say a little about your thyroid issues



  • tlovesthesun
    Thanks for your reply Bridget- I think after the New Year I'm going to make another Doctors Appointment and remind her again of what my symtoms are which are not going away and hopefully I can get referred to someone else.
    Good Luck with your weight loss! I haven't had kids yet and I can only imagine what a struggle it is to get those pounds off after having a little one!
  • kattydid65
    kattydid65 Posts: 65 Member
    Hey everyone, Well I did something stupid. I've been on thyroid meds for a year now. Going up and down with dosage. Which I put on a bunch of weight since being on these meds. I tried diet programs like hydroxycut, optifast, and phentermine, nothing seems to work anymore. Just recently I just decided to quit with my meds. Yep, cold turkey! I'm in the military and if anyone knows the military is really strict on being obese. I am currently deployed and I wanted to loose some weight prior to going home for two weeks. So I thought I did great, I lost 9lbs before I knew it. I didn't change my lifestyle in anyway. Well that all changed on the fourth week after being off the meds. I couldn't sleep, panic/aniexty attacks and upset about everything. This all happened the same time I came back off of leave. I understand the time difference was dramatic, but my body couldn't adjust. So my PA put me back on my meds after fusing at me and I went from not tired to tired all the time. I am going back to see her next week to see why I went from one to another. I am currently on levethovine 150 mcg. But I feel horrible all the time. It's nice to have this mfp handy, I have learned SOOOO much from everybody about thyroids. What a great support line to have...Everyone has such GREAT ideas (tips and tricks). But on a positive note, I've been with MFP for three weeks now and I have lost 3 stubborn lbs. I GOT THIS! I know together we all GOT THIS!
  • mbolin13
    Hi. I'm 20 and have hypothyroidism. I have been dieting for a long time and lost 20 lbs last year without a great deal of effort, but when I got put on my meds about 7 months ago I started gaining weight ,which is confusing because I thought that it was supposed to help me loose weight. Does anyone know of any workout routines that don't take like 2 hours out of my day? I am also a vegetarian, so any diet suggestions would be helpful.
  • ljean11
    ljean11 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a couple of years ago. I started with meds 75mcg then 150mcg of levo. I have lost 40lbs, however, since i started a new job with alot of responsibility I have gained 15lbs back. Now what? What am i to do next? Any help will be much appreciated. Thanks
  • dukeS1ms
    dukeS1ms Posts: 13 Member
    Hi, I'm 51 and was diagnosed with hashimotos thyroiditis about 4 months ago. I had been struggling with my regular doctor for years trying to figure out what was going on. I finally went to see a doctor who specializes in Diabetes, Metabolism & Endocrinology and he quickly got me on the right level and type of medicine. That along with vitamin D and B12 supplements have worked great for me. I started feeling better about 6 weeks ago and decided to track my food intake with an iphone app. FitnessPal has worked great and I've lost 12 lbs since Thanksgiving.

    Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    I am hashimoto as well. I think it is important to see an endo doc when you have thyroid issues. I started out about 3 yrs ago pretty much symptomless but my GP thought my thyroid in the annual blood work was a little high at 6 ish. Anyway, he gave me 125 of synthroid and after taking it 1 week, I quit because I couldn't sleep, my heart started racing etc... He gave me lower dosage and I tried to stock with it at 75 but I still felt lousy. When I finally got in to see the endo doc, she looked at all the bloodwork and said that she thought that maybe I didn't need anything at all.

    Then she did something the GP guy never did. LOL. She actually felt my thyroid. duh. She did feel some nodules so she suspected Hashi and sent me to get an ultrasound. This did confirm some small nodules so she suggested dosage of 50 to keep the nodules in check. A year later, the nodules were reduced and so we skipped the ultrasound this year. I have been very stable on the 50 dosage of synthroid (NO GENERIC!) but unfortunately, my weight just kept creeping up on me no matter what I did.

    This year, I found myself at a high of 130 in the spring which sucked because all my waterskiing clothes really only fit at under 120. So, being the veteran dieter that I am, I thought no problem dropping 10 pounds. Now I don't know if it's because I have yo yo'd for so long or because of the thyroid or because of being older, but for some reason no matter what I did I just seemed to hover this year and was not able to get going.

