Everyone's numbers/routine



  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Here's an update. I've made good progress. Loving the hell out of this!

    Before (11/08/11):
    squat: 190 x 5 x 3
    bench: 150 x 5 x 3
    deadlift: 235 x 5 x 1
    (overhead) press: 85 x 5 x3 (i think.. don't have my notes here)
    power cleans: can't remember... still getting the form down.


    squat: 235 x 5 x 3 (best was 245, but due to injury and form problems brought it down and now working back up)
    bench: 177.5 x 5 x 3
    deadlift: 295 x 5 x 1 (300 right around the corner baby!)
    ohp: 97.5 x 5 x 3 (i have broken 100 before, but somehow i lost strength here?)
    power cleans: 120 x 3 x 5 these are very sloppy at this weight. i need to take it down a notch.

    Great Gains.
  • BigJohn82
    BigJohn82 Posts: 25 Member
    I guess Ill join in here.

    supps I buy from biotest. Alphamale, Rez-v, whey protien, surge recovery, bcaas. I take a multi and fishoil and glucoasamine.

    My routine is usually based around
    monday - squats
    tuesday - bench
    thursday- deadlifts
    friday- OH pressing

    December 2011 maxes were:

    Deadlift - 455
    Bench - injured, max from earlier in the year - 238
    squat - 300

    Currently I am trying to not be a fatty, so I can enjoy my family and outdoors more. I was 240 or so, in november last year or so, and I am currently at 202.

    I would like to have a 1200 total, by the end of 2013. I would like to gun for it this year, but with the diet and current injuries I dont think its going to happen.
  • Chuckempire
    Bench 205
    Squat 145 (gotta take it easy on the knee's)
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    Oooo. I wanna post an update. I switched to Strong Lifts 5x5 and am making some great progress in spite of no longer being on a surplus.

    5 x 5 x 110 lbs squats
    5 x 5 x 90 lbs bench press
    5 x 5 x 60 lbs bent over barbell rows
    5 x 5 x 55 lbs shoulder Press
    1 x 5 x 175 lbs deadlift
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member

    Monday - PowerCleans 4x6 final set for 115 lbs
    Wednesday - Incline Leg Press Dead 4x6 final set for 665 lbs
    Friday - Deadlifts 4x6 final set for 225 lbs

    Now that we are a few months later, the routine has changed a little bit and I am far more focused on form.

    Power Cleans - final set 4 reps at 115lbs
    Incline Leg Press (deep with narrow stance) - final set 6 reps at 595lbs
    Dead Lifts - final set 4 reps at 275lbs (only set I use alternating grip, all the rest overhand)
    Barbell Bench Press - final set 4 reps at 175lbs

    I am actually pretty happy about the progress on Deadlifts.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member
    I lifted back in my twenty's, stopped got fat then started again. I've only been back into it for about seven months. I did the RFL diet for ten weeks to cut my bf% down (lifted the whole time but pretty much zero noob gains, it's a pretty extreme deficit you run on) then lifted all bro like (total waste of time) for about a month. then I got turned in the right direction. so long story short here are my numbers

    still on a mild deficit but making decent gains (noob I know)

    bench 190 5x5 this has always been a weak spot for me
    squat 225 5x5 only been doing squats for a couple of months
    dead lift 265 x 6

    I've only been doing deads for about three weeks started at 225 x 6 ( had to deload for about a week due to injury)
  • nutandbutter
    Oooh, someone just asked me so I will cut and paste. :D

    Exercise: Current Set:Rep................................................... Starting (September)
    Squat: 125 x 3x5 ........................................... 65 x 3x10
    SLDL 125 x 3x5 .......................................... 65x 3x10
    bench 95 x 3x5 ..................................... 65 x 3x8
    One arm db row 40 x 3x6 ...................................... 15 x 3x10
    db shoulder press 30 x 3x5 ....................................... 15 x 3x8
    Lat pulldown 120 x 3x6........................................ 75 x 3x10 (started in October)

    3/wk full body compounds. Gonna up my squats and lat pulldowns by 5 lb this week. Soon I'll be squatting my bw for reps, which is a big goal of mine. Once I can do more than 1 pullup, I'll start adding those in.

    Sorry, I suck at getting these to line up.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    good stuff people!
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    255x8 is no joke.

    do you do an alternate grip on deads? use chalk? both helped me a ton.

    Yup. Alternate grip. I need to get chalk. Thanks for reminding me.


