3rd Trimester



  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member

    The nurse did mention something to me last night that before i knew it I just felt the tears rolling down my cheeks. My baby will have GD. **Can you hear the crickets churping?** Because I have it- I have passed it to my baby. She said within the hour of the baby being born I will need to nurse the baby. About half an hour after nursing, the nurse will come in to take the baby's glucose read. She said this is a necessary process until the baby's sugar levels balance out. :sad: I was able to gather enough courage to ask her where they would poke the baby and she said the foot....:sad: :sad: his poor little feet... :sad: :sad:
    If it makes you feel any better all babies born in Quebec automatically have their glucose tested. I watched them do the test to my cousin’s newborn, and although its hard to see them prick a whole in the baby’s heal, its for their own safety. I wont be that bad, I swear!

    They do? Really?? I know it's for their own health and it maybe my raging hormones...it's been a rough week...but did that ever hit home. Your probably right- I'm sure in my mind I'm making it MUCH worse than it really is. thank you!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    Yeah, it's good to have a variety and some different sizes! I also have some of the Medela ones that came with my breast pump and a small Advent one also. We used them all at different times.

    AND, you really don't need to have a ton of them. Trust me, we have WAY more than we ever needed. I wish I had planned with a friend, then we could split the cost and split the bottles and have a few of each different kind!

    Kristen- we didn't realize that until we had the 60+ bottles sitting on our counter. But she gave them to us for a steal + nipples that she never used (still in wrapper) and a few other baby items that she never used that she just threw in.

    We've decided that once we know what we'll be using we're going to label a few of the bottles and give them to both grandparents to keep in their home and in case we ever lose any we still have plenty left. I even have a few to give to my nephew who is going on 6 months :wink:

    GREAT idea on leaving some with family!! :)
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    Yeah, it's good to have a variety and some different sizes! I also have some of the Medela ones that came with my breast pump and a small Advent one also. We used them all at different times.

    AND, you really don't need to have a ton of them. Trust me, we have WAY more than we ever needed. I wish I had planned with a friend, then we could split the cost and split the bottles and have a few of each different kind!

    how many would you say is enough and how many is too much. sometimes i feel like i am the queen of 'too much' like in terms of packing...i always pack wayyyy too much. and since we dont have a ton of kitchen space...it would be nice to have around the right amount so we're not overflowing with bottles :wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yeah, it's good to have a variety and some different sizes! I also have some of the Medela ones that came with my breast pump and a small Advent one also. We used them all at different times.

    AND, you really don't need to have a ton of them. Trust me, we have WAY more than we ever needed. I wish I had planned with a friend, then we could split the cost and split the bottles and have a few of each different kind!

    how many would you say is enough and how many is too much. sometimes i feel like i am the queen of 'too much' like in terms of packing...i always pack wayyyy too much. and since we dont have a ton of kitchen space...it would be nice to have around the right amount so we're not overflowing with bottles :wink:

    Hmmm...as far as an actual number? I'd say probably 6-8 bottles would be plenty. You will do dishes more often than you think! Same with laundry! I went overboard and bought like everything they recommend...and you don't need it! I have so many things that I bought for Kadence that were never even worn or used! Like side-snap shirts...you don't need them! Onesies...stock up on those...you will not believe the blow outs and some of them never get totally clean again! Some days I swear we'd go through 4-6 of them!
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    For those who might be interested in, you can check out something call "Fenugreek"

    "Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum). Fenugreek seed has been used to increase milk production since biblical times. The herb contains phytoestrogens, which are plant chemicals similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. A key compound, diosgenin, has been shown experimentally to increase milk flow.(0)"

    Read more on http://www.breastfeedingonline.com/fenugreek.shtml

    My friend told me about it and said it helped her. Don't think you need to take all the time (read the link to get more info).

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    wow this group goes fast! lol
    Thanks for all the feedback on the workouts, I tried Insanity before I got pregnant and it was SO hard so I think like many of you said I will need to work up to incorporating that intense of a workout again. I think I'm going to start with walking, light weight training and hot yoga (Moksha) in the beginning and then start incorporating the super intense videos like insanity etc. we'll see how it goes. I really miss Moksha yoga so I'm really looking forward to that again - it's not as intense as Bikram and there are 60 min classes you can take instead of 90 as well which I like.

    As for bottles, we bought the tommy tippee ones - the slow flow,, anti colic ones, they looked really good and I did some reading on them so I hope they are good - we didn't buy too many so we'll see how they are and I guess we can always switch if they are no good. A friend gave me a microwave bottle sanitizer and like you Ashley, I had NO idea about those things, I totally though you just washed them! I've been thinking too that I need to get a book on newborn babies! I have so many pregnancy, labour, delivery and breastfeeding books but none on actually caring for this newborn when he comes! lol and I really don't know anything! haha I'm sure a lot is common sense and instinct etc but I'm a control freak and a major planner so I like to be prepared lol. I think I may pick up a book today - any suggestions?

