Welcome & Introduce yourself!



  • itreycee
    Hi I'm Tracey!! I'm a Mom, a Chiropractic Assistant and an obsessive knitter/crocheter and a half way decent spinner. My goal is to keep my hobby but get my booty off the chair and get moving!! I want to get healthier for my family and for myself!!
  • MeredithMendoza
    Hi I'm Meredith!

    I am mom to 4 kids (2 which have been dx with Autism), I work full time and I am a student. I love to crochet and I have an Etsy shop. Just dropping by to say hello!
  • genarrowe
    Hey everyone! I'm Gena from Ohio. I really just started getting into knitting/crocheting AND working out :) I've been struggling with my weight for a couple of years and I'm really trying to get back on the bandwagon. I've also been wanting to try something new, so a few girlfriends have been teaching me to knit and crochet. I've done basic things so far, scarfs mostly. However, I have been working on learning amigurumi and I love it! I've made some really cute little crochet "monsters" and I have a book that shows how to make so many adorable animals and toys! One thing you should know about me; I want to me a mom more than anything. My husband and I are currently trying for our first baby. It's been almost a year now and it's been quite a challenge to be patient. I'm hoping that by working out and eating better, I'll increase my odds. Working with my hands on my knitting/crochet projects really releases a lot of stress as well.
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Hi everyone! I am a new mom and a new knitter. I am from New Jersey, but am kind of international-ish in that I lived int he UK for five years and am trying to move back by the end of the year. My weight has always been a constant struggle, especially with PCOS and then having my baby. I am still 20lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight and about 90-100lbs from my goal weight. I love knitting and I wish I started up before I gave birth. I am quickly becoming a yarn snob joining yarn clubs with Mosaic Moon and Becoming Art. I would love to learn how to spin my own yarn someday!
  • ValReaves
    ValReaves Posts: 43 Member
    Hi...I am an avid knitter, sewing, art quilter etc.creative woman who is trying to get healthier! I have some weight to lose, but I just want to become more accountable to myself and MFP seems to be a good place to accomplish that. I 'm so glad to find your group!
  • Fancydud
    Fancydud Posts: 5 Member
    OMG this is perfect! I just joined today and am thrilled to find a group that loves crafting. I met with a personal trainer today and I think she knew she had her work cut out for her when she saw my hobbies are crocheting and reading. I'm much closer to the craft goal for the year of at least one project a month than I am to my fitness goals, but this is the year!
  • SARBelgians
    SARBelgians Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, my name is Jillian and I'm a fiber addict. <LOL>

    I'm not a knitter...but I saw fiber arts in the group description and decided to join anyway. You can chase me away with your needles if you'd like.

    I do wet felting with wool, silk and other luscious fibers. I've started to do some needle felting as well. I make purses, scarves, and wall hangings and this year I am branching out to vests, jackets, rugs and dog beds. I also make hand felted, hand crafted goats milk soap.

    I raise Shetland sheep but I also buy lots of fiber as well.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • rjrober

    I live in the Kansas City area. I have stacks of yarn, knitting, roving, fiber, spinning wheels, looms, etc. I teach Metals & Silversmithing at a community college and never seem to run out of things to do.

    Keeping my hands busy, does help me keep from wandering to the kitchen too often while watching tv. I started with the app on my iPhone about a month ago at the suggestion of my doc. I've lost 8 lbs so far; I have about 140 to what will be a healthy weight for me. Right now, I'm heading for a 10% loss. So far, it's good. I haven't started exercising yet. Somewhere I read about getting one of those sets of peddles that you can use while seated on the couch. No way could I do a treadmill and knit at the same time! ;)

  • vegasaims
    I'm so excited that I found this group. I crochet and I like other crafty things too. I live in Las Vegas, so sometimes my hobby isn't too practical with really hot weather..lol

    I have been dealing with weight my whole life, and in January I decided it was time to do something about it. I am down 25 pounds and I have about 70 more to go. I love ZUMBA and I get a kick out of eating healthy now.

  • lauraver
    lauraver Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all, I just signed up for Myfitnesspal today, after nearly two years of yo-yoing with Weight Watchers. My fault, not WW's, which had worked really well for me 15 years ago. But anyway.

    I found this group through Ravelry of all places. My Rav name is scarletknitter. I would love to lose 15 lbs or so. I am a very slow loser usually, to the point where 1lb a week is a stretch. I am reasonably active: yoga, zumba, lots of walking. I have been diligently keeping track of all my activity since Jan. 1 with the help of my fabulous Fitbit and trying hard to get to 10,000 steps a day (not easy, even with Zumba).
  • accusima
    accusima Posts: 38 Member
    Hello all!
    I am an avid knitter trying to get myself back in some semblance of shape. I have more yarn than I rightly know what to do with, and more projects on needles than I have time to finish!

    I never really know what to say when trying to introduce myself. I am 26, married with two step-daughters. I teach English composition online, and do a bit of freelance writing. Whenever I get the chance, I try to do local craft shows. The next project that I plan on starting is a shrug from Knitting Wrapsody!
  • dorriian
    dorriian Posts: 5
    Hi my name is Dorian. I live in Washington where I work as a medical receptionist in orthopaedics, married to a nursing student, and have a flemish giant. I started knitting about two years ago. Currently working on a baby blanket for a co worker. I am also on ravelry where I go by doriiian.
  • suezc
    suezc Posts: 15 Member
    Hello I am Susanne from NE OHIO and found mfp a week ago. Loving it a lot. I am a knitting junkie and bought a spinning wheel and going to learn to spin for sure.
  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! :) My name is Brittany, I'm 23 (well, I will be on Easter). I learned to crochet from my friend in high school, but I've since dropped my hook and picked up some needles 2 years ago this month! I only know when I started knitting thanks to Ravelry, I'm Dynkz89 there, if anyone wants to add me :)

    I'm married and have a 2 year old daughter and my son will be one month old tomorrow! I've gone from 137 before pregnancy to 198 a week before I had him, so I'm sure I got to 200 something in the end, but I didn't weigh myself lol. I'm down to 166.6 now and I weigh in on Sundays, so I'm hoping I've since dropped a couple more lbs. *crosses fingers*

    I have been on MFP for about a week now I think and it's so ADDICTIVE, especially with the app on iPod where I can just scan all my foods and add it right into my food diary! So yeah, I'm hoping to get down to my pre-prego weight of 137, but I logged 144 (my high school weight) into MFP because I'd be perfectly happy to be there again! Most of my fat goes to my thighs for some odd reason or another, but I'm not complaining! Plus, I'm breastfeeding, so there's some extra weight on me right there *looks down shirt* ha!

    Feel free to add me, I could always use some more fiber artsy friends as well as supportive MFP pals. <3
  • heymom93
    heymom93 Posts: 65 Member
    Hi everyone - my name is Donna and I heard about this group on Rav. I am trying to lose my last 6 or so lbs. Ideally 10 lbs but right now it is just going so S-L-O-W that idk if I really want to lose that much. I am a black belt in karate and am working on just getting my strength and fitness level up too. I am a wife and mother to 5 kiddos and love to knit and spin - although there is little time in my life for either.
  • Bracken8974
    Bracken8974 Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone, so pleased to find so many like minded people. I'm from Cornwall, UK & mainly knit toys, i have two daughters 13yrs & 3mnths (just a small gap, lol) i'm currently breast feeding my second child so am eating extra calories to sustain my milk production, i also have PCOS which i can't manage with meds at the moment (or even diet properly to help my symptoms) whilst feeding my baby girl. I'm on ravelry & have started designing my own patterns, i have loads running around my head or part designed (some even designed) just need to find time to type them up, i do have some free patterns listed on ravelry & am currently designing PCOS awareness patterns for our group Cyster Crafters With PCOS. (on ravelry & facebook) I've kind of gone mad on squares at the moment though sadly my brain works faster than my fingers so have lots of designs that need knitting up. I can only crochet basic granny squares & do intend taking the time to learn more one day as i love the way it grows so fast. I have so, so many works in progress on the go, i'm trying to get them all finished up so i'm only allowing myself to work on squares or PCOS patterns if i'm not working on one of my WIP. (i won't hold my breath though as i'm such a fickle knitter, lol)

  • tcheney91
    tcheney91 Posts: 6
    Hello everyone, I'm Taylor and I'm a 22 year old lady living in the Midwest. I was taught to knit by my grandma as a 12 year old, and I've loved it ever since. I taught myself how to crochet not long after and I've done plenty of that too, but my heart will always lie with knitting. :) I'm working on a terribly ambitious cabled cardigan right now that has been a WIP for months and months.

    As for fitness, I'm working on losing my "winter" weight that has become "all year" weight for the past two years. Since January I'm down 13 pounds, but I sustained a hip injury back in March that has seriously impeded my exercising. I can't do anything high impact at the moment (goodbye running!), so I've been walking, biking and doing yoga, and once it starts to warm up I'm planning on swimming too.

    P.S. I'm on Ravelry under the same username, but I haven't posted anything new there in ages!!
  • hlbrennan
    hlbrennan Posts: 39 Member
    Hello everyone!
    My name is Heidi and I've just started again on my journey of weight loss/fitness, and this time, I'm having more success with it!
    It's funny how I'm realizing that I can eat a lot less than I'm used to eating, and it's ok. I mean, I don't feel like I'm starving.
    I'm sure I'll have days when I am starving! Plus, I've given myself rewards for each stage of my weight loss, that has been helpful too. But anyway, enough of that... :)
    I was on pinterest and found an amazing sweater pattern, Sylvi, on Ravelry? anyone seen it, or knitted it yet? it's the most beautiful
    sweater I've ever seen, and probably the yarn she used was part of that. It's the green one...

    So, Hope y'all are doing well! TTYL!