1st Trimester



  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,218 Member
    hey ladies

    sorry havent checked in a while. will have to read through to catch up.

    I finally have my nuchal dating scan on friday! my mw places me 3 days ahead for some reason, i say im 11+3, and she says im 11+6. Will know for sure on friday. Im so nervous. Im already starting to get a bump! so cannot hide it for longer. This is no 2 for me and i think you show quicker! up 6lbs so far! eek! Hope everyone is doing well! cant wait to see little baby on screen! im nervous yet very very excited! I almost missed this appt, as it was sent out on the 29th of march but i have yet to recieve the letter! thankfully i rang my mw yesterday who got me to ring the scanning dept! phew! lucky escape!
  • MyrianeO
    MyrianeO Posts: 92 Member
    Hi Ladies,
    I'm 7 weeks pg. I have a question. I have completely lost my libido. Everyone tells me that during your first trimester ,you want it all the time and actually have an increase in libido. For me, I have no desire what so ever, on top of feeling bloated, constipation and tiredness...Does anyone else feel like this and does it go away?

    I'm the same!!! I feel so icky that I don't think he even has a chance with me lol..
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Morning ladies! Still feeling pretty well over here. Today is day 3 without throwing up in the morning (or anytime during the day) so I think I'm starting to leave the m/s behind. :bigsmile: I'm 10wks6d today. Next appt. is a week from tomorrow (12wks) where I'll her our little one's heartbeat for the first time. :heart:

    With my previous 2 pregnancies and with this one, I have zero libido throughout my whole pregnancy. It sucks, but it does come back for me a few months after giving birth.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hey everyone. I'm kind of freaked out today because I don't feel pregnant, I'm trying just to think positive. But I think I'm going to pee on a stick to make me feel better....is that crazy?
  • I think anything to ease your mind is not crazy at all..

    I think thats why they come in packs of multiples!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Well the thing is I bought 2 originally, and did the first one. Then my husband wanted me to use the other one the next day, shoudln't have listened to him, and I would have had an extra!
  • haha, silly husbands - still I think $10 is worth peace of mind, its like the price of lunch out ;)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes it is, I'll probably get one or two today adn try to sneak it at work, or just wait until I get home from work
  • tmartin42
    tmartin42 Posts: 13
    Hey gals, I introduced myself in that thread, but now that I've got a due date I thought I'd say hey. My name's Tracie and I'm 6 weeks and some change: due date is 12/4/2012. My daughter is 2.5 and an absolute delight. We live outside of Chicago in Munster, IN.

    This is my second pregnancy, and it's a bit different: I'm way more queasy, and the fatigue is killer - that started right away. And here's an embarassing, fun one: I get night sweats, like hot flashes. It's horrifying: I wake up soaked with sweat like ten times a night. I asked my ob and she said it's normal and will go away. But I feel like a nasty, rutting pig - and my mom confirmed for me that, yes, that's just what menopause is like. :) Any of you have this fun symptom?

    We're totally excited about this baby: planned all the way, he or she is a baby-making-cruise souvenir.

    BeckyJill17 - I've had problems getting the heartbeat during my last pregnancy, scared the Bejesus out of me, but it's not uncommon.

    Chickybuns - I ABSOLUTELY took extra pregnancy tests during my first tri last time, for the exact same reason. And how many times in your life are going to have the option to pee on a stick. Might as well enjoy it!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Yes it is, I'll probably get one or two today adn try to sneak it at work, or just wait until I get home from work

    Go to the Dollar Store. Those work perfectly fine. $1 each. I stocked up on them. (I went to the Dollar Tree). Mine showed up positive, no problem. :) Save some money and get some peace of mind!
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Yes it is, I'll probably get one or two today adn try to sneak it at work, or just wait until I get home from work

    Go to the Dollar Store. Those work perfectly fine. $1 each. I stocked up on them. (I went to the Dollar Tree). Mine showed up positive, no problem. :) Save some money and get some peace of mind!

    Thanks, that's a good idea!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    Yes it is, I'll probably get one or two today adn try to sneak it at work, or just wait until I get home from work

    Go to the Dollar Store. Those work perfectly fine. $1 each. I stocked up on them. (I went to the Dollar Tree). Mine showed up positive, no problem. :) Save some money and get some peace of mind!

    Thanks, that's a good idea!

    Be prepared though- you have to pee in a cup and then use a little syringe/squirter thing (provided) to place drops of urine on the stick. Totally worth saving $9/test. :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Thanks guys! I actually bought one I could pee on the stick for $4 and 3 others ones. I did the one and the line was still strong! So I guess I can stop being paranoid now!
  • huzzah for mini-buns....
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Hey gals, I introduced myself in that thread, but now that I've got a due date I thought I'd say hey. My name's Tracie and I'm 6 weeks and some change: due date is 12/4/2012. My daughter is 2.5 and an absolute delight. We live outside of Chicago in Munster, IN.

    This is my second pregnancy, and it's a bit different: I'm way more queasy, and the fatigue is killer - that started right away. And here's an embarassing, fun one: I get night sweats, like hot flashes. It's horrifying: I wake up soaked with sweat like ten times a night. I asked my ob and she said it's normal and will go away. But I feel like a nasty, rutting pig - and my mom confirmed for me that, yes, that's just what menopause is like. :) Any of you have this fun symptom?

    We're totally excited about this baby: planned all the way, he or she is a baby-making-cruise souvenir.

    BeckyJill17 - I've had problems getting the heartbeat during my last pregnancy, scared the Bejesus out of me, but it's not uncommon.

    Chickybuns - I ABSOLUTELY took extra pregnancy tests during my first tri last time, for the exact same reason. And how many times in your life are going to have the option to pee on a stick. Might as well enjoy it!

    Hiya! Welcome! I had to chime in about the hot flashes, this is also my 2nd pg, though if anything I'm cold all the time, not hot, but last time I had hot flashes every morning between 10-11am like freakin clockwork. It was more further on, and thankfully I was pg over the winter (and we got 15 feet of snow that winter), and I'd stand in a tank top, stretchy capris and flip flops on our snow cave of a back porch, every morning. It was awful! But the hot flashes were 100 times worse after giving birth, for at least a month I had terrible hot flashes and sweats day and night. The worst was going to all the pediatrician appointments, because they keep the exam rooms at a stifling 80 degrees or so for the comfort of the barely clothed babies, but much to my own discomfort! I'd be sitting there trying to talk to his pediatrician, wiping the sweat off my face every minute! LOL! Gotta love those hormones :huh:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    Happy Friday Everyone! How is everyone doing?

    I am doing okay...aside from being so tired all the time! My nausea has been mild lately, so much easier to handle, but being tired all the time really sucks! Maybe I will just sleep all weekend?!...ha! Who am I kidding? Got a busy weekend ahead, so just going to do what I can..

    Have a great weekend! :)
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Busy weekend over here too! My son's 4th birthday is Sunday and we're having a bbq, but the weather is supposed to be awful so it's going to be crowded in this little house! Aside from all the prep work and cleaning I need to do for that, we're also getting 25 baby chicks tomorrow, and we've got to get the brooder box all cleaned and ready for them! 25 more next weekend too! Eeek! Thankfully I'm feeling pretty well, but it's hard to keep the motivation and energy up to do all the cleaning, especially when it's so cold and dreary out! Hope everyone has a great weekend! :bigsmile:
  • amarneu
    amarneu Posts: 164 Member
    due to a tear in the uterus I've been put on bedrest already, babys health is most important right now so I don't mind but I would like to know if anyone has suggestions for anything somewhat physical I may be able to do so I don't loose any muscle I may have had before
  • tmartin42
    tmartin42 Posts: 13
    amarneu: That's scary: I'm sorry you're having that experience. I wish I had some suggestions: you should call your OB and ask if she can set you up with a physical therapist or a trainer: I'm guessing since you're on bedrest, your insurance will pay for it.
  • cmaxmor
    cmaxmor Posts: 231 Member
    Hey all! So I have 2 older children (5 and 7). When should we tell them about this pregnancy? They know all about birds/bees and such. My instinct is to wait until at least 12 weeks. Anyone have experience with this? I would like to make it special for them, too.