Gryffindor Common Room



  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Has everyone done the Harry Potter game this week? What was the movie (or book) you chose (or will choose) and why? :)
    Was going to start re-reading the Harry Potter books today, and do the game, after completing all my tasks today.

    Now I have, I'm feeling utterly wretched, all shivery with a sinus headache. Feels like I'm going down with something nasty, which is really annoying.

    It's rather a shock, I've got used to feeling healthy all the time! :bigsmile:
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Weekly check in:

    CW: 161.5 (down 1 pound)
    SPEW: 1
    HP: 600
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Had a great week, massive amount of exercise (averaged over 100 minutes a day) made mostly good food choices - and now have a rotten cold that stopped me dead in my tracks yesterday, so I didn't get to enjoy that Harry Potter game.

    On the plus side, it's totally paid off, I've lost NEARLY A WHOLE POUND in just one week! :bigsmile:
    (for those who regularly lose 2lb a week, it doesn't sound much but it's a lot for someone as short as me)

    Weight 117.125lb (8 stone 5 1/8)
    OWL (exercise): 0
    NEWT (food): N/A
    SPEW: 9
    HP: 749!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Haha, just noticed that my "ticker fish" is making a break for it - swim little fishy, swim! :bigsmile:
  • MindyBlack
    MindyBlack Posts: 954 Member
    Little NSV for me! I had to go buy my clinical scrubs today and I had to buy SMALL Drawstring scrub pants!! :) The only problem is they are short! Boo. But the mediums were swallowing me up! I was soo exctied!!

    Hope everyone else is having a great week! About to start a Harry Potter marathon and get my exercise on! :)
    That's great news!! My scrubs are so baggy it is ridiculous. I can't pull the drawstring any tighter.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Little NSV for me! I had to go buy my clinical scrubs today and I had to buy SMALL Drawstring scrub pants!! :) The only problem is they are short! Boo. But the mediums were swallowing me up! I was soo exctied!!

    Hope everyone else is having a great week! About to start a Harry Potter marathon and get my exercise on! :)
    That's great news!! My scrubs are so baggy it is ridiculous. I can't pull the drawstring any tighter.
    Fabulous, my track suit bottoms are miles too big too, I went to get the smaller size but they're making them longer now so I didn't bother, I confess that I rather like having them too big, it's a good reminder of how far I've come! :bigsmile:
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Reminder of this week's challenges, to save people from going looking for them.

    Don't forget to also report on your House Points (HP) which you earn per minute of exercise.
    Go on, you know you want to! :smile:

    (Starting after check-in between 1/27-1/30
    and ending with check-in between 2/3-2/6)

    OWL (exercise): Arm Circles!

    I know at least one of us is confined to mostly upper body workouts for the moment, so let's level the playing field for a week, eh? I would set a goal in seconds or minutes if you don't want to count them. Or you could set a number if you trust you'll pay attention to count. Whatever you prefer! I would maybe do this while you watch TV or are waiting in line or something like that. Look like a doofus...for Gryffindor! ;)
    Each day you reach your daily goal you earn 5 OWLs, you earn 3 OWLs for reaching half way to your goal, and 1 OWL for trying but not reaching half way.

    NEWT (food): Soda Challenge! Replace at least one soda/sugary drink/coffee/some other liquid weakness per day with an extra cup of water.
    5 NEWTS per each day you do it, 35 NEWTS total possible for the week.

    SPEW: Earn 1 point every time you post something encouraging or motivating or how your day is going in the Common Room (ANYTHING BUT A CHECK-IN POST COUNTS TOWARD YOUR SPEWs).
    Up to 5 points possible per day, 35 points possible for the week.

    ***Remember to double check the dates for this challenge! Don't start early and lessen your progress for the current week!
  • bobs_god
    bobs_god Posts: 85 Member
    Checking in

    Weight: 199lb (back down under 200 after my disastrous December)
    HP: 225
    Owls: 5 (Bron that game was ingenious! I watched deathly hollows part two, if you hate Crunches avoid)
    Spews: 0 (I will endeavour to leave a few more comments this week)
  • tbelivea
    tbelivea Posts: 94 Member
    Good Morning, Gryffindor!
    Last Monday: 146.2 lbs
    Today: 144.6 lbs
    Newts: 0 points
    Owls: 0 Points
    Spew: 0 Points
    House Points: Monday, Jan 23rd to Sunday, Jan 29th totalled 265 Minutes = 265 Points
  • Jaradel
    Jaradel Posts: 143 Member
    Checking in...
    CW: 214.5
    OWLs/NEWTs: none
    SPEW: 1 I think
    HP: 85 (my belt promo test on Friday and regular TKD class Saturday)

    Arm circles... maybe I'll earn some OWLs this week after all! NEWTs doesn't really apply for me; after my morning tea I drink water all day now. And I'll try to be better about posting.

