Ravenclaw Common Room



  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    I like this food challenge! I just went to the store and bought kale, spinach, and carrots, and that was before I saw this week's challenge. :smile:
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Headmistress interruption:


    Please read the rules (http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/398364-inter-house-challenges-rules-info-s) before you ask questions! It's very likely they will be answered for you there. You're always welcome to ask more questions after!

    Carry on... :)

    Hi Everyone,

    Love the challenges for the upcoming week - I've been out of town at a conference this week and it has been an unmitigated disaster as far as food goes, and not much better on the exercise. I head home tomorrow, and had already planned to get back on the straight and narrow, but these challenges will help even more to flush all this junk out of my system and undo the damage :-) The only plus from this travel is that I should have a nice loss my first official week in the house, since my starting weigh-in will be Monday... I really don't want to see that scale...

    azsuzi- glad you are on the mend and feeling better!

    brittlynn07 - yay on the loss! what a great surprise :-)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! Had a nice relaxing day, did some weights, went to the supermarket, went for a swim, had an afternoon nap... Basically the perfect Sunday. Not sure how I feel about weigh-in tomorrow, after losing three lb last week I wouldn't be surprised if I don't lose this week, but I really want to as it's been a good week, exercise wise! And food was ok, apart from Saturday, when my housemate bought me a cinnabon- it was a peace offering after she'd woken me up several times in a row by just being unnecessary loud, and they used to be my favourite, so it was really nice of her, but OMG, 880 calories!!! For one bun! Covered it by exercise cals but still, not a good day!

    Am super excited today, this time in one week I will be leaving for New Zealand!!! Can't wait! Got three weeks off school, in Singapore for the weekend first (Universal Studies, Whoop!) and then fly to NZ for three weeks. Gonna be awesome!!!
  • Matchamatcha
    Matchamatcha Posts: 158 Member
    Not a good weekend for me Ravenclaws, I've over-eaten horribly. Finished my calories by lunch :frown: :sick: . I now feel sick though, so learnt my lesson. At least on Saturday I went to the gym for an appraisal - they measure and weigh you and give you a workout plan for free every 4 weeks or so. Tomorrow I'm going again with my work friend, but I think I'm going to need a personal trainer just for the first few months. I just don't feel terribly motivated.

    Wishing you all luck for the following week :flowerforyou:
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone!!!
    Lost a pound and a half last week- yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Gonna have to work on those dark colored veggies (I'm not a veggie person although I know I should be)
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaw! Well, I'm back up to 154 - I've been dancing around that number all winter. :( I'll be glad when I can start swimming again - that total body exercise really makes a difference. And sorry to say - I only got in 5 minutes of exercise all week! :noway: :blushing:

    On the bright side, since I've been sick my son and I have been watching the extras from the Lord of the Rings special edition discs. It is totally amazing how much time and energy and care went into making those movies. Just amazing. Lottee - you are one lucky girl to be going to New Zealand. Wish I could stow away with you - the country is so beautiful! I hope that you have a fantastic time there!!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Sunday Ravenclaws!

    Yesterday was such a wonderful St. Paddy's Day! I got to march in a parade with my volunteer battalion. At first I was worried if I would do well, but after all the hiking my brother & I have been doing, it was easy. :bigsmile:

    I even made the treacherous walk to the parade after eating a hearty Irish breakfast. Good thing to... sure did burn off the calories.

    I am back down below 300. It appears that calorie intake is still the key for me. Yesterday I got in 90 minutes of exercise.

    Oh! And it rained, so I was totally soaked. SO we got firewood and watched Braveheart all night. It was great.

    Have a wonderful day! :glasses:
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    Glad to hear so many of you have had great days lately! I had a great weekend myself. :D Fun day with my friend on Saturday, saw a rainbow on St. Patrick's Day, enjoyed a shopping trip today (new bedroom comforter set!), and then a couple hours in perfect, breezy spring weather at the park with a friend.

    Good day. :)

    Getting closer and closer to ONEderland (and a new username), too!
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Awesome to hear you are coming to New Zealand, Lottee. Whereabouts are you going? Coming through Wellington at all? That's where I live.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    Happy Monday Ravenclaws! Although today is grumpy Monday for me, feel like I spent my weekend doing catch-up work for school, and now I'm back in it feels like I'm still really behind. Gah!
    Geekily enough though, I'm really looking forward to running this afternoon- both the exercise and being out and about in the park are such good feelings!

    Will weigh-in tomrrow morning, because I'm so far in the future time-wise, if I weigh-in first thing tomorrow morning then it's still within the Monday deadlne for weights. I did weigh myself this morning, but shrieked and jumped off straight away because it looked like the numbers were going to be higher than last week, which is soul-destroying after a pretty good week really! I also know that three weeks holiday will upset my progress so really need to drop a few befor the slacking starts... Basically excuses, excuses! But if it's better or worse tomorrow then I promise to log it, however bad it is!

    Weezieishness- I will definitely pass through Wellington, I'm flying in and out of auckland but travelling down the east coast to Queenstown, and then back up the west coast. Any recommendations for must-do's in that area? Or anywhere in NZ really? Have done very little research!
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    Ravenclaws, I need your input in this thread. We might need to do a bit of reorganizing to help with busy schedules, and I want to hear your ideas:


    Thanks in advance!
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 382 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!! This weekend was really great! I ate lots of veggies and stayed under my calorie goal the whole time. I didn't get much sleep last night but amazingly I fell great. I'm meeting with my trainer tonight for the first time in over a week so I know it's going to be rough but it will definitely be worth it!

    Lottee- Have lots of fun in New Zealand!!

    Korkster- Keep up the good work!!
  • azsuzi
    azsuzi Posts: 1,169 Member
    Happy Monday! Spring break is over so its back to the crazy schedule. Will only be able to check in briefly each day but I'm thinking of each and every one of you and wishing you the best this week!
  • korkster
    korkster Posts: 181 Member
    Blergh. What a Monday. The Monday after St. Paddy's day AND a rainy weekend. Drove in rain. Ugh. Makes me cranky. Did some ab contractions in traffic, so I feel like I got something done. May need to run around a bit tonight. I slipped and ate a cupcake today. Man, it was good. Homemade too. I think I needed it, and will just work to keep it off.
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    Happy Monday Everyone! I'm so glad to be back home, and if not completely back in my normal routine, getting closer. I got lucky and got my run in this afternoon right before it started raining - literally I was standing in the stairwell for a minute, talking to my neighbors and the rain started coming down. And I got to the store and stocked up on brightly colored veggies and fruits, so I'm set for this week's challenge (and I parked at the far end of the parking lot!). Plus, I got in some arm curls and lunges while on a conference call this morning, and did a few more reps while watching tv tonight.

    Lottee - so jealous of your upcoming trip - I hope to get down under to New Zealand and Australia someday... when I can take enough time off work to make the trip worthwhile :-)
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 434 Member
    All this talk makes me want to travel o.o I've done very, very little traveling in my life, but that sounds amazing. Hope you have a fantastic time!

    As for HoH stuff:
    As of right now, we are still missing weigh-in information from the following students:

    Missklara (x2)
    tboothgenthe (x2)

    At this rate, Filch is going to be pretty busy with detention assignments, so hopefully we'll see some of these posted by morning. I'll be sending the results to our Headmistress before I leave for work, so hopefully the missing list will be much smaller by then. :)
  • Weezieishness
    Weezieishness Posts: 61 Member
    Hope the weather's good for you while you're over here Lottee. It's been freezing cold this week. I have a few recommendations I guess. If you're heading down the east coast then definitely head to Hawkes Bay- Napier, Hastings, places like that. They always get the best weather and the beaches there are nice. Plus there's some fun tourist type places to go.

    There's lots of great stuff in the South Island but I'd bring some warm clothes. So far this hasn't been a typical Autumn for us here, it's almost like Winter already.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    Hey Ravenclaws, so sorry that I had not posted my weigh in before now, have been busy with work, Tafe and a few personal issues, one of them I am starting to regret, I will keep my weight as 104.0 Ibs ( have not been able to weigh in.), no OWLS and 435 house points.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    I forgot to check in yesterday!! I came here, and clicked on the link to the interhouse challenges thread and everything went out the window- crap . . . I'm really gonna need every spirit OWL I can get this week (says the girl who hates vegetables)

    Stepped on the scale this morning and gained since Sunday . . . how is that even possible!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Frustrated . . . overslept and missed my run this morning (I am always cranky when I don't start the day with exercise), and SPRING has sprung in the middle school (preteens + spring + 2 weeks until spring break + state tests coming up= lots of redirecting and not enough getting done)
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    GRRRR rage just lost a really long post again!

    Summary of what I originally wrote... Well done to every who lost this week, there was lots of good numbers there!

    As for prefects, this week they are MomofJandA and Azsuzi!! for the second week in a row! So well done you two, but grrr to everyone else, let's try and chuck them off the top spot this week!
    Ha ha only joking.

    Right, am off to bed, am tired after my longest ever run earlier (27 minutes, whoop), and an exercise DVD. Tired arms now!