3rd Trimester



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Happy VDay!

    I have posted my birth story!

    We are so happy, thankful and blessed.

  • kmreynolds11
    kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
    Happy VDay!

    I have posted my birth story!

    We are so happy, thankful and blessed.


    Adorable pic, Brenda! Congratulations! :drinker:
  • Anyone else here have gestational diabetes? I just learned that I have it yesterday:( Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what's going to happen next. I was fine with the first two pregnancies but now my body doesn't want to cooperate. I keep feeling like I did something to cause it even though I keep reading that it's hormone related. This sucks.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Anyone else here have gestational diabetes? I just learned that I have it yesterday:( Feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what's going to happen next. I was fine with the first two pregnancies but now my body doesn't want to cooperate. I keep feeling like I did something to cause it even though I keep reading that it's hormone related. This sucks.


    dont panic. I have GD & high ketones. I'm on a diabetes monitoring program, checking my sugar 5 times a day, checking ketones twice a day and have a pretty strict diet. I'm learning a lot about what I need to eat (even when I'm not pregnant) and what I should and shouldn't be doing. it's been a GREAT learning experience and I have a whole new perspective for diabetics as a whole.

    I can understand you feeling overwhelmed since you just found out, but take a deep breathe....this too shall pass and if you ahve any questions feel free to hit me up :happy:
  • Thanks Denise. I am not happy about checking my sugar or the possibility of insulin shots (I do not like pain). But I just want the baby to be healthy. Hopefully they will tell me exactly what to eat! I keep reading differing reports on what to eat. I have been eating healthy and exercising for the past month so it won't be as much of a shock to my body. I read I should eat 3 meals and 2 snack a day, but I tried that today and am starving. I don't know if I should eat or not! lol, I am a grazer so this is gonna be hard if that's what the doc tells me to do!

    I am esp upset about this causing an increased risk for type 2 diabetes later in life for me and baby. I will feel really guilty if my baby has any problems or is too big! I am already scheduled for a c-sec in april so I don't have to worry about him not fitting out! That already happened with my first 9.5 pounder! Good luck to you in your remainder of your pregnancy and the delivery!
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm just now joining this group, but have been following along for a while. I've been a member of my fitness pal since January of 2011, and I'm working hard to have a happy, healthy pregnancy. I am 33 weeks and 5 days today. I have a daughter who is 8 and a son who will turn 5 on Thursday. I lost my last baby do to a congenital anomaly so I have been more nervous this pregnancy. All the tests and ultrasounds point to a healthy baby this time, and that's what we are praying for. I love reading other people's stories and then getting to read about the delivery. I hope to get to post mine on here, too.
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    I'm just now joining this group, but have been following along for a while. I've been a member of my fitness pal since January of 2011, and I'm working hard to have a happy, healthy pregnancy. I am 33 weeks and 5 days today. I have a daughter who is 8 and a son who will turn 5 on Thursday. I lost my last baby do to a congenital anomaly so I have been more nervous this pregnancy. All the tests and ultrasounds point to a healthy baby this time, and that's what we are praying for. I love reading other people's stories and then getting to read about the delivery. I hope to get to post mine on here, too.

    Welcome aboard! Hope everything goes well with this pregnancy.

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning ladies!


    Sarah...when is your c-section in April? I'm scheduled for the 4th.

    Everyone else...hello!

    AFM: Got in some yoga again last night, and hoping to do the same again tonight. Have a doctors appointment this afternoon...excited to hear the heart beat again...always makes me happy! Baby is still super active ALL the time! People watch my belly move around...so funny!

    Hope you all have a fabulous day!

    Kristin--32 weeks
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    morning ladies!

    I am a hungry hungry hippo here lately!! I had a bowl of cereal (cherrios w/ soy milk) at midnight, got up had a good breakfast and I'm already eating my greek yogurt! Man this baby is GROWING!!

    QUESTION for all you mommies out there- I just noticed that I have dry flaky skin in very specific areas :embarassed: ...I thought our bodies were suppose to create some type of "lubrication" to avoid this or does this happen AFTER breast feeding?

    have a great day!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning ladies!!! :)

    So we had another doctor's appoitnment yesterday and it went well. I told her some symptoms I've been having (more frequent BHC & some dull menstrual cramps) so she decided to check my cervix...still closed, but she said her head is right there & very low. She said I'll have my strep b test and non-stress test next week. I have another ultrasound scheduled for March 1st. That should be my last since I'll be right at about 37 weeks then.
    It was so funny at our appointment yesterday because Eric and I were sitting in the exam room waiting on the doc and we were joking around having a good time. I was saying that I didn't want the guy doc to do my strep b test because it'd just be weird (I've only had one guy gyno in my life) and he said, "Kristy, he's a medical professional. It's not like he's going to swab you and then sniff it or something." (he's so gross. haha!) I was cracking up. Then he proceeded to say that he'd rather have a girl doc do his exams because if there was a chance of him showing symptoms of arrousal (even if she wasn't attractive, he said it could still happen. lol) then he'd rather it be a female instead of a male to avoid any awkwardness. Well, we kept laughing and then right after that my doctor walked in. She said hello to me and then turned to Eric and said, "Okay I'm going to need you to turn your head and cough." HAHAHA!! Eric turned bright red!! We were dying laughing. She said she heard us laughing outside the door and then wondered what it was all about and thought she'd see what was so funny and how much she could get out of him. Haha!
    Last night we went for sushi (yes, I had one roll with smoked salmon, so it was somewhat raw) and then I had about a 3oz glass of red wine when we got home. It was a great Valentine's Day.
    Abbie had been super active all day yesterday and I was sitting on the couch last night and said, "Your daughter is pushing her entire body up in my rib cage right now." Eric said, "She's trying to touch your heart." Awwwww :blushing: So sweet!

