October 2012 due dates?



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    really sorry to hear that babybeecakes :( fingers crossed you get your bfp soon
  • _Corinne_
    _Corinne_ Posts: 188 Member
    Hi - I haven't had my first official visit with the doc yet but according to the charts I'm 7w1d and the due date is 10.10.12. Will have a better idea March 5th - can't wait. I'm really hoping not to gain this time around. I was overweight with my first and managed to only gain 5 pounds in the end and my doc was very pleased. Not so sure what she is going to say this time around, though as I'm 10 pounds heavier than last time... just praying all goes well and I can be more active and healthier for the both of us. =)
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    Hi guys! I'm due 10-20 with baby #2. I had a tiny bit of spotting earlier in the week so my nurse sent me for blood work to check my HCG numbers. On Tuesday they were 3,351. I'll get my results tomorrow from the blood they took today. If they doubled then I'll get to schedule an u/s to make sure everything is going well :smile: I don't see my Dr. until March 14th. I'll be almost 8 weeks by then. My goal this pregnancy is to not gain 60 lbs like last time!!!!
    Congrats everyone!!
    ~ Jamie
  • sock_17
    sock_17 Posts: 99 Member
    big hugs to you babybeecakes
  • baybeecakes08
    thank you guys !! I'm hopeful it won't take to long !!
  • MeRevisitedAgain
    MeRevisitedAgain Posts: 38 Member
    I just found out today that I am due Oct. 21 (my wedding anniversary) with baby number 4. I have 3 girls currently. Since November I have lost about 15 pounds. I only took a pregnancy test because my eating was off and I wanted to do an all veggie/fruit cleanse for a week and realized when I was about to take the test that I was 4 days late. My husband and I never have safe sex because we have issues with fertility. My youngest is 4 years old and from the time she was born until July of last year when I had my first miscarriage ever I didn't get pregnant so we don't worry about it much. So, seeing a BFP Wednesday night was a SHOCKER! Although I'm disappointed I will not be seeing my goal weight (only 7 lbs left to go) soon, I am excited about this new little surprise.

    babybeecakes- I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm praying for a BFP in the near future. Sure are some little cuties in your profile pic.

    I wish everyone else a safe, healthy happy pregnancy.
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Pregnancy brain is in full force for me!! Anyone else? Good grief I don't remember it happening so early last time. I've had it since the very beginning of this one, but now it's baaaaaaaaaaaaad. We flew out of state this past weekend & I lost or misplaced my driver's license. I NEVER do that. I am the most organized person ever. Today I burned my lunch because I got the cooking time wrong. I NEVER do that. Lots of things like this keep happening. Driving me crazy! Approaching the 6 week mark & praying I don't get m/s this time. That's when it started last time. Fingers crossed. How is everyone else?
  • RealChange31
    RealChange31 Posts: 36 Member
    I TOTALLY have a case of "The Pregnancy Stupids". I keep forgetting to do simple things: locking my car, bringing my wallet to the store, yadda yadda.

    I'm a bit worried about m/s too, but all we can do is hope. Sending sweet baby vibes to all!

  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I just found out I'm pregnant! This is a total shock as I have a 5.5 month old AND a 2yo. :smile: I am due 11/2, but will have this baby at the end of October via c-section. I'm only 5ish wks along now. SOOO glad I found this group! :smile:
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    i keep forgetting things too. the thing that is getting to me the most is the extreme tiredness! i could sleep all day
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Oh my word- the Pregnancy Brain is AWFUL this time around for me!!! I don't remember it affecting me as much this early during my first pregnancy either- I'm saying dumb things/getting my words & thoughts mixed up. I am forgetting and misplacing everything! My husband thinks it's hilarious because I normally am pretty organized...all I can say is I'm glad I'm not the only "dummy" out there!:)
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Everyone's been quiet! I hope ya'll are all doing well. Just thought I would make a confession. I had my first pregnancy binge this past Saturday night. Oh my. I ate about 700 calories in one sitting for dessert, which consisted of girl scout thin mints, m&m pretzels, & cookie cake!!!! It put me over my daily goal about 600-700 too. I just couldn't control myself, it was terrible. Has anyone else done this yet? I also went over by a few hundred Friday. Not starting this 1st trimester off so well lol. Now since Monday, when m/s started, I HAVE to eat at least every 2 hours or I get really nausiated. I just want my normal appetite & stomach back!
  • lainerigs
    Kerrbear.. don't feel bad. yes, we have all done it :) even though we might not admit it!! I was doing sooooo good and the other day I had chips/salsa/queso/ TWO FRIED FISH TACOS (i usually get grilled) and the fries off my daugthers plate. I think I was like... Oh, well, I've fallen off the wagon may as well make the best of it!
    I can so tell a difference too because I felt like crap! but it was worth it and I have been thinking about those stupid tacos ever since. I never get the regular ones... so now that I know what I'm missing those grilled tacos sure won't taste as good! grrrrr....

    This happened the last pregnancy. I never really ate real ice cream or real ranch dressing. Then, I did (not together) so I knew how great the "real" stuff tasted! Ha!
  • kateland
    kateland Posts: 160 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    First time mom, due Oct 26. Just saw our first ultrasound yesterday!!! There's a heartbeat, it's REAL!!! I can't believe I'm pregnant some days, and then the nausea kicks in, and I'm already planning to ground the kid for making mommy sick. LOL.

    I'm in a unique situation: I have the Lap Band, with which I lost over 100 lbs years ago and kept it off, but I still needed to lose another 50. I'm at 210 right now, but despite NOT dieting at all, and having the band fixed twice, I've not gained any weight. I had just bought a Garmin HRM/GPS wristband to train marathon walking this spring in preparation for trying to have a baby and to drop 30 lbs. I bought an ovulation app, went for a prenatal visit with my PCP, even started on prenatal vitamins. I was determined to get myself ready for tater...and guess what. The first time Todd and I said, eh, we don't need to "prevent" this time...BAM! preggo.

    I'm delirious with happiness. He'd already proposed formally before we knew we'd conceived. Our families are drunk with joy and now that it's real, I'm becoming Mommy and putting myself on a schedule with good diet and exercise.

    One thing tho...My doctor said even though traditional guidelines say someone with my BMI (obese) should not gain more than 10 - 20 lbs, he said because of my height (5'7) I WOULD gain 25 - 35 lbs. He said most of it is baby, placenta, amniotic fluid. Once I had baby I'd probably be the same weight or close to it.

    That surprised me...but I'm not taking it as a license to eat. I am not thrilled I'm 210 lbs still, BUT, I NEVER want to go back to 300 lbs! I joined this group to help me track and stay mindful with other ladies.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hi ladies!!

    First time mom, due Oct 26. Just saw our first ultrasound yesterday!!! There's a heartbeat, it's REAL!!! I can't believe I'm pregnant some days, and then the nausea kicks in, and I'm already planning to ground the kid for making mommy sick. LOL.

    I'm in a unique situation: I have the Lap Band, with which I lost over 100 lbs years ago and kept it off, but I still needed to lose another 50. I'm at 210 right now, but despite NOT dieting at all, and having the band fixed twice, I've not gained any weight. I had just bought a Garmin HRM/GPS wristband to train marathon walking this spring in preparation for trying to have a baby and to drop 30 lbs. I bought an ovulation app, went for a prenatal visit with my PCP, even started on prenatal vitamins. I was determined to get myself ready for tater...and guess what. The first time Todd and I said, eh, we don't need to "prevent" this time...BAM! preggo.

    I'm delirious with happiness. He'd already proposed formally before we knew we'd conceived. Our families are drunk with joy and now that it's real, I'm becoming Mommy and putting myself on a schedule with good diet and exercise.

    One thing tho...My doctor said even though traditional guidelines say someone with my BMI (obese) should not gain more than 10 - 20 lbs, he said because of my height (5'7) I WOULD gain 25 - 35 lbs. He said most of it is baby, placenta, amniotic fluid. Once I had baby I'd probably be the same weight or close to it.

    That surprised me...but I'm not taking it as a license to eat. I am not thrilled I'm 210 lbs still, BUT, I NEVER want to go back to 300 lbs! I joined this group to help me track and stay mindful with other ladies.

    Welcome! I think we'll be having our babies very close together! I'm due 11/2, but will have a c-section about 1wk before my due date. It's happy to hear stories of families being so happy with a pregnancy...brings tears to my eyes as some families out there are less than supportive. I started my last two pregnancies at 204lbs and gained around 25lbs each (and I'm only 5'3") and lost all the gained 25lbs by 3 months after giving birth. And I didn't watch what I was eating then, just ate what I wanted really. You won't have the same body afterwards, but I'm sure the weight will come off. :wink:
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    I posted this on the first trimester board, but this one seems a bit more active, so I'll post here, too:

    Hi everybody,

    I've been lurking around this group since I got my BFP on Feb 25, and this is my first posting (aside from my intro). I had an appt with my GP last week, and he is referring me to an OB/GYN as he doesn't deliver babies. I spoke with the GP's receptionist today, she said I won't get a call back about my first OB/GYN appt for about a month, at which point I'll be about 10-11 weeks. It seems kind of late to me, I thought I would be in for my appointment by that time, not just setting one up at that point. Is this normal, or does it seems late to you ladies? Also, I just made a long-distance move last year, so my GP is fairly new to me. My old GP was my doc from birth to age 29, and I also had a female gyno for several years, who, after I got married, always said, "Call as soon as you get pregnant and I'll get you in early!" I'm not sure if I'm questioning things because I'm a nervous first-timer, or if because I don't know my new doc as well as my old ones so I'm questioning things more... My husband and I haven't told anybody yet that we're expecting, I was hoping to wait until my first OB/GYN appt (I know far too many people who m/c around the 6-8 week mark, and my in-laws are the type who like to bring things up over and over and I'm afraid that if I do m/c they'd want to talk about it all the time). To add to the stress of keeping everything to myself at this point, hubby is 3 time zones until late Saturday, so things fester in my mind all day until I get to talk to him just before bed time....

    Anyway, sorry that was so long, just a lot on my mind and nobody to talk to right now!

    EDD: Oct 29
  • fagancc
    fagancc Posts: 2 Member
    Hey Jodi,

    I was pregnant last year and miscarried at 9 weeks. My first ultrasound/appointment wasn't scheduled until 11 weeks at first. I had to beg some folks in the office to let me come in early for an untrasound because I knew I was going to be at a party with all my friends the next week and wouldn't be able to "fake it" around them. When I got to the ultrasound room, there was no heartbeat. The main reason that they gave me for the later appointment is that insurance is covering less and less of the prenatal visits.

    I am now freshly pregnant again (just took a test 2 days ago) and I will do everything I can to hear a heartbeat as soon as possible. I have two friends that are about a month ahead of me and both of them were able to go in right around 9 weeks for an ultrasound and to hear the heartbeat. I don't know why it is different with every doc office. I would call and see if they can see you earlier. Tell them you are a nervous first-timer and you need some peace of mind.

    Good luck with everything!

  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    congrats!! It's funny I feel weird posting on here because I have not told anyone yet. (well, besides my husband).... but I'm going to try to eat healthy and not go crazy!! I hope this helps, plus I'd like to keep up with other women who are also pregnant and focused on a healthy lifestyle.

    Me too! Just told my parents because I need my step-dad to help do some accelerated home repairs with my husband :) Everyone else is in the dark until after 12 weeks which should mean I'll be telling everyone at Easter!

    I'm due October 26th, that's the tentative date of course until my first ultrasound in two more weeks.
  • christinalm84
    Second child due on October 20,2012
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Had my 1st ultrasound yesterday and saw the little gummy bear! They dont' do the doppler during 1st trimester anymore, at least there, but we saw the heart beating and the little nubs of arms & legs moving around. We were very surprised to be able to see that this early. It was very exciting and heart warming! According to LMP my due date is 10/26 and the ultrasound was only off by one day showing me as a day less, but she said he will stick with my original due date.

    8 wks 4 days now. M/S has gotten sooooooooo much better. It's practically non-existent. That had me concerned so seeing the ultrasound yesterday eased my mind tons! Now that the M/S is better and I don't feel the need to eat as much maybe I can go back to a normal weight gain for this trimester. Up 3 lbs already but maybe I can salvage it and keep it within the 5lb range. Yesterday was the 1st day in about 2 weeks that I did not go over my calories but I was actually under....shew finally.

    Good luck with everyone's 1st ultrasounds!!