Ravenclaw Common Room



  • KnitChick89
    KnitChick89 Posts: 56 Member
    Hm... so is this how I sort myself into Ravenclaw? :)

    I'm Brittany. I'm 22 years old and a huge Potter fan (as you might tell from my profile pic, I even have a Ravenclaw robe on lmao)!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    Hm... so is this how I sort myself into Ravenclaw? :)

    I'm Brittany. I'm 22 years old and a huge Potter fan (as you might tell from my profile pic, I even have a Ravenclaw robe on lmao)!

    Yep, that's as easy as it is! And nice - I love your pics! :)

    I'll send you a message in a few minutes with more info on how things work in terms of the challenges and weigh-ins, and, since we're officially on a weigh-in day, if you want, go ahead and post your current weight and end of month goal weight for March to get started.

    And just for reference, Lottee and I share Head of House duties for Ravenclaw, so you might see information from either of us.

    If you have any questions, let us know!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Great list Lottee! I've done pretty good this week with the fiber - although I usually do. I've learned to love the higher fiber foods. Now, if I could just learn to unlove the higher fat and sugary foods! :laugh: Fridays are always my easier day - no classes, no urgent homework, jeans day at work - this is a great day! Hope you all enjoy it!
  • mommyoftwins08
    Thanks Lotte ( I didn't realize and avocado was high fiber which is nice since I've been eating them since they are about to go bad.
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Hello All!

    Thanks for that list! I've been eating pears since the ones I bought last week are finally ripe *happy dance* . Had a good day yesterday worked out and earned my sushi at the end of the night and beat my step goal of 7500 by 1045 (8545 wooohooo!!) Hope everyone is having a great Friday. It's crazy here at work and bound to get even more so as the day goes on. Happy Friday everyone!
    :heart: Ayla
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Great job on the steps, Ayla! Is that with the fitbit?? I usually do around 3,000 on a work day but earlier this week I was hitting over 6,000... one of the small benefits of having no co-worker around... you have to run around like a chicken with their head cut off!
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    .........................This is a rant...................... My feeling were hurt and I want to vent and I feel I dont get judged here.

    Today I was talking with my cousin who recently became a vegetarian her claim was if you are an animal lover how can you eat them. You meaning the meat eating population not me personally. When I said I am allergic to most plant based protein * I am allergic to soy peanuts beans lentils all the legumes and have a nut intolerance....* also I am allergic to grains and corn not including rice and eat meat because I want to be healthy and to live. I eat happy animals that were pastured raised grass fed wild caught or hunted by friends of mine. She told me that I am different because I don't really have a choice. It hurt my feelings I have many paleo lifestyle friends on MFP That eat animals and still love them. The argument that If I wouldn't kill it myself I shouldn't eat it. Would that make me a better person to gut my kill with my hands...would you except my food choice then Because I would. I would thank that powerful beast for making it possible for me to live and I do thank my food. I think about where it came from how it lived and what it took to bring it to my table into my belly. Im not good at debating but noteveryone can be a vegan.
    ..............end rant...........

    I was a vegetarian for 10 years....I tried vegan for about six months and it was a challenge. I totally love the vegetarian lifestyle and if someone told me today that I had to give up all my meat and go back to it.....I wouldn't have any problem with that. However I don't believe it's right for anyone to try and push their eating beliefs off on anyone else or make them feel bad for the way they eat. No one should do that, but especially not a friend or family member. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that but all you can do is just keep doing what you do right? :flowerforyou:
  • Scarlettdawn764
    Scarlettdawn764 Posts: 856 Member
    Oh and by the way after a loooooong period of doing nothing and not watching what I eat I'm back. :bigsmile:
    I have missed keeping myself accountable....and I let the fact that I got to my goal weight make me think I could just stop EVERYTHING. SOOOOOO wrong. I have put back on about 8 pounds that I would like to lose again....and maybe a few more this time. I am currently doing the Brazil Butt Lift and will be restarting my C25K, as I am signed up for my very first two races ever (One is called Run for your Lives and sounds AMAZING because it's a 5k with 12 obstacles....and the whole time you run you are being chased by zombies!!!!! [well...people dressed as zombies]).
    I also have a friend hooking me up with Turbo Jam and plan to use some of that as well. I'm not going back onto a super strict eating plan.....just simply trying to log my foods, watch my calories and step up my exercise again. And my Saturdays are my "Freebie" days where I won't log my foods and if I want to indulge on something....that's the day I will do it.
    So, Ravenclaws......I'm sorry for abandoning you and wonder if I might be allowed back into the house? :flowerforyou:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    ScarlettDawn7, Welcome back! If you want to weigh-in every week and so on, the spreadsheet is here:

    But if you just want to do the challenges or lurk in the common room then that's ok too! And the 'Run for your lives' sounds amazing! I right want to do it!

    KnitChick89, welcome as well! Hope you enjoy the house, I def think Ravenclaw is the place to be!!

    Karinane - welcome back!!

    Looks like March will be a great month with lots of returnees and newcomers as well!

    In other news- my parent meeting the other day (which i was worrying about) was a parent who'd heard I was leaving and came to try and change my mine! So sweet! Was overcome, but I'm def leaving still, had to beg her not to tell the kids yet though- that is always the hardest part of leaving any school...

    Happy weekend Ravenclaws!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    OK.... Challenge time!!!

    Food challenge: No unauthorised snacking... Plan your snacks in advance and stick to them, nothing else in-between meals! One OWL every day you only eat as planned.

    Exercise Challenge: Practice your least favourite exercise this week! One OWL for every day you do this. For example - burpees are the bane of my life, I always skip them when they're meant to be part of my circuit, but not this week! Going to do twenty every day. I am. I am. I AM! Other good ones which often stress people out are pull-ups, push-ups, squats etc. It doesn't matter if you still can't do them at the end of the week, just that you have tried!

    Spirit Challenge: Post! It might be a good idea to make your first post about which exercise you are going to try and do, so that we can share the pain and advice if anyone has any.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Good morning Ravenclaw! Welcome to all newbies and returnees. Its always fun to see new faces!

    Love the food challenge this week! Unauthorized snacking is always my downfall. Maybe this will help break the cycle for me.
    As for the exercise challenge, the treadmill is my least favorite (so boring!) but that's the one I do when I have time to workout - so does it still count?

    I took a quick peek at the scales this morning and I will be down a pound if I can get through today without any binges :ohwell: I weigh in on Sundays so wish me luck!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    Great job on the steps, Ayla! Is that with the fitbit?? I usually do around 3,000 on a work day but earlier this week I was hitting over 6,000... one of the small benefits of having no co-worker around... you have to run around like a chicken with their head cut off!

    Yes! I love my FitBit! It keeps me moving. I do mostly desk work unless its really really busy so this is definitely helping up my activity. Today I'm pacing behind the desk to up my steps and get started on the walking challenge. I only made 5316 yesterday but I'm definitely going for 7500 again today.
    I don't believe it's right for anyone to try and push their eating beliefs off on anyone else or make them feel bad for the way they eat. No one should do that, but especially not a friend or family member. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that but all you can do is just keep doing what you do right? flowerforyou

    This is absolutely right! I'm a vegetarian but I totally understand other people eating meat. It's a personal choice and has nothing to do with anyone else but me. I'm sorry they made you feel bad. What you do or don't eat is up to you, no one else has a say. *hugs*

    Alright Challenges! Planning should be interesting. I'm definitely guilty of unplanned snacking. OK for the exercise I'm going to choose Squats. I hate them and they hate me so I suppose they qualify for this challenge. Hope every ones weekends are going great! Happy Saturday!
    :heart: Ayla
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,038 Member
    planks- regular and side . . . I hate the damn things. I will do each kind every day though (grrr)- should help the abs ;)
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member





    Oh, that's so awesome. I don't remember when I weighed below 300 pounds. Wow, that must have been back in college. Maybe in another 50 pounds I can start scuba diving again! I'm so excited! :bigsmile:

    It feels good to meet my month goal. I came close in January but I actually did it this time. However, my exercise has completely fallen off the grid. I only got in 35 minutes of walking- sheesh. I used to do 60 minutes of zumba no problem. I better make that a priority tomorrow. As far as exercises that I hate, everything you listed could be mine. But since I don't know what half of them are, and I'm definately not hanging off of anything, I think push-ups will be my nemesis this week.

    And the planned snacks are a great idea. I usually do this anyway, but there are those "special" days that food arrives and you realize you put something in your mouth. :blushing:

    Happy Saturday my fellow Ravenclaws!
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Back above 265 :frown: Even though I made many excellent chioces this week and got my OWLS (5) and points (90) in, I made four very bad choices: 2 slices of pizza as a SNACK, a bunch of Chinese food, and a big fruit smoothie,and a lot of desserts and sides at my church's fish fry last night. If I would have done just one of these this week, it wouldn't have affected much of anything. But I did at least one of these every day this week. TOM made the damage even worse. :grumble: the good news is, though, that I drank a LOT of water this week, most days getting in 9 cups! :drinker:

    With that stuff behind me this week, I'm determined to get back on track and lose what I gained and pray that I can do enough to reach 260 by the end of the month :glasses:

    Korkster: that's FABULOUS!:flowerforyou:
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member

    Congratulations Korkster! You have made fantastic progress!! :drinker:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Good morning from Thailand!

    Wow Korkster that's amazing! Go you! Keep it up, you're doing so well!

    Some great ideas on the exercise front- Azsuzi, I think the treadmill definitely counts, anything which you hate! i am going to do burpees (done three this morning, am aiming for twenty a in one go by the end of the week, sigh) but I might also get on the Stepper at the gym later- that kills me, good one to include!

    MomofJandA- harcore choosing planks! I used to hate them, Jilian michaels kind of pushed me through that though! There's so many planks in all her videos, even in the yoga one which I sometimes use as a cool down, that I had to get over my fear, or give up! They'd still have been my second choice, after burpees though!

    Bkackhawkgirl- the water IS important so pat on the back for that! As for bad choices, we all do it, just maybe try to make slightly less of them this week, and less the week after that? Baby steps! My choice for this week was not to reach for the M&Ms as a fall-back snack (as they come in small packets, and have nuts in, in my head they're a 'healthier bad choice', which is OBVIOUSLY not true!!!! This week I only fell for them once though, when I was offered them every day, so I'm improving!!
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Back up to 104 Ibs as of yesterday :(, Didn't really do a lot last week on my four days off but spent the time with my boyfriends family and had a lot of fun with my boyfriend with no arguments. :).
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    I have just realised that I did burpees this morning, when my week doesn't start til tomorrow for the challenges. An extra day of burpees?! NOOOOOO!!!!
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member



    Woohooo!!! Way to go Korkster!!! :drinker:
    I have just realised that I did burpees this morning, when my week doesn't start til tomorrow for the challenges. An extra day of burpees?! NOOOOOO!!!!

    Awwwww just think of it as extra calories burned?

    Yesterday was a good day, between the walking at work and my workout at home I made 11,049 steps!! *happy dance* Got my 10,000 steps badge. Now I have to get the 15,000 steps badge. My cardio boxing class kicked my butt and there were squats!! :sad: Going for a ride today with my dad for my easy day and perhaps a walk of some kind to keep my steps up. Hope everyone has a Good day! Happy Sunday!
    :heart: Ayla