  • Mindy1124
    Mindy1124 Posts: 22 Member
    CW: 166.5 (went up .4 lbs)
    OWLs/NEWTs/SPEW: none
    HP: 240
  • veganbaum
    veganbaum Posts: 1,865 Member
    CW: 181

    Finding it difficult to get back into anything since my dog passed. Behind on school work, so trying to catch up has left no time for exercising. I need to work out a schedule for myself to get back on track.

    I do love the idea of the HP Workout Game though.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Checking in

    Weight: 199lb (back down under 200 after my disastrous December)
    HP: 225
    Owls: 5 (Bron that game was ingenious! I watched deathly hollows part two, if you hate Crunches avoid)
    Spews: 0 (I will endeavour to leave a few more comments this week)

    I did the same one! I didn't even put it together until it was too late!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    CW: 181

    Finding it difficult to get back into anything since my dog passed. Behind on school work, so trying to catch up has left no time for exercising. I need to work out a schedule for myself to get back on track.

    I do love the idea of the HP Workout Game though.

    I think making a schedule to follow would be a good way to get back some focus. I know you're hurting right now, and that would make it a little easier to focus on what needs done next, and what the next step in your day should be. I know it helps me when I'm stuck like this. Hang in there, sweetie. It will get better.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Has everyone done the Harry Potter game this week? What was the movie (or book) you chose (or will choose) and why? :)
    Was going to start re-reading the Harry Potter books today, and do the game, after completing all my tasks today.

    Now I have, I'm feeling utterly wretched, all shivery with a sinus headache. Feels like I'm going down with something nasty, which is really annoying.

    It's rather a shock, I've got used to feeling healthy all the time! :bigsmile:

    Being sick is NO fun! I'm so sorry about that.

    The good news is, I'm going to take some time over the next few weeks to make a Workout Game specific for each movie and we can do one once a month or every 2 months, or something!

    I found myself disappointed that some things on the list weren't in the movie I picked, but they would have been off the charts in another movie, so I think it would be a lot of fun to draw this out. Especially since we're a Harry Potter group, after all!
  • Juliebean_1027
    Juliebean_1027 Posts: 713 Member
    CW: 278
    HP: 75
    OWLS: 5
  • Steffinana
    Steffinana Posts: 18 Member
    CW: 125.4
    HP: 215
  • jls1661
    jls1661 Posts: 586 Member
    Has everyone done the Harry Potter game this week? What was the movie (or book) you chose (or will choose) and why? :)
    Was going to start re-reading the Harry Potter books today, and do the game, after completing all my tasks today.

    Now I have, I'm feeling utterly wretched, all shivery with a sinus headache. Feels like I'm going down with something nasty, which is really annoying.

    It's rather a shock, I've got used to feeling healthy all the time! :bigsmile:

    Being sick is NO fun! I'm so sorry about that.

    The good news is, I'm going to take some time over the next few weeks to make a Workout Game specific for each movie and we can do one once a month or every 2 months, or something!

    I found myself disappointed that some things on the list weren't in the movie I picked, but they would have been off the charts in another movie, so I think it would be a lot of fun to draw this out. Especially since we're a Harry Potter group, after all!

    I didn't get a chance to try the game, but I thought it was such a cool idea. I'm looking forward to rocking it out next time though.
  • belleforte
    belleforte Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Gryffs,

    It seems like I've been sick all January! Hope to get back on it for Feb!

    CW: 154.8
  • Nekoashi
    Nekoashi Posts: 220 Member
    Hello Gryffs! :) Checking in :flowerforyou:

    Last Monday: 172.4 lbs
    CW: 171.7
    OWLS: 5
    Newts: 0
    Spew: 3
    House Points 01/23-01/30 = 260pts (total for January 930 pts)

    I am looking forward to the Harry Potter games being broken down for the various movies, it sounds like it'd be a lot of fun! I hope everyone is having a great Monday! :)