Kickstart your Metabolism



  • mawmawandlovingit
    mawmawandlovingit Posts: 45 Member
    I started day 1 today, and plan on doing 2 a day workouts throughout the 90 day program. I completed P90X 2 years ago and am hoping to get the same results, unfortunately, I gained back all the weight I had having to start over again :(
  • charlene_1980
    Woohoo! I'm so glad you all started this week and I can't wait to see your results! Congrats to all of you!
  • ged630
    ged630 Posts: 145 Member
    I started yesterday. Did workout 1 and Cardio. Got up early and did Workout 2 today. So far I LOVE the workouts! I did measurements and pictures yesterday. I can't wait to see the results!!!

    Good Luck to everyone who started this week! Add me as a friend if you would like.
  • CurvyTrini87
    Thanks Charlene!

    Hey guys, How are you guys making out with the Food? I love all of the Lunches and Dinners and 1 breakfast. The snacks are horrible for me. But I am trying.

    Also, I must say that I have energy throughout the day. I had walk for 20mins in a fast paste without catching my breathe.
  • Lady_TDM
    Lady_TDM Posts: 16
    Hello All,

    I getting my program on Monday but want to start Monday. Can you guys help me with Monday or Day 1 of the kickstart? What is the meal plan? What are the excerises? HELP!
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I think if someone can give you an overview of the diet (I believe from what I read it's 1200 calories each day during the Kickstart) and you're able to get your program on Monday and workout Monday night, you should be good.

    I ordered my program on 2/28 and it shipped today. I'm supposed to get next Thursday...I'm hoping I get it before!
  • wrapabar
    wrapabar Posts: 36
    Hello All,

    I getting my program on Monday but want to start Monday. Can you guys help me with Monday or Day 1 of the kickstart? What is the meal plan? What are the excerises? HELP!

    Check your private messages, I sent you one. :smile:
  • MamaMizzle
    MamaMizzle Posts: 44 Member
    I tried the kickstart but had such a hard time with the food options. I can't eat eggs, so that only left Greek yogurt. I was really having a hard time getting that down. I made the soup & chicken and could barely get that down. The turkey burger didn't cook up right and ended up becoming a bowl of ground turkey with avocado and tomatoes. Not too bad, actually. After doing the kickstart for 3 days and finding it very stressful (I also have 3 young children) I decided to just not do the kickstart anymore and continue on with the regular program. I'm much happier and have been sticking to the program. I'm not a fan of her recipes!!
  • Lady_TDM
    Lady_TDM Posts: 16
    This 7-day kickstart from Jillian Michael's Body Revolution is hard as hell. OMG, I don't think I've done something so hard in my life. The videos are fine, but the meal plan...what? You just don't realize how much your body craves for certain foods until they are taken away. Between the headaches and lack of energy, I feel terrible. But it's only for 7 days....I know the results will be good. I see my body changing aready just in these few days that have past, but man is it hard.
  • theredcliche
    theredcliche Posts: 233 Member
    This 7-day kickstart from Jillian Michael's Body Revolution is hard as hell. OMG, I don't think I've done something so hard in my life. The videos are fine, but the meal plan...what? You just don't realize how much your body craves for certain foods until they are taken away. Between the headaches and lack of energy, I feel terrible. But it's only for 7 days....I know the results will be good. I see my body changing aready just in these few days that have past, but man is it hard.

    You can do it! Just keep telling yourself, it's only 7 days!!!!
  • jacquiroxx
    jacquiroxx Posts: 68 Member
    I'm still waiting for my copy to ship, so I haven't started yet. I'm getting a little worried now though. I was planning to do the Kickstart, but it seems like it might be too low-cal for me. I am also training for a half marathon and burn about 110-115 calories per mile... so my body really needs the calories to power my runs.

    Maybe I'll just skip the kickstart and do the program normally? Is there a regular week 1, or is it just the kickstart and then week 2?
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    I'm still waiting for my copy to ship, so I haven't started yet. I'm getting a little worried now though. I was planning to do the Kickstart, but it seems like it might be too low-cal for me. I am also training for a half marathon and burn about 110-115 calories per mile... so my body really needs the calories to power my runs.

    Maybe I'll just skip the kickstart and do the program normally? Is there a regular week 1, or is it just the kickstart and then week 2?

    Kickstart is optional, you can start with week 1 instead.
  • jacquiroxx
    jacquiroxx Posts: 68 Member
    I'm still waiting for my copy to ship, so I haven't started yet. I'm getting a little worried now though. I was planning to do the Kickstart, but it seems like it might be too low-cal for me. I am also training for a half marathon and burn about 110-115 calories per mile... so my body really needs the calories to power my runs.

