Monday 23rd First check in

Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
Okay peeps, if you want to then use this topic to put your starting weight and measurements. Last time I did the shred I measured my hips, waist, thigh, arm and chest. Even if you don't want to make your measurements public knowledge (Lord knows mine are something to be blushed at) you should def still take them so you can see how far you've come at the end of each 10 days.


  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    How do I put a pic?!
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    Ok here goes - although I have done 5 days already - this is after 2 rest days:

    Weight 132 lbs - (put on 2 lbs during rest days but I needed the rest due to a night of overindulgence so my own fault!)

    Waist 30 ins
    Hips 34 ins
    Right thigh 23 ins
    Left thigh 23 ins
    Right calf 14 ins
    Left calf 14 ins
    Right arm 11 ins
    Left arm 11.5 ins
    Bust (not sure where to measure!) 30 ins under boobs and 35 ins incl boobs
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    I'll post my measurements on Sunday but I reckon they won't be nice after a weekend of indulgence - oh well!
  • slimmerchick
    slimmerchick Posts: 189 Member
    Have a great time :)
  • Hi everyone :D

    Iv been doing 30DS for 3 days now!

    I weigh 115 lbs at the moment

    I only really gain and loose weight around my waist so my measurement there is 28"

    Iv also been doing the 6 week six pack everyday alongside 30DS which is really good.

    Hopefully I can keep it up and don't die!

    Looking forward to hearing all of your progress!

    Feel free to add me anyone!

    Good luck x
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    I'm not that concerned about my measurements. I'm looking to drop a few more pounds and exchange some fat tissue for muscle tissue. I started working out and watching my diet in September and have dropped about 22 pounds. Want to drop another 5-10 pounds. I've lost 3 inches on my waist during that time. I'm finding out that getting in shape is expensive. I need to buy some clothes as all my pants are too large now.

    Weight is currently 172. I'm looking to get down to 165 by the end of the 30 days. I'm hoping I can do 30 days straight but might have to take a couple rest days.

    Did Day 1 llevel 1 ast night about 7pm with my daughters. They thought it was funny to see dad doing a "girl workout" as the video is all female.

    Did day 2 level 1 this morning at 5am as my wakeup.
  • Got my 30DS video will be starting with everyone on monday not sure on how to add pictures but if i can figure it out i will post them. also i am going to still be doing my P90x workout. :) hope to shred some pounds and inches. I will measure everything tomorrow :)
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    First day of the shred tomorrow!!
  • angie_04
    angie_04 Posts: 471 Member
    How do i post a pic??

  • lnes777
    lnes777 Posts: 11 Member
    Am excited about starting 30ds tomorrow, weight is 151, measurements 38-30-42.5, legs 25-14, arms 12-9.5. Looking to lose weight and inches.
  • I'm excited about tomorrow!!! Hope I can make it the 30 days straight!

    Thighs-24 1/2"
  • I found the Shred DVD so I'm officially in the game. Weight this AM was 166.6, but its that TOM so I know I"m heavier than usual. Hope to really get back on the wagon with this one. GOOD LUCK to everyone participating.
  • I will measure tonight and post on here tomorrow but will start the 30DS today!!! eek!

    Good luck ladies :-)
  • ok - here goes

    Starting weight 226llb

    Chest - 46"
    Waist - 40"
    Hips - 46"
    Right Arm - 15"
    Left Arm - 14.5"
    Right thigh - 25"
    Left thight - 26"

    Good luck everyone :)
  • nadiB
    nadiB Posts: 283 Member
    Really looking forward to doing this again :-) Hope to drop a few pounds :-)
  • WOO.. I'll have to post mine tomorrow morning as I had to leave for work TOO early this morning.. (nothing like meeting the big boss.. huh)..

    I'm going to make 30DS a priority with regards to my exercise. I just sometimes feel like it's not enough (which is silly i know), if this is the case - I'll do the C25K challenge. Need to start gaining my endurance back for my soccer games.

    I will also be playing soccer - 1 game and 1 training weekly.. Super calorie BURNER that..

    Anyway.. Good luck fellow shredders. Lets kick these inches and pounds to the curb..
  • Katrob9
    Katrob9 Posts: 431 Member
    How do i post a pic??

    I don't know how to post a pic I'm afraid.

    I've taken my measurements. Not weighed myself but will do that tomorrow.
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
  • therighttrack
    therighttrack Posts: 96 Member
    Ok, I am totally pumped to get this started today! I gained a couple pounds over the weekend in celebrating my B-day so gotta get back on track!

    Weight -142 lb
    waist - 33
    hips - 37.5
    bust - 38.5
    arms (L) - 11 (RT) - 11
    thighs (L) - 21.5 (RT) - 21

    Here is hoping I can stick with this and make some serious changes!
  • ashtonscoggins
    ashtonscoggins Posts: 105 Member
    Someone told me how to upload photos ^ and... it didnt work.

    so those ^ are my before pictures..dont laugh I just had a baby five months ago and that was my itsy bitsy before baby bikini that I hope one day will fit again. :)

    Im 173 pounds

    40.5 inch hips
    32 inch waist
    24.5 inch thighs
    11.5 arms

    I just want to lose 15 more pounds and have been stuck between 170-174 for a month now :( I really hope this will get things moving again!

    Ill be starting video tonight since starting this morning was a fail since my son was awake so bed time 30 day shred it is!