


  • Peculiar182
    Peculiar182 Posts: 1 Member
    HELLO ALL! I recently turned 30 earlier this month and ready to get in control and gain order. I'm finally taking my weight loss goals seriously. I'm a single mom of a beautiful four year old little girl, I have a great job (2 actually), a graduate student, and I've finally started dating (after a 3 year hiatus). I have gained over 20 lbs since beginning my career in 2008. In the past all I had to do was drink water, workout a little, and eat veggies and the weight would fall off. Well...not so easy now. I see that I have to be more dedicated to achieve my goal and I'm so ready for it now. I want to lose 30-40 pounds to get back to my "comfortable" weight of 145-150 pounds. I think having support is a great way to stay motivated...I determined to reach my goal!
  • Hello Group,
    I am 35 and craving something sweet right now so I figure I will write something and take my mind off of it. I was officially grossed out at my own appearance last July, so my boyfriend bought me a gym membership. I know that may seem like a craptastic gift, but I love him for it. I started on the treadmill because the machines, and meatheads on the machines, intimidated me. Of course I could only walk on the treadmill because the slightest jog made me feel like my heart was going to explode or my legs would give out and and I would bullet into the wall behind me. Little did I know.... if you stick with something and give it your all... you can do whatever you set your mind to.

    Anywhoo.... I lost 19 pounds last July-October and ran my first 5K..... THEN THE HOLIDAYS HIT... Apparently that meant I had to shove everything I could find into my mouth. I gained 12 pounds in maybe 2 weeks and I quit my running.

    So 2012 is here and I am trying to get back on track. I am running on that treadmill again, I have entered a St. Patty's day 5K, and my goal is a half marathon in October. I am struggling with the food and watching what I eat. I need a little motivation now and again. I did it once, I can do it again, but it seems harder this time.
  • bobie1978
    bobie1978 Posts: 204 Member
    I just turned 34 a couple of weeks ago.. I joined MFP over a year ago.. I lost weight about 15 pounds.. then gained it back. I did quit smoking! I love to workout.. its the eating part that gets me! I love food too :)

    My goal is to drop at least 25lbs by the summer!
  • Life is busy... but it is only as busy as you make it. So 2012 is all about me.

    I took this quote from Willmarie... Very inspiring, thank you! :)

    Lots of gals (and ONE man! lol) with different goals... But we are all motivated and we WILL do it ! :D
  • tmr0206
    tmr0206 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all -

    I'm new to MFP, just started using the app yesterday on my iPhone. I turn 36 years old next week, am married, and have a 6 year old daughter. My goal is to lose 35lbs by July 31st and keep the weight off once and for all this time. I have struggled with my weight since about 3rd grade, and started yo-yo dieting at a young age. About 12 years ago, I was at my highest weight of almost 300lbs. I joined Weight Watchers and lost 110lbs in 2 1/2 years. Then I got engaged, married, and had a baby and gained back almost all of that weight. In the last 6 years, I've tried to go back on Weight Watchers, tried many different web sites and phone apps, but haven't managed to keep all the weight off. I've managed to not go any higher than 245lbs, but now I have borderline high blood pressure and my doctor says I have to lose 35lbs and get my blood pressure back to normal. I really want to get the weight off and keep it off. I want to be a good role model for my daughter. She is not overweight at this time, but I can see that if I don't watch her eating now, she has the potential to go through the same struggle that I did. I'm hoping to meet some new people and gain the motivation I need to get and stay healthy.
  • Shanney77
    Shanney77 Posts: 8 Member
    Shannen here. I am 34yrs old. I lost 40lbs over the summer and I felt like wonder woman! THEN.....the holidays came and I gained 20lb. I fell off the bandwagon but ready to do it right again. I have held strong for 2 weeks. As long as I stay away from wine I stay in control.

    Where are you all from? I am a Northern NV native, born and raised but just for kicks I moved to PA last year and I am loving it. Currently in the Harrisburg area.
  • Hey 36, just started this app 5 days ago..and struggling scale says I gained 9 pounds wahhh
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
    Hello name is Eli..I have been overweight my whole life but i decided to do something about it ..its been a struggle but im trying to change my life style So my goal is to lose 50pds for next year so i can feel better and look better to on my cruise!! So thats what has me motivated!!
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    I was so excited to sign on and see 109 members. I created this group because I love my 30"s!!! Welcome everyone!!!!

    I am a mother of 2 kids (ages 4 and 1) and I need to get into shape. My mother was always large and never had energy to play with us or do anything fun with us, and I do not want that for my kids. I want to be active.

    Also, my husband is a Type 1 diabetic and we participate in the ADA's Step Out fundraisers, last year we finished the 2 mile walk along with those who did the 5 mile. Not cool. LOL.

    So here is to fun ideas and more energy to get fit in 2012 and make 30 look FABULOUSE!
  • astrasburger
    astrasburger Posts: 28 Member

    I am 31, and my profile pic is from this summer with my kids. I am actually now 7 lbs heavier now - I was nursing/pumping full-time for 6 month old twins and i work from home/stay at home with my 2 1/2 year old and 1 year old twins. I am finally having life slow down to start putting in time for myself (weaning the twins) which has caused me to not focus on working out or watching what i's more pushed me to relax and take my extra time to sit down and rest ( was a rough past year). I am working on making my meals more regular and on track (tracking calories and laying off "treats", my kids left over food, extra bites of my kids foods while i feed them, and my wine after kids are in bed). I am also trying to exercise now that i'm not on a strict pumping/nursing schedule. I need to tone up and cut inches on my belly.

    It's hard as i've basically been pregnant/nursing for the last 3 years. I was doing p90x up until i found out i was pregnant with the twins and then i cut out all exercise because of morning sickness and high risk pregnancy. I want to look young, fit and refreshed...not tired, unshowered and frumpy:)
  • Tina0807
    Tina0807 Posts: 212
    Hey 36, just started this app 5 days ago..and struggling scale says I gained 9 pounds wahhh

    I know it's hard when that happens. But being here means you are on the right track. So good job on not giving up!
  • micheles234
    micheles234 Posts: 73 Member
    Hi my name is Michele, I'm 32 and live in Illinois. Have two children, boy 12 and girl 9 and am married. Not new to MFP but took a long break after reaching my goal, and then gaining it ALL back. It's too easy to go over in calories when you don't have to face the numbers! saw the "30" and thought it would be nice to belong to a group of people my age. had a couple friends on here my first time around but they no longer use MFP so I'm looking for friends, also for motivation. I don't know if it was the big 30, or if it had something to do with my quitting smoking in December 2007, but I sure cannot eat what I want anymore. I used to be able to eat anything, and now it seems if I even smell a brownie I'll gain 2 lbs! Good luck to you all and keep up the good work and feel free to add me!