    Maybe I'll just skip the kickstart and do the program normally? Is there a regular week 1, or is it just the kickstart and then week 2?

    Kickstart is optional, you can start with week 1 instead.

    Thanks so much! I was worried about having to alter the program myself. Glad that there's a normal week 1 :) Thanks again!!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    If someone can share day one of the meal plan with me as well, I'm hoping that mine is going to be here on Monday and I can start Monday night :) I love my Jillian Michaels workouts!!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    phatsoslim, I just looked at your blog and I have to say WOW.. you did a great job on the blog and aall your photos of your meals. You made me hungry even though I just ate my dinner!!! Thanks :)
  • Sweetpeagrl
    Sweetpeagrl Posts: 168 Member
    I just started the kickstart week this morning and then found this group! i love support. so im looking forward to reading everyones updates and progress. :happy:

    I woke up an hour earlier than usual and did workout 1. will do cardio 1 tonight. havent watched it through yet, but im pretty confident that it wont be too bad. i did 30DS not too long ago, so from what ive heard, cardio one isnt too much of a challenge. (fingers crossed). :tongue:
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    Ordered my program on Friday and I'm looking forward to starting!

    I had planned on doing the Kickstart Week - but after reading a lot of the entries about it, I'm a bit worried. I'm a vegetarian, and it seems that most/a lot of the meals include meat and/or eggs. Are there also alternative options suggested??
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    adamb83 - you might have to work out an alternate meal plan. There are only 3 options each for breakfasts, lunches, snacks, and dinners in the kickstart week, and nearly all of them include dairy, eggs, or meat - only two of the snacks are meat- and dairy-free (if dairy is OK, that only gives you an additional snack and a breakfast option). The book SPECIFICALLY says to avoid all soy, so I imagine that vegetarian or vegan alternatives could be a little difficult, and no alternatives are listed.

    Anyway....My husband and I started the kickstart yesterday. I've been prepping the lunches and snacks the night before to make it easier especially for him to take meals to work. I work from home 2 days a week, so I have more flexibility with food prep, but I have to say I have been CONSTANTLY hungry the last two days, and I have a monster headache. The food is very tasty, but it's just not enough. Last night I was so hungry when I went to bed that it took me like 2 extra hours just to fall asleep, and after that I had crazy bizarre dreams and slept horribly....then woke up SO tired for today's first workout.

    All in all I netted about 900 calories yesterday, and it'll probably be about the same today. For me, that's just too low to do on any kind of regular basis. To stay more comfortable and to save money (some of the kickstart meals that call for fish or steak are pretty pricey), I think we're going to go 2 days on the diet then one day off, then repeat. I only have about 10-15lbs to lose, so I'm telling myself that this fits with the advice Jillian gave on twitter (thanks to the above poster for that, btw). Our "regular" food is pretty healthy anyway, so fingers crossed I can still get good results :smile:
  • mals422
    mals422 Posts: 41
    I don't like salad enough to stick to the kickstart plan. I seem to have found my salad limit, and it's about half the lettuce she recommends. It doesn't help that I don't like tomatoes or peppers, either...

    I stopped following the kickstart plan on Tuesday, when I found myself extremely hungry and extremely exhausted. I slept for more than 12 hours Tuesday night, and on Wednesday I started eating a modified version of the kickstart, where I try to stick to her recommended foods, but not necessarily in the recommended combinations. I've also modified my goal from doing the extra cardio every day, to doing it every other day (more if I have the energy). Last night and this morning my workouts were fabulous, and I had so much energy - exercise is fun when you're not exhausted!

    I think it's important to listen to your body, and to push yourself as much as possible, but not to the point where you're going to end up injured or quitting and back on the couch.

    For reference, I have about 20 lbs to lose, and I have been averaging about 1330 calories a day. I've enjoyed trying new food combinations, and it's nice to discover new foods I like, like greek yogurt with cinnamon!
  • kikix5
    kikix5 Posts: 187 Member
    Got my DVD's yesterday and started today, Did the workout one along with the cardio one. I am better off doing them back to back then one in the morning and one at night. Since I didn't get the food for the meal plan, I am just going to eat what I have here today. I do have a protein shake made with unsweetened almond milk after my workouts. But I use Nature's Best - Whey Protein Isolate, Low Carb Isopure Dutch Chocolate, 2 scoops with 1 cup of the milk and 1/2 c water with ice :) makes a nice milkshake..
    I am going to just have to have that be my snack, since its 255 calories.