    Until I found this site.

    I had decided to log my calories and was looking for an easy app on my phone to track since I haven't ever logged calls. I gave it a week and WOW was I surprised at what the log was telling me. sheesh. Who knew that CHEESE had so many calories. And bread?!!! LOL. ANyway, I feel like I am making good progress here IN SPITE of age and Thyroid. Of course for me, that's never been the problem. I have lost weight successfully so many times, it's just unbelievable. What my challenge is going to be is to keep it off for more than a year or two and change my lifestyle. In some ways I almost feel like an alcoholic only a diet-holic. I guess I will probably have to track my food for the rest of my life, but for right now, this HASHI gal is just taking it one day at a time!

    thanks for listening.
  • Wendy33510
    Hello Everyone,

    I am struggling. I've always thought I had thyroid issues but my primary doctor always tests the tsh and says I'm normal.

    In September of this year my neck swelled up and at the end of it all I have had 2/3 of my thoyroid removed for a hemoraging tumor that has turned out to be cancer. I may need additional surgery to remove the remaining thyroid and radioactive iodine treatement but won't know that until I see the cancer specialist in a few weeks.

    I lost 40 lbs. two years ago after being obese my entire life and it is slowly coming back. It's really frightning becuase I feel like there is nothing I can do and I don't ever want to go back to where I was. My primary still says my tsh is normal so I don't need meds but I can't understand how my thyroid could be functioning normally when most of it is gone. I have awful cravings that I can't seem to find the will power to overcome and my calcium and vitamin D are way too low. They've given me perscription vitamin D that would be toxic to a normal person but they won't give me thyroid meds. It is so frustrating!

    I also can't exercise beyond walking (which I no longer have the energy to do). I have struggled with major joint pain and swelling for 18 years now and any exercise other than walking results in the need to take steroids which only makes the situation worse.

    I could use some friends who have been through anything simlar.

  • SummerSkier
    SummerSkier Posts: 4,909 Member
    Hugs Wendy. This stuff is hard. I would suggest seeing an endo doc instead of just a GP. But I guess also your cancer specialist might have other suggestions.
  • tannity2
    tannity2 Posts: 50 Member
    I, too, have Hashimoto's. I was diagnosed about a year and a half ago after an incredibly stressful period in my life. I've been on Armour, 1/4 grain (which is very little) -- I started out with 1/2 grain, but it made me shake like crazy, and I couldn't sleep. Even with this tiny dose, my levels have improved. My doctor also tested me for food allergies -- discovered I'm allergic to soy, dairy, almonds, Brazil nuts, and gluten. Avoiding all these things has helped me with inflammation. Once I cut out gluten, my legs stopped swelling.

    I've also put on weight, mostly around my middle, which I've never had before. I can relate to what all of you are going through. I'm hoping MFP will help me keep better track of what I put into my body.

    Please add me if you'd like. I'd love to support you. I also realize I have a lot to learn and could use some support, too.

    Hugs to you all.
  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    I am 58 years old and was diagnosed with Hypothyroidism 14 years ago. I had the triple whammy at age 50 - I quit smoking, went into menopause and went into a thyroid crisis - my TSH rose to 143!! I was nearly in a thyroid coma. It took 3 years after that to get my TSH regulated -- I've been on some very high (250 mcg) of Synthroid. I'm now on a pretty low dose - 100 mcg -- but struggle with all the symptoms -- hair loss, eyebrow loss, dry skin, ridges in my fingernails... my temperature is 94 degrees when I wake up and never gets over 97 degrees. If my temp is 98.6, I am running a fever!!

    This week, I found out that I have Hashimoto's as well. I don't know how long I've had it -- I found out by accident when I got some blood work done by my dietician -- we were looking for adrenal issues like cortisol.. instead we found Hashimoto. Ironically, neither my endo or my GP ever found it!!

    I do believe that in some areas, we use this disease as a crutch -- but I also believe that it is the root cause of many of our issues.. and that the fatigue and lack of sleep prevent us from being the best we can be. Still, I force myself to go to the gym every day. I work out with a Personal Trainer and a Pilates instructor. I swim and ride my bike. I am fighting not to allow this disease to own me.

    I noticed many young ladies on this forum -- don't wait until you are older to get a handle on your eating and your exercise!! After menopause it is so much harder because you no longer have estrogen to help you out. DON'T WAIT!! Take control of your weight away from your thyroid. I have lost 15 pounds since August - doesn't sound like much, but it's better than the alternative!! I am going to keep fighting.

    Please add me as a friend if you need some support!!

  • Ruzuki
    Ruzuki Posts: 136 Member
    Im 21 and I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 4 months ago. Im not sure how long I have had it, but from the symptoms I know of it, I think Ive had it a long time. Ive had sleeping problems since I was 7, started gaining weight at about 10 for no reason (I was a soccer player! I had to quit when I couldnt run anymore from the weight gain and resulting asthma...), and have had irregular periods since I first got it, at 14. Ive been on sleep meds, energy meds, antidepressants, and hormone regulators for years now. Last year, I started experiencing severe muscle cramps, to the point where I could barely move and was afraid to even stretch too much, not wanting to trigger more pain. I thought I was dying, or had tetnis or something, but I couldnt afford to see a doctor at the time. Eventually, I got accepted for medical insurance and began seeing a doctor, but by then the weird muscle problems had vanished (Me and my boyfriend thought that it might have been caused by low iron... when we could afford to buy meat again, it seemed to go away.)
    Mainly my doctor tackled my problem with constant headaches and frequent migraines, but I expressed concern about my still irregular periods, and eventually she decided to look into it. (I was 21! They could no longer say that it was just because I was a teen and that it would go away.) After a few tests they found out that my TSH levels were in the 40s! So they put me on meds, and the doctor is still working on finding the right dosage for me. There was a few problems in the beginning since I was allergic to Levothyroxine and the doctor was afraid I might be allergic to the rest too, but I have had no negative reactions to Synthroid. So far, Ive noticed I have a bit more energy, but have yet to see the weight loss that the doctor promised... I still feel lethargic in the morning, still have trouble getting to sleep at night, still feel cold unless its boiling, still have NO sex drive (Maybe its just that the guys I hang out with I have NO attraction to... or guys Ive been with just suck at sex...).... Hopefully though that will go away, and Im glad they found this now, instead of waiting to find it till Im 30...

    But yea... Main point is if you think there is something wrong, push it! If I hadnt insisted that they investigate my irregular periods they wouldnt have found this problem till much later!
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member

    I was born with Congenital Hypothyroidism which was found when I was 23 months old. My doctor kept me on high dose so as to not stunt my growth and I was active so I never had weight problems until I hit my thirties and developed a rare neurological condition which caused mobility problems.

    I also had problems with my body converting T4 to T3 and it dropped dangerously low at one point I had severe fatigue. I went up to 16 stone but when they got my meds right and i got more energy and took up wheelchair sports and got weight back down.

    My condition did progress unfortunately and some meds they put me on meant I regained some weight but this time only got to 12st 7 when I decided to come off them (muscle relaxants) as I have stiffness, balance & co-ordination problems and involuntary muscle movement from my condition.

    I went on intensive Neuro physio program involving lots of exercise to re-learn how to control muscles and regain co-ordination etc and lost 32lbs so far. I'm now down to 10st 3 and have a stone left to go to reach my goal weight.

    I found going low carb helped kickstart my system and at first cut out bread etc completely, however cos of energy my body uses from my condition my doctor asked me to try wheat free alternatives rather than just eliminating them altogether as my body needs the extra calories.. so I'm no longer calorie counting but doing mostly wheat free/clean eating (except for the odd gluten free brownie and brandy & coke :wink: )

    I'm 42 now and have been wheelchair user since I was 35.

