Maintenance Thread Part 3



  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Maggie--about the diary-complete button. I did stop that awhile back for the same reasons. I average everything and actually just didn't want to draw attention to my diary because we are in maintenance, and our choices are different on maintenance than if we are actively trying to lose weight. Like drinking wine and having dessert is not a crime or a weakness for me; it's a personal choice that I either decide to have, or not based on how I feel that week. Also I felt like I was getting cudo's for everyday eating and I didn't think I really needed that. I leave my diary open to friends to see, just don't actively promote anyone to look at it. This has eased my mind quite a bit.

    Yes, that's exactly it! OK, that's done it - no more of the 'complete' button!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Have been enjoying "listening-in" to your posts as I am just a couple pounds away from maintenance. I think I will be logging almost regularly, even on maintenance for awhile. Just to keep my head in the game! :happy: I feel the goal is in reach! Of course a ski trip is ahead next week. Plenty of food and activity, so I will see where that puts me 3 weeks from now! In the meantime thank-you all for the great information and positive input! :flowerforyou:
  • thanks or the tips; i guess i'm just worried since i upped the calories :L although i would love to have those extra calories!

    @hoosiermomma - good luck reaching maintenance and congratulations on being so close! i too will be off skiing (well snowboarding) and i know how hard it is to stay on track with all those chips and hot chocolates floating about!
  • Annie5859
    Annie5859 Posts: 280 Member
    I have about 14 more days until I will have logged on to MFP for one year. I've been on maintenance since July 19, 2011 and have successfully stayed within my weight range. But it's funny, even though I have clearly experienced success, and both the scale and measuring tape shows no significant gains, lately my brain has been telling me that I look like I'm gaining weight. But I'm not. Tonight I put on a pair of pajama bottoms that were a bit tight in the summer and they are baggy now. This morning before I put on a pair of jeans, my self talk said, "maybe you should put on your yoga pants, because your jeans might feel tight." But I put on my jeans anyway and they fit perfectly. I wonder why we do this to ourselves?

    Also, my husband has lost 37 pounds which is absolutely wonderful. I wish I could be little like him because he can take a day off from counting calories and easily get back into it the next day no problem. It doesn't seem to affect his progress either. I on the other hand, feel as though I have to track every day. I've tracked for almost a year now, not missing one day. I asked him how he can be so lax at times. He replied, "It takes 3500 calories to gain a pound. One day will not sabotage all my efforts. If I need to, I will exercise a bit more or eat a little less over the next few days". Sounds logical doesn't it.
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Annie. It's weird, i think the way we look in the mirror to ourselves is all relative. Even though we are thin, we start seeing the bulges where there really aren't any just because it looks different after awhile. I do the same thing--asking myself why I can look so huge on some days--but then remind myself I'm wearing jeans with a size 26 waist. Umm, ok, what is my reality? Why do I feel this way? Sometimes I feel like I just have no way to judge. It's very frustrating--this self-image thing.

    About your husband--it's wonderful and sounds great. but a little scary. My husband lost weight w/MFP back in January through May and guess what? No logging over the summer at all. The exercise started slacking. He's gained 8-10 lbs back. I think he lost maybe 17-20 in all. I'd say keep doing what works for you, or tweak it a little starting this year to see if you can loosen up the logging a bit and feel ok about what you are doing. I do agree, one day isn't a big deal if he can keep getting back into it the next, but sometimes one day turns to 2, then 3, etc....

    Hoosier---thanks for posting! Have fun on your ski trip and chime in with more about yourself and maintaining when you get back!

    Maggie--how does it feel after a few days of "no diary complete"?? Good?

    Dizzylizzy--hope your calorie level has steadied a bit.....

    Well, I'm doing ok. Today I'm 1/2 way done w/P90x. Yay! I was feeling great thinking I had come so far so quickly, then when I told my husband he said, "oh, you are only half way done??". Wow, just one statement and now I'm feeling like the next 45 days will be forever. I can't believe he did that??! Anyway I have had a tough time getting back to maintenance calories after the trip to Puerto Rico last week, but have finally had 2 no-chocolate days and a relatively complete diary for the last 2 days, so I think I'll be back in full-logging mode this week and in back in control of the quantities today.

    take care everyone! R
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Yep, I think I've always had a touch of body dismorphia.

    I saw a montage of photos somewhere on this site yesterday, where you can see pics of people according to height and weight. I looked at photos of women who were my height and weight, and they all looked SO MUCH THINNER than me! Even when I do feel comfortable about my weight, I can still find various things to be critical of. As you say, Robin, a bulge here or there, or perhaps not the ideal shape generally. I know I will never be satisfied, but I've felt like this for as long as I can remember. I have a feeling that this is something many more women suffer from than men, but perhaps I am just stereotyping, I don't know. I have found that the best thing to do is acknowledge that I have negative images of myself but then move on and try not to dwell on it all too much. Because that way madness lies ... as well as weight I start thinking about wrinkles, hair going grey etc etc. It's a bad direction for me to go in! So instead I try to shrug my shoulders, think 'Oh well', then get on with working out. I'm aiming to be a fit and healthy elderly lady, as I know it is simply impossible to be a bronzed teenage goddess!

    As to the 'no diary complete' thing, it feels good! I still feel a little as if I'm under scrutiny, but maybe that will wear off. I'm glad I've made the decision.
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    Robin and Maggie, I agree with both of you that our body perceptions can be skewed by a variety of factors. As you both know, I had a scary mishap at the gym, which proved to be an unfortunate accident but nothing serious, but which has sidelined me last week from any vigorous exercise. I also am trying to stop losing more wight and so I tried to eat all of my maintenance calories last week -- something that I really did not do before. As a result, a little part of me is whispering that I will gain weight and get fat again. Now my rational self knows that this is sheer nonsense but it still gives me pause and makes me wonder, as I get dressed each day if my new small clothes will still fit. Of course they do, but it just shows you what mind games we play with ourselves.

    I also reacted to my spill with some fear and trepidation about resuming working out after taking it easy a few days as the doctors advised me to do. What if I pass out again? What if something else goes wrong? So this morning it was a relief to complete my usual one hour steep hilly walk (yes uphill AND downhill Maggie despite my diary entry) with no ill effects and feeling fine as usual.

    So, for me, maintenance continues to hold many challenges and fears. But I intend to take it one day at a time knowing that I did not gain weight overnight nor did it come off instantly either. if I continue to practice the core healthy behaviors that lead to my weight loss and vigilently log what I eat and my physical activity, all should be well and I should be able to maintain this weight as a long term status.

    Having such good MFP pals as all of you helps immensely, so, a big Thank You!!!! We are all here to support one another and happy to have the opportunity to do so.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Oh Jo, the gym accident was more serious than I realised and I can tell it really got to you. I'm so sorry for not being more sympathetic. I hope the pain has gone now.
  • JoMFrasca
    JoMFrasca Posts: 61 Member
    Maggie -- you have been a very wonderful and supportive MFP friend! The gym accident was something of a wake up call to me -- a good reminder that I have to feed and hydrate my body properly if I am going to demand that it work out hard. I needed that reminder. I also maybe need to slow down a bit, so last week was a good time to do that.

    All is well now though. I am in no pain at all. The staples come out (I hope) Jan. 31st. I am now back to working out and so far so good.

    The only lingering issue that I intend to check out with my doctor is a slight ear crackling on the side where I fell -- maybe its a wholly unrelated an an ear infection, but I think it's due to the head trauma. Hopefully something is still swollen that will subside with time or maybe they can give me some mediation. I am really hoping it just goes away but if not will get it checked out.
  • mpf1
    mpf1 Posts: 1,437 Member
    Hi all, its good to hear about all of your experiences in maintenance.

    I gained a few lbs and had a higher range for the past month, now I think I am getting back on track.

    Its not that a couple pounds is really that big of a deal, but I feel that if I keep saying that each time, my weight will creep back up... I went back to the setting of losing 0.5 lbs per week. When I was on maintenance cals per MFP calculations, and ate back exercise cals I think I was gaining. Now I eat the cals back but have it set lower, so I will see... also drinking more water-- I think that is really healthy overall for a lot of reasons.

    Hope you are all well. I love to hear about all of your lessons learned!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    JoM-I hope everything works out ok!

    mpf--probably a good call on lowering the calories slightly. I'm at a slight disadvantage because I'm not weighing myself, so am shooting off the cuff, but I just lowered mine slightly this morning because I think I sense a little pant-tightness. You'd think with all this exercise, it wouldn't be the case, but yes, I have been sloppy about logging too. I can't believe just last week I considered not doing it? What was I thinking? I have an MFP friend who just enticed me to join her in a diary-logging challenge to get more disciplined so I'm going to give that a try.

    One thing I have learned over the last few months is that I do like these lengthy exercise programs. So am wondering what to do next after P90x. Before this, I was just trying to do something different every day but I made it up as I went. It's kind of nice though to look at a set plan and know what I'm "supposed" to do next. Has anyone tried any other programs over time that are good? I have already done most of the Jillian ones (30 day shred, 6 week 6 pack, Ripped in 30....), so would be looking for other suggestions....

    Enjoy the day everyone!
  • epoint
    epoint Posts: 88
    I guess my approach is a little different than the one some of you have taken, because although I haven't logged calories since July, I still weigh every morning. That just seems to work best for me. And maybe someday it won't work anymore and I'll have to pay attention and log again, but at least it won't sneak up on me as long as I know my weight. It worked through the holidays, anyway, and that tends to be the time of year that I put on a few pounds. So far, so good!
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    Yes there are days I don't log. Or even periods of time depending on. But like epoint I feel more in control at least weighing everyday and I know there are fluctuations but they don't bother me. I just want to make sure I'm not getting way off the grid. I didn't weigh myself for a long time before mfp and ended up 45 pounds overweight I don't want that to happen again. (I never thought I was "fat" but like where I am at now so much more)
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member

    One thing I have learned over the last few months is that I do like these lengthy exercise programs. So am wondering what to do next after P90x. Before this, I was just trying to do something different every day but I made it up as I went. It's kind of nice though to look at a set plan and know what I'm "supposed" to do next. Has anyone tried any other programs over time that are good? I have already done most of the Jillian ones (30 day shred, 6 week 6 pack, Ripped in 30....), so would be looking for other suggestions....

    Enjoy the day everyone!

    I haven't done it myself, but I know a lot of people who've 'enjoyed' Insanity. I think it's more cardio-based than P90X though, so it depends what you want out of it.
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    FINALLY back at my pre-xmas maintenance weight of 162. Want to get down to 160 this year though - not too hard to achieve given the amount of exercise I'm doing right now.

    NSV - possibly - I think I look good in spandex now (my base layer for running is a compression top) - complete with my running tights I look like a super hero. Or super nerd. probably the latter.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    Good to hear everyone has lost their Christmas weight now - it just goes to show that it's not that difficult if you set your mind to it. This time last year I put on about 5lb and it just got worse and worse rather than just dealing with it at the time!

    I have managed to maintain my weight of 119 for 3/4 weeks now which I am really happy about, I am just not to happy about my actual body though, I still have quite a lot of fat to lose but I don't want to lose weight.

    I have decided to increase my calories to 1800 a day (rather than 1680) and eat this whether I exercise or not (so my intake will be 1800 rather than NET). I exercise 4 times a week so the deficit on those days will make up for eating over maintenance on the others. If I gain 1lb I don't really care to be honest as long as I stay under 122.

    I am going to aim for 100g of protein a day and make sure I strength train 3 times a week, rather than just burning calories through cardio. I found I was visiting the gym just to burn extra calories and this was doing absolutely nothing for my physique I was just losing weight but not improving my shape.

    Have just ordered New Rules of Lifting... - hoping to start it in Feb!
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    Good to hear everyone has lost their Christmas weight now - it just goes to show that it's not that difficult if you set your mind to it. This time last year I put on about 5lb and it just got worse and worse rather than just dealing with it at the time!

    I have managed to maintain my weight of 119 for 3/4 weeks now which I am really happy about, I am just not to happy about my actual body though, I still have quite a lot of fat to lose but I don't want to lose weight.

    I have decided to increase my calories to 1800 a day (rather than 1680) and eat this whether I exercise or not (so my intake will be 1800 rather than NET). I exercise 4 times a week so the deficit on those days will make up for eating over maintenance on the others. If I gain 1lb I don't really care to be honest as long as I stay under 122.

    I am going to aim for 100g of protein a day and make sure I strength train 3 times a week, rather than just burning calories through cardio. I found I was visiting the gym just to burn extra calories and this was doing absolutely nothing for my physique I was just losing weight but not improving my shape.

    Have just ordered New Rules of Lifting... - hoping to start it in Feb!

    I am in a similar boat..I dont want to lose any more weight, just firm some lose skin and tone. I have increased my cals as well, 1800-2200 and Sundays I spike. But I lift weights 3 x a week. and pretty low on cardio a few times a week I do, but more bodyweight types-squats,etc.. I am mainting 116- however, I would be fine to even be 120 if more toned. Hope to hear how the calorie increase and strength training goes for you:-)
  • kamk16
    kamk16 Posts: 205
    I also just ordered weight lifting for women. Looking forward to doing some toning. I found I have gotten kind of bored with cardio. At my gym I do the cross trainer, the elliptical (very similar to cross trainer) and treadmill. They only have a recumbant bike for bikes, which I really don't like. So I too am looking forward to doing some lifting instead. I really need someone to say do this workout for 4 weeks and do this for so long. I am not good at putting my own together. I have been maintaining 124-126 since the end of Sept. I wouldn't mind dropping a couple more pounds to 120 or so but am great with where I am at too. I think I need to start doing more focus on getting my protiens in also.
    Good luck to you keiraev.
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    I really need someone to say do this workout for 4 weeks and do this for so long. I am not good at putting my own together.

    I am exactly the same, I don't even know which weights to start with! I usually do body pump but I know that's not enough.
  • MissMaggie3
    MissMaggie3 Posts: 2,464 Member
    Robin1117, and anyone else who has done P90X, could you spare a moment to tell me what you think of it?

    I've just decided that I need to move things up a gear, exercise-wise. I'm going along quite nicely in terms of weight and daily burn, but I am not changing shape at all now. I would also like to feel stronger. I know I need a much more professional approach and I have been thinking of doing the NROLFW. I have the book, but I'm not sure I want to have all the equipment around the house. I'm also really constrained time-wise, and I kind of get the impression that it would take me ages to figure out from the book what I was supposed to be doing. I somehow think it would be easier to just switch on the DVD player and do what I'm told, hence the interest in P90X! So, can I be cheeky and ask you specifically about the following things?

    Have you seen any real physical changes?
    Is it good for overall fitness as well as aesthetics?
    I'm under the impression that I would need a bar to use for pull-ups (attached to a door?), and some resistance bands only. Is that right?
    Bearing in mind that I have very bad feet, is there much impact work?

    Thank you, in advance.