Introduce Yourself Geek!



  • sharonruth7
    sharonruth7 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm Sharon, 33, Female

    I need to lose almost 100 pounds to be in a healthy weight range. So far I don't know how much I have lost we shall see on Monday. :)

    As for gaming... LOVE IT! Started with Atari and PC games on my parent's IBM compatible computer. PC games I have enjoyed are all of the Monkey Islands (arguably best games ever!!!) Maniac Mansion, Wolfenstein. After Atari we went the Nintendo path and then Dreamcast and finally XBOX!!!

    I used to be a Halo fan big time! You would find me online with my brother everyday playing online. I switched to Call of Duty Black Ops and prestiged to 15! OH YEAH! KDR is decent too!! I started Modern Warfare 3 and was really enjoying kicking peoples butts until....................SANTA BROUGHT ME SKYRIM! Now I wasn't a fan of Oblivion but my sister started talking about Skyrim and I got it for Christmas and well it's paused right now while I fill out my info for the night on here. I AM HOOKED!!

    I love all of the Lego games, Fables, and I even dabbled in the karaoke and Rock Band/Guitar Hero games! My gamertag is SharonTheJedi. Feel free to add me! I am a 360 ADDICT!!!
  • Fattack
    Fattack Posts: 666 Member
    Who are you! My name is Fa and I'm 27. I was born and raised in England but emigrated to Holland (on Halloweén, no less) to live with my boyfriend - who I met through WoW of all things XD

    Almost excusively a PC gamer, I love MMOs (particuarly RP / PvP although I used to be really into PvE)- I used to play WoW a lot, but now mostly play SWTOR because I'm a huge SW nerd. I didn't finish Skyrim in time for Star Wars but I thought it was a gorgeous game. I also enjoy RTS - Starcraft II and League of Legends, although I'm not really playing either much at the moment - gaming time is Star Wars time!

    I used to be 210lbs. I was agoraphobic and gaming was my only contact really with the outside world. In fact, it was a female friend through gaming who helped me overcome my agoraphobia - she came to visit and I *had* to go outside. It was shock treatment, effectively. Things got progressively easier for me after that. I slowly got my weight down by about 20lbs and then started a medically approved Shake diet which helped me shed a bit more. With MFP last year, I lost even more weight and when I hit 138lbs I lost my job soon after, entered a depression and gained a lot of weight back.

    I've lost nearly 50lbs since I was my largest, 11lbs this year so far from MFP alone (my ticker only reflects what I've lost through MFP this year). I want to get to 120lbs (lose another 42lbs) by my birthday -20th September.

    And I love beaches - although all Dutch (and British ones) are usually too cold :(
  • Slackergrrl

    My name is Nicole (or Nic, if you prefer). I'm 32 and female. I love all things game related: board games (i.e. Monopoly, Catan, Zombies, etc.), video games (i.e. Dragon Age, Final Fantasy VII, Fallout, etc.), RPG's (i.e. Gurps, Hero system, All Flesh Must Be Eaten, a little D&D). I haven't actually LARPed but there is talk of LARPING "Bus Stop" (I doubt this will ever happen.

    Somehow I've allowed myself to become this gelatinous blob and I need to change that. Putting the weight on was easy (of course it was) and taking it off will be challenging (to say the very least). My father passed away in September and I know that if I don't change things, my future won't be much different. After being diagnosed with food allergies back in October, I have been working on changing my diet. (Damn those habits, they die so very hard!) As a result, I've lost 10 pounds. I'm working on incorporating exercise into my daily routine. A month ago, through the miracle that is my FSA (with assistance of a note from my doctor), I procured an elliptical trainer. Last week, I finally got it assembled.

    And now I just need to use it.

