Hi Everyone



  • TriciaAllen7251
    TriciaAllen7251 Posts: 283 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. My diary is set to 1700+ cals but rarely eat that much. Can't with the band. I normally eat between 1000 and 1200 cals. My diary is open to friends and would welcome your views.
  • Thank you very much! I will take a look at it :)
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hello Ronnie....sorry for the late response. Rules of the pouch are pretty simple. You can't (or shouldn't) put more food in there than it can hold (which is not much). The dietician will tell you meals will consist of (in this order) 1/4 cup of protein, 1/4 cup of fruits/veggies and 1/4 cup of carbs. I find that most days I can't eat more than the protein (which I still have a problem getting down). The best advice I've received lately is to make sure I'm eating every 2-3 hours....eating something. That is helping me a lot. I don't get hungry, but in order to be able to lose weight past the initial loss from drinking liquids only, I have to keep the "fires" burning with my metabolism. If you start feeling "funny" when you're eating....stop eating. That may be the warning sign that your pouch is full. I actually start feeling a bit sick so I stop immediately. Then wait about an hour and maybe attempt a snack....and most times I found that I get a couple of bits in then have to stop.

    I have no apetitite and don't really get hungry. If I go way way too long due to exercise between meals, I will feel queezy and shaking and know it's time to eat. You will need to treat the pouch with "kid gloves". Take good care of it and you will be successful.

    Also....my doctor preaches that the first 6 months is the optimum weight loss period. Once you are released to exercise beyond just walking, do everything you can to eat just as the dietician has directed and exercise. My initials weeks resulted in a 4 lb/week loss. Now it's down to like 1-2 lbs/week (arrghghggh). My doctor says this is normal and 4 lbs is the extreme (and he'd be concerned if it was still at that rate). Everyone is different.....but you are in control of your destiny. That's what so cool about the weight loss "tool". We control how much we lose. I have this small pouch now.....so it's up to me how I use it so I can accomplish my goal.

    I am so with you as you continue this journey. You will not regret having the bypass and I wish you all the success in the world.

    I'm here for you!


  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hiyeeeeeeeee Jennifer and welcome to our wonderful group!!! I can't believe we are up to 35 members!

    First of all congratulations on joining MFP and this group. You've taken the first step to getting back on track. Here's the good news: you only gained back 50 lbs! You are putting on the brakes before it gets totally out of control. That is totally awesome!

    I agree with Pokemom.....my doctor's office follows it's patients for 5 years. You're outside that parameter, but I'm sure one of the nurses would not have a problem discussing your situation and giving you pointers or advice. Secondly, I would contact a dietician that works with your doctor's office. They can give you a wealth of information to help you with meal plans, etc. Is there a support group in the area? If not....try a Weight Watchers meeting. I am actually going to Weight Watchers. It's crazy but I enjoy the meetings and learning about eating healthy even though I can't eat anywhere near the amount of food that "those' people can eat. If you can eat 1200 calories a day, WW would be helpful.

    What are you doing to exercise? You not only need to eat less (or at least a lot more healthy), but exercise is a key ingredient to burning fat. I know it's winter and no one wants to get out an walk, but if you don't belong to a gym, there's always walking...even in the mall. You will need a combination of strength/resistance and cardio to be successful with the loss. Before I had my surgery, my doctor had a long heart to heart with me and told me that healthy eating AND exercise would be a way of life. I needed to commit to a change of life in order for this surgery to be successful.

    I don't know if your pouch is larger and I honestly don't know how it feels if that happens. I would think it would take more food to make you fill full...and that's where power foods would be helpful. Under the WW plan, you could have additional fruit and that's 0 points under their plan. Do you feel full after you eat your protein and veggies/fruits? Do you find yourself not able to eat the carbs at meals because you are full? Those are things you would want to reveal to your doctor's office.

    I am a newbie and just had my surgery on 11/30/11. I have not experienced what most people have in this group. One other thing you might want to consider (which I will if I gain back any of my weight), is seeking advice from a counselor who works with bariatric patients. That really helped me prior to surgery. I am even considering going back just to make sure I stay on track.

