October 2012 due dates?



  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Had my 1st ultrasound yesterday and saw the little gummy bear! They dont' do the doppler during 1st trimester anymore, at least there, but we saw the heart beating and the little nubs of arms & legs moving around. We were very surprised to be able to see that this early. It was very exciting and heart warming! According to LMP my due date is 10/26 and the ultrasound was only off by one day showing me as a day less, but she said he will stick with my original due date.

    8 wks 4 days now. M/S has gotten sooooooooo much better. It's practically non-existent. That had me concerned so seeing the ultrasound yesterday eased my mind tons! Now that the M/S is better and I don't feel the need to eat as much maybe I can go back to a normal weight gain for this trimester. Up 3 lbs already but maybe I can salvage it and keep it within the 5lb range. Yesterday was the 1st day in about 2 weeks that I did not go over my calories but I was actually under....shew finally.

    Good luck with everyone's 1st ultrasounds!!

    Yay I'm so excited for you! We have the same due date! My appointment isn't until April 4th to see the lil' one but knowing that you could see that much now makes me so much more excited for my appointment!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Aw man- you're lucky you had your appointment yesterday! I'm due October 28th and still have to wait til April 11th for my first appointment. I HATE waiting:(
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Aw man- you're lucky you had your appointment yesterday! I'm due October 28th and still have to wait til April 11th for my first appointment. I HATE waiting:(

    Me too! I keep watching YouTube videos of ultrasounds to tide me over!

  • jasha13
    jasha13 Posts: 28 Member
    10/29 here
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    It's so fun to read what everyone is experiencing. I'm due October 28 and had my first ultrasound last week. I was able to hear the heartbeat and see a picture of my little baby! It was so amazing- I wasn't quite prepared for it but loved every second of it!

    I had horrible m/s at 5 and 6 weeks and it's starting to subside so that's amazing. I actually lost 3 lbs because I couldn't eat anything. I have a feeling that won't last because I can eat now and am seeming to lean towards junk food. Not ideal but it works :)

    Congrats ladies!

    Oh and I feel so funny writing about this because I haven't told anyone IRL yet. I'm thinking Easter weekend will be a good time to share the news.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    It's so fun to read what everyone is experiencing. I'm due October 28 and had my first ultrasound last week. I was able to hear the heartbeat and see a picture of my little baby! It was so amazing- I wasn't quite prepared for it but loved every second of it!

    I had horrible m/s at 5 and 6 weeks and it's starting to subside so that's amazing. I actually lost 3 lbs because I couldn't eat anything. I have a feeling that won't last because I can eat now and am seeming to lean towards junk food. Not ideal but it works :)

    Congrats ladies!

    Oh and I feel so funny writing about this because I haven't told anyone IRL yet. I'm thinking Easter weekend will be a good time to share the news.

    I'm telling on Easter weekend too!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    10/29 here

    Yay another October baby! We'll all have halloween themed baby showers :laugh:
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I am just going to jump right in!

    EDD October 17th.

    This baby #4. We have 3 girls. DH is hoping for a little man, but I am kinda hoping for another girl. After 3 I know what to do! Lol.
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    How's everyone doing? This thread kind of trickled down so I thought I'd bump it back up. :)

    I'm 9 wks 2 days. I'm feeling ok. My MS has subsided for the most part but I am so darn tired all of the time! Naps are officially a part of my daily routine now. My husband comes home every day and wakes me up on the couch. Naps used to ruin my sleeping schedule but I have no problems sleeping any time, any place now!

    I'm also experiencing a lot of dizzy spells. I eat and drink water all of the time so I'm not really sure what else I can do for that. It really throws a wrench into my workout schedule. I can walk for maybe 20/30 minutes at a time. I really hope that goes away soon!

    My next Dr. appt in next Thurs- just a follow up.

    On another note, has anyone ever changed OB's. My regular gyno isn't an OB and I'm not really sure if I connected with the OB who did my first appointment. Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    On another note, has anyone ever changed OB's. My regular gyno isn't an OB and I'm not really sure if I connected with the OB who did my first appointment. Thoughts? Opinions? Suggestions?

    My GP wasn't an OB either, I ended up going to a group of gyno/OBs, they set it up so you see one of each of them (just in case you don't like one of em). Maybe you could find a practice group like that?
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I hear you on the fatigue and dizziness! The dizzy spells and blackouts was my first indication I was pregnant actually. I kept falling into walls and stuff. I thought there was something wrong with my thyroid...but it was just baby :wink:

    I also feel like I could sleep any where any time. Unfortunately I cannot sleep at night! I suffer from insomnia and when pregnant it gets 10x worse. *sigh* Glad you are able to sleep though!

    I never had to change my OB luckily. I had a midwife with my 1st and she left the practice she transferred me to a OB in the same practice that she thought I would like...and I have been with him since! 9 years! I feel very blessed to have such a great doctor who knows my history so well. I hope you find a OB you like and get along with!
  • kerrbear79
    kerrbear79 Posts: 229 Member
    Napping is now a part of my daily life as well. I usually don't sleep so well but boy I am loving the sleep. Not loving the exhaustion but the sleep is so nice!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Any one else have their m/s start going away and then come back with a unholy vengeance?

    Oh and my OB and I changed my due date to October 20th to correlate more with my ovulation date and not my LMP. Which I am really glad about because the 1st u/s said Skittle was measuring behind, but right on target with ovulation dates.
  • cloeyfish
    cloeyfish Posts: 25 Member
    I am due Nov 4th with #2, but will be last week of Oct with a repeat c-sect. I have not been doing much of anything the last 8 weeks because of ms and the tiredness. I am hoping it subsides soon because I want to keep weight gain down as much as possible. Unfortunately I do not have my first apt until the end of April and u/s probably won't be until second apt at 16 weeks. This is pretty routine at my dr's office, just makes for a long wait for me. Looking forward to second trimester and hopefully feeling better soon.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    I have my first ultrasound tomorrow! VERY excited, I know the risks drop a lot once we see a healthy heartbeat and development. We've been waiting to tell everyone until we see the lil' munchkin on camera so hopefully everything goes wonderfully and we can tell the family on Easter!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I have my first ultrasound tomorrow! VERY excited, I know the risks drop a lot once we see a healthy heartbeat and development. We've been waiting to tell everyone until we see the lil' munchkin on camera so hopefully everything goes wonderfully and we can tell the family on Easter!

    Yay!! Enjoy it so much! :)

    I have a follow up Dr. appointment tomorrow. I'm just excited to hear the heartbeat (hopefully)! I had a vaginal ultrasound a few weeks ago and could see and hear the little babe! Amazing- can't wait to hear and see more :)
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    I have my first ultrasound tomorrow! VERY excited, I know the risks drop a lot once we see a healthy heartbeat and development. We've been waiting to tell everyone until we see the lil' munchkin on camera so hopefully everything goes wonderfully and we can tell the family on Easter!
    How exciting! Let us know how it goes!
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Doctor had an emergency C-section to attend to so they postponed until this afternoon...SO IMPATIENT ;)
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    Any one else have their m/s start going away and then come back with a unholy vengeance?

    I didn't really have m/s to start, just a few mornings where I felt slightly nauseaus, or just felt a bit burpy/icky after breakfast. Now I'm at 10w2d ad I'm starting to feel worse. On Friday evening I thought I was going to have to ask my husband to pull over when we were driving because I had a huge wave of nausea. This morning I was a bit queasy, and about 20 minutes ago I was finishing my lunch and almost bolted to the bathroom to get sick. I thought I was in the clear for m/s, but I'm not so sure now!
  • Lainn
    Lainn Posts: 281 Member
    Doctor had an emergency C-section to attend to so they postponed until this afternoon...SO IMPATIENT ;)
    Oh how frustrating! Darn ladies and their need to have babies :wink:

    jls8209 - That is what is going on. I had m/s in the very beginning...then it eased up and now it is worse!!! Ugh I hate it! I am 11w 4d and thought it was supposed to be getting better...not worse.

    TMI QUESTION!!! Please forgive me....but I need to ask. I never had this with my other pregnancies.... *ahem* Has anyone else finding themselves horney beyond all belief? :blushing:

    DH and I have not been having much sex because of 1) My fear of another m/c 2) Feeling sick 3) Being waaaay tired 4) Having to use vaginal progesterone suppositories before bed 5) kids But all of sudden I want it like ALL the time. Because DH works so much and all the other above factors we still aren't getting much bedding time except on the weekends...then it is on like Donkey Kong!

    Am I the only one? I thought sex drive wasn't supposed to ramp up till like after 20 weeks. I feel almost like a perve....:embarassed: