Official Weigh-In Thread for January 10, 2012

ironband Posts: 157 Member
Let's see the results of everyone's New Year efforts!


  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    So, after a week of attacking the holiday weight with extreme prejudice, I stepped on the scale to find a loss of 5 lbs this week, which takes me below my goal of 210! Yay 207 lb me!

    Now the question remains...Do I try for that 205 weight and a "healthy" BMI before I start the maintenence followed by muscle building, or do I just pat myself on the back for a job well done, maintain for two weeks, then start hitting the protein and the weights?

    Either way, happy day! Looking forward to everyone else's updates today.

  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    DEC 26, 2011 STW 177.4
    JAN 10, 2012 CW 173.8
    GOAL WEIGHT 130.0

    i know that i cheated in the week of 12/26-12/31, so im not gonna beat myself about it..

    happy weigh in's

  • jtskinner1010
    Current weight: 112 lbs.
    Goal weight: 95 lbs.
  • EmmaJade706
    EmmaJade706 Posts: 39 Member
    S.W.- 265.4
    Loss- -3lb
    G.W- 200

    YAY Me
  • slashkiss
    slashkiss Posts: 74 Member
    Jan 3rd: 211.2
    Today ... 207.6

    Yay! Slowly working towards Onderland!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Well last week I was 159 and today I am 155...sad but that is wt loss from water from TOM so we will see next how I do.
  • xwllflwrx
    xwllflwrx Posts: 24 Member
    12/27/11 - Weight: 256
    01/03/12 - Weight: 254 Loss: -2
    01/10/12 - Weight: 251 Loss: -3
    January GW: 246
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Great work, everyone! Remember, down is down!
  • Bheller234
    Well i still haven't lost any weight in about 3 weeks but i'm not going up either so that is a plus. I have noticed with my karate though that i am working my muscles a lot more and they are taking shape, so i seem to be gaining muscle and not going down in weight. Just got to keep working out and keep trying hard! :smile:

    SW: 160
    CW: 155
    GW: 140-145
  • IndianCat3
    IndianCat3 Posts: 158 Member
    Great work, everyone! Remember, down is down!

    thats right