    Bench. Did 3 reps at 205lbs
    Squat: Did a few reps at 275lbs.
    Dead is still at 315 for 3-4 because of the grip issue. Getting the bar off the ground is easy. I imagine I could do 335 or 365 w/o too much trouble for a 1 rep
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    first post in bb group. hi everyone

    my routine while i bulked was upper lower . ran it 4 times a week .

    bench to 225 1 max
    squat 315 for reps
    dead 365 for reps

    just hurt my knee doing cardio so ive stopped squats and dead while i cut about 30-40 pounds for the summer. hoping to maintain strength.

    currently i am running chest/shoulders tri abs +rear delts then my other day back bi traps . and i do these about 4-5 times a week. trying to maintain strength best as possible. switched over to db's for this cut. putting up 85's for reps atm on press. i'll throw in light leg days once a week if i feel my knee is up for it.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    first post in bb group. hi everyone

    my routine while i bulked was upper lower . ran it 4 times a week .

    bench to 225 1 max
    squat 315 for reps
    dead 365 for reps

    just hurt my knee doing cardio so ive stopped squats and dead while i cut about 30-40 pounds for the summer. hoping to maintain strength.

    currently i am running chest/shoulders tri abs +rear delts then my other day back bi traps . and i do these about 4-5 times a week. trying to maintain strength best as possible. switched over to db's for this cut. putting up 85's for reps atm on press. i'll throw in light leg days once a week if i feel my knee is up for it.

    What do you weigh? I'd like to try the 85s ( I do 75s for reps of 8-10). But the Y doesn't have any heavier than 75s haha
  • Taylerr88
    Taylerr88 Posts: 320 Member
    yea my gym stops at 85s lol can't realyl do any more.. as for my weight.. before i started my cut i was at 193.. weighed in at 184.5 today. im 5'7
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    I'm about the same hight. At my heaviest I was almost 190lbs. got down to 180lbs and then joined here. At 180lbs, I'm was around 19% bodyfat. Trying to get down to 170lbs and measure again. Would also like to note my max lifts at that weight also

    Currently, I run about 175lbs.
  • lukebyro
    lukebyro Posts: 6 Member
    I weigh in at 185lbs, I've been doing 5.3.1. Taking gold standard Whey and a multivitamin.

    Bench= 340lbs
    Dead lift= 550lbs

    will be changing to Hellraiser routine after a power lifting competition on the 24th
  • ouija86
    ouija86 Posts: 138 Member
    New to MFP.

    Routine? IDK, I lift, and lift hard lol.

    Currently 182lbs ~6' tall (my default pic was taken ~4 days ago)

    Bench: best was bb 315x2. Last chest day flat db presses with 120's for 6 (inclines only 100's for 6)
    Deadlift: best was 315x5...before the knee injury (currently still waiting to fix my right knee's meniscus injury, MRI's tmr, 3 months after the injury lol)
    Squat: 315x6, again before the knee went out. Was doing legpresses for sets of 10 @ 900lbs

    After ~3 months not training legs I'm losing my mind lol
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    New to MFP.

    Routine? IDK, I lift, and lift hard lol.

    Currently 182lbs ~6' tall (my default pic was taken ~4 days ago)

    Bench: best was bb 315x2. Last chest day flat db presses with 120's for 6 (inclines only 100's for 6)
    Deadlift: best was 315x5...before the knee injury (currently still waiting to fix my right knee's meniscus injury, MRI's tmr, 3 months after the injury lol)
    Squat: 315x6, again before the knee went out. Was doing legpresses for sets of 10 @ 900lbs

    After ~3 months not training legs I'm losing my mind lol

    welcome to the boards. nice lifts!
    i did the same thing to my knee when i was 17. my right leg is still slightly smaller than my left 17 years later. good luck with your recovery. hope it goes quickly for you.
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    May as well post again here with updates...

    Bench now: 100kg x 1 (225lbs)
    Squat now : 125kg x 1 (275lbs)
    Deadlift now: 192.5kg (423.5lbs)
    Almost up to the magical 1000lbstotal ha.
    Gunning for a 500kg goal this year. (1100lbs).
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 684 Member
    May as well post again here with updates...

    Bench now: 100kg x 1 (225lbs)
    Squat now : 125kg x 1 (275lbs)
    Deadlift now: 192.5kg (423.5lbs)
    Almost up to the magical 1000lbstotal ha.
    Gunning for a 500kg goal this year. (1100lbs).

    isn't the 1000 lb mark usually bench, squat, power clean?
    either way nice lifts!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    not for me :p
    big three: Squat, Bench, Deadlift.

    though my power clean max is 82.5kg. Not quick enough to get any more than that yet.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    bench: 108kg
    squat: 155kg
    DL: 185kg

    That is 986lbs. I'm pretty sure I can get a 157.5 squat & 190 DL. That'd equal 1002lbs.

    Injury recovery then hit that!!!