3rd Trimester



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    YAY to baby Daphne!! I agree with jessica - can't wait to hear how it all went!! :heart:

    Been crazy busy at work as my boss is now under rush rush to cross train everyone as he now is in full panic mode. Me, I've decided to take it day by day. I also started on my maternity leave paperwork since it'll go through STD- Have a doctors apt tomorrow to do another non-stress test on the baby, baby post care class on Saturday, and then meeting with my pediatrician again the week after. My birthday is soon to follow, V-day and then more birthdays, babyshowers and then baby. Whew! :smooched:

    Still congested but trying to keep up on liquids and plenty of rest, can't seem to shake this but my Dr did tell me it would take longer since I've got GD. Never a dull moment, LOL

    Hubby has also pointed out that I'm walking a little slower and my breathing has definitely become very heavy.

    Hope everyone has a great rainy day! :laugh:

    33 wks
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    So excited to hear more about Daphne! :)

    I had a doctor's appointment yesterday with the one that I really like at the practice. There are 3 OB's and one of them I'm just so-so with, one of them I like, and one of them I REALLY like. The one I really like is the main one at the practice. She's just awesome. Anyways, she is having me come in for weekly appointments now starting next week. She said that at this stage in the pregnancy she wants to be keeping a very close eye on my blood pressure because around this time is when it starts to go up if it's going to. It was 132/81 yesterday so still not bad, but she wants to be monitoring it very closely. We have another ultrasound next Thursday so I'm pretty excited about that. I gained 2 pounds since my last appointment 2 weeks ago so I'm up 20 pounds now.
    I found out yesterday from the girl doing the scheduling that the midwife at the practice isn't covered by Tricare (military insurance) and it could be another 6 months before it happens. Boo!!! I wanted the option of using her. I'm a little upset by that, but whatever.

    I haven't gotten much exercise this week. So far it's just been one 30 minute walk. I had a dentist appointment on Monday, a doctor's appointment yesterday, I have to get groceries and clean today, my brother and sister-in-law will be here tomorrow and I have an hour and a half drive to the airport to pick them up and then they'll be here till Sunday. So we'll be making 3 trips to DC this weekend. Airport, site seeing, then airport again. I hate that drive into the city.
    Oh I have my maternity photoshoot on Saturday morning and I still have no idea what I'm going to wear! lol

    I've had two dreams this week about the baby and they were both mainly about breastfeeding. lol The first one was actually a boy baby and instead of milk it was blood coming out (GROSS!!) and the second one was a girl baby and I was having a hard time getting her to nurse on the left side. lol It was such a strange dream because she was born early and was still at the hospital after I went home and I was supposed to be going back to nurse her often, but I kept getting busy and forgetting, but when I got there she had just been sleeping through it all.

    31 weeks 4 days
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I just realized...Daphe was one of the very few born on her due date! Cool!! :)
  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Congrats to Ashley!!! Welcome Daphne Nichole :flowerforyou:

    Now it's either Elce or Misti next!! How exciting.

    Denise-It's busy here at work too, and still no replacement yet. Hang in there girlie and hope the cold goes away soon.

    Kristy-sorry to hear about the midwife and insurance issues.

    Jessica-WTg on your organization. I am so behind, stuff are still in bags.

    Rayna-like your new ride, congrats.

    Kristin-Hope Kadence feels better. Good to hear your workouts are good.


    I had BHC last night, i was an owl up all night walking, drinking water and peeing. What a routine!! I would sleep a bit on my left side then would wake up from the contractions, they were like 20-30 mins apart. Feeling ok today still kind of a residual soreness.

    My friend thinks baby will be here VDay! Who knows, I have been thinking i might have her early too.

    ~Brenda~35wks 1 dy
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Congrats to Ashley!!! Welcome Daphne Nichole :flowerforyou:

    Now it's either Elce or Misti next!! How exciting.

    Denise-It's busy here at work too, and still no replacement yet. Hang in there girlie and hope the cold goes away soon.

    Kristy-sorry to hear about the midwife and insurance issues.

    Jessica-WTg on your organization. I am so behind, stuff are still in bags.

    Rayna-like your new ride, congrats.

    Kristin-Hope Kadence feels better. Good to hear your workouts are good.


    I had BHC last night, i was an owl up all night walking, drinking water and peeing. What a routine!! I would sleep a bit on my left side then would wake up from the contractions, they were like 20-30 mins apart. Feeling ok today still kind of a residual soreness.

    My friend thinks baby will be here VDay! Who knows, I have been thinking i might have her early too.

    ~Brenda~35wks 1 dy

    Funny you say that Brenda, I've been dreaming that this baby is going to arrive at on Feb 29th!! Its been so bad that I have even called my doc to ask him and he said not to rule it out- but he wouldn't let me give birth on the 29th (TX legal issues) so he would have me wait till at least March 1st!!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Funny you say that Brenda, I've been dreaming that this baby is going to arrive at on Feb 29th!! Its been so bad that I have even called my doc to ask him and he said not to rule it out- but he wouldn't let me give birth on the 29th (TX legal issues) so he would have me wait till at least March 1st!!

    :-) My hubby kept telling me to hold off the baby for 6 extra days, because he wanted a 29th so bad. He think it'll be cool and funny.

  • Lunarokra
    Lunarokra Posts: 855 Member
    Atom- My friend told me that you legally have to chose a date here if the baby is born the 29th. I wouldn't want to be in that situation when I'm not in my right mind. lol

    Denise- Awww bummer, i know you both thought having him on the 29th would be cool too.

    ~Brenda~35wks 1 dy
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Atom- My friend told me that you legally have to chose a date here if the baby is born the 29th. I wouldn't want to be in that situation when I'm not in my right mind. lol

    Um, didn't know that. Have to tell my hubby about it, What a bummer!
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Hey ladies!!

    Congrats Ashley!!!!!! So happy for you. Try to get some rest. And you beat me, but I dont think I'm far behind. LOL

    Rayna - congrats on your car!!! Woo Hoo, how exciting. I bet you feel so much better now that Mason's dropped, it's hard not being able to breath. LOL

    Kristy - Glad you had a good appt. I think weekly appts. make the time go quicker for some reason. GL at your U/S too!

    Kristin - Thanks, I'm suprised I didn't gain more at this point but I have really noticed a huge lack of appetite lately and being sick off and on for the last month, flu, then sinus I think helped a lttle too.

    LEAP YEAR BABY - You usually do have to chose a date, my mom had to be induced w/ my sister and she chose March 1st as her B-day. I think a b-day at the beginging of the month is way better than waiting til the end of the month. LOL

    Brenda - A V-day baby would be super cute!! I hope I have mine before then, and I am pretty sure I will, but I have a super cute outfit for her to wear that day. LOL

    Started having contractions yesterday afternoon. Had quite a few off and on all night, and I am so excited that I am actually a little bit more uncomfortable this afternoon, hoping it's a sign!!!!!! Going for a walk tonight for sure.

    So many upcoming babies.....wonder who's next?? :)
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Atom- My friend told me that you legally have to chose a date here if the baby is born the 29th. I wouldn't want to be in that situation when I'm not in my right mind. lol

    Um, didn't know that. Have to tell my hubby about it, What a bummer!

    My doctor said that in the state of TX if a child is born on a leap year date then by state law the drivers license can not be "granted" until that person becomes of age. So in TX to get a hardship license you can be 16 with parents permission. But our babies would technically be 64 before they actually got their drivers license!! 3

    :laugh: Funny but so not funny when he told me that!! :noway:
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    hey ladies just wanted to pop in and say hi, should be joining you soon. I love my second tri board but man its moving slow! Hope yall are getting enough rest, is it ever enough?!

    26 weeks
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Happy Wednesday everyone!!

    Congratulations Ashley - can't wait to hear your birth story! I was so excited to read your status about Daphne's arrival!

    AFM....wow where to begin...well last night my husband and I were actually productive and got our hospital bag all packed with everything for me, Mason and him :) it feels really good to get that done...there were just a few extra's that I had to pick up today.
    We went to bed around 11 last night and my SI joints were still really bad, I'm wondering if Mason is sitting posterior because I've heard that can cause really bad back pain etc...hmmmm anyway just a thought. I had one braxton hicks contactraction last night and another one when I was driving this afternoon. As for sleep last night it was awful :( My poor husband woke me up quite a few times because he said that I was stopping breathing....I wasn't snoring but I would breath in and he would here like a click and then I wouldn't breath for a bit and then would start breathing again...so I'm not too sure what's up with that! Kinda freaky, so I didn't get much sleep and neither did he. But I did end up falling back asleep at 8am until 10:30 so that was nice. Then I woke up and had a hot bath and headed out to the Kia Dealership to drop off my registration and finalize a few things. (which took a LOT longer than I thought...urgh) then I picked up lunch for my hubby and stopped to see him. Then I went to Babies R Us to get some of the final things for our hospital bag etc - I got 2 nursing bras, 2 nursing tanks, and a nursing nightie, I also got these breast pads that you can either heat in the microwave or make cold in the freezer to help with breastfeeding pains, I got another nursing pillow (it was on sale) and a seat protector to put the car seat on in the Kia it's supposed to help save your seats! Then I stopped at Zellers to get some granny panties, tooth paste, contact lens solution, another nightie, a robe and some other toiletries type stuff like tooth paste etc...then to London Drugs to get breathe right strips, sugar free candy and Emergen-C powder which is this electrolyte, antioxidant, drink mix stuff that is supposed to be really good to have during labour - my instructor from the natural birth courses told me about it.
    ANYWAY...whew! So I am all set now and thankfully at home. I was having such a hard time hobbling around those stores! My SI joint is really bad :( but I'm just glad to have all this stuff squared away and not have to worry about it anymore.

    I have my Dr appointment tomorrow and I'm going to try to have my birth preferences/plan all done up to give my Dr - hopefully I can get it finished tonight.

    Anyway - I'm hoping to just kick back and really relax this next little while...I don't know why but I just have some sort of feeling that Mason might come sooner than what we think...I could be totally wrong though...
    Only thing I'm a little anxious about is that my mom will be in Hawaii until February 18 and my due date is the 20th...little stressed about that! Not going to lie :p

    Loving the new ride, honestly I'm just so relieved and happy that this is another thing that is crossed off the check list! The Kia is SO amazing though, I absolutely love driving it!

    Enough babbling from me ;)

    Hope everyone is having a great week!

    36 weeks 3 days
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    Atom- My friend told me that you legally have to chose a date here if the baby is born the 29th. I wouldn't want to be in that situation when I'm not in my right mind. lol

    Um, didn't know that. Have to tell my hubby about it, What a bummer!

    My doctor said that in the state of TX if a child is born on a leap year date then by state law the drivers license can not be "granted" until that person becomes of age. So in TX to get a hardship license you can be 16 with parents permission. But our babies would technically be 64 before they actually got their drivers license!! 3

    :laugh: Funny but so not funny when he told me that!! :noway:

    LOL, yeah funny, but not in a big way
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Hey ladies,

    Didn't want to post it on my wall, but this morning I lost my mucous plug AGAIN!!! Called doc, she said sometimes it comes out in pieces so it's normal. I thought I had already lost it. But anyway, still having cramps, but got lots of sleep last night so I'm hoping contractions get painful and baby comes before insomnia comes back. Just a quick update, I'll try to post if it's the real deal this time. The pressure in my back must mean something... :)
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    good afternoon all!

    misti - definitely keep us posted and hang in there!!! thats wild about the mucus plug...did not know it can come out in pieces!

    LEAP YEAR BABY TALK - my hubby wants this...for me...i am not a fan of it! because i feel like you get jipped in a way...like if you're born on that day and you have to 'choose' another...i dont know...the whole thing is wild to me :laugh: hopefully parker comes a lot earlier so we dont have to worry about it!

    rayna - holy organization! you go! i need to get my bag 100% packed and done!!

    tara - come on over! this board is great!!

    AFM: just got back from my dr.s appointment...had my strep b test - so keeping my fingers crossed for good news!!! i will find out at my appointment next week. and from here on out...its weekly appointments...totally looking forward to that...i feel like it will make the time go by quicker! the bi-weekly ones sure did!!! tonight we have our maternity tour which i am super excited for!!! i have my list of questions that i am going to ask :happy: i am just excited to go and check it out...get a feel for the place before the big hectic day!!!

    other than that we got parkers mattress yesterday and put all of his bedding together...it looks awesome!!! last to do things in his room are get some pictures hung and my hubby has a 'project' that he wants to make for him that will go on his wall!! and decorating will be pretty much done after that...OH and the valances are being shipped...we just need to get those in and get some blinds up - then i think we will be done!!! i HAVE to get my hospital bag together!!! i have some odds and ends that i have been gathering...but i need to put it in the actual bag and be done with it!

    hope everyone is having a great day...i was just about to comment on the weather and peeked outside...little snow flurries! i could be done with this snow :smile: until next year!

    jessica - 36 weeks
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi ladies!

    I'm here...but checking in quick. Had meetings all morning and now a busy afternoon.

