Ravenclaw Common Room



  • tboothgenthe
    Sorry guys I've been so busy with the kids and hitting the gym I haven't had a lot of time to hang on the boards. Doing well - good in eating and losing but bad in getting my veggies in - I'll have to try harder.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Hello Ravenclaw! Hope everyone had a good day. My 3 hour morning meeting turned into an all day meeting plus business lunch. Then came home for a quick walk, quick dinner and homework. It's been a very long day - I think I'll go to bed now. Good night all!
  • mommyoftwins08
    Hi I joined the group a month ago but haven't been active. If anyone would like to I need some accountability and friends on MFP. I have no accountability in real life.

    My march current is 198
    my goal 194
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Great job Sue! Way to come back! :drinker:

    My co-worker is gone for the week. Twice the work to do, for days that already lasted over 8 hours. Last night I was here for 13 hours... ugh. The aches in my body let me know that I am sorely missing my zumba and hiking. I've promised myself a half day once my co-worker comes back so I can catch up on all the things I've slacked off on for work. And one of those things is a hike with my brother. I can't wait!

    When I logged in today, I was surprised to saw I lost 39 pounds. I knew at least 35, but 39? It's amazing to me that I weighed just about 40 pounds heavier 4 months ago. I still have a long way to go, but the encouragement here and with my family, plus these little surprises makes life so much happier.

    For those of you who grump that you haven't lost anything in weeks, I say the glass is half-full, not empty. Just think; you could be heavier.

    And for Sue, who has been on that plateau for a while, school is tough... especially when you have work on top of it. I strongly recommend making baggies of veggies and fruit during the weekend so you have easy snacks during the week. Carrots, snap peas, celery... even mushrooms are a great staple to have. I always needed something to munch during class, and I find these more satisfying than the vending machine food. And, most importantly, being honest with yourself. I hate going over in my calories, but I put reason behind it. A splurge here without balance may make the scale go higher, but at least you know what caused it.

    National Geographic did a "thing" where bio-engineers tracked a cheetah in their calorie intake vs. exersion and it was so clear watching that how food affects our body. Whether it's those quick bursts or stored energy for a rainy day... the food we eat is the energy we need to survive. Eating more than we need gets stored as fat, eating less than we need starves the body and makes the body function below spec. I know these are things we know, but seeing it from a cheetah's POV was mind-blowing.

    Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone! Happy leap year! :bigsmile:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hi I joined the group a month ago but haven't been active. If anyone would like to I need some accountability and friends on MFP. I have no accountability in real life.

    My march current is 198
    my goal 194

    Very glad to have you with us! I think you're right - one of the best ways to get some help with that is to add a lot of friends. I would definitely recommend adding some fellow Ravenclaws or introduce yourself on the boards and find new friends that way. It helps to have someone drop a line every once in a while or encourage you when they haven't seen you on for a bit. I'll definitely try to do a better job for you, too! :)

    And tboothgenthe -- glad to see you back and to hear you're still doing well! :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    **Ravenclaw House Business**

    Although sometimes we do very well with staying motivated and committed to entering weekly information on the spreadsheet or in our common room (yay!), I know that we've had some struggles keeping it updated and remembering to log in to enter weigh-ins and such due to various reasons (crazy life, getting in the way). Unfortunately, it takes quite a lot of time to send out 8+ messages each week for reminders, so we're setting a couple guidelines for it to help us out and help keep the spreadsheet clean so we can report accurately for our challenge.

    So! Here's the plan (it's similar to what Sue had in place before):

    1st weigh-in missed: Reminder by message will be sent; if no update is made: DETENTION
    2nd weigh-in missed: Reminder sent with a message that member will be removed from the list if no updates are received; if no update is made: EXPULSION (with a "you'll be welcomed back" message because we still love you :flowerforyou:)

    Also, I will send a reminder the first week that you do not weigh in, because we all know how easy it is to forget sometimes. If you forget for consecutive weeks, however, I may stop sending reminders. Part of the challenge is to stay focused and committed, and sending a reminder each week takes that piece away. I'll happily try to post reminders on my news feed, though (so add me if you want and you haven't already) or post on profiles if I've seen someone away for a bit when I can.

    Also, don't forget - being removed from the list does NOT mean you cannot come back. You can always come back. Just hop right back in, let us know you'd like to restart, and we'll welcome you with open arms. :heart: Also, if you plan to be away for a period of time or not updating, let us know so that Lottee or I can put a reminder on the sheet and I won't bug you. ;)

    Everyone good with this?
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Wow, I am seriously spamming the CR today -- sorry! It's just end of month, so lots going on.

    We'll get the info updated on the new sheet and see how well you did by the end. :)

    And now to the happy important things:

    Congrats to our February Quidditch Captain! To be fair, I only counted students who were in good standing (non-detention) and students who completed the full month. After all was considered, congrats to JAZZGNAT with a 3.56% weight loss for the month! :drinker: WELL DONE! Hopefully you can lead us to some quidditch match victories in March. :)

    I did, however, want to congratulate tboothgenthe and pandora55 for impressive weight losses as well (4.21% and 3.73%, respectively); they might not have qualified, but amazing results either way!

