Day 1- How did we go



  • arodriguez2
    arodriguez2 Posts: 218 Member
    just finished it! I'm sore from 'exercising" with my 4 and 6 year old great niece and nephew yesterday, so I definitely felt every move today!!!
  • hkovich
    hkovich Posts: 44
    I did day one yesterday and today I was SO sore today! I did day 2 today and it was hard, but it felt good. I hope that I will be less sore tomorrow! Those side lunge things are the worst!
  • 1prettygirl08
    1prettygirl08 Posts: 6 Member
    I started this again! With the help of this board I will stick with it. I was sweating like a pig once I got done, but I felt great. Day 1...check!!! :)
  • determined1221
    determined1221 Posts: 139 Member
    Just finished Day 1! I did all 30 days last April.. and wow did I let myself go since then. Can't wait to get through this 30! Its the most accomplishing feeling!
  • brinak2005
    brinak2005 Posts: 36 Member
    WOW!!! I did D1L1 tonight and WHEW!!! My thighs and arms are killing me right now. I was so proud of myself when I made it to the end! Good luck everyone!!! See you all here long as my legs don't collapse under me for Day
  • brinak2005
    brinak2005 Posts: 36 Member
    That was a lot more intense than I was expecting. My thighs are really sore, and I have a feeling tomorrow morning will not be pleasant. I find it hard to believe that I will ever manage to do that many push-ups, but I guess we'll see. Regardless, I'm pleased with myself.

    Also, I need to invest in a better work out bra. :grumble:

    I am with you on the work out bra....I think that was one (or two) of my biggest challenges tonight!
  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    I saw this group and it made me get off my rump and go workout. So thank you for that :happy: it will be a kick butt 30 days
    have a great night and we will feel it in the morning
    Night everyone
  • kimikimikim
    I feel like i did a two hour workout! Hope this works!!!
  • holy moly.... my chest muscles are some kind of sore today! not used to doing push-ups....
    even the "girl" kind :)
  • Finney88
    Finney88 Posts: 46 Member
    I didn't find this until late last night! So I'll just be a day behind. But I did the first workout this morning and WOW! I have't broken that much of a sweat in a while.
  • RoKuhn1011
    I did my first day yesterday morning after doing a 2 mile jog and WHOA! It was more challenging than I expected! Woke up late today, so I'm doing day 2 this evening when I get home from work. Looking forward to it!

    Oh, and I still need to take before pictures tonight, too.
  • ItsAliciaMarie
    Totally forgot how hard this was! No pain no gain!!
  • Cookie0914
    Cookie0914 Posts: 42 Member
    Completed day 1 last night...great workout. I was dripping sweat the entire workout. Afterwards my legs were very weak but I felt great!
  • kcrojas630
    kcrojas630 Posts: 145 Member
    Completed day 1 last night. Definitely feeling it today!
  • Kyzd
    Kyzd Posts: 12
    I started my first day today and loved it! Will def be upping hand weights tomorrow