Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    How in the world I talked myself into pizza and Coke tonight for my dinner, I'll never know. *sigh* At least I didn't have very much of either. Still, I definitely need to make sure I don't forget my lunch anymore. Not so great on the choices available for the late shifts.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws happy new year everyone, Am so sorry that I didnt weigh in last week as I was out of town, am weighing in at 103 on a different lot of scales which is actually a loss of 1 pound so will probably change the scales that I use to this one, My goal weight for January is 101 on these scales. Have a fantastic year.
  • craft338
    craft338 Posts: 870 Member
    so sorry i've been MIA! i thought that having a week off from work would give me more free time, but it turns out that between the holidays and catching up with things i haven't been able to do because of work, i've been more busy than ever! plus, i got sick, too!

    i haven't been horrible over the holidays with eating, but i haven't been great either. i've decided not to weigh myself between Christmas and a week after new years, so I'm sitting out this weigh in, but i'll be back first thing next monday morning.

    my goal for the end of january is 182 lbs (100 lbs lost in 1 year!!)

    my exercise minutes for this week are 225 :bigsmile:
    2 food points
    2 exercise points :tongue:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Morning Ravenclaws!

    This week has been pretty bad. I found it quite difficult to keep within my calorie range and I didn't get any real exercise. I was so food during Thanksgiving... I don't know why I had such a hard time this time around. I still did well, but I could have done better.

    Exercise- 60
    OWL be within 100- 5
    OWL spirit- 2
    OWL exercise meet goal- 1

    I did get some awesome turkey perky jerky which is totally fantastic! 100 calories for the whole bag! I love jerky so this is a huge plus for me. You can get it at target or online. Thanks for the tip, craft338!

    Sue, I like excel sheets but I wouldn't be a good head of house. Sorry.

    Happy New Year!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Up early today for a bell choir practice. I rode my bike there - about 15 - 20 minutes each way. Such beautiful weather right now - sunny and mid-60's! This is pretty much the first exercise I've done since before Christmas :blushing: . Now I'm enjoying a turkey sandwich - the end of the holiday leftovers. Tomorrow I'll weigh in and get back to work on the 10 pounds or so left to my goal!

    Happy New Year to those on the early side of the date line - Happy New Year's Eve to those of us on the late side! :drinker:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Quick post for the week:

    Weigh-in: 219.6 (YAY! I actually my EOM December goal by the end of the month! And I'm in the 2-teens!)
    OWLs: Not tracking this week, will effectively start tracking tomorrow!
    HPs: Same as above (sorry!)

    I think I've already posted my Jan goal, but I can't swear to it, so I think I'll revise it. If I have at least 4 weigh-ins between now and the EOM January, I'd rather set my goal as 215.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    happy New Year/New Years Eve to all of my wonderful Ravenclaw housemates!! having a great weekend so far. i have been sharing my car with my daughter since she got her license in june. i got a new/used car last night!! had been hoping to do it soon but it all fell in to place this last week. no more sharing, waiting for rides, or not being able to get to the gym!!!
    spending a quiet evening at home tonight eating whatever i want-tonight ONLY!!! back on track tomorrow. :tongue:
    have a wonderful evening to all.
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    Happy New Year to all of my Ravenclaw housemates!!
    weekly checkin:
    weight 176 up another lb but i'm not gonna stress over it. new year and fresh start. it's a life change, not a diet, so life has it's ups and downs as will my weight
    OWLS -10
    -checkin -6
    -food +/-100 cal from goal -2
    -met exercise goal -2
    House Points -45

    i think i will keep 170 as my january goal. it's been my goal for several months now and i'd really like to make it. 6 lbs is a lot for me in a month, but i'm gonna give it a shot!!

    wishing everyone many blessings in the new year :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw!!

    Weighing in today at 155 - I'm so glad that the news feed on MFP doesn't announce gains like it does losses - "azsuzi gained 2 pounds since her last weigh-in!" :laugh:

    Back to logging my food and exercise today. I took the last couple of weeks off because of all of the holiday goodies in the office and a hectic year-end schedule. I also have seen a drop in my water consumption and an increase in coffee - so I imagine there's some water retention going on too. I'm up 4 pounds from my low on Dec. 3 which is pretty much what I expected. My January goal is 150. Again. Like it has been for the last few months. Happy New Year everyone!

    BTW - Ravenclaw needs a new Head of House to step in. Who's it going to be?
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    Happy New Year everyone! I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend. I've been eating a lot of junk, but working out more so it is kind of evening out. I need to get back on the healthy food wagon, though, because I just don't feel as good as I did before. I did not make my December goal. I should have just stuck with my first goal of 150. Oh well. My January goal is 145.

    weight: 149.8
    house points: 352
    OWLs: 9
    food: 3
    Exercise: 5
    spirit: 1
  • _gwen
    _gwen Posts: 501 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws,

    Happy New Year!

    I'm back from my self imposed seclusion. I passed my latest MCP exam (yay) and the holidays are over (yay). No more volunteering for the Garden D'Lights display either. http://www.bellevuebotanical.org

    My weigh in for the month is 179.5 lb.

    My goal for January is 4 lbs, or 175.5 lb. I'm hoping I can get down to at least 169 by my 50th birthday in late March. That will put me in the normal weight range. I'm still targeting 150 as my goal weight.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    HELLO RAVENCLAWS!!! well how I have missed you!

    I have been stuck in the jungle in Thailand, which sounds exciting, but wasn't! basically, my school was badly flooded in the Thai flooding in Oct/Nov so we moved up to our sister campus, where internet was sporadic to say the least! I tried to continue with MFP but on the first day it took me 1 1/2 hours to log a simple dinner, so I gave up! Then have been back in the UK for Christmas, where healthy eating was so far from my mind it was untrue!!
    But now, new year, no excuses, am back on board. How's everyone doing? Are the challenges still going on? Will read through this thread when I get the chance, but thought I'd say hello first. Hope everyone's well! Lottee x
  • psb13
    psb13 Posts: 629
    good morning Ravenclaw. glad the holidays are over and ready to get back to my normal routine. still off today then back to work tomorrow. getting ready to take Zoey (dog) out for a walk/run but wanted to checkin first.

    lottee-so very glad to hear from you. good to hear that you are safe and well.

    hope everyone has a great day. :bigsmile:
  • the_accountinator
    Hey everybody! Doing another quick check-in at 284.0. Down one holiday pound for 2012 with plenty of room to keep going! I'm going to get myself back into logging and doing more with you all here at Hogwarts. And after Jan. 20th I will have even less reasons not to be involved since I'll be taking my last part of my CPA exam. Thank the Lord!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Ok, am probably going to regret this but.... Now I'm back, and things have calmed down a bit, I could volunteer to be head of house? I know I've been away for two months so if people want someone more up-to-date with the rules, or more committed (!) I really don't mind, but I know I can do the spread-sheety stuff and as long as people help me with the challenges I don't mind doing it. Also if anyone want's to share the responsibilities then that might work as well?
    I also have some extra determination as I've weighed myself today, and since the middle of October I have put ON about 16 pounds. Consider me disgusted with myself!
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    I am at 156 and my goal for January is 150.
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    hey what are the challenges this week?
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hey everyone! I want to give this a try: I made a google documents spreadsheet for our weigh-ins. You would go there each week to log your own weight and other stats. Here's the link - save it as a favorite so you can find it again:

    Let me know what you think...

    @lottee - welcome back!! I'm glad you're safe and back with us!! I'll get back with you soon about head of house...

    @sami - glad to see you back too! No challenges have been announced yet for this week. As always, you can earn spirit owls for posting in the common room each day though! :happy:
  • Samiwhereareyou
    Samiwhereareyou Posts: 281 Member
    @ azsuzi woah! that is rad so we just enter out own numbers in. exciting.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    And finally - the December-end/Year-end results from the Great Hall:
    I have the December final results! I haven't heard from the Head of Slytherin yet, so these numbers are as accurate as possible based on who checked in on the Slytherin Common Room thread for the last 2 weeks.

    Here's the chart:


    Hufflepuff dominated and earned both the House Cup and the Quidditch Cup! Congrats to all of you Badgers!!! I'm very proud of your dedication over the holidays!

    Head Boy is Troy 67 of Hufflepuff with 3669 HPs for December.
    Head Girl is MindyBlack of Gryffindor with 3543 HPs for December!

    Great job to everyone and all your hard work! I'm excited to get 2012 off to a great start with you!

    Good job to all!!