2012 Weigh In Thread



  • Aratama
    i added a couple more columns to my sheet; one with cumulative kg lost so far, and one which shows that weight as a % lost from the original weigh-in. feel free to copy the formula if you want to do the same :)
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Well I'm a little dissapointed in myself this week, as I've worked awfully hard burning those calories and I've only lost 400grams!
    Oh well, I'll be more careful on what I put into my mouth this week, I'm pretty sure bread and I don't agree :))

    Aratama if you read this, I'd like to have the same spread sheet as you've made, how do I copy the formula and use it on mine?

    I've not had anything to do with spreadsheets, I had a go this morning but I nearly mucked up the whole thing luckily I knew how to undo the damage I did!! :embarassed:
  • MsAziz
    MsAziz Posts: 71 Member
    @Alkirra a lose is still a lose :) so great work!
  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    Loss of 2.1kg this week, all muscle and fluid.
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Thanks MsAziz!
  • Aratama
    @alkirra: don't stress about *only* losing 400g after a week of hard work! Remember that so long as you weigh in once a week, on the same day, at roughly the same time, then the only thing that actually matters is a downward trend over time; not a huge amount of weight apparently lost between two arbitrary points :)

    I don't have the time to write about the spreadsheet stuff but I'll try post it up tonight, ie. whilst I'm not at work :P or with your permission I could just go to your sheet and add it in for you.

    @Roblyssa: Dontcha hate that? It's the biggest weight loss mirage there is. The scales give you this wonderful figure, but, especially at the start, it's almost always fluid and muscle :P
  • amandac72
    amandac72 Posts: 366 Member
    Hmmm not the best week for me this week, did not feel well and got hardly any real exercise. I did buy the Dance Central 2 game for our XBox we got for Christmas and that was fun and great exercise!! Had a busy weekend, full of eating not very healthy foods and drinking wine.

    As I expected, I lost nothing this week, probably should be happy to have stayed the same :smile:

    Back on track today, my Hubby and I have booked a week in Vanuatu for April so very excited about that and it gives me great motivation to really work hard. Plus it is for my Birthday (big 4-0!!) and I really want to get to my goal weight or close to it by then. So about 8kg in 11 weeks, will bring me under 60kg, wow I don't think I have weighed that since probably Primary School :laugh:

    Great job to eveyone who lost this week and for those of us who did'nt, today is the start of a new week and this is going to be our week, lets get going!!!
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Aratama you have my permission! Please do change it for me, that would be wonderful as it seemed a little tricky.

    I am happy really but I have given up smoking, drinking and virtually eating since November so I'm wanting a lot of progress to work my way through it all. I want to be at the mid 60's by my birthday in May! oh ok, Low 70's would do :))))

    Amanda Vanuatu, they have some lovely resorts there. We went for a short break a couple of years ago it was very relaxing. You should love it!
  • LtThrace
    So I have created a new tab, with my stats on it, but my name doesn't show up in the colorful main list. When we update our tab, is it dupposed to automatically update the main page, or do I need to add a new line to the main list as well?

    Also, add me as a friend! Love to see others' daily log ins... keeps me inspired.
  • Aratama
    i'm reasonably confident that jnthwaite updates the pretty colourful page by hand, because none of the formulae seem to reference to other worksheets. if this is right, good on you mate (or i guess, whoever IS doing it!)
  • Aratama
    OK Alkirra, i've messed around with your spreadsheet and now it's basically the same as mine. the one thing you need to note is this:

    when you add a new weigh-in value, you'll notice the field G5 isn't automatically calculating anything. this is the only manual part of the sheet. if you look at the formula in G4, it reads "=sum(D2:D4)". this just means it is adding up the values in the D column. each time you add a new weight-in, just exapand the formula.... so your next one should read =sum(D2:D5) in cell G5, then the week after that G6 should be =sum(D2:D6) and so on :)

    more than happy for anybody to write a more elegant formula solution so that the range increase by one each time (without having to manually enter it in each cell); this is just me being lazy :P
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Righto! Thanks very much Aratama, I've copied what you've written so I can re-read it and put in the formula just as you've written it. :) Thanks again for taking the time to do me a favour!... xx
  • hayjessmum
    hayjessmum Posts: 17 Member
    Hi all, a few friends and I have just started MFP in the last few weeks. I tried to put my details into the sheet but I think I was doing it wrong....are you able to explain what I need to do? I added my details into the sheet (you'll see I created some pretty yellow rows around the H area) and then saw the sheets down the bottom. I assume I need a sheet? If so, could someone please make me one so I can add my details in? Thank you very much!!!! :)
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Everyone
    Just updated and very pleased because I have reached my first mini goal of 5kg after first 4 weeks. Very encouraging and motivating.

    Heyjessmum, I think as Aratama says, the sheets down the bottom do not actually feed into the main sheet automatically - they are not linked. The main sheet is a summary sheet with all the formulas in and I am updating that one myself for my weigh ins. I also have a sheet down the bottom which is only my details but it is not essential if you are putting in to the summary sheet each week. (Hope that makes sense). I have put your name in the rows you added and dragged the formulas through for you. You just need to type in the required info to each cell - ie your start weight, weigh in weight and dates as the headings say. As long as the formulas are maintained, the other columns will automatically update.

    Good luck
  • Roblyssa
    Roblyssa Posts: 125
    i'm reasonably confident that jnthwaite updates the pretty colourful page by hand, because none of the formulae seem to reference to other worksheets. if this is right, good on you mate (or i guess, whoever IS doing it!)

    I update the front page myself for my own weigh ins, and then I manually do my own tab at the bottom. I thought that was what we were supposed to do??
  • diver71_au
    diver71_au Posts: 424 Member
    Just weighed in for this week .... and I am under 100kg (99.9) - a loss of 1.8kg for the week
  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    That's and excellent Loss Driver Congratulations!!!

    Now on a dumb question note: How do I update the front page now for mine, I don't know how to add another line is it easy enough to do?

    I've updated my sheet no problem, I just can't figure out the sheet we all use lol
  • msminkee
    msminkee Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats Diver on getting down to double figures - I can't wait till I'm there too

  • Alkirra
    Alkirra Posts: 142 Member
    Regarding my question: Never mind I figured out how to do it manually, so all good!
  • Aratama
    So, who else had a big blow-out for Australia Day? Even worse, did you make it a 4 day weekend and live it up a bit too much.... like I did?! :P I always knew I'd have a day off for Australia Day, but yeah , it kind of dragged on a bit. I'll wait until next week to do an official weigh-in :-/