Introduce yourself!



  • kmozymoz
    kmozymoz Posts: 187
    Hi everyone! I'm Kelcie. I've been serious at MFP for about two months, and I'm excited to take the challenge! :) Feel free to add me.
  • rawrpaola
    rawrpaola Posts: 48 Member
    Hi I'm Paola :)

    I joined this group to stay motivated and to give myself little challenges every day.
  • jodi_bannister
    jodi_bannister Posts: 90 Member
    Hiya everyone!! I'm Jodi and I am looking forward to getting started on the March challenge. I have had a tough 9 months and need a boost to my confidence. I am quite good at the healthy eating and I enjoy exercise when I do it, especially outdoors, I just need a bit of a kick up the bum to get me doing it again lol. I have lost over 50 pounds and I want to get losing some more. Thank you all in advance for all of your help and support. Good luck and have fun everyone : ) xx
  • Hey y'all, my name is Autumn and I am looking forward to having an AMAZING March. I've got two trips planned this month, and I'm going to try to do every exercise on here regardless--it'll be fun to wall sit in Hawaii. Hell, it'll be fun to sit in Hawaii. :)

    I've been super struggling with my weight loss. Been at it for over a month, and nothing is coming off. Got a fitbit, and that little tiny devil has shown me just how much I DON'T move during the day. I see a trainer 3x a week, but sit on my butt all the other hours. So here's to moving more--every day. Let's DO this!
  • mammaFireBear
    mammaFireBear Posts: 23 Member
    Greetings :)
    My name is Fire-Eyes......this is just what I needed...thank you.....will try to check in every day. This board confuses me a bit but I will try real hard.
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Greetings :)
    My name is Fire-Eyes......this is just what I needed...thank you.....will try to check in every day. This board confuses me a bit but I will try real hard.

    What confuses you? Maybe I can help you.
  • mammaFireBear
    mammaFireBear Posts: 23 Member
    I loose track of forums and topics.....the system here is not set up in a way that makes sense to me....I will shout if I need help :) thanks
  • Hi ladies (and men)!! I'm Chrissy. 31 year old SAHM of two beautiful little girls, Elizabeth-4.5 years and Lily- 13 months. I just joined the other night and so far I am loving tracking all my food. It's really helped me get my water in too! I look forward to getting to know you all a little better! GOOD LUCK!!!!
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    Okay...okay I decided to join after much debating. :tongue:

    I'm Mel. I love food and I hate exercise! Though when I actually exercise I feel good and feel good about myself, and when I see the weight come off I feel even more better. 4 years ago I was 330. And after doing more exercise and eating more in moderation I got down to 294. I went on Weight Watchers and lost 15 lbs then gained it back.

    I started going to a weight loss clinic and speaking to an exercise specialist and registered nurse and got down to 280 and struggled between 270 and 280.

    My fitness instructor then told me about MFP that she had just found out about and I joined in January and so far have lost 12 lbs.

    I think I have finally found something that works for me and the friends I have made are all so wonderful and supportive and I do my best to be the same for them.

    So I am excited to be on this journey because I am bipolar and suffer from depression and panic/anxiety attacks. And the better I feel about myself, my mental health improves.

    So I am glad to be here and excited to try this challenge. :smile:
  • Candice83
    Candice83 Posts: 217 Member
    Hi :) I'm Candice, 29 in 17 days, from australia so i guess i'll always be a day in front of you guys... its the end of my march 1st today so looks like i found this group just in time :)

    I'm 6'1 so quite tall and im hoping to get down to 70kgs (154lbs) i have 22.3 to go. I just joined the gym recently for the first time ever and its pretty exciting. I'm going to Bali in august so thats my inspiration. Want to be able to wear shorts and singlets and possible some sort of bathing suit without feeling self conscious.

    This challenge is a great idea. Looking forward to it :)
  • paisley2288
    paisley2288 Posts: 913 Member
    Okay...okay I decided to join after much debating. :tongue:

    I'm Mel. I love food and I hate exercise! Though when I actually exercise I feel good and feel good about myself, and when I see the weight come off I feel even more better. 4 years ago I was 330. And after doing more exercise and eating more in moderation I got down to 294. I went on Weight Watchers and lost 15 lbs then gained it back.

    I started going to a weight loss clinic and speaking to an exercise specialist and registered nurse and got down to 280 and struggled between 270 and 280.

    My fitness instructor then told me about MFP that she had just found out about and I joined in January and so far have lost 12 lbs.

    I think I have finally found something that works for me and the friends I have made are all so wonderful and supportive and I do my best to be the same for them.

    So I am excited to be on this journey because I am bipolar and suffer from depression and panic/anxiety attacks. And the better I feel about myself, my mental health improves.

    So I am glad to be here and excited to try this challenge. :smile:

    We sound a lot alike! I am not bipolar but I do suffer from anxiety/panic attacks and depression. I am currently on Cymbalta. So if you need some motivation please feel free to shoot me a message. Good luck starting the challenge today everyone! 50 jumping jacks!
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    I think my doc put me on Cymbalta first when I found out I was bipolar and it made me HIGH! lol I was at work and just totally spacing and went to my assistant manager and was like, I don't feel good....she just looked at me and said, You're high. You go to your doc RIGHT NOW and get your meds changed.

    I went in and told him I was high and he said, That's impossible. I asked, Well then why do I feel high?????

    Now I am on Wellbutrin XL and it works for me, though I think my body is starting to get used to it because for a while now I have been having REALLY bad mood swings.
  • kidrobot3
    kidrobot3 Posts: 63 Member
    Hi, I'm a single, (currently) stay at home, mom to an 8 month old little boy. I gained 90+ lbs with my pregnancy, and I NEED to get back into shape. Being unemployed I need something to keep me busy this month, so I think this challenge will be fun. I'm also doing a Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 March challenge!!

    I look forward to this group and challenge!
  • heaven_511
    heaven_511 Posts: 315 Member
    Hello Everyone! I'm Angel. I've been faithfully logging on MFP since Oct 2011. I hit a couple of rough spots during the holidays, but managed to lose 22 lbs so far. I'm now working to lose my last 10. I'm glad that I found this group...I like the idea of daily challenges. I look forward to losing with you guys. Good luck everyone!
  • Tam143
    Tam143 Posts: 131 Member
    Hi Everyone

    I'm Tam and I have been using MFP on my cell phone and didnt know there were groups on this site. So needless to say I'm super excited because I do not have any friends or family that I'm really sharing my w.l journey with. You know after failed attempts I think it's about time I just do it and let my results speak for themselves. :flowerforyou:

    I have been doing pretty well with my current workout program, but I thought this 30 day, well 31 day challenge woild be fun and change it up.

    Good luck everyone with your monthly goal. Can't wait to see what the end of the month brings for all of us.

    And just my weight loss tip: Don't just focus on changing the outside, pay more attention to learning who you really are on the inside. <---- this is working wonders for my journey!
  • amehime
    amehime Posts: 49 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm going to join in on the fun! I've been on MFP since the beginning of the year and so far have lost 12 lbs. I've been getting started with strength training as well. I love the energy i get from getting up and just finding ways to move around throughout the day, and this challenge will make it even more fun! Thanks for such a great group!
  • 10acity
    10acity Posts: 798 Member

    Once upon a time, there was a 22-year-old girl. She was more than 100 lbs overweight, and very unhappy with herself. After a lifetime of obsessing about and trying to figure out how to change it, she finally woke up one day and it "clicked". She joined a gym and started paying attention to what she put into her mouth, and over the course of several months lost 50 lbs. A full-time job, full-time college, and a social life eventually got in the way, and she noticed around 15 lbs creeping back on. This, she could not accept. She renewed her gym membership and started eating more salads, and it wasn't long before she had lost 40 lbs. She looked and felt better than she ever had. Then, about 2 years ago, she moved. She ended a relationship. She had to find a new job. She got lazy and apathetic, rediscovered her affinity for pastries and french fries, and gained 20 lbs.

    I've come a long way in the last several years, but I still have yet to reach my ultimate Goal Weight. I hate that I've set myself back for a second time, and by as much as 20 lbs. But I refuse to accept this, or to throw my hands up and assume I'll always fail at it. I've had great success in the past, and I want to remember what that felt like. I think having a specific goal for each day of the month will help get me there.
  • tracyjaynie
    tracyjaynie Posts: 28 Member
    Good Morning everyone, I am TracyJayne, I look forward to this challenge for March. I love this idea.
    Here's to all of us.