Check in and intros



  • opal24
    opal24 Posts: 205 Member
    Hi - I'm Christine. I live in West Auckland and work in Auckland city. I joined MFP sometime last year, but only really started to use the site a couple of weeks ago and think it's absolutely fantastic. I have around 25 - 30 kg to lose (depending on how I'm feeling at any given moment), and am happy to have any support I can get. Have put in a request to join the FB group as well, so hope to meet you there. :smile:
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    Hi, I'm in Tauranga.
    Began using MFP 2 weeks ago today and want to lose at least 20kgs by Christmas (but would be lying if I didn't admit that I'm hoping it comes off a heck of a lot faster than that, lol).
    Ideally I need to lose over 30 but would be happy just to get in to the 70's at this stage :smile:
  • chickenshit4
    chickenshit4 Posts: 49 Member
    I'm Becky, I am 170cm tall, start weight 81kg, goal weight at this stage 72kg. I am a solo mum of one and live in Napier doing a degree in childcare.
  • Shisca
    Shisca Posts: 3 Member
    I'm Shisca 163cm tall and have around 20-25kg to lose in total.
    Currently in wellington, work full time and live with my bf in a flatting situation which is great except for the meals!

    I've been trying different things for a while without much luck so decided that 2012 is the year.
    Two goals and focused attention on these planning to have a healthier lifestyle through better eating and regular exercise.
    So the goals are:
    1. Learn about nutrition.
    By better understanding what food does when i get it and what my body needs i'm going to eat better and feel better
    So far i've completely stopped drinking fizzy drinks from understanding what happens when i drink my beloved lemonade!

    2. 2012 in 2012
    The goal is to get moving. 2012km in 2012. Running, walking, cycling, cross trainers, rowing machines - all included.
    It averages to 5km a day which seems like a lot but 5km on a bike at the gym is over in 10 minutes so the key for me will be in the consistency rather than having to do a huge workout.

    Haven't had much success in logging food here yet becuase i keep forgetting.
    2012 is the year for change though so making an extra effort :-)
  • candikov
    Hi. I'm Candice. I am 70kgs and I want to lose around 10kgs. I have two children 5 and two and a half. I completed a half Iron man this time last year and was very fit. But since then the motivation has gone and the weight has crept back on. I love junk food lol
  • BecsJamieson
    Hi I'm Becs, 28 years old and live in Masterton. I weighed in at my heaviest 89.5kg two weeks ago and have lost three kilos since. I'm 1.74cm and my goal is to lose 10kg by Easter and then reasess.

    I lost 7kg the first half of 2011 only to put it all back on again plus more after I went to the UK for five weeks - broke the routine and good habits! Hopefully with no 5 week holiday this year I can stay on track! I'm also aiming to do a 10km run in March - Round the Vines.

    My down falls are portion control and sweet baked things and chocolate! The food diary seems to help to keep me on track though so fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone with their goals!
  • porridge1scot
    Hi all, I'm Kay, came over from Scotland about 10 yrs ago when I was 40 yrs old and about 55 kgs now 10 yrs later I'm hovering just below 64kgs and its all on my tummy! Approx 163 cm tall. I live quite an active outdoors life so I hate to think what I'd be like if I was behind a desk!
    I live in West Otago, South Island, with my Kiwi partner, and would love any buddies for support.
  • msmariah86
    Hey guys and girls,
    I am very happy with what I have achieved in my 25 years - have already ticked off a LOT from my bucket list...there is one thing holding me back from fulfilling other dreams and that is my weight and (un)fitness level.

    Please help me and join me on my journey to be even more comfortable in my own skin, become more healthy and live life to the full!
  • KiwiBelle
    Hi Everyone, I joined here last yr sometime but have not been active until now {as in today}
    Last Jan I was at my heighest weight of 104 and lost 10 kg on my own {after planning to lose 50}.. and then quickly put back on 4 over xmas {much to my disapointment}
    Ive made a real commitment to myself to track what I eat EVERY day!! Stumbling along isnt working all I do is trip up all the time.

    This site is great isnt it!?... great members and loads of success!! :-)
    This year Im going to loose 30 kg no matter what it takes {heck Ill even start exercisng again}

    Seriously though I used to be 54kg and be able to tramp for miles on end in my past life. A lot changed for me 8-10yrs ago and my figure, fitness and health has suffered for it. Great to have found this group and am looking forward to making some good friends! :-)
  • KiwiBelle
    Cool, I just requested to join :-)
  • JaneyReid
    Hi Kiwis!

    Im Janey, I Live in Dunedin but work most of the time over in WA looking for gold. I have really long hours and my meals are mostly prepared for me so last year the weight just piled on! My aim is to get back into shape and be the fit healthy super fit girl I used to be. I hope everyone is going well xoxo

    Feel free to add me as a friend! I have a total of 12 kg to loose to get back to my previous "best feeling" body - fit strong and healthy! Im in no rush, I have lost just over 3kg so far and would like to be up to 5kg by March.

    Today I tried on some pants that used to be too tight and they fit! So that made me really happy :) So a little bit of loss can really boost my self esteem
  • wasro
    wasro Posts: 39 Member
    Hi all,
    Yes good to see a NZ group (I am starting to think in calories (not kj), but oz and lbs get me every time : )
    I live in Dunedin with my wife (Jo) and three children. As I get older (I am 43) I realise that I need to actively watch my weight or else it creeps up. I enjoy being active especially a run around the squash court. I am currently overweight (using the BMI) and would like to get into the healthy category.
  • belester
    Yay, a NZ Group!
    I'm Becs, mum of 2, 27 years old and living in Nelson.

    I've just discovered MFP, what a brilliant site! I've also just started the 30 day Shred (L1D3, and totally kicking my *kitten*), so hoping with the accountability I'm getting with the food and exercise trackers, I will make some progress soon!
    I actually managed to lose about 14kg last year (in preparation for my wedding in August) but was living in Christchurch at the time and earthquakes seemed to kill my motivation :( 11 of those kilos went straight back on, which was horrendous, but I am determined to do it right this time!.
  • beckydubs
    beckydubs Posts: 4 Member
    hi all, i'm rebecca ... came over from EBB :) i'm currently 79kg, my highest weight has been 95kg, my goal is 75 initially then 70 by the end of the year. feel free to add me as a friend.
  • Generalle
    Generalle Posts: 201 Member
    hay I'm Jenna. Living in Melbourne (only a year) but still consider myself a hard core kiwi. I've pretty much achieved what I wanted weight wise, so am in maintainence mode now. Still can't quite get used to being 'normal' size again, but this has happened so many times you think I would be. This time I've really culled back the booze, and still have goals to work toward so am hoping I can stick to it.
    I have a 13 year old son who is on the 'see-food' diet. Those of you that have teenage boys know what I'm talking about. He's in NZ at the mo, and I've just put my order in for pinky's. And Shiseido beauty cake - you can't get it over here, damn it. Oh and I really miss vogels..........
  • Sezza02
    Hey everyone, I'm Sarah 33, living in Wellington region, mother of 1 & 3 year old boys. Just started working full time and trying to get life on track, starting with my weight. I'm at my heaviest, carrying around about 40kg excess, not helpful with such a busy life style and bad knees.
    I've tried so many diets in the last few years but don't manage to stick to them, I think mostly because I have been doing them alone, my motivation always comes from others.
    Been doing this a few days and really motivated to stick with this.
    Anyone want to share some support, I'd be happy to give some back.

  • MelsLeanDream
    MelsLeanDream Posts: 305 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Melanie and I work full time as a primary teacher. I live in Central Auckland and have an 18month son who's always on the go. I have been committed to my weight loss goals for 3 weeks now and a feeling fabulous :)
    It's great to talk to others in the same time zone :)
  • missymoo2010
    missymoo2010 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey everyone I'm Janine, currently on leave from work due to having had cancer. I live near christchurch, and am fortunate and lucky enough to have an 18mth old daughter. I've only just started on my weightloss journey....but committed to loosing something, as I also need too before my next big surgery in 6 - 8 weeks time.

    When I get the hang of things will update with a photo too ;)
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Hello everyone,
    my name is Hannah and I live in West Auckland. I have lost 11kg doing Weight Watchers on my own with old books, but I've hit a big plateau and am keen to try something new. I signed up on here 3 months ago but didn't really use it, so I'm making a fresh start. I want to be 70kg (well actually 68kg but 70 is my goal for now). I have been lurking around 75 for the last 7 years or so but having 2 babies in 3 years boosted me up to 89.7!! Eeek!!
    Anyway, I'm going back to work (as a full time High School Teacher) soon and I want to have my health and fitness back before I go back to the mayhem and stress of teaching.
  • Apathetic1
    Yay a Kiwi group! Stoked! Hi everyone, Im Jaime, I joined MFP almost 2 weeks ago and Im loving it. Im 31 years old, 170cm tall, a veterinary nurse, married and have one 4yo son. At my worst i weighed 118kg (pregnant), started MFP at 99kg, lost 4kg so far and my goal weight is to be 68kg by christmas!!! Im fairly active, work out most days, ride & compete my horses all the time but my biggest downfall has always been food! MFP has been great for that, im struggling to reach my calories intake now which is awesome! Used to be hungry all the time, loved KFC but now that im eating the right food and watching what I eat I feel fantastic! I live in South Auckland and I love hiking, running, walking, swimming, yoga, anything really so if your a local, look me up would be great to have a workout buddy:)

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