Ravenclaw Common Room



  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    I am officially wearing FitBit! Got it last night, and got to track my sleeping. So far this morning it's tracked my walking, that I went up 1 flight of stairs, how many miles I've walked, and how many calories I've burned.

    For those of you who have one, there is a discussion thread for it that also has a FAQ. It just started so people are still getting comfortable with theirs, but check it out for the FAQ.

    And it's so petite! About the size of a USB jump drive.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    good morning everyone!!! The week's half over already yeah!!! although the weekends are my snacking downfall :(
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    hi all! :)
    i'm doing good for now, it's first challenge so i gotta be good :D
    my weight is still the same -.- for a month now... going loco!

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ravenclaw!

    I thought my department was going out for a group lunch today so I didn't pack anything to bring with me. Big mistake! We ended up not going so I had to settle for something from the cafe in our building. Got a grilled chicken on spinach wrap with no dressing. Not terrible but more calories than I usually eat for lunch - and I don't feel satiated. I hope I brought enough snacks to keep me satisfied through class tonight.

    Enjoy your day everyone!
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    hi all! :)
    i'm doing good for now, it's first challenge so i gotta be good :D
    my weight is still the same -.- for a month now... going loco!


    Same here! weight is the same for a month! Ahhhhhh!
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hello, everyone

    Just wanted to say I did my first day of couch to 5k today. I thought it was going to be easy since I have been doing regular cardio for a month but I found it challenging. The hardest thing is the timing of getting outside to run. I take care of my two year old during the day and I can't just leave him by himself to go run for 20-30 minutes. I guess I'll try to do it when the older boys come home from school and can look out for him. Fortunately at this early stage we have a very big yard so I can just run around him. I usually see a pound or so loss every few days but my scale seems to be stuck this week. I guess this is my first plateau or maybe my muscle is building at exactly the same rate as I'm losing. I don't really care because I've never felt better than I do now. Why did I wait so long to feel like I was living.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Ooh Couch to five k is great, challenging for non-runners (like me!!) but great. Stick with it!
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Hi everyone, how's everyone going?

    Had a weird week so far this week. On Monday it was Waitangi Day, which is a public holiday here in New Zealand. So seeing as it was pretty sunny, me and my boyfriend went for a trip to the zoo. A lot of fun, but also it was four hours of continuously walking around and being on my feet. Wasn't sure whether to log it as exercise though, so I did my normal daily exercise when I got home, stuck to my normal calorie limit...and possibly ended up exhausting myself as a result.

    The next morning I was getting ready for work, hadn't had breakfast yet. Very suddenly I noticed I felt insanely hungry, and then felt shaky and dizzy, and almost passed out. So then because of that I spent the rest of the day being nervous it was going to happen again, and over eating to avoid letting myself feel hungry again just in case. Went over my limit for the day, and then struggled to stay in my limit again yesterday because I was still feeling nervous about what had happened on Tuesday morning. Finally today I've managed to get back to my usual eating routine.

    On top of that, on Tuesday my grandfather passed away, so all in all not the best week so far.
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hello Everyone

    Weezieishness - So sorry to hear about your grandfather

    I just wanted to say this starvation mode thing has been confusing me. I not a hundred percent sure that is a problem for me but I read a blog last night that opened my eyes a bit. To preface my scale has refused to move all week this week when I am used to seeing a pound every 3-4 days. I thought it was odd and blamed it on the end of the water weight, a decrease in fiber, a gain in muscle, and any number of other theories. I've been doing cardio all week rather than my usual 2-3 days and according to the MFP tracker I was leaving a 1000+ calorie deficit on a daily basis. I was under the impression I was really getting it done and the scale not moving has been really frustrating me. I've heard some of you say we should eat back the calories we burn but I have never really done it. Last night I had an epiphany after reading this blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/447397-my-plateau-nutrition-story-learn-from-my-mistakes?error_user_id=15117906&error_username=jazzgnat I hope you can follow the link there if not its entitled "My Plateau, Nutrition Story, Learn from my Mistakes." Basically it explains how to calculate your needed calorie intake based on your activity level similar to what MFP does and what starvation mode is and how it effects so many people. The thing is when I signed up here I was a total couch potato but now I am working out 5 days a week so my activity level has dramatically changed thus changing what my body needs. If the math for calculating this is hurting your head you can use this site: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm and just punch in your numbers. I guess the moral of the story is you do need to increase your food with your activity level. I'm going to see where it leads me and report back to you guys.
  • Terrible week this week, sorry ladies!

    My in laws came in for a last minute visit and I was tracking the first half of the week, btu when they come it's restaurants every night and I gave up after a while - I have no idea how to track outside food. UGH. Wasn't online much eithe rsince they took up most of our home-time.

    BAck on track now. What's the challenge rightnow?
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Weezieishness- so sorry to hear about your grandfather.

    WhatsEatingYou- challenges are: food: at least three servings of fruit and veg every day, exercise: strength training, ten mins per day...

    And now for house business...

