1st Trimester

kmreynolds11 Posts: 109 Member
This space is dedicated to moms-to-be currently in their first trimesters. Here you can discuss the questions, issues, and excitement of the first few months!


  • tbtravels
    tbtravels Posts: 43 Member
    HI Lady's-

    I hope everyone is having a great friday! We went to the doctor yesterday for another ultra sound- They want to be able to see the heartbeat- It was amazing! This is our first child- so to be able to hear the baby's heartbeat- was the wildest thing I have ever experienced! Other than that- everything is still going great.

    I haven't heard anyone mention this- but I am having a lot of stuffy/runny nose problems- The doctor said that was normal, but that it will just get worse. I think this is because I have such horrible allergy problems anyway- I don't wan to take medication to much- but I wasn't sure if any lady's out there knew of any tips/tricks I could try!

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Goals for today
    Be able to eat more! Still not wanting to eat to much
    Go to bed early!!! Around 10 would be great!
    Drink lots of water

    Try this:

    Boil water in a large pot or pour it in from a kettle to a large bowl
    Add a few drops of Eucalyptus oil (you can buy at natural food stores; ok for pregnancy http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/natural/700.html)
    Throw a towel over your head and steam your face for 5-10 minutes

    Good luck and I hope it helps!
  • My 1st appointment is on Friday (will be 8wks exactly then) and I will be asking for a prescription to ease this morning sickness some. I didn't need it with my second baby, but with my first it was bad and I waited too long hoping it would ease up on it's own, but that took well into the 2nd trimester for me until it was gone. :grumble: I need to be able to function since I work a full-time executive job and have 2 little ones at home!!

    I'm hoping for the morning sickness.... not only would I feel like the pregnancy was "strong," but I could call in sick.... that's a benefit of being a teacher! You always have substitutes to call in and you still get paid! Haha.... I absolutely never take sick days ever, but that would sure be a good excuse! :)
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    My 1st appointment is on Friday (will be 8wks exactly then) and I will be asking for a prescription to ease this morning sickness some. I didn't need it with my second baby, but with my first it was bad and I waited too long hoping it would ease up on it's own, but that took well into the 2nd trimester for me until it was gone. :grumble: I need to be able to function since I work a full-time executive job and have 2 little ones at home!!

    Hope you feel better soon! I also work full time and so far I am feeling pretty good, but just wondering what is in store for me as the weeks progress?! Let us know how your dr appointment goes! :)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Thanks ladies. Last night was a lot better than the previous few evenings so that was nice, and this morning I'm feeling a bit better. My weight shifts from my lowest weight I got before becoming pregnant and +2lbs. I'm surprised it's not a little more since I haven't been eating healthy recently. :blushing:

    lovetobethin - I'm sorry you are having to jump through hoops to get your ultrasound, how annoying!

    bluegirl - hopefully you'll be lucky and bypass the morning sickness. I will say with my second I didn't have morning sickness, but I had horrible lower back pain and waddled so bad towards the end because he was positioned so low so it all evens out in the end. :laugh:
  • My appointment is not until April 10th (I think I'm 5 weeks) so I'm glad its a little earlier than some, it still seems an impossible time away...

    Does anybody else worry somehow the HPT went wonky and you'll show up and the OBGYN will be like 'oh, sorry...' I'm probably a weirdo for thinking so, but I guess I cant wrap my head around it even though I have no period, my boobs hurt and I get those 'uterus stretch' cramps off and on...
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    My appointment is not until April 10th (I think I'm 5 weeks) so I'm glad its a little earlier than some, it still seems an impossible time away...

    Does anybody else worry somehow the HPT went wonky and you'll show up and the OBGYN will be like 'oh, sorry...' I'm probably a weirdo for thinking so, but I guess I cant wrap my head around it even though I have no period, my boobs hurt and I get those 'uterus stretch' cramps off and on...

    I had that same thought! I was relieved to hear that my test was "Very" positive :) even thought I KNEW that I was pregnant it was good to have the additional info from the doctor!
  • jls8209
    jls8209 Posts: 450 Member
    lovetobethis - sounds like you're jumping through the same hoops as I am on the medical side of things! You said you were in the US for your first pregnancy, where are you now?

    I haven't really been posting, but have been reading the boards daily to keep up to speed with things (IRL I'm the "quiet one" in a group, apparently I'm the same online!). Glad to hear everybody is doing pretty well!

    AFM - I had posted a while ago about being uncertain about my new doctor and how things work in a new province. I had to call and set up my own first-ultrasound (weird, I assumed my GP's office would do it), and because we're doing all the pre-natal tests I can't go until the 12th week. I don't get to see my OB/GYN until 14 weeks because she is so busy. I'm on a cancellation list, so hopefully something will open up! I considered finding different OB/GYN, but the one I'm in with has excellent patient feedback online, plus her location is fairly close to home/work. We still have not told anybody about the pregnancy (incl parents), we want to wait for the u/s to see/hear the heartbeat first. I don't think it will feel totally real before then! Found out this weekend my brother-in-law + wife are expecting their 3rd baby, due about 6 weeks before us. I hate to admit it, but I'm a little disappointed that we're pregnant at the same time! My in-laws lives revolve around BIL/SIL and their kids, I was kind of looking forward to having the focus/excitement on us for a little bit. I know it's 100% selfish and I shouldn't feel that way. However, having the babies close together will be nice for them growing up (even if we do live far apart). I've always wanted a cousin close to my age!

  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    BusyPk - Sounds like that was horrible back pain. :( However, I had to laugh about the waddling...sorry!

    Wickedmeowmer - Yes, seems like it takes forever for the first appointment to get here. Mine isn't till April 9th, so I am right there with you. To be sure the test wasn't wrong I took 6 over the course of a week and the line kept getting darker...yeah, I wanted to be sure I wasn't seeing things...lol!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Make sure all you ladies let us know how your appointment goes...I think I will be one of the last on the 27th :(

    Wicked- it's totally up to you, but I would personally hate to wait that long. I feel that my almost 11 weeks before my appointment is long enough, I wouldn't want to wait any longer. Also if you OB is so busy, are they going to be able to answer questions, and respond to you? Just a thought. Keep us posted! And I don't blame you for being a little dissapoined your little one won't have all the attention, but I'm sure the grandparents will be so excited either way!
  • Jillsie11
    Jillsie11 Posts: 249 Member
    Yah, my first appointment isn't until April 11th, at which point I'll be almost 12 weeks!! So those of you that have to wait a while- you aren't alone! I know I'm pregnant- I've taken 2 tests, and get nauseous pretty much every time I eat. BUT, nothing will truly seem real until I see that little booger and see his/her heart beating. 3 weeks from tomorrow- can't wait:)

    Also, my belly seems to be showing a bit already- this is baby number 2 for me. I don't know if it's bloatedness or a "bump" but I definitely can tell a difference. Btw, I'm 8 weeks 3 days.
  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Yah, my first appointment isn't until April 11th, at which point I'll be almost 12 weeks!! So those of you that have to wait a while- you aren't alone! I know I'm pregnant- I've taken 2 tests, and get nauseous pretty much every time I eat. BUT, nothing will truly seem real until I see that little booger and see his/her heart beating. 3 weeks from tomorrow- can't wait:)

    Also, my belly seems to be showing a bit already- this is baby number 2 for me. I don't know if it's bloatedness or a "bump" but I definitely can tell a difference. Btw, I'm 8 weeks 3 days.

    I'm at 8 weeks 4 days! We will have close due dates!
  • Yah, my first appointment isn't until April 11th, at which point I'll be almost 12 weeks!! So those of you that have to wait a while- you aren't alone! I know I'm pregnant- I've taken 2 tests, and get nauseous pretty much every time I eat. BUT, nothing will truly seem real until I see that little booger and see his/her heart beating. 3 weeks from tomorrow- can't wait:)

    Also, my belly seems to be showing a bit already- this is baby number 2 for me. I don't know if it's bloatedness or a "bump" but I definitely can tell a difference. Btw, I'm 8 weeks 3 days.

    Yeah, I know what you mean about it not feeling "real." I've had 2 positive pregnancy tests, but I don't feel physically different and I don't look any different. I can't wait until I FEEL pregnant! I'm gonna love it :)

    jls8209 - I'm living in Australia right now! My husband is in the Army, but we're being re-posted to Washington state in June. I can't wait!!!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Yah, my first appointment isn't until April 11th, at which point I'll be almost 12 weeks!! So those of you that have to wait a while- you aren't alone! I know I'm pregnant- I've taken 2 tests, and get nauseous pretty much every time I eat. BUT, nothing will truly seem real until I see that little booger and see his/her heart beating. 3 weeks from tomorrow- can't wait:)

    Also, my belly seems to be showing a bit already- this is baby number 2 for me. I don't know if it's bloatedness or a "bump" but I definitely can tell a difference. Btw, I'm 8 weeks 3 days.

    Yeah, I know what you mean about it not feeling "real." I've had 2 positive pregnancy tests, but I don't feel physically different and I don't look any different. I can't wait until I FEEL pregnant! I'm gonna love it :)

    jls8209 - I'm living in Australia right now! My husband is in the Army, but we're being re-posted to Washington state in June. I can't wait!!!

    My husband and I moved from Washington State a little less than 2 years ago... I miss it! Hope you like WA State! :)
  • Make sure all you ladies let us know how your appointment goes...I think I will be one of the last on the 27th :(

    Wicked- it's totally up to you, but I would personally hate to wait that long. I feel that my almost 11 weeks before my appointment is long enough, I wouldn't want to wait any longer. Also if you OB is so busy, are they going to be able to answer questions, and respond to you? Just a thought. Keep us posted! And I don't blame you for being a little dissapoined your little one won't have all the attention, but I'm sure the grandparents will be so excited either way!

    hahahaha, I've been thinking of taking another too, glad thats not crazy ;)
  • carlykay0430
    carlykay0430 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello there! I just found out that I am pregnant with my fourth baby, due around Thanksgiving. I have been working out since January trying to get back in shape after having baby #3 last April. I have been working very hard since January to get back in shape and I don't want to lose that motivation now that I'm pregnant again. I am looking for guidance and support in trying to stay fit and healthy during this pregnancy. Any help is appreciated! Thanks ladies and I look forward to chatting with you all!
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Hello there! I just found out that I am pregnant with my fourth baby, due around Thanksgiving. I have been working out since January trying to get back in shape after having baby #3 last April. I have been working very hard since January to get back in shape and I don't want to lose that motivation now that I'm pregnant again. I am looking for guidance and support in trying to stay fit and healthy during this pregnancy. Any help is appreciated! Thanks ladies and I look forward to chatting with you all!

    Welcome and Congrats! :)
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Welcome and congrats to the new mamas who recently found out they are expecting! :smile: Feel free to add me as a friend if you want more pregnant friends.

    I'm still feeling blah most of the time, sigh. I was hoping I'd be lucky and advoid that feeling, but no such luck. Just looking forward to the 2nd trimester when my energy should increase and I shouldn't be so finicky about the food I crave. :laugh:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello there! I just found out that I am pregnant with my fourth baby, due around Thanksgiving. I have been working out since January trying to get back in shape after having baby #3 last April. I have been working very hard since January to get back in shape and I don't want to lose that motivation now that I'm pregnant again. I am looking for guidance and support in trying to stay fit and healthy during this pregnancy. Any help is appreciated! Thanks ladies and I look forward to chatting with you all!

    Welcome and congratulations! I will be due right before Thanksgiving. How are you feeling? I am still feeling really good, but I know it might still be coming...I'm only 5 1/2 weeks.
  • carlykay0430
    carlykay0430 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome and congratulations! I will be due right before Thanksgiving. How are you feeling? I am still feeling really good, but I know it might still be coming...I'm only 5 1/2 weeks.

    Thank you! I am feeling really good so far, but I am only 4 weeks, so I know the nausea is gonna hit soon.
  • carlykay0430
    carlykay0430 Posts: 4 Member
    Welcome and Congrats! :)
