Leap Year Challenge- 29 days to healthier!



  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Point total 2/2: 15
  • 2/2 = 9 points

    Also, I just noticed that I goofed on 2/1, I should have only had 13 points, not 14..
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    +1 Point for each of the following (per day)
    - Drink 64 oz of water 1
    - Complete Food Diary 1
    - 2 Fruits/ 2 Vegetables 1
    - PER 10 minutes of Exercise up to 120 minutes (ex. 30 minutes= 3 pts for the day) = 6 for 60 minutes of exercise.

    Total Points Feb 1 - 9 points
    Total Points Feb 2 - 9 points

  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Way to go ladies :) I only had 3 for the day because I didn't even attempt exercise yesterday. Today is my day though. I will get exercise today.
  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    2/2. 4 points. I did great with logging and water. Hit all my goals! I had a tough workout on Wednesday, so Thursday was my planned day off - although I did give myself a point for doing a few minutes of basic strength work. Gotta keep those butt muscles strong!

    My weight is not really changing - trying to gain. But my undies and some jeans are all getting tighter. So, that's a great thing - except I don't really have the money for a new wardrobe!
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Point total for 2/3: 14

    Didn't get that second serving of fruit in, but I had tons of veggies. Yum
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Total for today: 7
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    +1 Point for each of the following (per day)
    - Drink 64 oz of water 1
    - Complete Food Diary 1
    - 2 Fruits/ 2 Vegetables 1
    - PER 10 minutes of Exercise up to 120 minutes (ex. 30 minutes= 3 pts for the day) = 6 for 60 minutes of exercise.

    Total Points Feb 1 - 9 points
    Total Points Feb 2 - 9 points
    Total Points Feb 3 - 9 points

  • amber10101
    amber10101 Posts: 100 Member
    2/3 5 points. Took another day off the exercise. Well, I did some crunches and push ups, but nothing big! Planning on going for a longer run today. :)
  • 2/3 = 3 points
    2/2 = 9 points
    2/1 = 13 points
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    +1 Point for each of the following (per day)
    - Drink 64 oz of water 1
    - Complete Food Diary 1
    - 2 Fruits/ 2 Vegetables 1
    - PER 10 minutes of Exercise up to 120 minutes (ex. 30 minutes= 3 pts for the day) = 6 for 60 minutes of exercise.

    Total Points Feb 1 - 9 points
    Total Points Feb 2 - 9 points
    Total Points Feb 3 - 2 points (only got half my water and day off on exercise today)

  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    Points for 2/4: 5

    No giant workout yesterday.
  • 2/4 = 9 points
    2/3 = 3 points
    2/2 = 9 points
    2/1 = 13 points
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    2/1: 14
    2/2: 15
    2/3: 14
    2/4: 5
    2/5: 2 (yikes, there is NO excuse for that number!)
    weigh in: 3

    Week total 2/1-2/5= 53
  • Weigh in = 2 points for the week
    2/5 = 5 points
    2/4 = 9 points
    2/3 = 3 points
    2/2 = 9 points
    2/1 = 13 points
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    2/5- 6 pts.
  • 2/6 = 7 points
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    2/6- 4
  • Te2005
    Te2005 Posts: 173 Member
    2/6: 5
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    +1 Point for each of the following (per day)
    - Drink 64 oz of water 1
    - Complete Food Diary 1
    - 2 Fruits/ 2 Vegetables 1
    - PER 10 minutes of Exercise up to 120 minutes (ex. 30 minutes= 3 pts for the day) = 6 for 60 minutes of exercise.

    Feb 1 - 9 points
    Feb 2 - 9 points
    Feb 3 - 9 points
    Feb 4 - 2 points
    Feb 5 - 5 points
    Feb 6 - 5 points

    Sorry Everyone, I get confused where to place my points. I have been up really late the past few days, and have forgotten to update my points. So, caught up as of yesterday, Monday. This month is flying by as well! Stay as strong as you can!! :happy:
