What Is your ideal weight?



  • I'm 5"9 and currently weigh 79.4kg (175) my goal weight is 70kg (154), I haven't been that weight for quite a few years now but I remember I was happy at that weight and didn't have any of the body issues that I have now. I would love to go back to the days where I didn't even think about my size...
  • DoingitWell
    DoingitWell Posts: 560 Member
    Mine is 165 according most medical staff and I am around 5'11 give or take a few pumps of hair spray,
  • VTHokie14
    VTHokie14 Posts: 3 Member
    I am 5'9". I am trying really hard not to focus on weight but I think I would like to be 147 and below. I have always been around 150-155 and even then I wanted to be smaller. Plus I have lost some muscle so I think my body can go a little lower. I am curvy so it will take quite a lot of weight loss for those suckers to go away. All I really just want a super tight stomach, tiny waist, and small thigh gap (what I would give!). Sidenote: I am relatively new to MFP and would love some support especially for people who are my body/want to reach similar goals. So feel free to add me is you'd like! Thanks!
  • I'm 5'11" and i currently weigh 209 ( never been this heavy, gained it after pregnancy), my Ideal weight is 145-155
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 6'4 and my first goal is to get under 300lbs.. I was 313 three weeks ago and now I am 305. Step 1 is to get to 280.. From there 250.. And then down to 220. 220 is what I weighed when I was an athlete and that size was amazing for me. Wish me luck guys!! It is hard work.

    Oh wow you are an amazon! That's hot. Good luck on your weight loss, I know you can do it!
  • TracyB25
    TracyB25 Posts: 39
    tasnim81 & 9kilos2loose - your goals are both in line with mine!!
  • BreeShine
    BreeShine Posts: 26
    I'm 5'10" and my ideal weight is 115 lbs. Now I'm 127 lbs. I looove skinny! :)
  • sofinthesky
    sofinthesky Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 6' and 140lbs with a really small frame, I want to get to 130lbs and see how it feels.
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I'm 6' and the last time I was at 165, I felt like I could still stand to lose 10-20 pounds. I chose 153 after running a bunch of calculators and picking something in the middle. My wrist measurement is 6.25", which makes me a medium frame or so "they" say.
  • mocatinho
    mocatinho Posts: 64
    I'm 6' looking to get to my goal weight of 180. I beleive I can do it just need tons of support along the way.
    In the end I want to be healthy and yes of course I would be lying if I didn't say it would be really great to have a nice body.
  • Crys1209
    Crys1209 Posts: 128 Member
    I am 5'9 with a larger bone structure. My goal weight is between 165-175. I figured once I get to 175 I will decided if I want to go lower or not.
  • clem7444
    clem7444 Posts: 64 Member
    I don't really know. I'm struggling with losing any weight.
    I'm 6'2" and I have really big feet (women's 14). Is that indicative of a large frame?
    I currently weigh 192 and set a goal of 170. I'm wondering if that is too low. Maybe I should aim for 180 and set my MFP at 1/2 pound a week. I'm currently trying 1 pound per week and I've lost 8 pounds since Jan. 1. I really wanted to have lost 10 pounds by St. Patrick's day. Input?
  • This is a really great question! I searched online for ideal weight calculators but I'm not sure if they're properly equipped for tall women because every weight I got seemed extremely low. I'm 6 feet and a bit and supposedly have a small frame (wrist test which seems stupid to me..) and my ideal weight is supposedly 144-159. If I had this weight I would look anorexic! I think that 160-165 is right for me and I'm currently at 184. Just joined my fitness pal this week so we'll see how it goes ! :smile:
  • millie_de
    millie_de Posts: 55 Member
    I'm between 5'9" and 5'10" and I'm aiming to be between 115 and 120 lbs. I'm currently 135, and I have a small frame...I don't care so much about the weight but I want a 24" waist, it's 26" now.
  • greytblackdog
    greytblackdog Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone. I'm 5'9.5" with a large frame. I currently weigh 137. I started MFP at 156 and set 145 as my goal. Now I'm trying to get to 130 after meeting my first goal pretty easily. I actually had a friend of mine who saw me recently and said that he never thought I was over weight or needed to lose any weight - until he saw me at my current lbs. I'm feeling great and I've picked up a running bug. I've kinda stalled at 137, so I'm not sure I can get much lower than this.
  • jemiller13
    jemiller13 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 5'10 and started at 188 and am currently 185. I'm athletic but definitely have extra pudge around my middle. I am looking to lose between 20 and 30 lbs. I think 20 is attainable, but 30 might be unmanageable. I've gotten down to 167 before, but after I stopped Weight Watchers it crept right back on :(
  • cupkate30
    cupkate30 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm 6'0 and have small frame, although you can't tell right now :-P. I am currently 244lbs and would like to get back down to 145-ish, which is the weight I have been most of my adult life.
  • ndwilson13
    ndwilson13 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 6'0" with a medium-large frame, former athlete... so I can hold weight. lol
    I'm gonna try 170 and see how I feel, before trying to go any lower.
  • sherrij61
    sherrij61 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'9" and believe 150 is idea for me. I've got 19lbs to go.
  • MadusaCait
    MadusaCait Posts: 32 Member
    Reading this has been comforting.

    I'm either 189 or 182, as my scale likes to give two electronic reading exactly 5 pounds apart. As far as I know my top weight was around 200 which put me in a size 16 at the time. My lowest was 127 lbs when I was on Atkins and 21. Got a modeling contract from that experience but my friends and family told me I look like crap. Looking back at the pictures they were right. I am no model. Currently I'm a 10 - 12, as my bone structure is a medium, but my muscle mass is large. My goal is 155 - 145.