Ravenclaw Common Room



  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Good morning to all my fellow Ravenclaws! So I thought I did horrible last night, but after logging in the balance of what I ate I only went over by 90 calories. I know that this is not what I want, I want to keep within my calories, but if I didn't have a drink of vodka at the end of the night I would have been good. So I think I need to forgo the vodka until I can wrap my head around budgeting my calories better.

    Anywho, today is another day and considering my eating habits the last few months I feel as though I am doing pretty good. I hope everyone had a great day yesterday!


    BTW, I miss having a signature!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    @mish3131: you're right to look at things in the long-term perspective! Today might not have been an A+ day, but it still is much better than where you were before now. Keep that chin up :smile:

    That reminds me: I was thinking to myself today---Im not the same person I was 31 lbs ago. Just under a year ago, I was struggling with heartbreak after a bad relationship that had an awful and long ending, struggling with my first year in college and missing my high school friends incredibly. While our wounds never truly disappear, they do indeed heal when given the right treatment. I've become an athlete, physically and mentally, stronger than I've ever been before. While 31 lbs is a wonderful feat, especially as a full time college student, it's small compared to my ultimate weight loss goal, but it is probably the most important 31 lbs I will lose on this journey. I am so, so I credibly thankful to have you all and everyone else here on and off MFP to help guide my journey:flowerforyou:

    Team Ravenclaw :drinker:
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    WOW! Fairly quiet here. We need to get more people chatting. Good morning. Yesterday was not a bad a day as I thought eating wise. The hard days for me are the weekends. Usually dh works Saturdays so I have both kids by myself and Sunday is both of us, but I usually am so involved with the kids I forget to eat. Ugh...

    Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day!

  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Agreed! We have plenty of quiet days lately, although I'm hoping we'll all get back into the swing once we get over the holiday business. I seem to have the opposite problem to yours Mish. I usually do pretty well during the week since my schedule is opposite to my husband's and I'm at work, so I don't think about food or eating unless it's lunch. On the weekends, though, I tend to be a habit eater and/or a boredom eater, so I just keep wanting to grab one more snack or have my meals earlier, which makes me feel later like I need to eat again.

    I need hobbies on my weekends, lol.
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    Hello to Ravenclaw! First post here! Went through the sorting hat ceremony and Ravenclaw it is! Looking forward to getting to know you all!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Friday Ravenclaw! Today's a total bust calorie-wise. The office bought pizza for everyone and I just downed 3 huge pieces! :noway: Don't know what my deal is - I seem to be slipping into old eating patterns and it's going to catch up to me soon if I don't find a way to put the brakes on. I'm glad you're all here to keep me accountable! :heart:
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    azsuzi - Maybe if the office is a place where you lose your strength a little bit you can put something at your desk to remind you of your goals. It could be a picture or a phrase or something like that. Ex) "(Your goal here) is more important to me than the temporary happiness found in food." Keep healthy yummy snacks with you at work so you can feel satisfied without eating the office food.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. sorry i've been absent the past few days-still struggling with upper respiratory infection that started as strep over christmas that is still hanging on. feeling better today happily as it is my birthday. i got a gift card from a local spa for christmas and i am going for a massage and a pedicure (never had one before). i am planning to get my eating back on track tomorrow. not sure about workouts as a trip up the stairs causes a coughing fit. i have done really poorly the past month to 6 weeks and have gained. honestly, i think i am gonna skip weigh in tomorrow-don't want the bad numbers to head me in a downward spin. hoping to see more folks posting as things return to normal post holiday...you all mean a really lot to me!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
    welcome to alohashley :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Birthday Penny!! :flowerforyou:

    @alohashley - thanks for the encouragement. I do try to keep healthy snacks at work, but don't always remember they're there. :embarassed: Years ago I had affirmations at my desk to remind me about my goals - it might be time to bring them back. Thanks for the suggestion!

    kellyisfat, lottee1000 and emmie-rene have all volunteered to assume the post of Head of House. They will be sharing the duties, so watch for their announcements! Thanks guys!! :flowerforyou: I will be working behind the scenes for the next week or so making some changes to the googledoc, but then I'll turn everything over to them. After that, I'll get to join the rest of you competing to earn the Prefect badge each week!! :wink:

    Remember, when you weigh in this week, post your weight, OWLs and House Points in columns E, F & G on the googledoc:

    Happy Saturday everyone!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning Ravenclaws.

    Finished the first week at my new job. It was great. I'd be more excited to share but I gained weight this week and I don't know why. I stayed below my calorie limit, went hiking, and everyday at work I climb stairs. Just don't get it.

    Anyhoo, here are my stats which I will also post to google.

    Exercise- 135
    OWL be within 100- 3
    OWL spirit- 2
    OWL exercise meet goal- 2
    CW- 316.0

    QUESTION: what's the goals for the week?