    Quick update:
    Kadence has a UTI...on antibiotics and a cream for 10 days...poor babe!
    I am sick...stuffy nose and sinuses and headache...feeling yucky! Planning just some yoga this evening and maybe a nice warm bath.

    Hope you all have a good day!

    Kristin--29 weeks 1 day
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Dang you ladies can talk, LOL!! :laugh: can hardly keep up!! I'm still sick as a bug :sick: and working lots of OT to boot. I'm not complaining and I'm grateful that I'm not to tired to do this yet....we can use all the help we can get!!

    I feel like this baby grew over night. I'm moving much slower and my groin pain is back and it's so bad that I can hardly get in or out of bed. Other than that I'm doing great. Feb is going to be a jam packed month for us. BFF birthday, my birthday, Vday, 3 babyshowers adn I have a sneaky feeling that this baby will be arriving at the end of Feb.

    My bag is halfway packed....Definitely still on my to do list, but my next item is to get all the paperwork taken care of with the pediatrician. He wants to have a full file of me & the baby before I go to the hospital. Should be a quick visit to sign consent forms & come to find out it's the same pediatrician my OB/GYN uses so double score!! :bigsmile:

    I have an all day Post Care Baby Class this Saturday. Looking forward to things that will be helpful once we get home!

    Dr's apt here in a bit. Will keep you guys posted!!

    Rayna- love the new ride!! I totally love mine!
    Misti- keep us posted. Labor or not we still want to hear from you!!
    Kistin- I'm so sorry about Kandence- those SUX!!
    Atom- how are you doing girlie? Feeling good?

    Check on ya'll tomorrow!!
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hi ladies...

    ok so I had my Dr's appointment today and I told him that I have been having some pain in my cervix for about a week and thought I have been having some Braxton hicks contractions...he said that he should probably check me just to be sure what was going on...after he checked me he said, "looks like this baby is coming early!" I said WHAT? lol he said that I am effacing and that my cervix has started to dilate - he also said that Mason's head is really low and pressing on the cervix - WHAT? I was not at all prepared for that! I'm not going to get too excited though because I've heard that people can stay that way for weeks - but how crazy? So he gave me all my hospital paperwork and said to put it in my hospital bag. Also I tested negative for strep b :)
    My blood pressure is still really good as well so that's good. I've gained a total of 52 lbs which I am not super happy about but I'll just have to work extra hard once the baby comes to get off all this extra weight...not much I can do at this point.

    Anyway - since he checked me my cervix has been hurting and I have had another contraction (nothing too painful yet) so we'll see what the next couple weeks bring?? My due date is Feb 20th but we'll see what happens!

    Holy crap! lol
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Rayna...WOW! Yes, baby could stay that way for a while still, but it's a good idea to be prepared, and there's a good chance he will come early! Yay! and Holy Crap! all at the same time, right?! And don't worry about the weight...you will be able to get it all off...I gained over 60 pounds with Kadence (something I am NOT proud to admit) but lost it all and was actually in a size smaller than I had ever been! So, now it's all about taking care of yourself and baby...and you will be just fine!

    Denise...busy momma! Take care of yourself also...even though you're trying to work like crazy! February is going to fly with all you have going on, and then baby will be here! Make sure to take some time for yourself and your husband...because it will be VERY minimal for a while after baby comes!

    Heading home! Hope you all have a good night!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    Hi ladies...

    ok so I had my Dr's appointment today and I told him that I have been having some pain in my cervix for about a week and thought I have been having some Braxton hicks contractions...he said that he should probably check me just to be sure what was going on...after he checked me he said, "looks like this baby is coming early!" I said WHAT? lol he said that I am effacing and that my cervix has started to dilate - he also said that Mason's head is really low and pressing on the cervix - WHAT? I was not at all prepared for that! I'm not going to get too excited though because I've heard that people can stay that way for weeks - but how crazy? So he gave me all my hospital paperwork and said to put it in my hospital bag. Also I tested negative for strep b :)
    My blood pressure is still really good as well so that's good. I've gained a total of 52 lbs which I am not super happy about but I'll just have to work extra hard once the baby comes to get off all this extra weight...not much I can do at this point.

    Anyway - since he checked me my cervix has been hurting and I have had another contraction (nothing too painful yet) so we'll see what the next couple weeks bring?? My due date is Feb 20th but we'll see what happens!

    Holy crap! lol

    holy cow!! Early baby indeed!!

    Okay how do you know that its cervix pain vs a ligament pain or a groin pain???