    aka shakybabe
  • wendeevalentine
    Hey! Hashimoto's vicitm here. Okay, not a victim, since everything we experience can be for our good. I do have hashimoto's, and boy am I going to be SOOOO good one day, for all I get to experience! I have handled my weight just fine for a little under 30 years. This September I turned 40 and celebrated my 2 year anniversary of surviving a brain aneurysm. And then, suddenly, I had gained something around 25 pounds! I have never put on that much weight, and this happened in about two months time! I didn't change my eating habits, I've always been a pretty careful eater. I did change my exercise habits. I took a month off from the gym and did a lot of sleeping from head pain, but one month of just not exercising leading to 25 pounds??? It HAS to be the hashimotos! :) I don't know what else could cause it. I've had all the scary stuff checked and I'm tumor, diabetes, kidney, etc free. Just exploded and got fat all the sudden. Sooooo, I'm here, and very glad there are others around that understand the difficulty this auto immune presents to weight loss. I'm hoping that with your help and your successes I can find my own success as well. Here's to us!
  • wendeevalentine
    You mentioned something about gaining weight on muscle relaxants? Really? If so, how long were you on them? Sorry if I bother, I was just surprised by that, as I have been on muscle relaxants for several months now.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I tried a few different meds for about a year but I put on a stone after it had taken me ages to get from 16 st to 11st 7.

    The involuntary movements freaked me out at first and I didn't want my arms or legs moving unless I wanted them to move, then I met someone online who has athetoid CP and problems maintaining his weight and realised that I'd burn more just getting through the day so stopped taking them.

    Weight loss was still slow but maybe cos I was also eating too much carbs and wheat. Once I dropped those the weight started dropping off, the physio helped my stiffness and I found out quite by accident that the involuntary twitches stop if I do something where I don't stop moving my arms for a bit like tennis and boxing on Wii. It also seemed to tire my muscles a little so they weren't as bad for the rest of day so I now exercise first thing every morning.

    Thy are still classed as mild and I think my thyroid also slows my weight loss down which I guess will be an advantage and make it easier to maintain once I get to my goal weight. I have Ataxia (balance and co-ordination problems) with Dystonia ( the involuntary twitches & stiffening of limbs).
  • piperlyne
    Hi all!

    I am 43, new mom to a 16month old boy and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer August 2011. I had my thyroid removed and now it is time to let go of some chubbiness still around from my pregnancy.
  • piperlyne
    Hi Wendy -

    I had my entire thyroid removed last year because of cancer.
    I strongly recommend that you see an endocrinologist for your thyroid care. I have never heard of someone not getting medication even after a partial thyroid removal.
    Message me if you want to talk.
    Take care of yourself.
  • tashdownunder
    hi there,

    So glad to have found this group!

    I'm Natasha and I'm not exactly sure what is going on with my thyroid at the moment, except that I just cannot shift the weight despite strict dieting and lots of exercise.

    Last year after giving birth to my daughter my thyroid went overactive - I had thyrotoxicosis and it caused sleeplessness and anxiety to such a critical level that I had a psychosis and ended up in hospital. I experienced what my endocrinologist called a 'thyroid storm'. The only benefit of this horrible experience was very easy weight loss.

    But as soon as my thyroid levels corrected I stacked on weight (8 kilograms or about 17 pounds in less than three months). I haven't been able to shift this weight ever since.

    I am not on medication for my thyroid since after the post-partum thyrotoxicosis my levels actually evened out of their own accord. However since I have been trying hard to shift the weight, and not having any success, I am starting to suspect that my thryoid may have over-corrected itself and gone underactive. I am planning on having my levels checked next week and going back to see my doctor.

    Looking forward to sharing this struggle with some ladies who know how hard it can be.
  • Amers54
    Amers54 Posts: 3 Member
    I see most peopel on here have hypothyroidism. I'm the opposite. I have hyperthyroidism. Unfortunately I am in the small percent who gained instead of lost. Now that I'm on medication and my levels are getting close to normal I'm gaining like crazy. I'm on PTU and also heart meds that have also contributed to my weight gain. Anyone else hyperthyroid?
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    Hi everyone... I was just diagnosed this week with Hashimoto. My doctor has yet to put my on any meds. She wants me to come in next month to have my levels checked again. I too was found to have a nodule via ultrasound. I am also diagnosed with PCOS. Mamma mia!!! haha

    I'm actually pretty confused in all of this. :frown: :ohwell:

    I have been struggling with my results but at the same time am happy. Is that possible? But I am because I don't feel so frustrated not knowing what was wrong with me.

    I feel with watching my calories I will hopefully start shedding the pounds. Also, being consistent with the exercise which is easier said than done! :smile: