Reasons for ur vegetarianism



  • PeaceLuvVeggies
    PeaceLuvVeggies Posts: 375 Member
    I don't like the way animals are kept/abused/treated, whatever word you wanna use....I don't think animals are ours to eat.

    I don't see a difference in pigs, cats, rats, horses, birds etc....All living things feel pain and I don't think it should be at the hands of humans. What gives us the right to choose that it's ok to eat pig flesh but cat flesh is not? I don't want any part of it.

    Pretty much sums it up for me! :)
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    I don't like the way animals are kept/abused/treated, whatever word you wanna use....I don't think animals are ours to eat.

    I don't see a difference in pigs, cats, rats, horses, birds etc....All living things feel pain and I don't think it should be at the hands of humans. What gives us the right to choose that it's ok to eat pig flesh but cat flesh is not? I don't want any part of it.

    Pretty much sums it up for me! :)

    For me too.

    Hi I am Chrissi and a vegetarian since I don't know exactly how many years. I never really liked meat except Salami and some other things but when I walked past a slaughter house and moved out it got less and less.

    I don't eat meat, fish or anything that has lived. I try to eat only cheese that is made with macrobiological LAB (don't know what it is called in english, sorry :( ) And I get only eggs from free running chicken.

    For myself I just can't live with the thought that an animal has to suffer because of me. But I have to say my husband is a big meat eater. I am not going to change him and never will try to. If someone can live with the way animals are treated I don't think it is ok, but I am not going to force my opinion on anybody.

    Sometimes I find it really hard to find something to eat when you are out for lunch etc. I have noticed that in some restaurants vegetarian means that there can still be fish or gelantine in it.
  • bellacarma
    bellacarma Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm a vegetarian mostly for sustainability/environment reasons and because of the unethical treatment of animals. Personally, I do think it is normal for us to eat animals, but I just don't like what has become of the industry.
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I know it sounds a little 'Silence of the Lambs'ish but when I was a little girl my father had a pen of pigs in our backyard. I fed them everyday, chased them around when they broke out to dig up the yard looking for roots and grubs, and even named them. Then came the day in the fall when my father butchered the pigs in our backyard and I had to listen to them die. I've never eaten meat since.

    So when people ask why I'm a vegetarian, I ask them why they eat flesh.

    my aunt and uncle raised lambs. We bottle fed them and then were told that was what was on the plate for dinner. = (
  • wordsofafeather
    - "omg like what do you eat"

    "fruits, veggies, & anything as non-processed as possible. healthy."

    - "so why are you vegan?"

    "because I like myself & my body enough to not put junk in it" (total lie sometimes, ie: cookies)
    "I don't believe in eating animals. We can survive without breeding & killing innocent animals. I like to believe that they would like to live a happy life as well."

    - "dude i COULD NEVER be a vegan/vegetarian"

    "well. it is difficult, but I hold strong to my beliefs."

    The last one is definitely my personal favorite to hear too. Although I don't answer this way, my thoughts are always "I never said you had to be.."

    I try to answer as nicely & informative as I can if they ask for details but when they try to preach to me about being a carnivore like them I do get a little agitated. I'm not preaching to them, I'd like them not to preach to me haha
    If ever a heated discussion is brought up because of it & they say "Well I like to eat meat so I'm going to" or "Just don't preach your vegan-crazy lifestyle on me" I tend to answer "I didn't ask about being a Vegan. You did."
    Because in all honesty, preaching sucks. I HATE IT. So I never do it. If people ask for advice or information, I give it to them but I don't go around saying "STOP EATING THAT COW!!!!" :P

    Okay, silly rant over :)
  • alysonb4487
    ive been a vegetarian since i was 3 because of a traumatizing pig roast experience...true story but that always gets a good reaction, then i say..what do you eat with your beans, potatoes, bread, salad..hrm..i can eat all of those so i add a vegi protien and difference except mine is healthiar :)
  • NGMama
    NGMama Posts: 384 Member
    Love this thread! :)

    I think I've always known this would be the direction for me but never really had the confidence to stand up to all of those questions (or the textbook knowledge to back up what I've known intuitively since I was a kid). I can recall being very young and being given permission to walk in a separate aisle in the grocery store because the meat aisle made me too sad. I can recall (vividly) the nightmares I had after my mom bought a fur coat.

    I have never liked the taste or feel of animal foods but thought I *should* eat it. When I was 18 and moved away to university I stopped eating beef and never went back. There was so much flack for it I didn't cut anything else out.

    Over the last year or so I've been doing more and more research (and am studying holistic nutrition). Reading books like The China Study, Skinny *****, The Kind Diet and The Veganist have just cemented all of it for me. The ethical, compassionate side of me feels better as a human being not consuming animal products, the health and energy side of me have improved and so has my mood!

    At first my husband was unimpressed but he did say he always knew it would come to this. For the last two weeks my devout meat eater has been following a veg diet! Much to his surprise, the digestion issues that have really become troublesome for him are gone. Hmmmm.....
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I love this thread! I've been vegetarian since October and vegan since the end of November. It was a great time to switch - I had to explain myself at every family meal and I had to prep food to take so I had something to eat!

    I have dabbled with vegetarianism in the past, but always reverted to eating meat. In the past, I would eat vegetarian for a month to lose weight and when I didn't lose any weight, I would give in to temptation.

    This time, I'm coming at it from both a health and an ethical angle - I choose not to eat animals or animal products because I don't want to be a part of the suffering that the food industry causes. I also don't want to live the unhealthy lives my parents live - heart disease, hypertension, cancer, etc. Widen the net and my family history includes more cancer, more heart disease, more hypertension, as well as diabetes and a few other nasty surprises.

    For me, it's about walking lightly on the Earth in every way possible. I know I haven't been at this long. I know I have "dabbled" in the past. This time feels different, this time I have made a commitment to myself and to the animals.

  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I became a vegetarian while reading that book about a plane crash and they started eating the dead. In the Andes I think. I was cutting up some pork for dinner and decided that looked like human flesh. This was about 30 years ago. Only had fish and chicken for awhile and then gave up those as well. About 15 years ago decided to have fish again but very seldom - no other meat. Now I only like to eat veges - tried meat as I don't mind the smell when cooking but the taste is yuk.
  • KahuNZ
    KahuNZ Posts: 401 Member
    I love this thread! I've been vegetarian since October and vegan since the end of November. It was a great time to switch - I had to explain myself at every family meal and I had to prep food to take so I had something to eat!

    I have dabbled with vegetarianism in the past, but always reverted to eating meat. In the past, I would eat vegetarian for a month to lose weight and when I didn't lose any weight, I would give in to temptation.

    This time, I'm coming at it from both a health and an ethical angle - I choose not to eat animals or animal products because I don't want to be a part of the suffering that the food industry causes. I also don't want to live the unhealthy lives my parents live - heart disease, hypertension, cancer, etc. Widen the net and my family history includes more cancer, more heart disease, more hypertension, as well as diabetes and a few other nasty surprises.

    For me, it's about walking lightly on the Earth in every way possible. I know I haven't been at this long. I know I have "dabbled" in the past. This time feels different, this time I have made a commitment to myself and to the animals.


    Reply from KahuNZ

    Sometimes family can be difficult - they don't think you can survive without meat.
    (mucked up here - not sure how I was supposed to reply to this thread)
  • thejackswild79
    I choose to be a vegetarian for the health of my body and my conscience.
  • rach06ao
    rach06ao Posts: 14 Member
    To stop cruelty to animals :)
    And it makes you loose a lot of weight!

    It annoys me when people eat fish and claim they are veggies - fish have eyes and a smiley mouth! Pescatarian is the name for people who only eat fish.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I never really liked most meat. Especially fish/seafood. I would have liked to have gone veg in junior high, but my dad . . . well, he was a farm boy and there was no question that eating meat (in reasonable amounts, we were never huge meat-eaters) was the right thing to do. Any suggestion otherwise would be like an accusation that the way that he had grown up raising and killing animals for food was wrong and immoral. I never even asked. I just ate smaller amounts.

    Shortly after I got married, I went through a series of illnesses. I would be fine for a week or two, and then I would be in terrible pain and throwing up for three days. I was missing a lot of work and feeling truly awful. After this had gone on for some time, I realized that the last few times I had gone through this cyclical illness, what I was throwing up was ground beef, usually in combination with dairy (eg. tacos with sour cream). I immediately cut out all red meat, and the illness went away. Since I had now removed a major component of my diet, I went to the (new to me) internet and signed up for several e-mail groups on vegetarian eating, replacing meals including red meat with vegetarian meals, and still having some chicken meals occasionally. I found vegetarian eating so easy and vegetarianism so compelling, that I shortly gave up all animal products and was strict vegan for 9 years.

    Due to a variety of circumstances, I did add eggs back into my diet at that point, and I do occasionally have honey, so I am no longer vegan, but still staunchly vegetarian.

    I also believe, and I'm sure this will be hugely controversial, that God does not want us to eat meat unless we are in a famine and cannot get along without it. That famine could be widespread, or due to a person's own allergies or medical needs. But it is my belief that it pleases him if we do not eat meat. Not a very popular opinion, so I generally keep that one quiet.

  • shander7
    shander7 Posts: 613 Member
    For me it's all texture... I don't even like some of the fake meat products just because it has some of the same textures!! I do love the smell and some tastes of it though.... that's about all the reasons I have though!!
  • chelekaz
    chelekaz Posts: 871 Member
    After Thanksgiving, I was making some homemade turkey soup and was taking the meat off the carcass... that is when I had my first thought of "Wow, this is really disgusting. This was a living animal." Slowly over the coming weeks meat started turning me off more and more.

    About a 2 weeks ago it came to the point that I was noticing I was getting sick after eating and so almost 2 weeks ago I decided that I was going to stop eating meat. Wow is all I can say. I love it. Food tastes so much better. My digestive system is completely different.

    I'm learning to cook differently and am loving it.

    My husband is 100% supportive but others in my family look at me like I am doing a fad, that it's weird, etc. That is fine. I went to my mom's for dinner the other night and prepared my own meal to eat with them. I look at this as just one more way to be healthy and I couldn't be happier.
  • jshorr
    jshorr Posts: 60 Member
    Paul and Linda McCartney's quote, "If slaughterhouses were made out of glass, everyone would be a vegetarian."
  • Veganniee
    Veganniee Posts: 460 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 27-28 years now. After all this time I don't feel the need to give anyone an answer when they demand to know (I used to waste my breath talking about the morals/ethics of it all), so I just say that I have hayfever and I've dedicated my life to eradicating plants by eating as many of them as possible....
  • ccgisme
    ccgisme Posts: 239 Member
    I've been vegetarian for 27-28 years now. After all this time I don't feel the need to give anyone an answer when they demand to know (I used to waste my breath talking about the morals/ethics of it all), so I just say that I have hayfever and I've dedicated my life to eradicating plants by eating as many of them as possible....

    I love this response and your profile pic! :) I too have hay fever, I might just steal your answer!
  • MichelleRenee13
    MichelleRenee13 Posts: 363 Member

    People just role their eyes at me when I answer their question. I have shortened my answer to: I don't agree with factory farming practices. Most people don't have a clue about what I am talking about.
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    My "easy answer" is that it will make me throw up for three days. People don't really ask for more information after that. But my reasons are far more complex.