    Have a good one.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Alright, posted my stats. I saw the week 1 challenges, but are we now entering week 2? What are the week 2 challenges?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Alright, posted my stats. I saw the week 1 challenges, but are we now entering week 2? What are the week 2 challenges?

    I'm going to step in here and suggest that we keep the challenges the same for week 2 (8 glasses of water, 5 mini workouts a day and spirit posting) since we all seem to be a bit out of sorts with all the changes. Sound good to everyone?
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    How much coffee is too much? I find that on this 1200 calorie diet that the site suggested for me I am overloading myself with coffee in the morning to suppress my appetite so that I can have a decent meal for dinner along with a couple of cocktails. At this moment I feel like I could rocket my body to the moon with all this caffeine in my system. :)
  • WhatsEatingYou
    Hi! I'd like to join in and I've been poking around..I see this week's challenges (this would be starting week 2, yes?), but I'm not sure where I send what information to get started. Please advise!

  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    How much coffee is too much? I find that on this 1200 calorie diet that the site suggested for me I am overloading myself with coffee in the morning to suppress my appetite so that I can have a decent meal for dinner along with a couple of cocktails. At this moment I feel like I could rocket my body to the moon with all this caffeine in my system. :)

    Too much coffee is not good for you - it can raise your blood pressure among other things. I try to limit myself to 3 cups a day. Spread your 1200 calories throughout the day so that your body has the fuel to keep going - do NOT skip breakfast. Focus on nutrient-rich foods (lots of fresh fruits and veggies!) and limit processed foods. Good breakfast choices include eggs or egg whites with a piece of fruit; peanut butter on whole grain bread; or cottage cheese and fruit. My average calories for each meal are: breakfast 200; snack 100; lunch 300; snack 100; dinner 500. If you include lots of veggies in your meals, you will not go hungry. It takes a LOT of veggies to meet your calories and they're loaded with fiber which will help you feel full longer. Sorry to say you may have to forego the cocktails for a while or find lower-cal alternatives... Good luck!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Sounds great, Sue!

    Lottee will be handling the challenges each week, so that would give her an extra week to get everything in order. I'll be watching out for the spreadsheet, sending reminders, and reporting our totals. I think Emmie is going to be back-up for a bit in case something happens and we're too booked up and/or may take over when her schedule gets to be a little more open in February. :)

    Hope it doesn't confuse everyone, but at least that way we should always be more than covered when actions are needed.
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hi! I'd like to join in and I've been poking around..I see this week's challenges (this would be starting week 2, yes?), but I'm not sure where I send what information to get started. Please advise!


    We've just recently started a new shared excel sheet for entering our weekly information (weigh-ins, OWLs earned from challenges, and house points), so hopefully this link will work for you:


    To start, we would need your starting weight and your goal for EOM January.

    Aside from that, feel free to post questions here, and we'll answer them as quickly as we can get to them. :)
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw and happy sunday!! had a nice time at the spa for my birthday yesterday. loved both the massage and pedicure...very relaxing. working my way back to feeling normal-i'm at about 75% today. i bought the 30 day shred yesterday. i've never been a huge Jillian fan (i'm more of a Bob chick) but i keep hearing how great it is. i thought it might be the kick in the butt i need to get back on track. not sure when i will start it. i think i will just do easy walking first since i haven't really done much exercising the past month.

    as to the coffee/cocktail question alohashley-in addition to what sue already said, they both are very dehydrating requiring you to drink an addition glass of water for each caffeinated or alcoholic beverage you drink. although it was hard to get used to, i try to drink a couple cups of water before breakfast as it fills me up and then i don't find that i am short on water intake late in the day. good luck!!

    i had planned to skip weigh in so as not to depress myself, but i have to get back to being accountable, so here goes:
    weight 176.4 is up another .4lbs-not as bad as i had expected all things considered.
    owls-haven't been keeping close track but i can be sure of 7 (4 checkin and 3 water)
    house points 119-also not as bad as i thought
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! I went on a junky binge yesterday and I am paying for it this morning - head-achey and groggy. Bleh - one of these days I'l learn...

    Weighing in today (and logged on the spreadsheet :happy: )

    Weight: 154 - down 1 pound - YAY!
    OWLs: 11 - I think (6 spirit and 5 water)
    House Points: 105 - not many but more than I was! Slowly getting back into it.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day!
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Today will be a good day! I thought I might share a little affirmation with the group for just an extra boost if needed. So often, women especially, base their own self worth on other people's opinions of them. Why do we waste our precious energy fixing ourselves for others when that energy could be devoted to so many other worthwhile things?

    Look for your weak spots, the things in yourself that bring on self doubt and attack them with affirmations like the ones below! Repeat them throughout the day during good moments and bad moments!

    Today, I believe in myself.

    I am attractive and radiate confidence and sexiness.

    My body is strong and healthy, and I love it exactly as it is.