    We are here to support each other and I am here for you. I am so excited that you found our little group and hope that we can help one another.

    I wish you the best in your journey.


  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    You are doing so totally awesome!!!!!! What an inspiration you are!
  • Thank you very much for your support. I am watching my calories (most days) and I try to exercise at least 4 times a week. I have been doing the exercise bike, WII games and Jillian Michaels. She is really tough but I do know that it is working. Thank you for welcoming me and keep me updated with regard to your weight loss. You are doing great!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    We are 35 members strong! How is everyone doing out there!
  • Itfiguresx
    Itfiguresx Posts: 31 Member
    hello all :) im becky 22 live in derbyshire england! had a gastric band fitted may 2011. lost 3 stones, but had a few problems, and after my band being deflated, ive slammed on half a stone in a month, which im so embarrased about. im now on the slow road to refilling the band, in hopes of some restriction. i have a fill booked next tuesday. so im really hoping i have some restriction this time!!!
    hoever even when i do have restriction, my weight loss is so slow. because i cant stop binge eating at all. on sweet snacks, i hate myself for it. you would have thought after loosing a few stone i would be motivated. well i want to loose the weight, i just cant seem to do it. i started the gym, for about months i went. ended up pulling my sciatic muscle and was on the couch for a week. plus i lost no weight whilst going. so i desided i know people rant and rant about excersize. but i think its much better and safer, to have a steady stream of excersize all through out the day, rather than a short burst which knackered me out, and injured myself. each to their own. :)
    i really need this weight of. i have another 4 n half stone at least to get of before i hit 11 stones. and i really need to get there. so dimotivated. thought the band would be easier, it does help. oh i dunno (rant over) LOL anyway hello to all you bariatrics patients out there. im really happy someone created this group on here :)
  • Hi, I just joined the group and hope to gain strength and courage and determination from it! I had bariatric Roux en Y surgery on January 12,2012 and I don't seem to be doing all that well with it. I am down 19 pounds but it has been almost 4 weeks. I was stuck on 18 lbs for the last 4 days and finally lost alittle today to get to 19. Up until that, I was losing about 1lb a day. I get all my protein and eat three meals aday. My pouch is about the size of 2 medicine cups I was told and I seem to be able to put more than that in but yet I don't go over 700 or so calories a day. Snacks are sugar free jello and sugar free popsickles. Any advise? :sad: Thanks Susan
  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    It sounds like you are doing everything right. Don't put more in your pouch than the doctor told you, though. That was my mistake. I had duodenal switch 9/6/11. I lost 30 lbs. almost immediately, well over 3 weeks.
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Helllooooooooooooo everybody!!!!! A special welcome and hello to Susan and Becky!!!!! We're so glad to have you part of this group. I had my RNY on 11/30/11 and it was the best decision of my life! Has it been a bed of roses??? heck no! I'm still having issues with eating, and McDonald's Strawberry Banana smoothies with my protein is my friend....LOL! But each day is getting better and I'm getting stronger. Yesterday I learned that macaroni w/cheese is off the diet plate for a while. Certain foods (like eggs too) just don't sit well with me, so it's back to peanut butter w/crackers...LOL.

    I have to get ready for WW (yeah I still go to weight watchers even though I can't eat like that), but I like my leader and the meetings so it's just another tool to keep me motivated.

    I will write to Susan & Becky this afternoon when I get back. I have some words of encouragement!

    Hugz to my peeps,

  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hi Susie! Welcome to the group and congratulations on your life changing decision to have WLS. I had my RNY on 11/30/11 and as you can see have dropped 53 lbs thus far. It hasn't been an easy journey thus far but it is worthwhile and I wouldn't change a thing! My biggest issue is getting food down. Liquids are no problem but meats and other foods give me fits!

