Week 4!



  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    eeeek! Week 4 definitely has more running than week 3. It looks a little intimidating. Off to try it in an hour or so!
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    I did it! I'm half dead of course, but I made it. I was right, it IS a lot more running than week 3, but doable despite that. Yay!

    I think it would be easier if I could find the cord for my ipod and charge it up so I can choose my own music.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    If you're really at a loss without it, you can get them fairly cheap off sites like Amazon :)
  • mjbrenner
    mjbrenner Posts: 222 Member
    I just completed week 4! This was the first week to really challenge me, but whoo-boy, what a challenge! I have been weight training in my off days, but I may need to stop this as my legs are taking longer and longer to feel better. Wow, can I feel the burn in my calves and the balancing muscles in my hips.
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    I just completed week 4! This was the first week to really challenge me, but whoo-boy, what a challenge! I have been weight training in my off days, but I may need to stop this as my legs are taking longer and longer to feel better. Wow, can I feel the burn in my calves and the balancing muscles in my hips.

    Congratulations! I'm not surprised that the weight training is slowing you down a bit right now, but think how much stronger you'll be in the end. See you in week 5.
  • NicoleinCarolina
    NicoleinCarolina Posts: 19 Member
    finished week 4 Day 2 today. I was kinda surprised I made it through the 5 minute running intervals but I feel great! Five weeks ago I certainly coudl not have done it. My problem is I have a tendency to be a little impatient but with this patience really pays off.
  • colibri25
    colibri25 Posts: 24 Member
    I finished week 4,3 weeks ago, but I caught a big cold and stopped running for 2 weeks. Finally I restarted week 4 last monday, thinking it would be very difficult..... amazingly it was great. I did it and I will be ready to jump in week 5 next monday. It give me so much energy to run. I was feeling so bad the 2 weeks I stopped, I could not believe I was already so addicted.
    The program is so easy to follow. I just love it!
  • r8chthegr8
    r8chthegr8 Posts: 3 Member
    Just finished Week 4 tonight! I accidentally peaked at Week 5... :noway:

    Just gonna feel good about getting through Week 4 for now and try not to think about what I saw. :drinker:

    I think I feel that way every week! When I peaked at week 4 (while in week 3) my eyes got big when I saw that I had to run 5 minutes without stopping! Then I think, "seriously? I thought 5 mins. was bad?" :)
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    finished week 4 Day 2 today. I was kinda surprised I made it through the 5 minute running intervals but I feel great! Five weeks ago I certainly coudl not have done it. My problem is I have a tendency to be a little impatient but with this patience really pays off.

    Patience is hard, isn't it? But that will make the reward so much greater in the end. Way to go on finishing Day 2!
    I finished week 4,3 weeks ago, but I caught a big cold and stopped running for 2 weeks. Finally I restarted week 4 last monday, thinking it would be very difficult..... amazingly it was great. I did it and I will be ready to jump in week 5 next monday. It give me so much energy to run. I was feeling so bad the 2 weeks I stopped, I could not believe I was already so addicted.
    The program is so easy to follow. I just love it!

    Its great that you were able to jump right back in where you left off. Awesome week for you! See you in week 5!
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    I finished week 3 last friday, and actually ran/walked my first 5k on sunday! It was hard and I was slow and had to walk a lot of it, but I finished! Ive been sick, but stuck it out through week 4 day 1 yesterady...it took a lot out of me so not sure when I'll do day 2 but gosh the second 5 min run was brutal lol
  • mostaverage
    mostaverage Posts: 202 Member
    Wow, that's a big step up from week 3 to 5k ! Well done on finishing it! Keep at it and you'll beat it !
  • courtneymal17
    courtneymal17 Posts: 672 Member
    Wow, that's a big step up from week 3 to 5k ! Well done on finishing it! Keep at it and you'll beat it !

    It wasn't too bad, I KNEW I could walk 3 miles, which ended up being a lot of what I did. I ran as much as I could, then walked, the ran when I could and so on. I definitely had a couple of moments of wanting to quit, but it felt GREAT to finish
  • colibri25
    colibri25 Posts: 24 Member
    I am so desapointed, I think I stretch my ciatique nerve.... my leg and lower back are painful. I will walk and see what it does for me tomorrow. I was so happy to go back into my running session....
  • MandaJean83
    MandaJean83 Posts: 671 Member
    I finished Week 4 Day 2 today! It was surprisingly tolerable. I even did all intervals at 5 minutes instead of alternating the 3 minutes. I had to run the third interval entirely uphill, and it was TORTURE...my jog slowed down a ton, but I kept moving and didn't start walking! Getting nervous for week 5 though...*eek!*
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Week 4 Day 2 is in the history books. I had more trouble with my iPod than with the running. I had it set on the shelf of the treadmill and knocked it down 3 times before I smartened up and clipped it to my waistband. I worked hard today and my face was beet red when I was finished, but I managed to complete all the runs handily and added an extra 6 minute running interval after the official program. Looking forward to day 3!
  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 61 Member
    morning all been down the beach at 7 am did week 4 day 2 and all iam going to say is OMG lolx :wink:
  • fourluvbugs
    fourluvbugs Posts: 194 Member
    Whew! Just tried my first outside day and it was definitely different than being on the treadmill. I felt a lot slower (though I think my paces were pretty close to what they usually are) and the unevenness of the road takes some getting used to, but I did it. Week 5 here I come!
  • pauladick
    pauladick Posts: 61 Member
    yeh i did 1st one on treadmill ther is a big difference x:happy:
  • d3mon4ngel
    d3mon4ngel Posts: 242 Member
    I completed W3D2 on Friday last week and was planning on doing D3 over the weekend, but as many may know, things don't always go to plan and on Monday morning I'd still not done it. I decided to try W4D1 to see how it went. I figured if it was too hard, I could always drop back down.

    I managed it without too much difficulty. I was definitely feeling the increase in distance, but not as bad as I was expecting.

    It seems amazing to me that just over a month ago I couldn't even run for one minute, and now I'm running for 5! Still very scared by the thought of W5, but this time last week I was scared by the thought of a 5 minute run, so I'm sure I'll pull through! W4D3 tomorrow, then onto W5 on Monday!
  • wally1uk
    wally1uk Posts: 120
    YAY!!! So pleased!! I was really scared about week 4 and the big increase in running...but I did it!!! YEAH!!!! Typical that the first 5 mins run started at the bottom of a hill and finished right on the top!!

    Logged it with MapMyRun+ app...nearly 3 miles...I would have never thought it possible a month ago!!