Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • zedway
    zedway Posts: 3
    Steve, 44, male, rp/shooters, no larp, goal 62lbs, down 10lbs
  • Tim
    I play almost everything. From rpgs, to shooters, to action, to sports. Pretty well rounded. Got a PS3 and a Xbox, but my PS3 is usually collecting dust unless I'm watching Blu-Rays

    I use to rp back in Yahoo Chat back in High School 1999-2003. ( T1 God...Lol ) but not since then!

    I want to lose about 40-50 pounds. Trying to shed this bodyfat so I can put this muscle on. Yess!!

    Lost about 10 pounds thus far and still losing. P90X is no joke!

    Walk on the beach? Psh...lets RUN!
  • mos1971
    mos1971 Posts: 57 Member
    Hi Im Mos 40


    RP only at night with the wife lol

    LARP that can be classed as above

    want to back down to 75kg

    ive lost 2lbs so far in a week

    walk on the beach only if im lost and drunk

    Im into sports games, dancing games (at parties) driving games, kinect, i play COD now and again just to speak to my son as i live away and he hates phones. Im currently playing Forza 4 on the X Box
  • Lady_Chilli
    Lady_Chilli Posts: 161 Member
    Hey, I'm Kim from Manchester UK. I'm a WoW and SWTOR player currently rocking the Alliance/ Republic. I am in my first week of weight loss and looking to get fit for summer!
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Hello everyone, I'm Eric from New-Brunswick Canada

    33 yrs old or young depending on your perspective


    Yes to RP

    No to LARP

    As for my weigh loss goal, I have about 20 to 30lbs of body fat I can work on losing. Also improving my cardio and train for a 5K race this year.

    Haven't loss any pounds yet as I'm just starting the journey today but I hope to report some loss soon.

    Definitely walk on the beach and jumping in the water, love swimming!
  • _Needlesedge
    _Needlesedge Posts: 7 Member
    Hi I am Mark I am from Philly.
    32 years old.
    I grew up on D&D back before I could afford a console. haha.
    I am looking to lose about 100 lbs. I have been kinda blessed because at 6'3" I dont look it but man I feel it.
    Currently I am an xbox360 gamer. My gamer tag is needlesedge.
    Mostly I play RPG's and FPS. Thought really suck at the call of duty games I am still pretty decent at Halo.. haha current gaming obsessions are Fable 3, Halo Reach and Gears of War 3.

    I am here because I wanted to make some friends that can relate to me.

  • analisazrc
    analisazrc Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Ana



    Mostly into MMORPGS was a wow player, but quit when they announced the latest expansion. Now playing SWTOR. over the years have also tried aion, rift and eve.

    Also a big COD fan and Saints Row (Xbox)... looking forward to Diablo 3 and Guildwars 2 coming out.

    Please feel free to message me if you have any ideas on how to exercise whilst rpg playing as currently i am at work from 6am - 7.30pm and as soon as i get home i play.
  • VelvetKey
    VelvetKey Posts: 193 Member
    Who are you! Katie, Key, VelvetKey or a variant thereof....

    Age? 27.5

    Female or male? Female


    I first RP'd using Yahoo before they went to YahooGroups; a Sailor Moon RPG that a friend of mine needed more characters in. I knew nothing about SM at the time, and adopted more written RPGs more in my range: Star Trek, Stargate (I'm still a member of that RPG and we're still posting!).

    I also participated in some RP chatrooms, notably Wolfhome (I still have the files I made for customized poses!)

    After written RPGs, I found out about Runecraft, and I still hold a free account with them; I'm a level 21 or 22 character, but my mining, smelting, and smithing levels are way up in the 70s; nothing beats the comments you get from lv. 60 players when you beat them out for the coal mound at lv. 22!

    Tabletop RPG started with Spycraft; progressed to D&D 4th edition. I recently GM'd my own short session just before Christmas, and have been asked to do a series with multiple sessions. (Apparently that BA I got in creative writing is good for something other than RPG boards!)

    And of course, after I tried tabletop D&D, my friends that got me into it *also* dragged me merrily along into DDO! I play on the Cannith server and have learned that everybody loves a I have three of those at varying levels, for when I convince friends to join and they need a buddy to go around with to keep them from getting 'squished'.


    I have never tried LARP (Live-Action Roleplay for those who have said they didn't know what it was) but there is a six-year-old somewhere inside me that loves to dress up and has never had an excuse to cosplay except on Halloween. I guy I work with has talked me up about a LARP he attends called Shadowmoor and I really *really* want to try it! That's one of the many reasons why I'm getting in shape!


    All gamers point back to a specific game that lets them know there is a plethora of other digital, pixelated worlds out there to explore, and mine was Super Solvers: Treasure Mountain and just about every other game The Learning Company put out when I was a kid.

    I grew up on PC games, and have the entire Myst series (although I've never finished Myst V: End of Ages). Those I could just play again and again...except for Riven. Myst III and IV are my favorites!

    When I got to college, I found my way into the company of a group of LotR geeks (it was 2002, who wasn't into that?) Through various friendships, I learned about LAN gaming, and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter became a way of life. I also played my very first Nintendo 64 game on a PC emulator: Super Smash Brothers and MarioKart. That was also when I became a huge Legend of Zelda fan; when I played through the Ocarina of Time.

    My friends have never ceased to keep educating me, and I've picked up many more games; Sims, Minecraft, Super Mario Galaxy, Lego games of various types, etc. My very smart boyfriend gave me Skyward Sword for Christmas, and it's still fresh in its plastic wrap because I have other commitments to Gladius, Endless Ocean 2, and Super Mario Galaxy. Oh, and writing up that D&D series!

    What are your weightloss goals?!

    My goal is to reach 170; the top end of the healthy weight range for a 5' 9.75" person. Another is to be more in shape so I can wear a 2-piece suit this summer.

    How many pounds have you lost? 47 (I'm still workin' off Thanksgiving and Christmas, that's why the ticker's wrong.)

    Walk on the Beach? Well, where else am I going to wear the afore-mentioned 2-piece?
  • i am jenni!

    i'm a girl, in game and out! rpgs on xbox, no larping.

    i heart skyrim right now, but l4d, mass effect, dragon age, call of duty also happens.

    i want to be in a size 7 again, right now i'm not. i don't really put much value in weight in itself.

    walk on the beach? i live in florida. beaches aren't that exciting.
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Hello, my name is Anthony and I'm 28. Male.

    I do not RP or LARP, I could never get into RPing, thought I sounded silly when I tried. I play all kinds of games, I own a PS3 and my PC. I'm kind of switching to be more of a PC gamer these days. Currently playing SWTOR, waiting on D3 and Final Fantasy. Square, for as bad as they've become always sucker me into buying the games...

    I don't have a specific weight loss in mind, I just want to be at a decent and healthy weight by the time I hit 30. I'll go from there afterwards. Probably something between 200-225, but we'll see when I get there. (6'3" btw)

    I started eating "clean" December 10th and managed to lose 15lbs by the 1st, for the last 9 days I've been on a Keto diet. Which is Low Carb, High Fat. I love it and managed to lose another 5lbs last week for a sweet 20lbs in 4 weeks. Looking forward to weighing in Sunday.

    Walks on the beach? sure... I live in Tampa, FL afterall, the beaches aren't too bad. :D
  • plumwd
    plumwd Posts: 161 Member
    Hi I'm Elke and I'm 36.

    I have been a gamer since I was a little girl starting with King's Quest and progressing through the Sierra game series. Currently I play WoW as well as SWoTR and am desperately awaiting Diablo III. I also love The Sims. I'm not a huge console gamer, but I did enjoy Morrowwind and also have Skyrim.

    I run a web development firm and have been working as a programmer for the last 8 years.

    I'm not worried so much about my weight (okay maybe a little) as I am just keeping fit and feeling good. There's nothing like when I'm working out and eating right.

    I don't do much RP per se but I do enjoy cosplaying. This last year I was Tyrande at Blizzcon.
  • OMGLeigh
    OMGLeigh Posts: 236
    I'm a 27 yr old gamer.
    I tend to stick to computer games, such as Skyrim and the Binding of Isaac. I can't wait for ME3 and Diablo3. If not on the computer then definitely on the DS. I adore Harvest Moon and Rune Factory games.

    Ideally I'd like to shed 100 pounds. That seems very doable to me, I just have an issue with getting up and getting going.
    I lost a good 20 but gained back quite a bit during the holidays. Being out of my normal routine was pretty bad.
  • Cynthia Jo
    Into: table top rpgs, love larp. Addictided to xbox...but I can rock an system as
    long as its not ps. I secertly hate its grapics and idk why.
    My goal is to at least 50lbs minium but as long as get to a healthy weight and still able to get my game on
    i will be happy.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 811 Member
    Hello!! I'm Jen! I'm 26 years old. I'm a professional 2D animator who has worked in television, but then returned to school for my master's degree in 3D Animation! I've lost 19 pounds so far and am working to lose more and gain muscle.

    I play an assortment of games which include most recently, Skyrim, Left 4 Dead 2, Dead Island, Dragon Age I and II, Mass Effect II, Sims 3, Portal 1 and 2, Minecraft, and the list goes on. Woo! I would love to chit chat with you guys and hope to get to know you better!
  • Iam918
    Iam918 Posts: 118 Member
    Hi, I'm Tim - 35

    I don't RP nor LARP but I do play RPGs. I've been a gamer since the DoS days on a Tandy w/ 5.25 floppys. Started w/ DoS and went thru early RPG's for the Comp (kings quest, space quest, etc), NES, SNES, PS, PS2, More Computer games, MMO's and now Xbox.

    MMO's - Have played these since UO in 97 then EQ in 99 and then finally Beta Vanilla WoW thru early 2010. Have played many Beta's and short forrays into others such as DAoC and CoH as well.

    Currently only play Xbox -

    What are your weightloss goals?!
    Cut 30-40 lbs more of fat, lean out to close to 10% and then slow bulk back to 160 - 170 lbs @ no more than 12-15% bf.

    How many pounds have you lost?
    I'm 5'6"
    Started March 2009 @ 316 lbs
    In Oct 2010 I was @ my lowest of 158 lbs
    Total loss at that time of 158 lbs

    Nov '10 - Jan '12 were spent attempting my first bulk. Didn't go quite as planned but was a learning experience.

    Current weight of 176, looking to get in the 135 - 145 lb range for now depending on what the mirror says and my BF% is.
  • 81Kyra
    81Kyra Posts: 115
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    Kyra 30
    Have lost 60lbs want to lose another 20 maybe more
    I have a super nintendo, game cube, 360 and wii...i would like to get a ps3
    I prefer mostly 1st person shooter games
  • Laineegrrl
    Laineegrrl Posts: 80 Member
    37 yo female Geek addicted to all COD games. Not loving the new one but it may be because I haven't had much time lately to play and I suck at it. Also just branched out with battlefield. Lost 28.4 pounds so far. 75 is my goal by midsummer hopefully. I have xbox and ps3 but prefer gaming on xbox. Also do the dance games on kinect.
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    Welcome to the club :) Nice to see so many gamers who also share the MFP experience!
  • afss07
    afss07 Posts: 13 Member
    23 year old male, play a lot of PC games, Minecraft, Left 4 Dead 2, lot of single player stuff. Also play a lot of Saints Row and Rocksmith right now on the XBox.

    I've got an ongoing DnD campaign with my wife and some friends.

    My goal is to get down to 190 lbs (a healthy BMI for my height) since I'm in the military and fitness is something they want from me. (for some reason... I work at a desk job!) Not only that, I'm sick of having this gut and would like to be rid of it forever.

    I don't do a whole lot of multiplayer stuff but that's because I hate random people. I'd love to make friends with some people from here and play!
  • Julesong
    Julesong Posts: 18 Member
    Hi! I'm Julie/Julesong and am a casual gamer but overall big geek. :) I mostly play WoW. I have a 360 and don't yet have a Kinnect although I will get one in the future simply for the physical activity games.

    Big into scifi/fantasy books, writing, television, movies... especially Firefly. Literally I'm a huge Browncoat. :)