How long have you been single?



  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    I've been single for about 6 months. i was in my first and only relationship before that for about 7 1/2 years.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    sorry I didn't read any of this thread answer your question

    TOO DAMN LONG :laugh:
  • SingSmileLaugh
    a few months after a relationship over a year- I want to get to know skinny me before I enter into something thinking they only want me because I'm skinnier!
    And quite frankly, anyone who wants me now, who didn't want me before can go F themselves, because I'm awesome! And, that is despite my size!

    andddd discuss!
  • agregson1985
    agregson1985 Posts: 55 Member
    been single since september just recently got played by another guy.I hate dating i hate rejection such an awful feeling, But the you work out and it makes you feel better hehe
  • BlondeLisa1
    BlondeLisa1 Posts: 106 Member
    6 months out of a 12+ year relationship. I'm actually loving being single right now. I've got a lot of self-work to do to be who I want to be and I am doing it!
  • johnforr
    johnforr Posts: 3 Member
    Seven months now. In that time it has been well worth the effort expended on getting organized. I am ready to do it again.

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  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    Just a week ago but officially single as of last Sunday
  • kit_katty
    kit_katty Posts: 994 Member
    Year and a half single, after a 5 year relationship. I'm not rushing things!
  • mutt12345
    Just recently. 46m. Any tips?
  • emilysheafit
    emilysheafit Posts: 23 Member
    I've been single since the end of 2008, I like the "single life" sometimes, but there are days I kind of miss the whole relationship life also!
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Divorced for 7 years (after 18 year marriage) - and now, sigh... single again after a year relationship... miss the cuddling! But have more time for running now!
  • Z_I_L_L_A
    Z_I_L_L_A Posts: 2,399 Member
    Divorced 4 years in February (after 17 years of marriage). I have more time with my kids now, plus they are with me 90% of the time. I'm happy though, so all is good.
  • baxyboy
    baxyboy Posts: 70 Member
    Single for 9 years after being in relationship at uni for around 2 years... ended badly & smashed what little self confidence I had left :(
  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    I'm sure we'll all find someone we deserve and need when we least expect it. At least that's what all the people who have someone say... *grumble*lyingbastards*grumble*

    I truly loathe that line of 'comfort', especially from my smug married friends. I've always been single, and have never even been on a date. At nearly 30, that concerns and upsets me. Apparently, I'm "intimidating" - presumably because I have career goals, am intelligent, and appear (important word, that!) to have a degree of confidence. The odd thing about that is that those are things I would view as positive attributes in a boyfriend/partner/husband, but it would seem that in a woman, these things are perceived as negatives by a lot of men. I think I'm fairly pretty, and built on a big scale, so have always been 'in proportion', but between not being a stick-insect and having a brain & using it, it seems men just don't see me in a 'romantic' light.

    I freely acknowledge the good things about being single as well, but I'd really, really like to have someone in my life to laugh and snuggle with, for whom I'd be one of their top priorities and vice versa, and I want a family at some point, so tthere's that to consider too. I guess at base, I'm just terribly lonely, and the well-meaning platitudes stop having any meaning once you've heard them on a regular basis for fifteen years!

    Oops, I seem to have killed the thread! Very sorry! Didn't mean to, just went out for dinner last night with two smug-married, but lovely, couples, and another friend who is engaged, and woke up to an email about her wedding from my best friend from primary school, so the negativity-quotient this morning is quite high!
  • rae_mayer
    rae_mayer Posts: 226
    I've been single for about 3-4 years. I really don't get out much and I'm admittedly shy around other people. I tend to resent my friends and family saying things like "why aren't you seeing anybody" and "don't you think you should do something about that". I've gotten to the point where I'm almost ready to just go out with some random guy just to make them stop. I know it won't make me happy but at least it'll dull the "roar" of opinions.
  • Sauchie
    Sauchie Posts: 357 Member
    I've been single for 4 months. Well I'd say 5 yrs as my last relationship was long distance and we rarely say each other. But I'm enjoying doing me :-)
  • lottichapman
    lottichapman Posts: 14 Member
    My name is Charlotte, I'm from Kent in the UK,
    I'm 28 and my relationship went pretty much down the drain when I was 11 weeks pregnant with my daughter - she is 7 next month, so I've been single for about 7 1/2 years. I am not that bothered by it and don't really miss much except probably the companionship, someone to talk to. I spend most of the night awake in pain, Which is a chronic condition and at around 7pm on a school night or 8pm at weekends, once my daughter is in bed - that's it!! Its just me, myself and I. Yes the thing I miss the most is having someone there to talk to. My main focus is my daughter. I'm not actively seeking a partner, but if Mr Right pops into my life, then I'm lucky, but I just want to focus on my daughter really. I am only 28 so when she is all grown up, I'll still have plenty of time to look for someone if I wish to.
  • lottichapman
    lottichapman Posts: 14 Member
    Single for 9 years after being in relationship at uni for around 2 years... ended badly & smashed what little self confidence I had left :(
    Hello Baxyboy, I too have been single for a long time (about 7 and half years. I am also from the UK - Kent. I was pretty much done over when my ex pretty much left me on an a road a good distance from home, it was about midnight and I was 11 weeks pregnant! My little 1 is nearly 7 now. I don't miss much from a relationship except maybe for the companionship, someone to talk to, you are more than welcome to add me if you wish
  • ramsesmeza
    3 years. I´ve had some flings and stuff but nothing serious.
    I had the ugliest break up with the first person I ever loved.
    I guess karma came to bite me in the *kitten* for all the **** i did before.
    Now, I just don´t want anything serious, but im still open for it.
    IDK man, someone will arrive eventually.
    I dont stress out about that, I´m more concerned in losing weight! lol
  • kjannan
    kjannan Posts: 248 Member
    Within a month of starting on here I ended a relationship I'd been in for nearly 7 years. That was 4 months ago. My ex is still living in my house, we get on ok but at some stage he's going to have to go so I can move on with my life.

    Changing my life healthwise has changed every other aspect of my life- I was miserable in my relationship so I ended it, I was miserable in my job so I found a new one.

    I've made HUGE changes in my life in the last 5 months, can't wait to see where I am in another 5! :smile: