Ravenclaw Common Room



  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    This week is going to be very tough for me when it comes to OWLs. I am almost always over my sugar goal. Any suggestions?

    Aaargh, I know. I'm terrible with sugar. I wish I could say that I have learned how to eat only natural sugars and give up the rest, but it's been a no-go for me so far. The good news is that it doesn't impact my weight loss at all, but on the other hand, I'm aware that it would be healthier for me if I could cut more of the sugar out. Either way, I'm in your boat, and I would love suggestions on how to cut the cravings or the sugar, too. :)
    Decent day today a little strength training and couch to 5k. My wife bought us 7 new workout videos yay! Also for a laugh I will admit this. I didn't have money to buy dumbbells so I found me some nice heavy rocks outside. Those are my weights.

    I kinda love this. Seriously. :heart: Whatever works, yeah? You clever Ravenclaw, you. ;D
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey everybody!!! I must say the fitbit sounds like the next exercise gadget I want, but my husband will deny the purchase of. Right now I am trying to convince him to let me get PX90, but with "major staff layoffs" looming AGAIN this year, its a hard sell.

    Started the 30 Day Shred again last night. Its the first real pressure I've put on the ankle (other than physical therapy and walking) since breaking it. Couldn't do the jumping jacks or the side lunges, and everything cardio wise was less intensity than usual for me, but I'll get there..
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hi guys, can someone do me a favour-can you fl in the spreadsheet for me? Am on a tropical beach with limited internet...
    weight: not sure so same as last week. Owls:9, house points: 320. Will try and catch up later in the week, enjoy your week x
  • Hi Ladies (are we all ladies or no?)

    Just popping in to say HI, and I have a new goal for myself this week - contribute more to House points! I have been losing just from eating which means if I add exercise it's just going to drop off =- I HAVE to do it. Going for a walk RIGHT NOW to get started!! See you 30 or more points from now!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry I have been an absentee Ravenclaw lately. I'm trying to get back on track, I've been on a really long plateau for a while. I guess I'm happy I haven't gained anything, but I haven't really been losing either.

    Anyway, I'm making an effort to be around and participating more. Hope ya'll are doing well :smile:
  • Missklara
    Missklara Posts: 282 Member
    hi ravens!
    this week's gonna be tough! i always go over on sugar :laugh: the hell! it doesn't mean i'm not gonna try!
    today scale said 160 :noway: (i was around 164-165 pounds whole last month) and only thing that changed is that i ate more last three days!!! the more i eat, the more i lose weight! amazing :laugh:

  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    MissKlara - maybe you were eating too little before. You may need the extra calories to keep up with your activity level. I found increasing my calories broke my plateau and let me start moving again.

    OMG Tae Bo boot camp is super tough! There are at least six sets of pushups and the abs part is really really difficult for me. Its very strength oriented so I think I'm going to alternate that and the cardio. Its still gets the heart pumping but its not as sustained as the other. I've set myself some new long term goals:
    1. Run a 5k - I plan to do this in may after I finish the couch to 5k plan
    2. Run a 10k - not sure when I'll do this yet hopefully as soon as I can
    3. Do the Tough Mudder - My brother-in-law and sister-in-law(opposite sides of the family, crazy huh?) just did this and I want to be able to next year. It is a grueling 11 mile military obstacle course full of mud, water , walls, fire, nets, electricity, and more. Its super hard core! If you want to see a map of the course check out this link: http://toughmudder.com/events/georgia-2012/ I hope I can be ready next year. Also, its for a good cause the proceeds go to the wounded warrior project. Hope everyone is having a good valentines day I making my wife's favorite meal tonight since we couldn't find a baby sitter to go out. So it fettuccine alfredo at home which we haven't had at all this year. I gotta eat light till dinner cause the calories are super high.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hi guys, can someone do me a favour-can you fl in the spreadsheet for me? Am on a tropical beach with limited internet...
    weight: not sure so same as last week. Owls:9, house points: 320. Will try and catch up later in the week, enjoy your week x
    Done! Glad to help out.
    Hi Ladies (are we all ladies or no?)
    Nope - we've got a guy member now too - jazzgnat! :D

