


  • AndyD123
    AndyD123 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Andrew, 21 from Greater Manchester. Lost approximately 2 and a half stone in 2011. Looking to lose in a perfect world perhaps another 2-3 but 1 would get me just in the ideal bmi range i think. Although have plateaued a while ago and been gaining and losing within a range of 3 pounds ever since. Hopefully I can turn that around and somepoint and continue losing. Key word being hopefully in that last sentence.

    Feel free to add me.

  • im new feel free too add me lets diet together
  • baxyboy
    baxyboy Posts: 70 Member
    Hey all!

    I'm Craig, 29 year-old single guy originally from North Lincs area but now living and working in Sheffield.
    I've been on the site for roughly around 2 years now and have so far lost around 10 stone - most of which was in the last year.

    Goals for 2012; to lose the last of the excess weight and podgy bits, to start working to improve my fitness, and having started in the new year - to keep up with posting on the MyFitnessPal blog.

    Feel free to add me :)
  • Hi everyone,

    Joined a few days ago have quite a few pounds to go, started jogging last year which i enjoy and had my first Zumba class this week so see how that goes.

  • uk_james
    uk_james Posts: 52 Member
    Hi everyone

    I'm James, late 30's, live in Margate. Found MFP about 2 weeks ago and been on the health kick for about 3 weeks. Aiming to lose about 3 stone. Work, although busy, is pretty sedentary, lots of sitting in meetings and driving around Kent. I'm a registered health professional working on strategic change projects.

    Loving the MFP app and logging food and exercise daily. Have used food diaries in the past and know how much they help me to stay on track of what I should be doing. The scan food function on the app is like magic, still makes me smile inside when I use it and up it pops on the screen.

    My partner is also using MFP and we're doing the healthy lifestyle thing together.

    Feel free to add me, will be good to get reinforcement from other people on here too :)
  • JohnTR25
    JohnTR25 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi all,

    John, 56, from North Somerset. Here for motivation and encouragement. Sedentary lifestyle, work from home and travel around country, so lots of sitting in car and meetings.

    Need to move feel free to nag me!
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    Hi all, i'm Paula, 27 (nearly 28) from Leicester but live in Nottingham

    Working for Everything Everywhere as a small business marketing development manager. dream job?...lottery winner or something in travel i think.

    Need to lose about 4 stone... :)
  • oOoMicheleoOo
    oOoMicheleoOo Posts: 139 Member
    Hello ,

    I am just outside Glasgow.

    Been here a couple of weeks and have already rethought my whole eating pattern. Have never ate so much fruit in my life !!

    Need all the motivation I can get so feel free to add me :smile:
  • ShefMum
    ShefMum Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I'm Sue in Sheffield. I'm in my 40s and am mum to a little bot of 14 months. Been trying to lose my post-preg weight + finally get control of my weight without using exercise all the time! Into eating healthy most of the time. Love being fairly fit too though, when I get the time these days!

    Good luck everyone!!!

  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member

    I'm Christine and I live in Northumberland. I'll be turning 40 in a couple of weeks, but will be celebrating with a girly holiday in May; so I have 16 weeks to look fab!!!

    I been on MFP for just over three weeks and I've lost 8lbs.

    Feel free to add me. x
  • Hi, I'm Nick from Wolverhampton. 24 years old.

    I started trying to lose weight when I reached 15st 12lb in November. I'm now 14st 4lb and determined to keep going. I only joined MFP just over a week ago, but it's a great tool for tracking calories and finding out tips.

    I've since encouraged a few of my work mates and family to join and they all love the site too!
  • newbeetler
    newbeetler Posts: 197 Member
    Hi, I'm steve from Swindon

    35 years old. Computer consultant by trade so pretty sedentry.

    Found MFP back in August 2011.

    Lost 10lbs but work has gotten in the way so hoping to get restarted again and have about 26-28lbs to loose. Preferably by May when I go on holiday.
  • jo2907
    jo2907 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi All

    I'm Jo, in 29, i live in Bicester oxfordshire, I work as a warehouse administrator which does'nt invlove alot of moving about. my main exersise comes from taking my dog for walks and going on the Wii Fit.

    I started my weight loss journey in October 2011 at around 12st 8lbs, so far i have lost 21.5lbs,

    My mini goal is to lose 3st total by may 2012 when i am going on holiday,, I am hitting the big 30 in july this year so am looking to be at my goal weight of 8st 7lbs by then!

    Feel free to add me! :o)
  • iojoi
    iojoi Posts: 378 Member
    hi i am jo from norfolk and i have been here a while trying to lose the last stone grr!
  • Jjsugar2001
    Jjsugar2001 Posts: 75 Member
    Hey everyone,

    I'm Jen, I'm 23 and currently live in Surrey. I work in finance at the docklands so it's very sedentary computer based work. I am currently at 10st 4 and want to be around 8st 3, so I've got some work to put in!

    I'm trying to keep motivated and on track, so please feel free to add me for some mutual support.

    Also, IT'S SNOWING :D
  • yelsdod
    yelsdod Posts: 14 Member
    Hello, I am 53 my name is Sara and I live in Yorkshire. I have been using MFP since April 2011. So far I have lost 46lb and I have 9lb left to lose, and it is taking forever. :cry: I love the support here and the Message Boards are good.

    I work in Leeds City in I.T for a Solicitors Firm. I am looking for more friends for me to encourage and to encourage me. I love walking in the country which I do most weekends.

    My preferred exercises are Walking, Step and Kettlebells.
    My favourite food is chips and chocolate, but not on the same plate. :noway: :laugh:
    My favourite holiday is walking in the Lake District.
  • maniacjack1966
    maniacjack1966 Posts: 1 Member
    hi, i am jackie, 45 year old mum to 3 grown up children and live in kent. i just started seriously today but have been using this site on and off for a while but feel that i am in the right mindset to stick to it this time. i have quite a bit of weight to lose but would like to be at least 42lb lighter by my birthday in july.
  • JSheehy1965
    JSheehy1965 Posts: 404
    Hi, I'm Jeannette - I currently live in upstate NY US, but I'm British. Looking for a group that's encouraging without the schmaltziness! :)
  • 140Aimee
    140Aimee Posts: 77 Member
    Hi im aimee, 19, lots of weight to lose and hopefully making new friends/diet buddies on here :)
  • lahlah82
    lahlah82 Posts: 8
    I have just started using this app properly i'm based in nottingham i have been following Rosemary conley (basically calorie counting and having everything under 5%fat with an exercise class at weigh in) for a little over a year and have lost just under 2 stone some friends to keep me on track would be wonderful as i'm struggling to stay motivated at the moment. My main goal is to lose aroung 26lbs before we try for another baby in june. Would love to have tons of people to check up on me and to also offer advice and support