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Jan Start Progress Thread



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Sounds like a good plan, JennC. Plus, I find the cardio in-between weight-training days is REALLY good for getting blood pumping (and helping to relieve sore muscles)!

    I haven't been NOT sore in 2 straight weeks. Actually, even when I was using weight machines in November and December, I was sore....but not like I am with this program.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Hi gals! I think I technically started December 29th, but I'd like to chill with you if that's okay! I've done Stage 1 WO A 2x, and Stage 1 WO B 2x. I"ll post my stats later! I don't have a tape measure with me atm.

    Are you ladies eating at maintenance in this stage like it's suggested? I'm trying to aim for at least eating more on my lifting days and rest days.

    Also I asked another group I'm in a question: I find myself wanting to do heavier weights with fewer reps, like I feel like I would get more out of the workout from that. Would it be okay to adjust the workouts in Stage 1 like this, or should I stick with what is in black and white?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    armaretta, I must say that I agree with the "thought" of reducing the reps in Stage 1. I came to NROL4W from the BFL program - which is WAY fewer reps....so, moving back to 12- and even 10- reps FELT counter-intuitive. However, I decided to take the opportunity to work on my form, so I am doing what the program of NROL4W calls for. Having said that, I jumped in at Workout A3 and Workout B3 in Stage 1...I just couldn't stomach 15- reps! So, let me know what you decide - I'll support you either way.

    (I did read through Stage 2, again, today, and was VERY pleased to see LOW REPS are back in focus!)

    I am eating maintenance. Sometimes it's actually hard to eat all of my exercise calories back, but I am trying to do this, as well. I'm not stepping on the scale until Feb., so I have no news to report on this piece of the program.

    Welcome and glad you found the NROL4W group!!
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    Amaretta, just like Beeps and yourself, I too had the thought of heavier weight, less reps, but just decided to stick with what the program says. I think starting with higher reps is good for building endurance. Beeps is also right that later when thigns start to get a lot heavier, form is going to be really important and with heavy weights it's often difficult to acheive good form.

    I have been adding a third set though, even though I'm still at the beginning of stage 1 where I should be doing two sets.
  • camckinney
    camckinney Posts: 61 Member
    Completed week 1, still weighing the whole "how many calories". I've done like most of you. Set MFP to 1500 calories. But have not went over that on workout days. Today however, I went over, and actually got all the protein that I am to eat. I've been stressing over the stupid scale, I know, I know. But it's hard, it has been my comfort since last June and now it's creeping the wrong direction. UGH. I know be patient. Yes !
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I'm glad to see that there are others that are doing a HIIT workout after lifting.

    I do a 15 minute HIIT workout after I finish lifting and then 45-50 minutes cardio on non-lifting days.

    I really love this program. i had been doing Chalean Extreme prior to starting this program.

    I'm not really sore,the next day after I lift.

    I know I said that I would measurements a few days ago,I've been so busy.

    I promise,that I'll do it tomorrow night and post.
  • Jennifer0878
    Jennifer0878 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm also working out at home, so I'm using a pull up bar on my door frame for the wide grip lat. pull downs. I use a chair and try to pull myself up using as much body weight as I can. I don't know if this is really going to work, but I was DEFINITELY sore the next day.

    I upped my calories to 1500 (up from 1200), but I still have a hard time fitting in my calories. I eat when I'm hungry and I try to eat every 2-3 hours, but I can't find enough healthy foods to hit my calorie goals. Any suggestions (other than binging on chocolate and chips)?
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Jennifer, you're welcome to poke around my diary. I unforch have no prob reaching 1500! :tongue:

    Maybe I'll check out yours with your request in mind....

    some random ideas if too few cals is a prob for you....
    -use cow's milk instead of almond milk
    -2 scoops of protein powder instead of 1
    -add peanut butter to stuff- like your morning oatmeal- so good!
    -add avocado to your lunches
    -more nuts
  • grapenutSF
    grapenutSF Posts: 648 Member
    Jennifer, I also wonder if the breastfeeding throws off the numbers. Not that you'd stop breastfeeding for this!!! Ha! But maybe that could be considered more "exercise" instead of substracting from your overall calories per day. That way you'd be closer to your goal of 1500. Does NRoL address this? I know the dude likes to talk about periods more than I would have anticipated, so perhaps....
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I think grapenut's suggestions are awesome. I'm actually having trouble hitting my calories - but this is the first week that I upped them! So, I'm going to try 2 scoops of protein powder for my oat bran (morning snack) and 2 scoops of protein powder for my afternoon protein shake. That's an extra 300 calories right there.

    (Although, it's my carb % that I'm not hitting...not my protein %....but, the thought of trying to shove MORE fruits/veggies in my mouth, when I"m already FULL, just won't cut it.)
  • pouringraina
    pouringraina Posts: 106 Member
    So I did the first two workouts. They don't seem killer while you're doing them, but I can DEFINITELY feel the burn for the next 2 days afterwards! I think I may be using too much weight....I will consult the stage one thread and see.

    I have also figured out I can't STAND vanilla protein powder. I really like the chocolate though...it just tastes like chocolate milk. YUM!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I bought my new runners for weight-training on Friday night. So, today will be my first work-out with those. It is a squat day - so I'm working on form there. I did ask my husband if he thought it would help to practice squatting with a work-out bench behind me, or a swiss ball, or whatever, so that I can get the motion - and know how deep to go. But, he said "no" - too hard on the back every time you touch (and I have lower back-hip issues).

    The trainer that I contacted over the weekend hasn't gotten back to me - so I don't think he'll be there to help me with form.

    Anyway, wish me luck!! I'm at work-out 6A, Stage 1.

    (And, I'll switch my runners before closing out my work-out with a little bit of HIIT.)
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Well,I picked up a barbell and some weights this morning.Just about to warm up and start my workout!

    Let you all know how it goes!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    Well, my *progress* came to FULL-STOP, today.


    Trainer says that my (old) hip injury IS affecting my *form* - and NOT just on squats, either.


    Sooooooooo, NO lifting today. We worked on the stretches I'll need over the next days/weeks, the physio appt I now have for tomorrow, oh, and he says my ankles aren't that ****-hot, either - so he wants to strengthen that, too.

    Tomorrow I'll do HIIT, and I see trainer again on Wednesday - and he'd better let me lift something or lunge something or whatever. I do NOT want to start back at SQUARE ZERO.


    Stalled at Workout 6A, Stage 1.
  • armaretta
    armaretta Posts: 851 Member
    Well, my *progress* came to FULL-STOP, today.


    Trainer says that my (old) hip injury IS affecting my *form* - and NOT just on squats, either.


    Sooooooooo, NO lifting today. We worked on the stretches I'll need over the next days/weeks, the physio appt I now have for tomorrow, oh, and he says my ankles aren't that ****-hot, either - so he wants to strengthen that, too.

    Tomorrow I'll do HIIT, and I see trainer again on Wednesday - and he'd better let me lift something or lunge something or whatever. I do NOT want to start back at SQUARE ZERO.


    Stalled at Workout 6A, Stage 1.
    That's quite the downer indeed :sad: hope you get all fixed up soon! I'm a little behind schedule because of a family gather this past weekend, so I'm going to be doing 3A today, and possibly some light cardio to make up for my guilt at indulging myself at aforementioned gathering!
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    Here are my measurements:

    Weight: 125 lbs

    Neck: 13.5 inches

    Bustline 35 inches

    Below bust: 27 inches

    R arm: 10 inches

    L arm: 10 inches

    Natural waist: 27 inches

    @ belly button 29.25 inches

    Hips: 36 inches

    R. thigh: 19.25 inches

    L. thigh: 19 inches

    R. calf: 14 inches

    L. calf 14 inches
  • Back to pre-Christmas weight and measurements, now waiting for pre-finals results. Also can't do the swiss-ball-jack-knife thing, so did my research on what muscle groups it works with and exchanged it for similar exercises.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,089 Member
    I went and saw a physiotherapist, today - that's a first for me! She put needles in my back! (maybe like an acupuncturist...I don't know....never been to one of those, either)

    Physio says my hips are good. My trainer says my hip flexors aren't. lol

    I walked away with a bunch of new stretching exercises to help with my plantar fasciaitis (the reason that brought me to physio)....so, morning and night I'm doing those.


    I did my HIIT for 20 minutes after that - and then some stretching. I did the HIIT on a new machine (new to me - it's only been at my gym for 2 weeks)....it is some kind of elliptical machine, but it has a really STEEP incline. So, it reminded me of the stair-climbers I used to ADORE. I liked the HIIT today - yes, it was hard, but it was also only 20 minutes.

    Tomorrow, trainer PROMISED we would *lift*. But, he also told me that I need to learn how to "walk" before I "run". Harumph - I did NOT like hearing that, ONE BIT!

    Oh, and physio said that strengthening my quads would likely result in me getting lower into a squat. For now, she says my form is looking fine, so long as I don't sway my back.
  • Shyloh1
    Shyloh1 Posts: 422 Member
    I went and saw a physiotherapist, today - that's a first for me! She put needles in my back! (maybe like an acupuncturist...I don't know....never been to one of those, either)

    Physio says my hips are good. My trainer says my hip flexors aren't. lol

    I walked away with a bunch of new stretching exercises to help with my plantar fasciaitis (the reason that brought me to physio)....so, morning and night I'm doing those.


    I did my HIIT for 20 minutes after that - and then some stretching. I did the HIIT on a new machine (new to me - it's only been at my gym for 2 weeks)....it is some kind of elliptical machine, but it has a really STEEP incline. So, it reminded me of the stair-climbers I used to ADORE. I liked the HIIT today - yes, it was hard, but it was also only 20 minutes.

    Tomorrow, trainer PROMISED we would *lift*. But, he also told me that I need to learn how to "walk" before I "run". Harumph - I did NOT like hearing that, ONE BIT!

    Oh, and physio said that strengthening my quads would likely result in me getting lower into a squat. For now, she says my form is looking fine, so long as I don't sway my back.

    Well,that's good news from your Physiotherapist for sure!

    Can't wait to hear how your training session goes!:smile:
  • LoveLiveLift
    LoveLiveLift Posts: 459 Member
    Hey all! How often are you guys taking your measurements? Just after you finish each stage?