Ravenclaw Common Room



  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    OK, challenges time!!!

    Food Challenge: Protein! It's important! Time to try and meet your goal! (prop tip- you can change the proportions of your carb, protein and fat goals to suit you, under settings).

    Exercise challenge: Target those arms! Five minutes of punching/boxing type workout every day, please!

    Spirit: Post!

    Thanks to the prefects Matchamatcha and Cenedria for this week's challenges!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    OK, challenges time!!!

    Food Challenge: Protein! It's important! Time to try and meet your goal! (prop tip- you can change the proportions of your carb, protein and fat goals to suit you, under settings).
    Exercise challenge: Target those arms! Five minutes of punching/boxing type workout every day, please!
    Spirit: Post!

    Thanks to the prefects Matchamatcha and Cenedria for this week's challenges!

    Oh man. I might actually be able to do these! O.O Yay! I'm going to challenge myself to get ALL of my OWLs this week and see how close I can get. :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    On another note, I lost a couple more pounds this week, and I'm terribly, terribly pleased. Had a great day at work yesterday - wore a new shirt (pink) and received so many very sweet and flattering compliments. Made my day. :D

    Also, I'm only about 5 1/2 pounds away from being under 200 (and a new username!), and I'm so excited to get there. I have tons of support here, at work, and with my family. I'm a lucky, lucky gal.

    Speaking of support, my mom joined mfp, but she doesn't have any friends on here yet, and I would really love for her to have some support. I told her I might ask if any of my fellow Ravenclaws would be willing to add her, so if you would, she would be: Ladybug933 (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/Ladybug933)

    I would love it if some of you could :):flowerforyou: She's been trying it for a couple weeks and hasn't lost anything yet, so I'd like to make sure she stays motivated.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    have I mentioned lately that I despise planks- like really :grumble:
    reg plank- 2 m
    side plank- 1m 10s each side
  • blackhawkgirl91
    blackhawkgirl91 Posts: 223 Member
    Checking in! Lost 4.6 this week :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Granted, most of it was water weight from TOM, buf still :bigsmile:
    Did not do too well with OWLS though, only two exercising ones :embarassed: I'll be better, though! And I really like the upcoming challenge--I really need to work on my protein!

    250's here I come :glasses:
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member

    Food Challenge: Protein! It's important! Time to try and meet your goal! (prop tip- you can change the proportions of your carb, protein and fat goals to suit you, under settings).

    Exercise challenge: Target those arms! Five minutes of punching/boxing type workout every day, please!

    Spirit: Post!

    I think this sounds like an awesome challenge. I definitely need to work my arms. I'm supposed to be in my friends wedding in May and the dresses she picked out only have one strap so my arms need toning.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Ugh! I caught a nasty cold and just feel like poop. But I got in my treadmill time and earned my OWL, so all is not lost. :bigsmile: Good challenges for next week - I've been wanting to do a little kick boxing again, so maybe that will get me motivated!

    And I just want to say - congratulations to all of you that are posting good losses this week - awesome job you guys!! :drinker:
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Woot! just been shopping, first time I've treated myself in ages, and... guess what... Everything I bought (shorts, running top, two jumpers, dress, vest) were size large or in one case, medium. Not a XL in sight! Whoop! Also, I went out last night and loads of people who I haven't seen since Christmas commented, saying I looked like I'd lost weight, which was aces! Will be TOM when I weigh in tomorrow, so not expecting much of a change from last week, but it's nice to know the change is visible even if not on the scales!

    The shorts and running top were a reward for the running milestone the other day (20 mins non-stop), next milestone is running 5km, new trainers at the point I think!

    Azsuzi, get well soon, if I could, Id sned you an amazing cold drug which I found in Indonesia, don't know what it is but it kicks my cold's butt whenever I come down with one! No idea what it is though, probably illegal in the west, ha ha...

    MomofJandA, you may have mentioned that you hate planks, yes, once or twice, I think! But look at how far you've come- from 49 seconds plank to 2 minutes in just a week! that's amazing!

    Kelly- well done on your loss, and to BlackHawkGirl, looks like we'll have some good numbers this week. Go Ravenclaw!!!!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Hmph. Not pleased with myself at the moment. Especially this weekend I pretty much over-ate at every meal :angry:. So bloated at the moment, and I'm dreading my weigh in tomorrow. However I am going to the gym tomorrow with a work friend, so at least there's that.

    Get well soon azsuzi, and congrats to everyone who kept on track this week.
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Thanks Lottee - but you're probably right. Not many of the eastern remedies have made it into the states. We wouldn't want to put western medicine out of business now would we? :huh: And congratulations on your shopping NSV! That's so great!

    I'm down 1.5 pounds this week - woohoo! I'm not sure how, but I'll take it! I switched up my diary goals a bit after reading an interesting post on the boards. Basically, the OP is saying rather than rely on MFP to tell you how much to eat with more or less calories depending on your exercise level each day, why not just start eating your maintenance calories for your goal weight. He gives a site where you can calculate your BMR for your goal weight plus anticipated average exercise to come up with your target calories. It made sense to me, so I am giving it a shot. Just started it yesterday so we'll see how it goes. If any of you want to check it out, here's the link: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/471769-an-easier-way-to-setup-goal-calories-eating-for-who-you-wi

    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw!
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Morning all! Very early morning here, just a quick post- I lost 3 pounds this week. THREE. three. 3. Am SO pleased! Finally a big result!! Good luck to everyone else weighing-in today Xx
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    I think this sounds like an awesome challenge. I definitely need to work my arms. I'm supposed to be in my friends wedding in May and the dresses she picked out only have one strap so my arms need toning.

    Oh, arms. Why must they be so difficult? Lol -- good luck. I'm sure you'll look amazing! :)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Yay for those amazing losses! Interesting information on your current plan, Sue-- let us know if it seems to work out for you. :) I might switch to something closer to that after I lose a bit more. But if it works out for you, it might be worth checking out earlier.
  • jazzgnat
    jazzgnat Posts: 35 Member
    Sorry I disappeared last week. We got our tax return and went a little nuts. Summer clothes for the kids and wife, a new tv and far too many restaurant meals. I finally found a little time to go shopping though and I have a menu plan for this week. Also I got a new book this week. I'm reading the Hunger Games and its great. The movie comes out in a few weeks and I wanted to see what all the hype was about. My brother-in-law, sister-in-law, aunt and some of my friends recommended it to me.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Right, how on earth do you eat enough protein??!!

    Today I've had:
    yoghurt at breakfast
    boiled egg at snack
    pork stir fry at lunch
    hummus afternoon snack
    cottage cheese, turkey ham and nuts for tea

    And I'm still no-where near my protein goal??!!

    I know I ned some more nuts and pulses, but still.

    All over arm exercises though Xx
  • achbarrow
    achbarrow Posts: 325 Member
    OOoooo I really like this food challenge, as a vegetarian I'm always struggling to get in enough protein. My daily goal before exercise is 51 grams and I'm going to aim for that each day. So far so good, eggs fro breakfast 18 grams. I feel there is definitely a trip to the store in order though. Down 2.6 from last weeks house weigh in so I'm happy about that since I wasn't so goo the last few days. (there was this Indian dinner buffet...OMG so yummy!!!) Happy Monday/Friday everyone!!!
    :heart: Ayla
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Morning all! Took the day off today to nurse this stupid cold. I was down all day yesterday and just sat on the couch and watched Lord of the Rings part 1 and half of part 2. Guess I'll finish the series up today. :smile:

    Lottee - do some research on how much protein you really need. I adjusted my mfp goals and set them at 55% carbs, 20% protein and 25% fat. I don't do hard-core exercise, so I don't need as much protein as some. But even before I adjusted it, I was almost *always* over my protein goal. I eat lots of chicken and fish. Try eating 2 or 3 egg whites instead of 1 whole egg - more protein and fewer calories. Also, I noticed that your yogurt has just 2g of protein - I eat the chobani greek yogurt and it gives me 16g!! Beans are another good source - but watch out for the consequences! :wink:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Hey everybody!
    First run outside after the whole ankle mess. It was a short run and I didn't push myself too hard but it felt really good to be running again. I brought my cell phone with me this time so if anything did happen I wouldn't have to walk home!

    Its beautiful weather here- can't wait to get back outside this afternoon.
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    I frequently seem to go over on protein. I think it's because I often like to have chicken or salmon in my sandwiches at lunch. At least then I'm less likely to be starving throughout the afternoon at work though.

    Sorry I haven't been posting too often. Things keep getting insanely busy, mostly due to working what feels like a million hours at work. But I've still been somehow keeping in my daily limits, despite a lot of takeaway dinners and snacking on chocolate and things. My main mentality with eating right now is I don't have to be perfect all the time. As long as I'm eating better than I used to before I started on MFP, then that's an improvement worth being proud of.
  • Hey all! Long time no see!

    Doing a quick check-in tonight at 285.0 which is up a bit and probably a lot of water weight from a sodium-filled weekend. I'm gonna switch up my weigh-ins to see if I more luck with fluctuations.

    Added 40 housepoints with 2 OWLs this week. I'm starting a new workout schedule in the early mornings which I'm hoping will make better use of my time and energy.

    Best of luck to everyone and I love that we're all still hanging out together!