    My biggest advice is not to obsess over the scale. It is a tool amongst all of our tools and should just be used to monitor. A few weeks ago I was obsessing over not dropping 4 lbs in a week (which had been my average) and what I've learned is that I had set my expectations way too high and I wasn't eating enough. I started fluctuating within the week by .2, .4 and .6 and got all upset. I still get on the scale every day but I base my success for the week by what my weight is on my official weigh-in day (which I chose the day of the week I had my surgery).

    My doctor and I had a consultation and he reset my expectations. He said that I should expect to lose between 1-4 lbs/week. He said that a continued loss of 4 lbs/week was not sustainable or healthy and I should expect 1-2 lbs safely. That was a bit hard to swallow because I had expectations of much more. So now I have more realistic expectations and am happy with the 1-2.

    You are approaching the 6 week mark. Once you hit 6 weeks you can begin to start a robust exercise program. So what is that? It is a combination of cardio and strength/resistance training each and every week. Healthy eating and exercise will be a way of life forever for us. If you're a member of a gym, I would recommend getting with a trainer if you can to set up a program for you. I work with a trainer on a weekly basis then I do a combination of Spinning, swimming and kickboxing for the cardio and working out with weights between sessions. It's grueling sometimes, but as I see the ounces shed, it's all worth it.

    One thing my dietician counseled me on was getting enough calories. Their minimum recommendation is 800/day. OMG.....I rarely hit that number. But what I'm learning is I have to eat more on the days I pour on the exercise. I know once I can eat better I'll reach that number more....but it's hard right now. Here are some questions for you regarding metabolism: Are you getting something to eat within 30 minutes of getting up in the morning? This kick starts your engine and gets the metabolism going. Are you eating every 2-3 hours? This keeps the fires burning all day long. When I do those 2 things, I am more successful on the scale.

    If you exercise, don't worry about going over 700 calories a day. Anything less your body (like mine does to me) is in starvation mode and will hoard fat.

    I wish you the best and we are here for you. Remember we've been given a tool....that is all it is. The rest is up to us to maximize the use of the tool. Your doctor, nurse and dietician are great resources to help you be successful so don't hesitate to call them.

    Good luck.....keep us up to date on your journey!


  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Good morning Becky and welcome to our group. You are in the right place for encouragement and support. I had the RNY on 11/30/11 and didn't have the band (I wasn't a candidate). I hope that some of our "band" members out here will read your story and provide some advice with the band. Some of the things you are experiencing I don't experience with the RNY. I am never ever hungry right now. I have to force myself to eat only because I know I need to. As far as sweets go, I watch anything with sugar that I put into my mouth. I try to find as much as possible that is "sugar free" because I don't want to do the dumping syndrome thing. I'm not sure if band patients have that or not.

    Here's some advice from the "from what it's worth department". Remember that the "band" is only a tool. The doctor has given you a tool to use to help you lose the weight faster (at the beginning) and restrict the amount of food that goes in. It appears that your band needs an adjustment and hopefully after that you will lose at a higher rate. My doctor tells me that a rate of 1-4 lbs/week could be expected. The average will be 1-2 which is a safe loss (I had hoped to keep it at 4). The tool is only half the equation.....the other half is YOU. We have a responsibility to do our part and following the guidelines set forth by our dietician and to have a robust exercise program. I would like to encourage you to put away those sweets and replace it with protein or fruits instead. Some people think the surgery is a "magic pill". It's only the beginning and part of the success story. If we don't follow the food and exercise guidelines, we won't lose weight and we'll be miserable.

    I know things are greatly different in the UK than the US as far as the healthcare system. I would encourage you to work closely with your doctor and dietician to get advice to help you with your journey.

    We are here for you and will encourage you along your journey. Let us know how the doctor visit goes and I hope they are able to adjust it properly so it will help you.