    Well done to this week's prefects.... Cherubcrnp aaand, Missklara! Well done you two, please can you send me an exercise challenge for next week Cherubcrnp, and a food challenge from Missklara please. If I get them by Saturday I can post them for everyone else to start next week.
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    I feel just soooooooooo frustrated. I get on the scale yesterday and I am a pound up. I get on the scale today and I am another pound up! After six days in a row of one hour cardio blasts! Now I have to spend the whole day trying not to let the gain get to me.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Weezieishness - Ouch, sorry for your tough week and certainly sorry for your loss. :( Also, I hope you find out what caused the lightheadedness soon. I know there are a dozen things it could have been, but I've had a couple girls on my team very recently describe the same thing and it turned out they had a stomach virus of some sort that was made worse by dehydration. If nothing else, drink lots of water. :)

    Jazzgnat - Thanks for the links and the info. Definitely keep us posted on how well it works for you and if it helps you break your plateau. Also, I'm sure you already know, but it may just be that your weight is starting to come off at a more regular rate now. 2+ pounds per week or more is typically a good starting rate, but once you lose a lot of the initial weight and/or get closer to your goal, it doesn't always come off so quickly. Even if it's not coming off as fast lately, like you mentioned, you're probably still heading the right direction by building more muscle and getting your body into healthier shape. :)

    Congrats to the house prefects, cherubcrnp and missklara! Awesome job with the challenges both of you! I'm impressed.

    And to go along with that, congrats again to cherubcrnp for being our Quidditch All-Star this week with a weight loss percentage of 1.72%! Oh, and a little birdie told me she hit a particularly special milestone, too, but I'll her share that with the group. ;) Either way, CONGRATS!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello All!

    blackhawkgirl- I'm totally stealing your chart Idea!! Made it today at work and it's going up at home when I get off!

    Korkster- I hope you are enjoying your fitbit as much as I do.

    Weezieishness- *hugs* I'm so sorry for your loss.

    Cherubcrnp & Missklara- Congrats!!!

    So I was SUPER lazy on my weekend. Spent the whole time watching Korea Drama (seriously I didn't leave my house at all) and ordered pizza last night. Definitely going to workout today after work. 30 minutes You're Shape & 30 minutes (or more since it's so fun) Kinect adventures. There's an employee luncheon today and my friend is the caterer he usually makes me some pretty healthy stuff it's just the logging that's crazy since I have no idea what he uses. Hope everyones week is going well. :)
    :heart: Ayla
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hello, Everyone

    The scale went up this morning by 3 lbs over night. I decided to take some measurements so I can track them from now on. I've also decided after this weeks weigh in I'm locking the scale in the closet for the week. The stupid thing is stressing me out. I've worked out everyday this week with a 45min cardio video and 2 days of couch to 5k week1. I'll do the last couch to 5k day today. I am frustrated.
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    good day to all! oh what a wonderful day for me :happy:

    today's my first anniversary of relationship with my boyfriend :heart: i have big exam on monday so we're celebrating next weekend. he's taking me to a restaurant(yummy!) and after that we're going in a club where we've met a year ago :blushing:
    AND i think that broke my platoe!!! today: 2 pounds down :drinker:
    we'll see about that tomorrow and the day after.

    also... can't believe i won! :D awesome!

  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    I *LOVE* my FitBit!

    It is soooo cool. Tracks my sleep, steps, flights of stairs, cardio. Both MFP & FP talk to each other, so I don't have to do anything. I have not yet done any actual exercise, so I haven't tried that exercise log feature yet, but it's cool to see how active (or not) I am throughout the day and what my baseline "calories burned" is for the week.

    I also love the badges.

    Food-wise, I was bad yesterday, but managed to still keep within my limit by keeping control for dinner. Food trucks, in case you don't know, are a BAD IDEA. 800 calories for a freaking sandwich! Tater tots were good though; they were sweet potato. :)

    I am still doing well with the water. Over 9 glasses of water everyday.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello, Everyone

    The scale went up this morning by 3 lbs over night. I decided to take some measurements so I can track them from now on. I've also decided after this weeks weigh in I'm locking the scale in the closet for the week. The stupid thing is stressing me out. I've worked out everyday this week with a 45min cardio video and 2 days of couch to 5k week1. I'll do the last couch to 5k day today. I am frustrated.
    Jazzgnat - don't let the weight gain discourage you. When you work out, you get micro-tears in your muscle tissue. As a result, you retain some water in the muscle tissue to help it heal. This is a natural process. The water retention shows as a weight gain. Make sure you're drinking your water to help the healing process and to flush the toxins from your body. Then, give yourself a day off from exercise the day before your weigh-in so that your muscles can shed the water. As your body becomes accustomed to your new routine, you'll start seeing your weight drop again. Keep up the good work! :drinker:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Wish I had more time to post, but I'm rushing off to work in a minute.

    Jazzgnat, Sue's advice is great. I hope it helps because it really is very true. In fact, every single time I start working out again on a regular basis or up the intensity of what I'm doing, I end up seeing gains initially, but they ultimately even out. And like she said, giving yourself a day of rest in between is always good, too. Good for the body in a couple ways, but it also gives you a better idea of where you might really be if you rest one day, drink your water, and then weigh in the next. Hope it works out for you!

    Ashley, sorry to hear you're still having trouble as well. :/ I'm not sure what your food habits are or anything like that, so I don't have any particular advice (not that I'm an expert really), but don't give up! Keep looking at what you're doing to get healthy and maybe take some measurements instead so that you can see physical progress. :)
  • cNhobbes
    cNhobbes Posts: 235 Member
    hey guys! i haven't dropped by in a while and i miss being a ravenclaw. any new challenges going on?