    Anyways, that's my rambling for the morning. Hope you all had a great Valentine's Day and have a super day today! :)

    34 weeks 5 days
  • Fitnurse27
    Fitnurse27 Posts: 71 Member
    Denise- To try and answer your question, I have the same problem. I initially thought it was dry and peeling there, but I just read it could be the colostrum leaking and drying on the outside. I'm not sure which one it is for sure, but I remember it happening in the past, and I had no trouble breastfeeding so I'm not too worried about it. I do know they recommend not using soap directly on them as it can dry them out.

    AFM: I will be 34 weeks tomorrow, and have my doctor's appt on Friday. I love hearing the heartbeat, but dread being weighed. Then my husband and I are going to a hotel for the weekend. My family is going to watch our other two, and we will have a child free weekend before the baby comes. Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Denise- To try and answer your question, I have the same problem. I initially thought it was dry and peeling there, but I just read it could be the colostrum leaking and drying on the outside. I'm not sure which one it is for sure, but I remember it happening in the past, and I had no trouble breastfeeding so I'm not too worried about it. I do know they recommend not using soap directly on them as it can dry them out.

    AFM: I will be 34 weeks tomorrow, and have my doctor's appt on Friday. I love hearing the heartbeat, but dread being weighed. Then my husband and I are going to a hotel for the weekend. My family is going to watch our other two, and we will have a child free weekend before the baby comes. Hope everyone is having a good week.

    Oooo....Didnt know that...Ok I'll keep an eye on them. thanks!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Kristy - your hubby is cracking me up...
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    here goes nothing with the pictures! hope this works!!!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    ok...i am at a TOTAL LOSS here!!!! as you can see...i cam definitely not the tech one in the family!!! sorry guys...tried to get them up ...but will have to wait for the hubs to help out!!!

    sorry for taking up space on the board with the links!!!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    now for a real post!!!

    Sarah – welcome and try not to sweat the GD. You can totally do it and the doctors will be right there with you to guide you along the way! I totally understand how its frustrating to find out…but you’ll make it through 

    Fitnurse – you and me both sister…I love hearing the heartbeat but haaaaate the scale!!! Those things are evil!!! Welcome to the board!!!

    Kristy – LOL…seriously cracking up over the hubby story!!! Your valentines day sounded awesome!!! I can not wait to have sushi!

    Denise – just reading your post makes me want greek yogurt!!!

    AFM: not a whole lot to post on...went out for dinner last night and had a great time. we went to this brazilian steakhouse near us and it was really great. they walked around with different skewers of meats and had all these lovely sides...definitely an experience!
    slept like a ROCK last night...woke up to kory getting out of bed this morning...which is wild...i am usually up a bunch at night tossing and turning...but i was out like a light last night which was awesome. but i feel like every morning i am like a bear trying to get up. i could just lay in bed for hours!!!!

    going for a walk with the puppies tonight after work...should be decent outside :flowerforyou: hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member

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    It should work!!
  • kcurtis05
    kcurtis05 Posts: 524 Member
    Morning Mammas!

    Hope everyone had a great V-day... Hubs and I spent the night watching hockey (GO WINGS!!) and catching up a little on the DVR. Also, he gave me the BEST present ever! He paid off our windows loan! (I was responsible for this payment) :happy: YAY! One more thing off our list before the baby comes! You know you are getting old when paying off the bills makes you happier than flowers or chocolates on Valentines Day, LOL.
    So, I went into the dr. yesterday and took the 1-hour glucose test again. Results were back by this morning and everything is normal. Phew...:smile: I think this little girl is running out of room in there. Lately, it feels like she is trying to just push out the front of me. My abs have been really sore for the past few days, guess there’s a lot of stretching going on. :ohwell:

    Sarah – Welcome!! You’ll be ok. Like you said, you have been eating healthy so it shouldn’t be that big of a change for you. Trust your body, yourself, and the doctors.

    Fitnurse – Me too!! I love going in and hearing the heartbeat and being told that I am a “boring patient” but I HATE the scale. In my 4th and 5th months I gained 9lbs each! :noway:

    Kristy – OMG that sounds just like our visits every time. My hubs and I are huge jokesters and he always has to make comments to the doctors when they are asking me questions. LOL

    Denise – I totally feel you on the hunger! I have been crazy the last few days.

    Jessica - mmm that steak house sounds great! It takes me FOREVER to get out of the bed in the morning. My work days are getting shorter and shorter because of me coming in later and later… Oops.


    28w 4d
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    pacroom4 by jkchecca@gmail.com, on Flickr

    pacroom3 by jkchecca@gmail.com, on Flickr

    pacroom2 by jkchecca@gmail.com, on Flickr