    As for fur babies...my husband and I really need to get serious about ours...she thinks she's human and sleeps in between us in bed usually spooning with me and even has her head on my pillow! I know....SO BAD. I really want to break this habit because I'm planning on having Mason sleep beside me in a bassinet so I can have an easier time with breastfeeding and just so I feel comfortable for the first few months having him close by. I don't want our dog Sophie in the bed with us while I'm breastfeeding Mason etc. I think we're going to bring her crate up to the bedroom and start putting her in there at night - which I know she will NOT like. She's an Italian Greyhound and weighs 10 lbs - she has like NO body fat and is VERY attached to me so she loves being in a warm bed with blankets so I think it might be difficult and we only have just less than 6 weeks left...urgh, nothing like procrastinating...whoops. Anyone else facing a similar problem? Kristy I know you had mentioned that to me, how are things going with your fur babies?

    AFM - yesterday I had my 34 week appointment and strep b test - so I have another appt in 2 weeks so should get the results then. Mason is measuring good, his HR was 134 and he is still head down. My dr said I'm still carrying quite high and have a ton of room for him to drop down - I read that lots of walking can help with that because of your hips rocking back and forth...Sooo I have been planning to try out the SNAP fitness near my house and start using their elliptical or treadmill and that is definitely motivation. My BP was good as well so everything looks pretty good. :) After the apt I went back to work to hand in my short term disability paperwork and spend the afternoon training my boss and coworker on my responsibilities so they can train my replacement once they find her/him. It was kind of nice to be back at work and see everyone. I was exhausted when I got home lol

    I'm going to my Service Canada branch this morning to try to clarify this whole confusing maternity/paternity leave - short term disability situation...it's all so confusing to me and I just want to make sure I understand all the paperwork etc because I don't want to screw anything up!! I know I'll feel a lot better after i get to talk to someone there. I don't know why they have to make everything SO confusing!

    Also, I started looking up slow cooker recipes that you can pre-prep and freeze - I'm thinking this will be a really good option to have ready for the first few weeks after Mason is born - here are some links I wanted to share just in case any of you ladies might be interested ;)



    Anyway - I should probably get my butt in gear and get going with my day!
    Happy Friday everyone!

    34 weeks 1 day
  • abeare
    abeare Posts: 510 Member
    i didt'n know that you can donated to a public bank the core blood, were can i find the info?
    I know in Quebec you need to register with HEMA Quebec (the province’s public bank) before delivery in order to donate and not all hospitals are set up to be able to do it at all. I chose what Dr. I was going to go with based on what hospital they were affiliated to and one of the reason I chose my hospital was because they offered this. Where are you located? Maybe you can ask your dr if this is an option for you
  • atomdraco
    atomdraco Posts: 1,083 Member
    i didt'n know that you can donated to a public bank the core blood, were can i find the info?

    I get info from my OB, which was included in the hospital pre-registration form. I filled out and send a form to the place to request a kit (bring to hospital, and the OB suppose to collect that). However, I haven't heard anything from the place regarding this. It could be cause I sent too early? They might be sending stuff to me closer to my delivery.

    I cannot find my form, but I believe it was thru LifeSource (for Chicago area - http://www.lifesource.org/specialprogcord.asp)

    Checkout this site to see if you can find more info: http://www.nationalcordbloodprogram.org/. Or talk to your OB. I believe not all hospital / OB will do that.

    Looks like the following NY hospital (if you are delivering there) is one of a few on the list:
    Maimonides Medical Center
    Brooklyn, New York
    Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation, Inc.
    (561) 982-2900
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Hey ladies

    Just wanted to share this awesome and SUPER easy slow cooker recipe I made today to surprise my hubby for dinner!
    3 ingredient pulled pork! It uses rootbeer (which I can't get enough of these days lol)

    Check it out:

    I used Mug rootbeer and Bullseye Sweet & Sticky BBQ sauce :bigsmile:
  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    Just an interesting article I found about why it's necessary (or not) to administer eye drops/cream to your baby immediately after birth...something I'm going to talk to my Dr about at my next visit to see what the protocol is at my hospital.

    Just thought I would share :)

  • Raynamama
    Raynamama Posts: 480 Member
    sorry another thing I wanted to share...just doing some reading/research this morning...
    Uses for Calendula post partum- especially the ice pads - not sure if this video will work (let me know if it doesn't because it might require my log in)
    Anyway these are supposed to really help after birth with being swollen or torn etc...not a fun thought I know, but I'm going to make some ahead of time so I have them ready just in case I need them. They are supposed to be fantastic.


    if the link doesn't work here is the gist of what you need to know:

    Uses for Calendula:

    Calendula Tincture can be used for various things in the postpartum period:

    Full strength on baby's umbilical stump to speed up healing and drying of cord (do this during every second diaper change in the first week or more of baby's life)

    For mothers: add a dropperful to water in your peribottle and after urinating or having a bowel movement, squirt your bottom to promote healing of tissues

    Ice Packs Recipe:
    Pup 1/4 cup of water in a spray bottle
    Add Calendula tincture to water ((2-3 droppers full)
    Line cookie sheet with wax paper
    Place 6-10 large/extra long sanitary pads on cookie sheet
    Apply calendula/water mixture with spray bottlle: DO NOT SOAK...apply just enough that pads will freeze
    Place cookie sheet in freezer
    When pads are frozen, stack in a plastic bag
    Look forward to using ice packs to reduce swelling and promote healing post birth

    Add to bath
    Full strength on nipple abraisions or blisters
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    I meant to share the latest picture of Baby Girl take last Wednesday. I think she's practicing her pageant face. :smile:

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Welcome Veronica! Your introduction made me laugh....the part about the boring guy and the drinking. :smile:

    Rayna, sorry about your hands and ribs. You can't catch a break! And your goals look awesome!

    My working out is pretty much nonexistent anymore. I took Sydney for a 20 minute walk last night. She has gotten so slow I feel like I have to almost pull her but she still loves it so we will keep poking along. If we are walking 3.0mph, we are doing good. I was told to rest when my fluids were low and didn't really find out if I can incorporate anything back into my regimine now they they are normal, so I think I may do a little just b/c I feel like a bump on a log. Tonight I may do some prenatal yoga. My video is really easy. I also need to scrub the floor as Sydney left a little puddle overnight. :cry: There were storms so maybe she got scared. Who knows with that dog.

    The day is almost over! I am counting down the days to maternity leave. I really don't want to take off early b/c I want as much time at home with Baby, but I'm afraid by next week I'm just going to be bored and restless. Ugh.

  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    And good to hear from you Misti! But sorry no baby yet. Sucks you're feeling crappy. I had the funk the first part of the year. I think it's pretty much gone but I had it for like 2 weeks. My MIL, who gave birth 11 times, allegedly had a cold everytime she went to the hospital.
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    Ugh, can't imagine giving birth with a cold. My head feels like it's about ready to explode.....can't imaging giving birth 11 times either, and with a cold, that poor lady. :) Hopefully it passes soon!!! Thanks!

    Forgot to mention today is my due date if we were going by my last missed period...I guess that must mean anytime between now and Feb. 12th. we are probably safe. :)
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Misti...happy due date! Hope that baby comes soon!! AND you feel better! And good job being so productive! It's that nesting instinct!! :)

    Ashley...good job with the walking...I wish it was nicer outside so I could walk...it's so stinkin' cold right now!

    Veronica...welcome!! We're happy to have you join us!!

    Rayna...Nice goals! Hope that baby settles in a more comfy spot for you!

    Everyone else...Hello!

    AFM: I'm 28 weeks today!! Getting closer! Got in a good yoga workout last night. Probably won't get in any workout tonight since I have a bunch of errands to run after work and then am meeting my sister for dinner and a movie. But I tried to plan healthy foods for the rest of the day to make up for it.

    My stroller didn't come yet, but I looked online and it looks like today is actually the day we should get it, so I'm hoping I get to check it out this evening!! SO exciting!

    Well...I hope you are all feeling well today!!
  • Better_Balance_2011
    Better_Balance_2011 Posts: 3,711 Member
    Morning Mamas! I'm 39 weeks today. My due date is next Wednesday. Craziness.

    No workout for me last night. I cleaned a little, helped Eric with hooking up speakers, read a little, made dinner and spent the rest of the night on the couch. Slept great again and seem to maybe be having more frequent BH contractions, but really only at night. Perhaps it is just wishful thinking. I also downloaded 2 apps to time contractions. :smile: My dr. appointment is at 3 today so I'll update tomorrow. I plan on discussing what the plan is in the event I go late. I know when I asked about the practice's policy on induction, one dr. told me pretty much they wouldn't induce unless needed but probably not let me go past 42 weeks. So at the most in 3 weeks we will have a baby. Good times.

    Misti - Exciting that you could go anytime now! Race is on.... :wink: I know what you mean....giving birth 11 times! My MIL is a super woman. She is 4'10" and 79 years old and still pretty tough. :heart:

    Kristin - Good job on the yoga. I had thought about it, but the basement is freezing (we have heat run but have yet to hook it up) so I opted for no yoga last night.

    Hopefully the rest of the week goes by fast. May be my last full week of work!

