3rd Trimester



  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Ahsley-Thanks for sharing your birth story! Kudos to you for endurng such pain, and as long as you're both doing great that's all that matters now. Congrats!

    Kristin-Hope Kadence feels better. Does cranberry juice help, if she likes it?

    Denise-You got that right, I feel twice as busy. I barely separated the clothing sizes in bags, i think i will have my mom help me when she's here to wash as we go. Although i get this nesting mode urge, I try to hold back a bit. Congrats, on the cc debt free, i seriously need you to mentor me on how to get my cc's down!! :wink:

    Rayna-Enjoy your relaxing day, we all need one of those here & there. Thanks for sharing your pictures, they are great.

    Jessica-Enjoy your PN massage. Glad to hear you received tons of gifts and have them ready for Parker.

    Atom-Glad to hear you're appt went well and the baby is doing ok.

    Paulandrea:Take it easy, hope that cold goes away. Cute picture of you & your hubby!

    Went to the dr, we got to hear the heartbeat and she is doing good.
    Had the strep b test, hope it's negative.
    We also scheduled an Ultrasound next week yay! I'll get to see my little one on the screen again.

    This weekend i have tons of washing to do. The bassinet, clothes and boppy covers.

    I received so many blankets that they fit in a big gift bag, somehow i feel washing them all is washing too many. hahaha

    ~Brenda~35 wks 3dys
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey ladies, my dietician just called me back to tell me that the Dr said I'm dehydrated "officially" apparently they got the test results back and she said the massive weight gain within the week was due to water retention. Yes my feet are red/puple and they hurt.

    She said for water retention/bloating to make sure you lay on your left side to reduce the pressure from nerve in your back. She also said when watching TV not to sit upright with my feet propped up- but to lean to the left as much as possible.

    Thought I'd share incase anyone else is having this problem!! I'm headed to the couch in about 5 min!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Happy Saturday morning!!

    Just a quick FYI since I just got back from our Post care baby class & CRP class....the Sr Neo Nurse said that one thing that most people tell other people to bring to the hospital are nail clippers. However, some hospitals don't allow them- so she said to bring an emery board to file the babies nails down. She said the babys nails aren't full strenght and are still attached to the skin.

    So I thought I'd share- might be easier to file the babies nails anyways??
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    hi all :) quick check in for me too

    I went shopping with my mom this morning to get the last two things on our list - a baby swing and a breast pump
    I ended up going with the Medella Swing pump and a MamaRoo baby swing
    I am really happy with both as I have heard really good things about both. The pump is electric and is quite compact and has tons of different options/settings as well as a carrying case etc.
    The swing is insane lol - it has so many different movements you can choose from, it looks like something from Star Trek lol, you can even plug your iPod into it to play different music if you want! It even has a motion that mimics a "car ride" and I guess that setting is really popular for getting babies to sleep ;)

    Then I met up with my sister to go to our spa date...we had facials and pedicures, so lovely. It got off to a bit of a rocky start though lol, I didn't even think about the fact that normally for a facial you lie flat on your back on a bed - so when the lady came in I was already super uncomfortable - I said that I was really sorry and I didn't even think of it but I wasn't going to be able to lie like that for the hour - she said the bed adjusted so we had to play around a couple times and in the end I ended up pretty much sitting up (thank goodness that bed was so versatile and she was so accommodating!) the facial was amazing and I totally fell asleep at the end! lovely - the pedicure was so awesome too - just what I needed for my poor swollen feet!

    Now I'm at home relaxing a bit before heading out to see my mom sing at church tonight.

    I haven't had any more BH contractions today still having some surges in my cervix area but really toned down from what it has been like the last 2 days. I'm sure it will be more of the same for the next couple of weeks.

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday.

    36 weeks 6 days
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    Denise, this is really interesting and of course I'll be using this technique because I've been swelling a lot lately in my feet. I know I'm much closer than you to pop so I figured it would have something to do with that too.
    Elce 29W
    Hey ladies, my dietician just called me back to tell me that the Dr said I'm dehydrated "officially" apparently they got the test results back and she said the massive weight gain within the week was due to water retention. Yes my feet are red/puple and they hurt.

    She said for water retention/bloating to make sure you lay on your left side to reduce the pressure from nerve in your back. She also said when watching TV not to sit upright with my feet propped up- but to lean to the left as much as possible.

    Thought I'd share incase anyone else is having this problem!! I'm headed to the couch in about 5 min!!!
  • emrogers
    emrogers Posts: 328 Member
    HI ladies. I have not gotten used to this group yet and have not even familiarized myself with it at all because I have been SUPER busy!!!
    I just kind of figured it all out. :)
    Well, I've been MIA because I've been training my temp for the last 3 or 4 weeks now I believe. So having someone in your office and all in your personal space gives you no down time at all!!!! Being this far along (39 weeks) makes it even harder at times because you're more irritable and have less patience. Well at least for me that's the case. We are also cramming in there shoping for a bigger vehicle, having contractors in the house, getting the nursery finished up. (YES, its STILL not finished, we will not get into this subject!!!! WOOSAH!!! ;) ) So busy, busy, busy!!!!!
    Quick update: 2 weeks ago I was 2 cm dialated and was hoping that it was a good sign since I've had all this hoopla about delivering early. Of course I also know that it is very common to be a 2 until you actually deliver. So that seems to be the case so far. I have my last doctors appointment Feb 1 and my due date is Feb 5. I have however had some signs that my body is getting ready. My mucus plug finally unplugged, I guess that's the way you say it. Lol. Don't really know. So that's been going on. I've been having mentrual like cramps, which are pre labor signs. I thought I also saw yesterday morning some blood which is also a good sign. (sorry if this is a little to out there for some. :) )
    So all in all, my body is doing its thing and its pretty amazing!!!
    I'm also thinking that Feb 1st is going to be my last day at work officially. I'm ready to rest and be off my feet and catch up on sleep, spend some time with my son and hubby before we become a team of 4. For my son who has been the only one for 12 years and for me as well, change is a little difficult. I mean we've been just us 3 for what seems EVER!! But change is also a GREAT thing and Dallas will bring a lot of joy and happiness to our family. :)
    Sorry again for being MIA but hopeuflly I'll get better. :)
    Elce 39W
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Yay Elce- Baby Dalas is next in line to arrive! So excited for you. Take it easy and don't stress about not having the nursery 100% complete, I bet as you're home and time goes by you can get some things done but most importantly enjoying your lil boy.

    I completely understand you as my boy is 13 yrs old and he has been the Only child all that time that he might have a problem with change, last night I bought him a Big Brother card that has a sticker and says really nice things w a cute frame "Big Brother and me". Hope he loves it, cause I do.

    Anyways, best wishes to you & your family with baby's arrival. Cheering you on here!

    ~Brenda~35wks 5dy
  • yahyamommy
    yahyamommy Posts: 69 Member
    Hey gals what is MIA? I can't figure it out yet
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Denise, this is really interesting and of course I'll be using this technique because I've been swelling a lot lately in my feet. I know I'm much closer than you to pop so I figured it would have something to do with that too.
    Elce 29W
    Hey ladies, my dietician just called me back to tell me that the Dr said I'm dehydrated "officially" apparently they got the test results back and she said the massive weight gain within the week was due to water retention. Yes my feet are red/puple and they hurt.

    She said for water retention/bloating to make sure you lay on your left side to reduce the pressure from nerve in your back. She also said when watching TV not to sit upright with my feet propped up- but to lean to the left as much as possible.

    Thought I'd share incase anyone else is having this problem!! I'm headed to the couch in about 5 min!!!

    I find it very uncomfortable to watch TV like this, but I have to admit after a few pillows and some blankets that I've gotten quite use to it. I can even say that my feet now look normal and don't hurt. My husband is just happy that I'm able to wear shoes again! LOL
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey gals what is MIA? I can't figure it out yet

    MIA= Missing in Action
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Happy Sunday afternoon!

    I would like to say that we had a wonderful weekend full of adventure with a 1 yrs old, a 6 yr old and a 7 yr old. The two older kids were great, it was the 1 yr old that kept both me and my hubby busy most of the weekend. Needlesss to say we learned pretty quick that we couldn't keep our eyes off him for a minute and even then he STILL got into trouble. Definitely and eye opening experieince for whats to come! I did enjoy the laughter and the pitter patter of the little feet in the house. Even Neena took it in strides :happy: - even when Abel yanked on her ears, she would just look at us and then look at the baby. By late this afternoon, the baby was laying all over Neena and she didn't even wince!! :smooched:

    On another note, my Ketones are still extremely high. Dr called and said to eat up because he's upping my calories to 2800-3000 daily. Recommended getting some Glucerna to help out with my new calorie intake- He said if things don't get better he's sending me to an endocronologist?? Guess I'll wait to see what happens in the next few days/ weeks-

    I'm 34 weeks today and the days are turning into a blur already- Happy Sunday! :flowerforyou:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi all,

    So the pressure/surges in my cervix area and my BH have completely stopped today and it's probably for the best! My poor husband is sick as a dog with the flu - he's completely useless right now weak, achy but at least he's stopped throwing up. He's only been able to eat a tiny bit of soup and one piece of plain toast and a small glass of OJ - I've been washing my hands like mad and trying to stay away from him while also trying to help him feel better by getting him water etc.

    I'm so tired myself today but it was a rough night so that's to be expected. I really hope I don't get this flu...that would be awful.
    I'm increasingly more uncomfortable by the day it seems lol...I seriously can't walk properly - my waddle is intense lol especially with my nerve pain etc. Mason is moving quite a bit but it's almost starting to hurt at times because he's really running out of room it seems.

    I'm trying to relax and not wonder when he's coming, I know he'll come when he's ready - the only thing that's making me anxious is the fact that my mom is leaving (and my dad) for Hawaii on a business trip (poor them) on Feb 10 and they don't return until the 18th...I know it's beyond my control but my mom is literally my best friend and the person I am closest too besides my husband and I really want her to be with me through this...but I guess I just have to stop worrying about it whatever is meant to be will be...it's just hard for me! lol

    Anyway - my house is a mess, and I really think I want to clean but physically my body is like, "you must be joking" haha so it's a losing battle today I think...hoping I can get something done tomorrow.

    Hope you're all having a great Sunday.

    37 weeks
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    morning mommas

    hope everyone had a great weekend! a number of our friends came over on saturday for kory's birthday ... it was a really fun get together! the food was good and everyone really seemed to enjoy themselves!!! i was super tired by the end of the night and it literally took everything in me not to go upstairs and put sweats on. then yesterday we went to a boat show in hartford which was a lot of fun. just walking around and checking things out (there were some pretty awesome boats there!!) and then we went to a late lunch/early supper in hartford. lots of fun but also a lot of walking and i was super swollen by the end of the day. i am finding that its getting a little more uncomfortable if i am on my feet for long periods at a time. so when we got home we watched a movie and really just vegged out for the rest of the night which was great. but this morning i woke up and was SO TIRED!!! like did not want to get out of bed. i just feel like the life is being sucked out of me and i am back in the 'tired stages of my first trimester'. i am hoping it gets better towards the end of the day because i want to be productive tonight.

    and to boot my brain is not present as far as my job...i am thinking about everything but! so that is very difficult :indifferent:

    hope everyone has an awesome day!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Morning ladies!

    Rayna, I hope your hubby gets to feel better soon. Keep him on the OJ and lots of rest. Poor thing

    Jbecca- sounds like a splendid weekend!! Would have loved to do the boat thing adn walk around. Sounds like perfect Sunday!!

    AFM- I have a doc appt this afternoon. Hopefully good news back on my bloodwork from last week? Doc called yesterday and upp'd my calories some more & asked that I start drinking some Glucerna. So I purchased that yesterday along with a few other snacks. I had my schedule to eat approx every 3 hrs but now I'm down to snacking about every 2 hrs which is getting incredibly hard to do since I feel so full all the time!

    Didn't get much done thsi weekend with the nephews/nieces beign at the house so I have plenty to do tonight!

    Happy MOnday!! :happy:
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    What a busy weekend! My brother and SIL got here on Thursday afternoon and left yesterday morning. While they were here we were here we went to DC to show them around. We walked a good 4-4.5 miles. My lower back/tailbone was KILLING ME by the end of the day!! I could barely walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night. lol We got up at 5am yesterday to take them back to the airport (it's a 1.5hr drive) and then came back home and went to bed. Then when we got up we spent the majority of the day (okay pretty much the ENTIRE DAY) on the couch. lol I was so exhausted and sore. I feel good today though so that's nice. :) When we were in DC we got to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I have wanted to see that since I was in high school. It was so awesome. Then we ate at Carmine's. It's sort of like Bucca di Beppo because they serve everything family style. Sooooo good! :)

    I have a good friend that is due the same day as me (March 23) and she has been having a lot of complications with this pregnancy. She is on bed rest now because last week she was in the hospital a few days due to preterm labor. They finally sent her home when the contractions were able to be stopped. She started having some signs again yesterday. She went in and they checked her. She's dilated to 3cm and was having contractions 20-30 minutes apart. They told her they had already done everything they could to stop him from coming early so they sent her home and they are just going to let him come early if he decides to. What the heck?!?! She's just barely over 32 weeks! She said her contractions have stopped for now (as of this morning) but she still has a lot of pressure. Crazy huh!?
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Hi Happy monday! The last January monday too.

    Rayna- Hope the hubby gets better, and good job staying away from him so you don't get it.

    Denise- Good luck at your appt. Hope it turns out ok.

    Kristy-Best wishes for your friend, hope they do well, if he is born early. Great walking, sounds like a fun weekend.

    Jessica- My brain isn't at work anymore either!! What a nice, fun weekend!

    Everyone else hope you're ok!


    I just stayed home yesterday did some baby laundry & organized some files.

    I am 36 weeks tomorrow! YAY! ~Brenda~
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    What a busy weekend! My brother and SIL got here on Thursday afternoon and left yesterday morning. While they were here we were here we went to DC to show them around. We walked a good 4-4.5 miles. My lower back/tailbone was KILLING ME by the end of the day!! I could barely walk to the bathroom in the middle of the night. lol We got up at 5am yesterday to take them back to the airport (it's a 1.5hr drive) and then came back home and went to bed. Then when we got up we spent the majority of the day (okay pretty much the ENTIRE DAY) on the couch. lol I was so exhausted and sore. I feel good today though so that's nice. :) When we were in DC we got to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. I have wanted to see that since I was in high school. It was so awesome. Then we ate at Carmine's. It's sort of like Bucca di Beppo because they serve everything family style. Sooooo good! :)

    I have a good friend that is due the same day as me (March 23) and she has been having a lot of complications with this pregnancy. She is on bed rest now because last week she was in the hospital a few days due to preterm labor. They finally sent her home when the contractions were able to be stopped. She started having some signs again yesterday. She went in and they checked her. She's dilated to 3cm and was having contractions 20-30 minutes apart. They told her they had already done everything they could to stop him from coming early so they sent her home and they are just going to let him come early if he decides to. What the heck?!?! She's just barely over 32 weeks! She said her contractions have stopped for now (as of this morning) but she still has a lot of pressure. Crazy huh!?

    I guess that baby is ready!! Hope things go better for her....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I cannot even start to get caught up on all your posts! Sorry...I fell behind!

    Had a pretty good weekend...kind of low key, which was nice. Got in a good workout on Saturday. And I'm feeling much better...it was just a cold I ended up getting and seems to be much better today. Kadence is recovering from her UTI...no issues at all. So that's good! I have another doctor's appointment this week on Wednesday...then every two weeks from now on. Crazy! This baby is super active...such a busy body in my belly! Which is reassuring to always have the movement, but also a little much at times! Kadence was not nearly this antsy in there! I am starting to plan when I'm going to finish up things (wash the baby clothes, put in the infant car seat, assemble the bassinett) so that everything is done probably a month or at least a few weeks in advance. There's not much left to buy...just a few storage type things, so that's good. I'm just getting into that excited/nervous mode...so ready for baby to be here but also wondering what the heck was I thinking? Another baby? How can I possibly have enough time to give attention to both my babies?! I know these are all normal thoughts...I was the same with Kadence...SO ready for her to come but also so scared to have things change so much! But all in all I am just so excited! I know Kadence really needs a sibling and will be such a good big sister!

    Anyways...I'm rambling! Hope you all are having a beautiful day!

    Kristin--29 weeks 5 days
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hey ladies, doctors apt went better than expected! I'm down 2 lbs from being up 6lbs last week!! :bigsmile:

    Been making sure I drink between 80 oz - 100 oz of water daily and now my doctor says that's too much and I'm at risk for being water intoxicated?? I can't win!! :grumble: So taking the water intake a notch down, started taking Glucerna to help with my GD. Their yummy....no, really, they really are!

    Doing strep test next week and a few other tests (didn't catch the names of them)

    In our convo I asked if i was going to make to to March 12th. He said he takes all GD babies early because diabetes starts to affecting the placenta into what is considered late pregancy (past 37 wks) so for the safety of the baby they take the baby earlier due to the weaking placenta. He promised not to take the baby on the Feb 29th- so I asked for our new date to be March 1st. He didn't agree but he didn't disagree either!! :bigsmile:

    And I think I'm gonna keep that info to myself for a while :wink:

    34 wks
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Well Denise...at least no leap year baby...that's good! Hope you get the water all figured out...how frustrating!