    Oregon beaches kind of suck: the water is always cold, the beach is usually pretty rocky, and much of the time it's overcast and cold. That being said, I love them.
  • Leiki
    Leiki Posts: 526 Member
    My name's Karen.
    I'm going to be 27 next month.
    I'm a girl (duh. I haven't met a guy named Karen, yet.)
    I love RPGs let them be the old school Final Fantasies, NWN, DS, Dragon Age, MMOs, and most recently a table top RPG based on the Warcraft universe. I also paint and mod Warhammer figurines.
    I haven't participated in a LARP, yet, but I love cosplay.
    I want to lose 20 lbs, but mainly I just want to get healthier. I'm a teacher, and my immune system goes crazy with all the little germs I see all day.
    I've lost 9.
  • kiyawow
    kiyawow Posts: 38 Member
    Who are you! Claire, Southampton UK
    Age? 37
    Female or male? Female
    RP? Play WOW when I can, would be nice to know other players:-)
    LARP? No I dont but think it woul dbe fun to watch one, but couldnt do it myself get too annoyed at the ones that take it too seriously....same in wow really. Recently started SWTOR but I find it limiting, but then maybe just too used to WOW.
    What are your weightloss goals?! want to lose about 35lbs
    How many pounds have you lost? 14
    Walk on the Beach? I do love to walk on the beach but dont live close enough to a nice one... well unless its summer and I fancy the marina.

    You get it!
  • TimWilkinson101
    TimWilkinson101 Posts: 163 Member
    Missed a couple of bit from the template:

    RP? Yes in the past. D&D, AD&D, Traveller, Paranoia, MERP, Boot Hill, Ghost Busters, Rolemaster, Spacemaster, Lasersquad.

    Still have £2,500 (approx) of RP stuff in my attic, despite my mum making me throw out my original AD&D stuff (basic and expert set up to and including version 2) because she had been convinced it was satanic by the media. I have the current AD&D books in electronic format "just in case"... and some odd sided gem dice kicking around...

    LARP? Nope and doubt I ever would... unless I was REALLY drunk

    What are your weightloss goals?! Add weight (1 stone)

    How many pounds have you lost? 4 pounds!

    Walk on the Beach? Yep! Especially if it was a hot one miles from the UK with no bugger else on it... though I'd be less keen if this was because I was the sole survivor of a plane crash..

    Just got into "Pocket Legends" on my phone and World of Goo. Also fired up my Wii for the first time in a while and might just play Zelda... as I couldnt get on with Goldeneye (couldnt open the first bloody door!) and couldnt get off the bloody boat in Endless Oceans! I really should read manuals now and then...
  • Angelily89
    My name is Angel; I'm 22. I the girl in my profile picture (The other is my boyfriend, Davis.)
    I've lost 20 pounds before I joined MFP, and I'm working on the last stretch of my weightloss, hoping to get there by April.
    I do LARP occasionally; my friends and I tried starting our own clan, since the nearest one is a bit too far of a drive, but we didn't get enough support. We still make weapons, usually just LARP replicas of weapons from video games or movies. I think it's a great workout; we sometimes get together and play capture the flag still.
    I'm not big on first person shooters, but just about anything else I have. My boyfriend works at a video game store, so I have plenty. Right now, however, I'm addicted to Skyrim, which is unfortunate since I haven't finished the new Assassin's Creed yet.
    Also, I have 5 cats.....
  • Karebearninja
    Karebearninja Posts: 32 Member
    Hi there!

    My name is Kerry. Currently I am playing Dark Sector, Final Fantasy XIII, and Alice for the Xbox, I've got both a PS2 and a DS(not the 3-d, makes me dizzy) which see moderate use. For Christmas/Birthday I was given a Kindle Fire which has more games than books right now.
    I've been a Zelda addict for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, without a working Wii playing the new one will be somewhat challenging.

    As for Skyrim, I wouldn't call myself a cheapskate, but I am on a budget, so if all of you currently hogging your copies will hurry up and sell them back so I might partake in the awesomeness....:bigsmile:

    I'm totally a hack and slash zombie killing kind of girl.
  • Karebearninja
    Karebearninja Posts: 32 Member
    Ooops! I missed something important! I am currently between 208 and 213 depending on the scale, my favorite of course being the one with the lower number. My first goal is to get to 185. Then? I don't know. I just want to see onederland.

    I am training for the zombie 5k in Atlanta and as long as there are no pullups or monkeybars for my trex arm I think I'll be ready. hehe
  • Kgetshealthy
    Who are you!
    Female or male?
    What are your weightloss goals?!
    How many pounds have you lost?
    Walk on the Beach?

    You get it!

    *I am Kayla! RAAAAWWWRRR!!
    *24 years old
    *RP:YES!!! AHH!! YES!! right now, im currently addicted to Skyrim.
    *LARP: I wish!
    *I'd like to lose 50-60ish pounds, cw:207 - but i'd settle for just getting out of the 2's.
    *I haven't been keeping track until two days ago, but last time i weighed myself 8 months ago, i was 217, so 10 if i have to give a number
    *Walk on the beach? Ehhh, Yes Please! I'm born and raised in California and moved to Arizona 6 years ago, so I definitely *miss me some beaches...ermm...beach.
  • raines_eric
    Who are you! Eric
    Age? 35
    Female or male? Male
    RP? LARP? No, and I only own 6-sided die.
    What are your weightloss goals?! Look at the ticker below!
    How many pounds have you lost? Just over 19 as of this morning, a great start this month!
    Walk on the Beach? Love it, being originally from California... though I don't like sand in general I enjoy beach towns and the ocean itself.
  • ellebit
    ellebit Posts: 15
    Heya everyone, I am Mory! I'm 25 year old female from southern california. I've been married to an awesome dude for about 2 years now. hes a gamer too. Also kinda adorable. We met online back in 2002 and have basically grown up together, it a way. He moved to Socal from southern oregon to be with me. Match made in heaven tbh.

    I've been into games since I was about 8 years old when my brother played Mario Kart with me and would make my life miserable everytime i lost. It made me very competitive lol. Right now, I'm big into WoW (A slew of 85s, my main is a 85 Belf(ew) Ret paladin though) and causally play SWTOR. I started up DII again, to curb my desire for D3 which really really needs to come out soon. I also love minecraft and have dabbled in the art of Starcraft, but I'm awful at it. I use to be bigger into consoles but thats when i didn't have a better computer.

    What are my weightloss goals?! I plan on using upwards of 125lbs. Yes the size of a person! Its my goal. From this particular goal i havent actually lost any weight, but from my HW i've lost 25lbs so at least i've made some progress! I really hope to stay on the right track and get all the way to my goal, but sometimes 125 seems like a huge scary number.. but I figure if i've lost 25lbs before.. I only need to do that 5 more times! Yes that makes it seem less overwhelming..

    Anyways enough about that. I do love long awesome walks on the beach but sand is ew. :3
  • bdonovan65
    My name is Bryan Donovan
    I am happily married 28 man
    I play PS3 (A-A-Bryon65)
    I am currently in the 320's, and I would like to hit 240 at least
    Down about 5 pounds so far.
    Love hanging out with my wife, and 2 year old baby girl. Losing weight for them so I can be a good husband and daddy down the road. I like to play battlefield 3 mostly to unwind, but i like doing all kinds of stuff. I am fun loving and easy going.
  • c0untingsheep
    c0untingsheep Posts: 159 Member
    University student
    From the lands of Canadia

    -Eat clean, work out dirty
    -First goal weight 140lbs
    -Be happy, healthy, and self confident

    On April 17th, 2011 I started my weight loss journey. Since then I have lost 19lbs!

    What I'm playing at the moment: Skyrim, Terraria, Minecraft, Bastion
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Warning -- it might be too long (that's what she said?)

    My name is Danny, 40-year-old male, born/raised in Illinois, partied in California before joining the US Army. I've been serving for almost 16 years. Served in Ft Bragg NC, Hunter Airfield GA, Restone Arsenal AL, two tours of Korea, three tours of Iraq, currently stationed at Ft Carson CO.

    Current stats -- 5'9 / 230 lbs
    Goal weight -- 190 lbs

    Throughout my Army career, I pushed myself to the limit and ignored any health issues. I now have chronic arthritis in both of my knees, and I've separated both shoulders. Two years ago, prior to my 3rd combat tour, I suffered a lower back injury. It hurt to stand for more than 10 minutes, let alone do any kind of cardio. The weight came on without mercy. I sank into a deep depression. Injured, slow-healing, and out of shape....not only could I miss going with my unit to Afghanistan this summer, I was at risk of losing a career I love.

    One week prior to this post, I woke up around midnight; my chest, right arm, and neck seized up and I couldn't breathe. I thought I was having a heart attack. 911 was called and the ambulance took me to the emergency room. I was diagnosed with pneumonia. I mended quickly, but all I could think was, "Good Lord, I just turned 40, I am NOT going out like this...."

    So here I am. I've lost weight before, and I know I can do it again. It will be more challenging this time, because I'm limited at what I can do physically. Running and sit-ups are out of the question. Stretching, back/hip repositioning daily. Cardio sessions will be four days per week at minimum, 45-60 minutes in length, as low-impact as I can get. One hour of weight training, 2-3 days per week. Five small meals a day, spaced out every three hours. No more soda :brokenheart:

    I have two Army doctors that are seeing me once every two weeks. My gorgeous wife of 10 years is here to support and encourage me. My Soldiers inspire me every day.

    Other than that, I'm a total geek at heart. Played video games ever since I started earning an allowance. I've owned Pong, Atari 2600, ColecoVision, NES, N64, PS2, and PS3. I mainly play PC games now. I'm a recovering WoW addict.

    Favorite titles -- SWTOR; SimCity 4 (Societies sucked *kitten*, a new one is needed badly); Anno 2070; Sims 3 (Sims 2 was better); Age of Empires; Modern Warfare 3; Portal 2

    Geek -- I'm an active member of the SCA (can't wait to get back in better health, I miss fighting), I play middle eastern drums, love all kinds of music, I play chess, and study medieval history for fun. Looking into 501st Legion participation in the near future. I own the entire Dark Elf saga on hardback (RA Salvatore ftw). My 30-gallon freshwater aquarium decor was inspired by the Ruins of Vash'ijr. When I lived in Alabama, my vanity plates read 'ZUG ZUG'.

    Happy to meet you all!
  • bert004

    To lose as much weight as I can, in order to be around for my kids, (Daughter is 2, Son is 6m). And actually be able to get on the rids with them at Disney.

    Playing-: Skyrim, Arkham City, Soon Skyward Sword, however I'll be dropping everything for Mass Effect 3..
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    Favorite titles -- SimCity 4 (Societies sucked *kitten*, a new one is needed badly);

  • spark_plug13
    Kayla :)
    I wanna lose at least 44 pounds, dropping me to around 150.
    So far (considering I just started today lol) I've lost none :(

    And I love old games - Mario, Zelda <3 N64 & Gamecubes baby ;)
  • Saviik
    Saviik Posts: 46 Member
    I'm Alicia! I'm a 5'3 21 year old female if you can't guess my gender by my name. :P

    I play about any type of game, but I seem to love fantasy based games the most. Like The Elder Scrolls of course. :) Which I am currently playing Skyrim among other games.

    I mainly play on the Xbox, but I have every new generation system. Well.. I don't have any form of a PSP.. but other than that!

    I've lost about 30-40 pounds so far. I'm aiming for 150 which is only 33 pounds away! As of my last weigh in that is. This is going to be my last stretch! I won't stop till I've reached my goal!

    Feel free to add me! I'm hoping to make some new friends.
  • ViciousPrincess0707
    HI there! ViciousPrincess0707 here! But you may call me Ashley
    I'm 20 yrs old and I weigh 212 lbs. I plan on getting down to about 130 :D

    I guess at best I can call myself a casual gamer, but I love the community! I like a lot of different games, and I'm open to being corrupted by new ones. Currently my addiction is minecraft though.

    Feel free to add me and talk! I love making new friends :3