    39 weeks!
  • jchecca
    jchecca Posts: 131
    Good morning ladies!!!

    Rayna – thank you so much…honestly what you’re doing is an inspiration! I had a long talk with my husband last night and came down to the conclusion that I really need to find something that I love. End of the day there will always be those tough personalities to deal with (I have many here) but if I am doing something that I am super passionate about…that would make a world of difference! So here is to finding that passion! I give you a lot of credit for working so hard towards your goals…that is awesome!!!

    Veronica – welcome to the group!!

    Misti – thank you for the support too…6.5 years at a job you love…I totally envy you girl!!! Some day I keep saying…some day!! And I am totally keeping my fingers crossed for you that you go soon!! Sounds like you were super productive and nesting over the weekend so hopefully its only a matter of time! Feel better!!!!

    Ashley – my heart really does break for you with your puppy…I am praying that Syd gets better soon – maybe the new baby will bring on a whole new side!!!! Happy 39 weeks!!!

    Kristin – nice work on the yoga! What movie are you going to see!

    AFM: 35 weeks today!!! It really is amazing to think that in just a month or so I will be a new mom...wrapping my head around that is just crazy! Feeling really good...last night had a looooong career talk with the hubs and realized many things. I just need to focus on what makes me happy and what I have a passion for. Life is way too short to be miserable so I am going to take the time during my maternity leave and really focus on myself...in many ways. How I can be a good mother, wife, professional, etc.

    We put up some of the decals in Parkers room last night...one really cute one above his bed (pictures coming soon...I promise!!) and I got all of his clothes ready to be washed...going to take that on tonight.

    Hope everyone has a great day!!!
  • DeniseGdz
    DeniseGdz Posts: 592 Member
    wow, active board!! Morning ladies!!

    Doesnt look like working out is in my future. So much going on in the evenings it's a miracle I make it to bed by 11pm!!

    Rayna- thought about you this morning. Both my hands were asleep and I had to have hubby rub them until I could feel sensation back in them. I think I slept on them?? But I literally could feel nothing- how annoying. I felt bad that you have to go through this on a daily basis and see how annoying it can become!!

    jchecca- Passion....We have to find our passion and sometimes just make the best with what we got while we got it :wink: But doesn't mean that the opportunity is ever gone!

    Ashely- I love the pic!! Time is creepin on all of us!! Woo Hoo!! We'll all be mvoing boards very soon!

    Misti- I'm anxiously awaiting to hear that the baby is hear!! Hope you feel better. try the netti pot...it worked for me but it was extremely gross :laugh:

    kistinbee- good job on the working out!! Your right behind us and it's moving fast!

    AFM just trying to keep up with my diet. It's been a bit more challenging than anticipated. Hope you ladies have a great day!
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I'm starting to stress about going back to work after Abbie is born. Since I only work 20 hours a week I don't qualify for any paid maternity leave so it'll all be unpaid. Also, I don't meet the minimum requirements to be covered by the FMLA either. :( You have to work a minimum of 1250 hours and be employed by your company for at least a year. I'll be employed here for a year by then, but not have the 1250 hours. Boo! I don't think my boss would fill my position while I'm gone though. Honestly, my job is VERY low stress and super easy. I only work 4 hours a day and most of that is spent on the internet. lol I just don't have enough to do. I'm the office manager so I just make sure everything is running smoothly and we have enough supplies, etc. I am going to talk to him about maybe only coming in 1-2 hours a day and doing the rest from home. I don't know if he'll let me or not, but it's worth a shot. I only work 2 miles from my house.
    I did find out today that my friend, who is a day care provider, will have an opening around the time I will need one. She is a provider through the military so it's a lot cheaper. Since I'd need less than 25 hours per week it'd be less than full time care and would cost $4/hour. I'd be spending $320/month on child care IF I have to come in for the full 4 hours per day. I suppose that's not too bad. I don't really know anything about child care costs. What I DO know is that I don't want to leave her even for a few hours a day. haha! Although, a few hours may be a nice break, I don't know. One thing that scares me about leaving her at my friend's house is that she has a 2 1/2 year old son that is ornery!! She has a 6 month old daughter and he is very rough with her if he isn't carefully watched. Since I make my own hours (as long as I work 20 hours per week) I can possibly time it where I go into work 2 hours before Eric gets off work and he can just pick her up. That'd be less time for her to be exposed to the possible roughness and less money spent. Gosh, this is all so stressful!!!
    Sorry to rant about that. lol

    I did about an hour walk on the treadmill yesterday and had what I think were some BH contractions while walking. I am probably going to do some yoga tonight as my back has been hurting for days now.

    I have my maternity photoshoot next Saturday morning and I have no idea what to wear. lol Gotta get on that!