Ravenclaw Common Room



  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    is really trying to NOT emotionally eat tonight . . . not completely successsfule but not a total disaster either
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    hey guys! i haven't dropped by in a while and i miss being a ravenclaw. any new challenges going on?

    Nice to see you again! The challenges are usually posted in thread by Lottee, but you can find a quick summary version of them on the weigh-in spreadsheet, too:

  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Happy Saturday, Ravenclaws!

    I had a horrible week in terms of actual exercise, and I have to admit that I ate either birthday cake or a cupcake on four separate days this week, so I kept expecting the scale to go the other direction. Now I did also stay in calories aside from the weekend, but still.

    To my very joyous surprise, I ended up with a loss this week! I almost feel bad about it because aside from staying in calories and just randomly jogging about my day at home (literally, I've started jogging in place while doing just about everything, lol), I didn't really do as much to earn it. It's been down to the same weight for two days, though, so I'm going to count it as a birthday present. It was awesome to move two gem stones to my 'pounds lost' jar this morning. :)

    Hope you all did as well! I know it's a lot, lot harder when you're doing all the right things and not seeing the results, but I'm sure they're there! If it's not a scale number, it'll be a measurement, or maybe your body is just getting stronger/healthier, but I'm sure it's there. :)
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    kelly - rejoice in your weight loss! you deserve to eat a cupcake and lose weight too! weirder things have happened!
  • WhatsEatingYou
    Hmm, have to go back through my week and find my veggie-servings. What day are the challenges posted? I need to get on top of them earlier in the week!

    Terrible week with in laws here through Monday, have not gotten down UNDER daily calories yet but am getting closer. Showed a loss by some miracle?? NEED to work excercise in. Decided on a career change and have been putting time into that instead of The Body. Always some give and take in the schedule somewhere..I need that 26 hour days they have on Deep Space Nine.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaws! Having a boring, dull day today - just in kind of a funk. Feeling like I want to go do something, but there's nothing that I want to go do. Ever had one of those days? I'm not making terrific food choices today, but at least I'm not binging on everything in sight - I guess that is a sign of progress and a move in the right direction. Maybe I'll just go and vegetate in front of the TV. Hope you all have a good evening!
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    azuzi....totally have had days like that...yesterday I wanted to do something but not...took a sheet to the park, laid down and read....it was perfect
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Hello, Everyone

    Long and hectic day today I just got home from work at 1:15am. That's life in the pizza delivery business though. I will be glad when I finish my computer programming degree and can get an actual career. I have four semesters left; less if the classes I need are offered over the summer. Things have been going well this week food has been on track though I made an adjustment to my caloric intake on Wednesday in hope of breaking my 10 day plateau. Amazingly it worked!! I'm down a pound. Also had an awesome night at work. I made $90 in tips on a 8 hour shift. That's not too shabby. I will weigh in tomorrow I got a lot of owls and house points.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys, sorry to post these late in the weekend, am on holiday and couldn't find the internet anywhere... But, the challenges for this week are:
    Exercise... Last week it was strength, this week it's cardio... Build some interval training into your cardio. Short bursts of high intensity are far more effective than a long slog...

    Food: am keeping it traditional... Sugar!! Keep it down!! If you go over your sugar goal, ensure it's from fruit only, not added sugars to other things.

    Happy weekend x
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning all! Weighing in this morning with no change - still at 154. It was a slow week for me exercise-wise - only 70 house points.

    I'm thinking about getting a FitBit. Korki and anyone else that has one - how does it count calories burned? I'm all confused on how it works since its not a heart rate monitor. But I think the sleep tracking feature would be neat. I don't think I get good, sound sleep and that would certainly help me figure it out.

    Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Azsuzi- I have the fitbit and I think of it like a super powered pedometer. It has a "3D motion sensor" so it tracks you movement through the day & your activity level and gauges your whole day burn on that. I'm sure there is a way more technical explanation but it's beyond me. I just think of it as magic and go with it. Lol. I enjoy it and the challenge to get more steps and make my flower grow (Your activity level is shown in how big your flower is....) keeps me moving around.

    Hey all hope everyone is having a good weekend. (WARNING: I feel a rant coming on) My weeks almost through and I cannot wait. It's been poop here at work for the last 2 days. The only thing I can say is if you have a problem while staying at a hotel please let the desk know. We would much rather help you out and have you enjoy your stay than have you suffer then have you yell at us as you check out and demand compensation. If we don't know about the problem we can't fix it for you. This is hospitality people we want you to have a great stay that's how we get business!! Ugh. Also I am not magical no matter how much you badger me I cannot magically make a room in the type you want appear out of thin air. If I could I wouldn't be working here. (End of rant...sorry it's been a trying weekend) So anyway other than work it's been a good week. Got lots of stuff done had good foods and had a great workout on Thursday and have another planned for tonight. I was supposed to do it yesterday but after work I spent 3 hours running errands and trust me I was burning the calories running from place to place. I earned the game night with my friends. Tonight it's back to wallbreaker and Cardio Boxing. I really enjoy the boxing part on your shape. I'm thinking of getting the UFC fighting workout one too since I enjoy this one so much. Here's hoping that today goes better from here on out (getting yelled at at 7am is not fun). Happy Sunday to everyone!
    :heart: Ayla
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    I am shocked to say that I lost 4 lbs this week. I thought I was getting nothing from my intensified workout routine but once I started eating back some of the calories the weight started to drop again. Results for the week are:
    pounds lost: 4
    house points: 330(I've worked harder this week than ever)
    eating owls: 4
    fitness owls: 5
    spirit owls: 7
    total: 16
    New Weight: 221!! (I go from obese to overweight at 220 yay!!)
    Also another big milestone is I have now dropped my first 20 lbs since I started getting myself together in January!!

    I tried to put my info into the spreadsheet but it stayed blank. Am I doing it wrong?
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    I'm thinking about getting a FitBit. Korki and anyone else that has one - how does it count calories burned? I'm all confused on how it works since its not a heart rate monitor. But I think the sleep tracking feature would be neat. I don't think I get good, sound sleep and that would certainly help me figure it out.

    Hi Sue, I looked around and here's what I could find on the FitBit calculations:
    When you first join Fitbit, your dashboard will show an estimated number of calories burned for that day. The estimate is based on your BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) which we calculate using the height, weight, age, and gender information you provide during sign up. If you are using the Tracker and syncing your data we replace the estimated burn with the Tracker's data plus any additional activities you might log that were not captured by the Tracker.

    When nothing much is logged, we try to guess how many calories you have burned if you were sedentary. (Sedentary means you got out of bed, got dressed, went to your day job, came home, and did nothing much more than walk to your car). Once you start logging activities, we assume that you know best and we stop estimating; we use the data you provided. If you only log a small portion of your activity, we'll be missing a lot.

    (If you are not using the Tracker and just using our online tools to manually log your food or activities, then you will see estimated calorie burn plus what you manually log in activities. If this applies to you, you should probably also log your general life activities - i.e. 8 hours of working at a desk or 1 hour or so of house work to get a better picture of how many calories you are actually burning.)

    What I get from this is that it starts off with a similar template to MFP. Then, after it's collected some actual data based on our walking, daily duties, what not, it alters that calculation for better guestimate.

    Today was my first time logging an actual "activity" (hiking). I did feel a burn at bits, but the calories given me are higher than I would have predicted. That could be that the tracker is actually counting my steps vs. MFP which had no real data, but I don't know.

    I use it mostly for motivation. I like having it, it's fun to use, and I enjoy the sleep thing. The steps are awesome, and flights traveled is also a lot of fun. If I didn't already belong to MFP, I would have gone with their whole program. FitBit is building a "real" community so that you can find others in the are and challenge each other and such.

    I highly recommend it. No regrets here.

    Oh, and the sleeping thing. I often "pass out" watching TV than consciously falling alseep, so I often forget to press "start" on the tracker. Don't worry about it. As long as it's on your wrist, you can go to the website later, log what time you fell asleep and woke up, and it'll check the tracker for those moments. :)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Ugh. I worked out super hard last night and so I kinda expected it but I weighed in at 235.6 which is a 3.4lb gain. Will weigh in again tomorrow and hope it goes down. Happy Monday everyone! :flowerforyou:
    :heart: Ayla
  • KMay1221
    This week is going to be very tough for me when it comes to OWLs. I am almost always over my sugar goal. Any suggestions?
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    First of all, I want to give a shout out to Craft338 for an amazing 100.6 pound loss! She is my college friend and was the one who got me start this, and I am so proud of her. Congratulations!!!

    Now, I need to say that I'm tired. Tire of work, my hobbies, birthdays, school, tv shows... all of it. I feel behind on everything, and am missing sleep to catch up. Next Monday is a day off and I plan on *cashing in*. BIG TIME. Hopefully.

    I've been at work for 10 hours and it's only 3:30pm. Once today is done, and tomorrow is done, I should be good. Too many balls to juggle, gosh darn it.
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Decent day today a little strength training and couch to 5k. My wife bought us 7 new workout videos yay! Also for a laugh I will admit this. I didn't have money to buy dumbbells so I found me some nice heavy rocks outside. Those are my weights.
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Rocks, excellent! Very "Rocky" of you! And we all know he kicked the Russian's... toosh.
  • alohashley
    alohashley Posts: 78 Member
    Forgot to weigh in this morning....instead had to weigh in after dinner ! Horrible, I know so I show a gain from last week. Disappointing...but I have been working out like crazy so in time i will see results!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    This week is going to be very tough for me when it comes to OWLs. I am almost always over my sugar goal. Any suggestions?
    Pandora - the challenge is to stay under "added" sugar, so if all of your sugar comes from fruit, you're ok. Just subtract out the fruit sugars at the end of the day and see how close you come to your goal. If you're still over, look for places to add veggies and other low-sugar snacks to keep you away from the sugary foods.

    Another long, busy Monday. I'm pooped and ready to call it a day. Peace. :flowerforyou: