Day 1- How did we go

mbriscoe79 Posts: 50 Member
I went well,
I was sweating heaps, my face was bright red at the end LOL

I had a little pain in one knee so i will have to watch that,, otherwise so far Im happy

Though lets see how I feel tomorrow morning!!


  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    I also did start today, I wanted to see what I was in for... I made it.. but had to do the easy push ups :) but I hung in there sweating my butt off also.. I think I am burning more calories than I think I am with it.. If someone figures out how we can accurately measure the total calories burned per workout that would be great!
  • ESP12
    ESP12 Posts: 118 Member
    When I did it before Christmas -but Only got to the halfway point- I recorded it under "circuit training, general"
    Seemed to me that came pretty close, since Jillian has you do somewhat of a circuit routine.
    Hope hat helps
  • NordenJenn
    I also started today..not sure how to log it. I logged under High impact aerobics. I think I did pretty well, except with the push-ups! I was exhausted and now my muscles are shaking but it sure feels good :happy:
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    thanks for the tip... says I burn over 300 and something calories for it :) sweetness
  • elusivezero
    elusivezero Posts: 27 Member
    my backside and thighs are in paaaain.
    all that matters is that i lasted!
  • cerimariegillett
    cerimariegillett Posts: 35 Member
    Day one under my belt.
    I did start with level 1.... feel super energised.
    Look forward to posting twenty nine more of these :)

    About to load the dreaded before pictures, never done them before
  • fatgottago
    fatgottago Posts: 222 Member
    I completed Day 2 last night. Day 1 was a KILLER, I was so sore the next morning I couldn't move and was scared I wasn't going to be able to do it again, but I did and I am glad because this morning I felt better. Can't wait for tonight when I tackle Day 3. I am doing more jumping jacks than before, I can't do all of them so I just pretend by doing my arms and moving side to side. I hope tonight I can do a few more. Also, I can't do the push ups I have to do girly push ups...and I have a hard time doing any jumping action because I am scared I am going to give myself a black eye. LOL I need a good support LOL

    So far I am happy with it and I love how she is right there talking me through it like she is actually there helping me LOL. I am using 3 lbs weights but I tell ya my arms are shaking so bad I wonder if I should go buy some smaller weights LOL.

    I can't wait to see results!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Specializedbkh
    Specializedbkh Posts: 22 Member
    Woowee! Felt a good burn and definitely got my sweat on!! :wink:

    For those doing it from the Youtube link (Level 1), do you just do that same workout each day?
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I started day 1 this morning & got 10 minutes in before my son woke up. He was supposed to sleep longer! :tongue: But I get off work early today so when he takes his afternoon nap I'm going to try it again. I also want to post my before pictures, I can't wait to see some results!

    Edited to add - I also did the beginner push ups. I tell ya, I was building a sweat in that 10 minutes. I like to walk & run but apparently my upper body has a loooonng way to go. I need to dig out the ole Total Gym too!
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    Woowee! Felt a good burn and definitely got my sweat on!! :wink:

    For those doing it from the Youtube link (Level 1), do you just do that same workout each day?

    10 days at level 1 and then 10 at level 2 and 10 at level 3
  • dcphotography4
    I will be starting day one today when my kids take a nap. I have done 30ds before but only for a couple days so I know I can at least make it through the first day :) I think we should all post some B&A pics. I will put mine up soon.
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    Warning... You will be sore the next day.. If you are not used to working them muscles!! My stomach is the worst... Must be the crunches... I am going to get through it again!!! Oh yes I will...
  • NordenJenn
    I am so sore today! My shoulders and thighs mostly. It definitely doesn't help that the smallest weights I have are 5lbs. The arm workouts were killer!
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    Survived Day 1!! I could only do a couple of the push-ups and I really struggled by the third circuit lol. I started using 1 pound weights. I will have to work on the push ups through out the day to improve. I am wiped out but I feel accomplished!!
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Just finished !! I'm so proud of myself cos I haven't done anything like this before!! Does anyone know what we log it under???
  • MelissaWI
    MelissaWI Posts: 133 Member
    Just finished !! I'm so proud of myself cos I haven't done anything like this before!! Does anyone know what we log it under???

    I heard to log it under circuit training
  • Naybelline
    Naybelline Posts: 407 Member
    Thanks hun, will do that!
  • dcphotography4
    Just finished day 1! I'm such a wimp and have a very hard time even doing the easy push ups! I know it will get better though!
  • scinamon1
    scinamon1 Posts: 158 Member
    Owch, push ups! I didn't find the rest as bad as I expected though... I think I might try level 2 tomorrow just to see how it compares!
  • 84dex
    84dex Posts: 45
    Started today. I ordered the DVD but it hasn't arrived yet so I'm working from a level 1 that is on YouTube at the moment. Couldn't wait to get started on it :)