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Top Ten List

Okay guys -

List three things you did right for yourself in the last 24 hours. I'll start it off:

1) dusted off my Wii, to begin physical activity;
2) logged my food (although it was bad choices);
3) drank sugar free/fat free liquid, instead of soda or coffee;


  • JVanDam77
    JVanDam77 Posts: 130
    1.) I worked out more than 30 minutes.
    2.) I ate only healthy foods.
    3.) I cut back on creamer AND coffee.
  • 1. Drank nothing but water. (it's amazing how many calories are in various drinks... and I don't need caffeine/alcohol anyway) (nod)
    2. Told my boss that if he wants morning doughnuts, to send someone else, cause if I go to the bakery, I *WILL* find something there that I have to eat. :/
    3. joined this group :happy:
  • jenhenning219
    jenhenning219 Posts: 385 Member
    1) drank only water with lemon or unsweet tea
    2) worked out for an hr today
    3) stayed under my calories and sodium
  • pink_and_shiny
    pink_and_shiny Posts: 1,036 Member
    1) Went for a 15 min. walk/jog in my backyard
    2) Got in touch with a local 10K about getting a group rate for my friends
    3) Joined the Dewars!
  • JessyeS
    JessyeS Posts: 30 Member
    I stayed away from soft drinks (go me)
    Danced around the house
    Did some pilates
    Grabbed carrot sticks and celery sticks instead of biscuits for a snack.
    Joined Dewars!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Hey people -

    That's pretty good - abstaining from soda is HUGE and fitting exercise in a day is also quite a feat, especially if you work full time.

    Congratulations guys, good start! Keep it going!


    ps See if we can recruit more people to our group, as if 100 people join, we may get possibly ten or fifteen people who may actually have the time to contribute!!!

    Mellie and I are working on setting up the challenge, so again, any ideas - please post them!!
  • Jenny_Bee
    Jenny_Bee Posts: 102
    1) I told myself out loud that I'm beautiful
    2) I took only stairs. No escalators or elevators
    3) I joined a nifty new group!
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    1. Got out and rode my bike 12 miles even though my feet were frozen when I got back.
    2. Made a fantastic healthy dinner for my husband and I.
    3. Received my order of Teavana tea so I am stocked up for months!
  • Shellebell921
    Shellebell921 Posts: 12 Member
    1. Met my deadlines at work
    2. Worked out for a little over an hour
    3. And drank the required 8 cups of water. Yuck!
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Laughed out loud at the yuk comment for drinking the water!!!

    Hi guys, and welcome to the group - please post as much as you want and anything you want!

    The more ideas the better our group will be.

    Recruit friends too because if we reach 100 people, you know only a handful of us will actively participate on a daily basis, on any given day, so we need #'s to be as active as I hope we'll be!

    Good luck and keep moving forward, as Louis says!

  • parvati
    parvati Posts: 432 Member
    1) did an hour of weight training
    2) ate lots of fruit & veggies today
    3) drank my water & green tea :)
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    1.did 90 minutes of zumba 2 for wii
    2.complimented myself on how i like my legs
    3.took all(what seems like 100) seizures pills for the day on time.
  • Roxy: your "took only stairs" comment reminds me of when I made the decision that I would do that, to help get exercise. Later that week, I had a meeting on the 17th floor of a high-rise, and the only parking was in the 4th sub-level.

    I arrived at the meeting (suit and tie, plus 22 flights of stairs later) gasping for breath, and sweating like a pig. They sent me home, thinking I was ill (and I didn't have the breath to argue with em)... that was the end of that vow. :P
  • blooomers
    blooomers Posts: 61 Member
    1. joined this group.

    2. drank only crystal light

    3. started taking vitamins
  • RainbootsToBikinis
    RainbootsToBikinis Posts: 465 Member
    1) worked out with a personal trainer
    2) planned out my workout routine for the next 30 days
    3) Had a cucumber, kale, pear juice for breakfast
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    Just a thought -

    I used to buy the Crystal Light stuff but it got really expensive, so my husband switched to the Safeway brand pink lemonade. I looked at the label, and thought they were pretty close to each other - no sugar in either of them and only 5 calories for the Safeway brand.

    It's sort of like OTC medicine - brand name vs store brand. Same ingredients, but you're paying for the name brand about 5x more.

    I can't taste the difference.

  • Miriai
    Miriai Posts: 34 Member
    1) Played DDR until I met my 300 Calorie goal
    2) Measured myself to find that I had lost 1inch most places and 2 in my waist even though I haven't seen any changes on the scale.
    3) Did my push up and sit up routine by myself without my bf encouraging me to do "just a couple more"
  • smoore1988
    smoore1988 Posts: 61 Member
    1) Took my vitamins
    2) Drank over 8 cups of water
    3) Completed my food journal
  • I stayed under my calorie goal
    I regualrly logged onto MFP for support
    I walked to and from work (60 mins) even though I was tempted to take the bus :)
  • 1. Staying on track to complete the 30 Day Challenge on my Wii EA Sports program. Even though... the running is my most unfavorite thing to do, ever... I did it anyway.

    2. Packed healthy snacks (oranges, nuts, string cheese) for an outing, since I knew it was going to be that or fast food.

    3. Found little ways to add movement during the day: walking in place in the kitchen while waiting for tea water to boil, wall push-ups here and there, leg lifts while I was reading a recipe... you get the idea. The funny thing was, my husband noticed, and he looked puzzled and asked, "Feeling a little bouncy today?" But the cool thing is, I DO feel bouncy. I definitely have more energy than I did a week ago.