    Hugz from the USA


    p.s. My husband currently lives in South London....so I have a soft spot in my heart for the Brits!
  • LosinMamaof2girls
    LosinMamaof2girls Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Everyone,
    My name is Rebecca. I had RNY 8/29/07. Went from 341 to 198 in a year and a half. Then got pregnant with my first. Gained 55 with her. Took a year to get back down to 198. Then I found out I was pregnant again. I gained 45 with her. Her one year birthday is coming up 3/19 and I am no where near to prepreggy weight. I am 235. So I am back here to get on track and get some support. I went to my RNY Dr and the nutritionist. The nutritionist went well but I found out from the Dr a lot of my labs are low. This last pregnancy really sucked everything out of me plus not being consistant with my vitamins. So I have to get iron, calcium, vit d and zinc up. Word to all you newbies out there...DO NOT FORGET YOUR VITAMINS. It is amazing how bad you feel when you let that go and how hurtful it is to your health. So anyway, my plan is I am focusing on geting my eating back on track and when I get my vitamin levels up and have the energy I will add exercise back in again. Can't wait to get to know some of you. Thanks, Rebecca
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Rebecca and welcome to the group! This is a great place to be for encouragement and support. I will send you a friend request so we can keep up with each other's progress.

    Congrats on having your surgery in 2007. Life sort of gets in the way sometimes, but with determination and a lot of hard work, I know you'll be able to accomplish your goal. You are absolutely right about the vitamins. It's an important part of our recovery and it's for a lifetime. I just had blood work done a few weeks ago, and everything is still good. I was worried about the protein because my protein intake is not what it should be. I bought some Biotin today, so hopefully that will help me keep my hair and give me energy too.

    I applaud you for taking the first steps to getting back on track and for becoming a member of our group. We are here to support one another and you are amongst friends. I would encourage you to add the exercise component in, no matter how small. All it takes is 10 minutes and you'll soon be well down the road.

    Good luck to you in your journey.


  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone. I just joined mfp today. My name is Kim and I've been on a weight loss rollercoaster since I was 10 years old (I'm 45). I'll try and keep this long story to a short version, but I would love to be a part of this support network.

    I had my first Bariatric surgery on October 22, 2007 (a lapband). I was at 329# and scared about what I was doing to myself. I lost about 75 pounds. Then I plateaued FOREVER. I wasn't happy that I hadn't lost all I wanted, but felt I wasn't as big as before. I had started having some trouble that I thought was just stress related (it wasn't just that). I ignored it for months--just chalking it up to stress. I had something happen that less than 1% of band patients have happen- a severe prolapse. My band had begun to act as an obstruction instead of a restrictor. Three days after our wedding anniversary in July of 10 I was direct admitted from the Dr. office to the hospital for emergency surgery to have my band removed. I was devastated. :( The weight came back on like gang busters in a very short time. I ended up back over 300#'s!

    My Dr./surgeon and I talked. He said I needed time to heal but we could revisit bariatric surgery but he would not put a band back in for me--he suggested the sleeve gastrectomy (sp?). I went through the process again. On March 22, 2011 I had a sleeve gastrectomy and have lost about 45 pounds (still not to the lowest I made it to with my band) and once again have plateaued for what seems like FOREVER! I know some is food choices I'm making, lack of exercise, stress, not drinking enough water.

    I know the surgery isn't the miracle for weight loss; it is a tool to help you change your habits. I know I need some support and motivation or my tool isn't going to help me. I get down on myself regularly and have a hard time not feeling like I'm ever going to get down where I'd like to be. The doctor has agreed to see me a little more frequent the next few months and in the mean time setting goals and trying to work towards them.

    Then today I had someone show me the MFP site and I thought that might be very helpful. When I started looking at the groups and found the bariatric ones I was so excited!
  • lclowe0808
    lclowe0808 Posts: 62 Member
    Hiyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Kim and welcome to our group! I'm so sorry for not writing sooner but sometimes I forget about checking the group site to see what's going on.

    I'm going to ask my friends to send you a 'friends' request.....there is a wonderful group of ladies that are on my list that are very uplifting and encouraging....and it's helping me with my success. I had my RNY on 11/30/11 so just a few months after your 2nd sugery. I had originally wanted the sleeve, but I'm so glad now that I chose the RNY. Of all the surgeries, it's probably the best choice for meeting the goals that you set for yourself. My sister's boss had the sleeve and she's lost over a hundred pounds and is doing great....so don't give up hope.

    Weight loss is kind of a funky thing. The "tool" we've been blessed with is just that. It's just a tool....a smaller stomach that doesn't hold much food. What I am learning throughout this journey is the "tool" is only part of the equation. The other part is nutrition (I don't use the word diet) and exercise. The nutrition part of my journey is laughable at best. If I get 500 calories in a day it's a miracle sometimes. I just had the 2nd EGD today and hopefully that'll do the trick so I can get solids down better. My doctor wants my food choices to be because it's healthy...not because it's something that will go down easily that I don't have to worry with throwing up later. The exercise part of the journey is great. I formally work out 4 days a week with a combination of strength training and cardio. My girlfriend and I meet up on Saturday & Sunday and work out together. We just bought new bicycles and will be starting that as part of our regimen as well.

    Bariatric surgery alone will not help you meet your goals. It really takes an awful lot of work. I'm just 3 months out, and I have to focus on it every single day. Here's the thing with your journey. You're past the honeymoon phase where you get the greatest weight loss. Now being a year out, it's going to be a slower progress.....but you can do it. You've taken the first step by meeting with your doctor more. That's great. Secondly, I would recommend that you get with your dietician to go over what you're eating. They can really help you with the nutrition part. Third.....you've got to move your body! I am 10 years older than you....so you need to take this opportunity before 'mentalpause' hits and work on moving more. My doctor gave me lots of little "sermons" prior to surgery about the honeymoon phase and exercise. Eating properly and exercise will be our life forever. This was a life changing event and we have to change what we were doing in the past so that the future is what we want it to be.

    You CAN do this.....one pound at a time. And we are here to cheer you on every step of the way. One of the things that is helping me stay focused is that I'm training for something special. This month I'm going to do an indoor triathlon at my gym and in August I plan to do the Danskin down in Pleasant Prairie. It's so crazy....but it is keeping me focused on the exercise in order to be able to accomplish this goal. For easter I'm going home to Georgia....so that too is keeping me focused so that I'm doing the right things to continue losing weight.

    I wish you all the success in the world and I know with healthy eating and an exercise plan you can accomplish your goals. Don't give up and when you're feeling blah or down, just look in the mirror.....see how far you've come.....and you'll never want to go back to the old Kim.

    Look forward to following your successes on your journey. You've come to the right place!


  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Linda:

    It's great to know there are some awesome people out there that can help us on our journey. I value that immensely.

    I'm glad that your Rouen Y (sp?) has been an effective tool. That was the original surgery I explored several years ago, but was unsure. Tried Atkins and did very well, but then slipped up and back on it all came. I felt even lousier.

    I'm hoping my sleeve tool is effective, too. It's slow going. I know I should have went with rouen y for faster results, but I was just so unsure and this was the avenue the dr and I decided would be a good course for me. I need to constantly remember it's a TOOL.

    I tend to be an emotional eater. :( It's quite a battle to overcome--especially when the stress level goes up.

    The honeymoon is definitely over--has been for a while and trying to jumpstart things again.

    Thank you so much for brining me into your circle of friends that are on this journey with us. It is greatly appreciated! :)

  • Smokey19
    Smokey19 Posts: 796 Member
    Hi, Kim,

    My name is also Kim. I had a duodenal switch last September and the honeymoon phase is definitely over. I have to work hard for every pound I lose. I have to watch what I eat very carefully, although I, too, am an emotional eater. I haven't been able to work out like I should since I had my back adjusted 2 weeks in a row. I intend to get back on the treadmill and return to the gym this week.

    I have a husband that is underweight and I have to keep cakes, muffins and donuts on the table for him to eat all day long. He is in the process of getting dentures and can eat those foods. I also prepare special food for him. That makes it difficult to say no to those things.

    You can do this. Just keep focused on diet and exercise.

  • kimmireads
    kimmireads Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks Kim and all of you--We can do this for ourselves together!!! Thank you for welcoming into your circle of friends. The support you're giving me is amazing!!!! Virtual Hugs to All!:flowerforyou: