and other whole grains but we even limit those when possible as well (I still normally abstain - or have a VERY small amount).

    I do NOT like to count calories. When I first started this life style, I never counted a single calorie and the weight dropped off very quickly. I don't think that counting calories really works for me. Besides, it doesn't make sense to me to limit the # of calories you eat but not really worry about the quality of the food you're eating - I have a friend who will eat a Whopper and fries and still be under her calories for the day ...I don't think that's going to lead to long term success.

    I'm excited to find a group of people who are doing low-carb!!!!
  • alz6690
    Hey, just came across this group and thought it was perfect! Thanks for setting it up!

    I've only been on a low carb diet for a few weeks, so far things are going well except when I go to my parents house. My mum makes curries and rice most nights, indian food is pretty hard carb, but been trying to modify best I can.

    Overall I quite like being low carb, quite easy and manage to keep my cals low as a result.

  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member
    Hi all I am Amy and I have been a Spanish teacher for almost 15 years. At my highest weight in 2001 I weighed 535 pounds and I struggling with 300. My body really does not like to stay under it! I got to 294 then went so far off the wagon I was in someone else's wagon train for about 2 months now but I am getting back on track. My goal this year is to get below 250. I haven't been that small since about the 2nd grade. You can read more of my background on my profile if you wish. The first time I low carbed was at NIH in Bethesda I was actually the only child in the study that was comparing Atkins to all of the other diets in 1979. I was diagnosed as hyperinsulinemic but my mom thought the diet was too unhealthy so even though I dropped 18 pounds in 2 weeks on Atkins she didn't continue it with me or even tell me about it until I was looking into the Atkin's diet after college but I was over 500 by this time. She said oh that's the one they said worked in the hospital! She was a great mom, just uninformed or too informed by the FDA I should say. So in 2001 I had gastric bypass and lost 140ish gained some back when my mom died then was stuck at 350+ for years. Found out I am allergic to wheat in 2009 and dropped 80+ with the Primal Blueprint at the ketotic level. I have to stay around 30gm or less of carb to lose anything. Got to below 300 for the first time since the 3rd grade until the past 2 months. I will be back under in a couple of weeks most of it is wheat/carb weight and will fall off pretty quickly. So that's me in a nutshell.
  • IHeartNewMe
    IHeartNewMe Posts: 150 Member
    Hi there! I'm Lisa! I am so happy to have found this group. I have been eating low carb strictly since January 2011. I love eating this way and losing weight. Sometimes I feel guilty, like I've been cheating to lose weight, as silly as that sounds. But, watching carbs (and fat) and upping the protein sure makes losing weight much easier, IMHO. Plus, it's fun to find new recipes and adapt my lifestyle to this way of eating.

    I've struggled with obesity for many years. By 2005 (my "before" pic in my avatar) my weight had reached around 330 lbs.. I was miserable, sick and tired all the time. At the end of 2005, I went through a very difficult trial which left me very hurt and disappointed. This pushed me to start the South Beach Diet, as I went on a three week vacation as a therapy, of sorts. By utilizing the website, I lost almost 60 lbs. by the summer of '06. Unfortunately, like so many times before, I started eating out of control again and rocketed back to over 300 lbs.. I yo-yoed for the next 5 years and my medical issues were starting to multiply. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, had high BP, was borderline hypertensive, had 4 laser surgeries on my right eye probably due to retinopathy, among other things. I was sick with colds and bronchitis all the time and called in sick to work a lot.

    With little hope and motivation left and entertaining the idea of having gastric by-pass surgery, at the urging of one of my hubbies co-workers, I went to a Medi-Weight-loss Center on January 25, 2011. I weighed in at 304 lbs.. I started a journey and have never looked back. I remember my first meal, It was a 3 oz. turkey burger and a few dill pickles. I remember
    during grace, I prayed the Lord would help this little meal to satisfy me and asked for His help to be able to stick to this way of eating. He has answered that prayer. I am almost at the 100 lb. mark and anticipate reaching it by Jan. 25, 2012, my 1 year anniversary after joining Medi WL. There have been so many changes already, and I have about 50 more lbs. to go. The main thing I love being able to buy clothes that fit my body, not hide it. I'm looking forward to being able to share with so many fellow low-carbers in this group.

    Congratulations to all of you and your success and hard work! Looking forward to sharing together with you! :o)
  • kerriemoe
    kerriemoe Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! I'm new to MFP and fairly new to LC as well.

    Real Name: Kerrie
    Height: 5'2"
    HW: 192
    CW: 171
    UGW: 125 (but would be tickled with 135)
    Location: Upstate NY
    Age: 37
    Sex: F
    Children: 8 DS and 5 DD

    Low Carb Lifestyle: I had GD during my last pregnancy, have a major family history of Type II, I'm built like an apple, and can NOT lose much weight despite completing 2 triathlons, a quarter marathon, numerous 5Ks and eating "healthy" whole grains and whole foods all this time. I've lost all my weight thus far on a combo of Sparkpeople, WW, Primal, SBD, The Insulin Resistance Diet, etc. and never giving up. My A1C and fasting glucose have been fine but my dr. doesn't want to test for insulin or do a GTT; I've finally just decided to consider myself prediabetic even if he doesn't, and act as such. I began Primal in Sept, eventually concluded I needed to do a lower carb version of it and am now on sort of a Primal/Atkins hybrid. I've lost 11 lbs. on it. Today begins a harder-core, <50g carbs induction for me.

    My weaknesses are: (this section aka "when I fall off the wagon" for me) I'm a chocoholic, and unfortunately I LOVE to bake! Bread, rolls, scones, muffins, cookies for the kids, you name it. I also love to make my own pasta.

    My strengths are: I'm a pretty good cook in other areas as well, and I have the exercise part down pretty well.

    Nice to "meet" all of you!
  • cm1479
    cm1479 Posts: 28 Member
    Real Name: Clarissa
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 227
    CW: 174
    UGW: 125
    Location: San Antonio, TX
    Age: 26
    Sex: F
    Children: none

    Low Carb Lifestyle: I started Medifast June 2011. It stimulates a ketogenic metabolism
    My weaknesses are: dried fruit

    My strengths are: My career in health promotion and behavior sceince. it keeps me grounded.

    My body just feels better with limited carbs. 80-85 a day.
  • tabithaanne
    My name is Tabitha. I have lost 66 pounds.I maintained the loss until my husband got laid off in October and from that stress combined with the holidays, I have gained 18 of that back. I am so disgusted with myself. I know I feel better doing the low carb thing but right now I am counting calories and I am always hungry.

    Is it imperative in a low carb diet to do the two week induction? Can I not just cut out all bad carbs and still lose the same amount of weight?

    Need advice. Thanks!
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    Hi all
    My name is Jo and whilst I have been on this site for 4 years (most of the time) calorie counting I now have to watch the carbs. Was classed as pre diabetic for many years although my most recent doc has only just picked up on it and things are happening at last.
    I am aiming to keep my sugars under those classed as diabetic so eating less carbs and a little more exercise seem the way to go.
    Just starting to gather info on what is and what isn't high/low. Chuck recipes at me, the more the merrier please! What substitutes are good for pots, rice etc etc.
    Only me most of the time to cater for , don't know if thats good or bad actually because you can get in a rut with a "why bother " attitude!
    Hope to see you all around the site, :wink:
  • DeadlyDame13
    DeadlyDame13 Posts: 197 Member
    Hi! Yayyee im glad I found this group I recently had my son and want to lose 60lbs.
  • alimarieban
    alimarieban Posts: 141
    Hi! I am fairly new to the low carb lifestyle and I could really use some advice. I started really cutting back on my carbs (about 1/2 of the daily MFP recommendation) about a month ago. I dropped three pounds very quickly but then it just stopped. I decided to try Atkins- the latest version- and have been in Induction for three days. I have actually gained 6 pounds (I am assuming it's water weight) and am really confused. I want to continue to log on MFP for calories, etc., but the carb values on food here and in my Atkins books are COMPLETELY different. Can anyone advise on how you handle this? Do you go by the Atkins counts? Which is more accurate. I really want to log correctly so that I can get the most of my Induction period so any help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks! SO glad I found this group! :-)

    Ooops! Forgot a few things!
    Real name: Allison or Ali for short
    Height: 5'1"
    HW: 169
    CW: 166
    GW: 120
    Weaknesses: Cake, brownies, strawberry pie....
    Strengths: "Won't give up" attitude!
  • qzisue
    qzisue Posts: 8
    Hello, my name is Susan and I have been on MFP for quite a while logging my food/excercise on my iphone app. I had no idea there were groups! LOL

    I am 45, married & live in Texas. I have been low carbing for 5 years. My highest weight was 380 and currently at my lowest post high school weight of 206.

    I have been following the Atkins diet and moving towards a paleo diet by cutting out all processed foods. I will be attending the low carb cruise next week and hope to learn lots to keep me motivated & continue on my weight loss journey.
  • MelisRunning
    MelisRunning Posts: 819 Member
    Just joined this evening. I haven't been with MFP for very long and have been trying to find the place where I fit. This may be it!

    Real name: Melinda
    Height: 5' (almost)
    Heaviest weight: 255
    Current weight: 123
    Total lost: 132
    Pounds left to go: 3!!!

    I have been eating low carb ever since my Mom was diagnosed with diabetes. She needed encouragement with her diet, so my husband and I bought some cookbooks and started trying out recipes and making recommendations to her on things to try. We got hooked! We have been doing this for approximately 6-8 months and I have dropped 25 pounds just with the low carb eating. Love it! The food is good and plentiful and I feel much better.

    I am 50 years old, have been married to my High School sweetie for the past 27 years and am looking forward to 27 more with him. We have two grown children ages 23 and 24, two cats (a totally different discussion) and one dog~Paxton, he is on my ticker tape!

    We live in Mississippi having moved here after living in Colorado for 16 years. Big Change!!! Not a bad change, just different. We like it here. You do not have to shovel in the winter!

    My weakness is my evening beer. I will eat religiously so I can have that evening beer. Silly of me.
  • oh_em_gee
    oh_em_gee Posts: 887 Member
    Hi, I'm Emily, and I'm 24. I'm a student and nanny/babysitter and I've been with my boyfriend for over a year. I weigh about 190 pounds, my all time high. Carbs are my weakness, but I know I'm fuller and happier when I cut them out. I just had a binge and I'm looking to get back on track.
  • my_bleu
    my_bleu Posts: 12
    Real Name: Bleu
    Height: 5'3"
    HW: 211
    CW: 184
    UGW: 150
    Location: Las Cruces, NM
    Age: 33
    Sex: F
    Children: baby girl, 6 months
    Divorced, happily dating my baby's dad with plans for marriage eventually, by the time my daughter is old enough to know the difference

    I started LC in 2007 or 2008, dropped 30 lbs like nothing, only to regain it all and then some going through a divorce. I hit 211- my all time high, and then got serious about LC, Zumba, and I also used prescription diet pills intermittently to shed 50 lbs over the course of 16 months.

    When I hit the 50 lb weight loss mark my weight matched the weight on my drivers license for the first time since I was 18. Then, within a month, I was pregnant. My daughter is now 6 months old, and I am 25 lbs heavier, but would like to lose 35 (when I got pregnant I wasn't quite done). So it's back to the grind....

    Luckily I stayed very active during my pregnancy (though I had to switch from Zumba to Jazzercise) so I still have good workout habits. Hopefully (for my sake and my bfs) this goes by fast... I want my body back
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    I'm Aaron, been eating low carb since 2009, minus a few months a year to gain weight.
  • chaney1010
    Hello group!

    I've pretty much have stayed the same weight for the past couple years. I'm down 20lbs from heaviest weight, up 15lbs from my lowest weight. I seem to always come under or at my calorie goal but with not much success to show for it. A coworker of mine suggested I try low carb. I've been so focused so much on low calorie, I never paid attention to how many carbs I actually consume in a day. It's insane!

    It's not going to be easy. I seem to love carbs very much (especially milk!) but I know I can do it. I'm glad you guys are here to help!

  • Kannu55
    Kannu55 Posts: 11 Member
    I am a low carber from India. 47 years old / I prefer to call myself 47 years young after I was reborn after opting to go low carb 1 year back. I have already lost 58 lbs and hope to lose some 30 lbs more. i am in no hurry so made low carbing my life style-- for me its a no sugar no grain life style. I love to invent low carb recipes with every day easily available food. Please visit my page on fb--- it will be a pleasure---- https://www.facebook.com/pages/Low-Carb-Weightloss/354285474685364?ref=hl

    Reach this for interesting low carb recipes. A few likes won't hurt. ;-)