    Happy Valentine's Day to all of my favorite people! Love you all! :heart:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    I feel like I've barely been on in the past few days. Hope everyone is still doing well. Loving some of the motivated attitudes in here, though. Clearly I need to stop in more often. I'm nervous this week might end up being a gain or just sticking the same. I'm gonna try to just keep with it and be a little more strict with my food and water this last couple days and hope that gets me where I need to be. :)
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    OK I have to say I love my Fitbit and my Kinect. They are some of the best motivators I've ever had. With my fitbit I can't lie to myself about how active I've been during the day and I have no excuse not to workout since my kinect is right there in my living room. Everyday this week, other than 2/14 (I mean it's V day I reserve the right to eat chocolate and lounge around watching romanticky stuffs) , I made 7500 steps which for me and my desk job is awesome!
    Hope everyone is having a good week.
    :heart: Ayla
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    So its been an interesting week so far. My food has been fine as usual but my personal life has been a roller coaster. My wife had an accident on valentines day. She is ok mostly, some bruising from the seat belt but otherwise she is fine. My little RAV4 however has a beat up front end on the driver's side. I really love that little car it's paid for and gets 30+mpg! It is also how I am able to make money delivering pizza. I took my minivan into the shop only to find there is a whole list of problems with it. So I am going to try and fix it myself because I can't afford to pay $2000 dollars to fix it. Also there is a possible new job on the horizon for me. I have been looking for one for a long time but most don't give me much after daycare. The problem is this one is very nontraditional it is a computer repair shop in a small town looking for a technician/business manager/clerk. The pay is basically commission only but they are offering the entire profit of the business. Which means if they don't make a profit(they're not now) I wouldn't get paid. I've built a business up from a loss to profits before and the margins where much higher but I feel uneasy about this. It could however be a great opportunity and I have been looking for something in the IT field. I haven't got in as many workouts as I would like to because of the drama here.
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Another interesting week so far for me too. Had a pretty bad day eating-wise yesterday. My work sent me on a course all day, and lunch and morning/afternoon tea were catered for by the company, who fed us the worst possible selection of foods. Chocolate muffins for morning tea, battered fish and pizza for lunch, and cookies for afternoon tea. Then me and my boyfriend didn't manage to have dinner until reasonably late, so we ended up getting takeout. Oh well, had a day off today so I've been getting in plenty of exercise and housework.
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Wow that sounds a bit crazy Jazzgnat. Hope your wife is okay, and good luck with the job.
  • Hello! I am fairly new to MFP and just joined Hogwarts Castle. I would really like to join the Ravenclaw team!! :smile:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hello all! So, have had a lovely holiday, but haven't been logging food at all, and done limited exercise (although the two hour sea kayaking trip was a pretty good workout for my arms (read- absolutely killer!!) Going to try and be super good this weekend though to make up for it little bit, and hopefully won't see a gain on Monday... Hope you're all well and so on, if you want to see the most beautiful beach in the world (in my opinion!) google Koh Maak, Thailand. Was stunning. Xx
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Right, HoH stuff! this week, our prefects are.... Korkster and Jazzgnat for the most OWLs! Well done you guys! And also a big well done to _gwen, alohashley, Bethanyweathers, Blackhawkgirl91, Craft338, Emmie_rene, jazzgnat, kellyisfat, korkster, momofJandA, Pandora55, tboothgenthe, Weezieishness and WhatsEatingYou, all with a weight-loss last week! Well done you guys!!

    And finally, welcome to Loopholequeen! You are welcome to join Ravenclaw. All you need to do is add your current weight and goal weight for February into the spreadsheet found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AnaZ2CBZ3MgTdGxWaWE5OVU0dkQzRE9hRko0S0huT3c#gid=0

    Then, next week, you weigh-in with the following things:
    -current weight
    -number of exercise minutes done in the week (this is called house points)
    -number of OWLs you've earned in a week - these are earned by completing challenges set by the prefects. I will post the challenges for this week later on today hopefully, when I receive them both.

    Make sure you weigh-in on the same day every week to keep the numbers regular, most people weigh in on Sunday/Monday but any day between Friday and Monday is fine. Good to have you with us!

    It's good fun and friendly competition works really well. We're also very supportive!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Aaaaand finally, something I wanted to share with you guys.... my sister has just put one of these wall transfers up in her room, how cool is this?! I right want Dumbledore's wisdom over my bed!!

  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Me again!!

    Haha, here are the challenges for the week coming, courtesy of our prefects, jazzgnat and korkster!

    Exercise challenge: Make everyday activities more fun with cardio!
    For example, dance while cleaning the house, or power walk where you normally amble...
    One OWL for every day you make an everyday activity more hardcore!

    Food challenge: eat plant protein foods more often
    Try beans and peas (kidney, pinto, black, or white beans; split peas; chickpeas; hummus), soy products
    (tofu, tempeh, veggie burgers), nuts, and seeds. They are naturally low in saturated fat and high in fiber.
    One OWL for every day you replace one meat-based protein source with a plant based one instead.

    Spirit: POST!!!

    For my activity, I am going to skip down the halls at school instead of walking, lols!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good Saturday morning Ravenclaw! What a busy crazy week! I could always count on at least having 7 OWLs for spirit, but I didn't even earn all of those this week! Weigh-in tomorrow is a little scary, but it is what it is. Like the song says "Que sera, sera. Whatever will be, will be." I'll just keep on as best I can.

    I'm off to a busy crazy weekend now. My life won't slow down for a while - I'm so glad Lottee and Kelly were able to step in and take over! Thank you guys!! :flowerforyou:
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Well, I guess I was in denial about my sugars. I only got one day with them. Of course, it was my mom's birthday... and we had cake... all week... :). At least I've been able to keep up the waters- almost everyday with more than 8 cups!

    I exercised more, but only in one day. I do need to start spreading the wealth to the other days of the week. It's tough to do when you're at work 12 hours a day. At least they have stairs at work. I don't actually count them, but FitBit does give me credit (slight) for going up and down, up and down.

    And, unfortunately, I get to spend my 3 day weekend, sick. My throat is killer sore. Not exactly what I had in mind, but what can ya do?

    And my scale says I'm down to 301.8. I'm not going to argue with it. Sometimes it changes its mind throughout the day, but I did the 3-step thing, it said the same. Makes my throat hurt less. :)

    If it's true... HOLY CRAP I MIGHT REACH UNDER 300!! WOOOT!