    And congrats as well to tboothgenthe again for beating her EOM goal for February, and to Weezieishness for coming very, very close! :flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Congratulations to everyone our top losers! You have all made fantastic progress!

    I'm back to a "normal" day today with just work and school :laugh: . At least my meetings are over for now, but March is probably going to get pretty crazy for me. I'm having a hard time believing that it's already March - this year is FLYING by!! Hope you all have a fantastic day. See you tomorrow!
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Just popping in to say hello everyone. I've been super busy with school this week. I will do my best to lead us to victory in quidditch!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Hey all! Excellent info from Kelly there, thanks for doing all that!

    More house business...

    Prefects this week are.... Matchamatcha and MomofJandA!!! Well done you two!!

    As for me, still trying to have a good week, have met the exercise and food challenges every day this week but missed a post yeserday, so that's 11/12 for me so far! Pleased. Hoping for a success on the scale as well though!! Happy March, Ravenclaws!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    And on a more personal level...

    Sue- sounds like you're getting back on track! Go you!

    tboothgenthe- sounds like you're doing well, pop in occasionally and let us know! We need to hear your victories!

    mommyoftwins- welcome - I find the best accountability is these message boards - very supportive and a friendly bit of competition! Add us as friends if you want more support.

    Korkster- 40lb!!!!!!!!! That's amazing!!!!! Inspirational!

    And finally, well done to our quidditch captains, all our prefects this month (great challenges) and everyone who met their goals this month!

    Let's make March amazing!!
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    ok . . . so I had a bit of a wake up call this morning. I gained weight after breaking the ankle (no exercise led to poor eating habits- its a vicious cycle for me), lost a ton of muscle too. I am starting back at work today and lo and behold had to wear my work pants which I haven't worn for 14 weeks- they were snug- I am still wearing them but with a smoothing undergarment to help the love handles. This is my reality- I can not maintain unless I am working out and eating right- I just can't. And I can't eat right unless I am logging everything. I would like to say I can and I have the will power, but I don't. So new month- new routine. I am back at work so the snacking should get better!

    March goal: 130
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello All!
    March is going to be a new start for me. Between being sick and not logging or working out I've gained. I'm back up to 245 (this is so sad for me since 9 months ago I had reached Onederland). Today is a my new start. Like you momofJandA I had a sad moment this morning with my uniform. I had to go up a size in my vest because the one I had Wouldn't button comfortably. The buttons actually started to come off from the strain. :sad: So I'm starting again. My goal wieght for this month is 240. My other goals are to work out each day even if it's just going for a walk. With my fitbit I'm going to try and make 7500 steps each day(this weeks owl should really help with that). Hope everyone else has a wonderful day! Here's to a kick *kitten* march! Woohoo!:drinker:
    :heart: Ayla
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Wow - it sounds like I'm not the only one struggling to get back on track. I'm so glad I have all of you to lean on and to help me stay focused on my goals. And now that spring is around the corner, I'm hoping I will feel more motivated to eat right and exercise. We can do this together!

    I've used the stairs all day today (several trips up and down) and have an apple ready for my afternoon snack. So I've earned my 3 OWLs again today! Baby steps...
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Woohoo! I'm so excited to see everyone all pumped about getting back on track for March! It's making ME get excited, so thank you!

    And by the way, korkster, thank you for always having an encouraging spin on everything. I forget to say thank you, but I totally appreciate it. :)

    Congrats to our prefects, too! Well done, Matchamatcha and MomofJandA!
  • mommyoftwins08
    today was a much better day. What other fruit besides apples are high in fiber?
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    today was a much better day. What other fruit besides apples are high in fiber?

    I think bananas, pears, and oranges? I'm sure there are others, but I don't eat many of the rest, so I can't swear to it.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    I've been using this as a guide...

    Brussels sprouts
    Chick Peas/Garbanzo Beans
    Greens -- collards, kale, turnip greens
    Lima beans
    Potato with skin
    Pumpkin, canned
    Peas -- black-eyed peas, green peas
    Sweet Potatoes

    Highest Fiber Fruits
    Berries -- Blueberies, Blackberries, Raspberries, etc.
    Dried Fruits -- Figs, Raisins, Apricots, Dates, etc.

    They're ranked in order, so I'm aiming for one of the top three fruits every day (although so far it's been an apple every day)... Will check in again later, am at work, just killing time waiting for a parent to come in for a meeting (der der derrrr.... suspense type music... always get nervous when they want to see you... It's normally a complaint...)
  • karinane
    karinane Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Ravenclaws! I'm back after a month break and I really need to get motivated. I slipped bad in both diet and exercise this past month. I was scared to weigh myself this morning, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I think all the muscle turned to fat, though.

    So, start weight for March 151.2 and my goal is 150. I'm not aiming too high since my main goal is to just get back into the habit of recording my food and exercising.

    Hope you all had a wonderful Feb!

  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Thanks for the list, lottee! I actually did pretty well this week with fiber food then! :bigsmile:

    Today is FRIDAY!!! Which means the weekend is *just* around the corner, and I can't wait to not be at work. My boss agreed that I could take a couple of half days, so I am excited to spend one of those hiking with my brother.

    TIME TO PARTY!!! :drinker: