earliest memory



  • ResilientWoman
    ResilientWoman Posts: 440 Member
    I remember Ron Eli in Tarzan and that I would practice swinging from our bunk beds like they were jungle vines and imagine being Tarzan and marrying Jane, I also imagined a lifestyle of social justice advocacy, traveling the world, protecting the environment and wrestling alligators. Turns out at 2 1/2 years old I already knew who I was and who I would grow to be. Being gay in the Deep South of the United States just made the first 3 decades less pleasant than if I'd been me amongst friends and supportive family.

    Now at 45, I'm living Primal (thank you Ron Eli), dating "Jane", fighting for equal rights, cleaning up my own little piece of paradise, traveling to foreign countries, friends with people globally but have decided that I'll leave the gator wrestling to the Irwin Family.

    Incidentally, my daughter, now 6 years old, said at age 2 1/2, "Mom, when I grow up I want to marry Bindi, the Jungle Girl." Good taste runs in the family and maybe being a *kitten* does as well. In any case, I believe her and wouldn't at all be surprised to find her wrestling gators. LOL
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    there was never really a light bulb moment for me. or if there was, i was too young to remember it.

    but i DO remember that when the 11" GI Joes came out - my mom got one for my brother, who was really into GI Joe, but he hated it. Joe being the same size as Barbie meant that it was a "girl toy", so i got it. Ken was never happier. LOL. oh yeah, my Barbies, at 8 or 9 first started having gay themes in their lives.
  • DeathIsMyGift
    DeathIsMyGift Posts: 434 Member
    I'd say 1st grade. I had a crush on a cute little brunette. lol
  • BanjoKd
    BanjoKd Posts: 150
    In high school my car had digital mph. My friend says 'hey look we're doing 69'. What am awesome ice breaker...we both couldn't wait to get home.
  • tegsa
    tegsa Posts: 16 Member
    What a fun post.

    I was probably 8 or 9 and I was flipping through the tv when I saw an amazing music video of a wonderful looking woman. I was mesmerized and knew liking another woman made me different from the other girls at school. It's a shame they didn't have DVR back then. The video was K.D. Lang's Constant Craving..haha.
  • kanonxbou47
    kanonxbou47 Posts: 265 Member
    Well, my neighbors were lesbians, and I was 3, so it was just like "okay, I haven't learned that this is 'abnormal' yet, I like these people because they have dogs."

    I also can remember now having small (non-sexual) attractions to females as early as 7. I had no effing clue what that was, and no one even told me what bisexuality was until I was 12. Then, it was just like OH.
  • SecretlyBatwoman
    SecretlyBatwoman Posts: 79 Member
    I don't know what my first memory was, but I do know when I learned the word "lesbian" I thought, oh thank god that means it's not just me.
  • david581c
    david581c Posts: 337
    I suppose these days with much more acceptance, some people are gonna have some really early memories prob of the time they saw a Lady Gaga performance :j

    Real quick i think another memory was when i was like 8 or so, the kids at school were tackling and chasing one guy holding a kickball, found out the game was called "smear the queer" :S

    Found out was queer meant then had my "ohhhhh" mement.
  • ozzra8
    ozzra8 Posts: 80 Member
    hmmm.. I don't remember ever not being aware. But I wasn't raised to where it was taught to me that it was "different" or "wrong". I grew up with lesbian neighbors, my fav uncle is gay, and one of my moms friend is transgender... The only issues that ever came up in my moms household was of religion and me loving heavy metal. My best friends are Jewish and Pagan and I'm a hardcore metal head so you know who won that battle. My mom didn't voice an issue about gay or rather me being gay till a few years ago when I told her that I was dating one of my friends and the discussion was #1 she thought this person was going to break my heart( eh.. it was 50/50) #2 she said she feared that I wouldn't get into heaven. I just said don't worry about me mom I'm strong and also my god loves me as I am and my god made me gay so there wont be a problem. End of discussion (^_^)
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    I remember when I was 13 and had visited a friend. My mum had picked me up in her car and on my way home I was thinking about my friend, how much I liked her and what it would be like to kiss her. And then I went "oh no oh no this is not normal WHAT IS THIS?" Then I just... pretended that I was perfectly normal for about two years until I fell in love with another friend.

    I also remember when someone told me what being gay meant, I think I was 10 or 11. Me and a friend of mine were like "hahaha that's so funny, let's be a couple just because it's weird". And then we "broke up" and laughed at it. :P
  • dragonflybird
    Honesty, I was never exposed to anything gay, but my first memory of being in a "non-hetero" situation was when I was 12. I used to be a big swimmer and was in swim clubs all the time. My parents couldn't always afford to take me to swim meets, so I always went with a another family. They had a girl the same age as me. Anyway, this girl, we were always doing things together like two peas in a pod. One swim meet, we were staying at her grandparent's house and were sleeping in the camper. She told me all of her secrets and cuddled into me and said that she loved me. I told her I loved her too. The next day, she said to me that she didn't really mean that she loved me and I totally broke down and cried and expressed my love for her. She was my first love. After that, I no longer was able to go with them for swim meets and she completely stopped talking to me. It was the most depressing thing I went through at that age. I really didn't know that what I was feeling wasn't "normal" and when I approached my mom about it, she said that that is not how love should be and that it should be between a boy and a girl. So, that was my first experience and I never did express my love to a girl again until I was 27. Sigh.
  • HealthyAlison
    HealthyAlison Posts: 112 Member
    My earliest memory is dressing in my mom's clothes and getting caught, maybe 4 or 5 yrs old. It took me nearly 30 years to get over the shame and guilt and accept my true self.
  • wendyapple
    wendyapple Posts: 323 Member
    i had a friend who would come over to play at my house when we were in 2nd grade, so maybe 6 or 7 years old, and when it came time for her to leave, i used to hide her shoes. her mom would tell her to go find them, and i'd try to explain to her mom that maybe she should just sleep over.
  • LilRedRooster
    LilRedRooster Posts: 1,421 Member
    My best friend came out to me when we were in 11th grade. She was so scared that I would stop being her friend, she actually did it over Yahoo chat. I remember not thinking anything of it, because honestly, I didn't have any preconceived notions about being gay, negative or otherwise. I wasn't even really aware of it until that point. I just told her that if she ever wanted to march in a gay parade, I'd be right there with her, waving a flag and kicking the haters. She even admitted several years later that she liked me, even though I'm straight, and we could laugh about it and still have an amazing friendship.

    We're still friends to this day, actually. She was there for the birth of my daughter, we've traveled together, and even though we live 1,000 miles away at this point, I'm pretty sure we'll be old ladies living together with a ton of cats, throwing rocks at teenagers. It'll be awesome.
  • crownedone
    I had thoughts about other boys in the 6th grade. I didn't fully understand what was going on at the time, of course, and didn't talk to anyone about it. Went all through junior high, high school and most of college and NEVER expressed this to another living soul. Just didn't have safe places to let this part of me known. Finally did talk to my pastor about it and that was a joke. I lived in an evangelical christian world where same sex attraction was a shameful thing, to be fought against and denied and buried. Really sucks that I carried all that confusion, guilt and shame all through puberty and young adulthood, but it was what it was. The point is that I'm still here. I'll be turning 46 next week and I survived and am still here and if you don't like or accept who I am you are free to leave. Wow, don't know where all that came from. Think I needed to vent a little?